Second conference on Religious Liberty to be held in Ocean County

Following up on June’s successful conference on religious Liberty held in Newton, Sussex County, a second conference is scheduled for Ocean County on August 27th in Toms River.

At the first conference, attendees heard from Senator Steve Oroho on the status of various legislative initiatives – including the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act and the 20/20 bill, which recognizes that a fetus experiences pain at 20 weeks (all but 7 nations on earth recognize this FACT).

Rev. Mandy Leverett gave a talk about the threat of human trafficking in New Jersey and detailed a number of horrific cases.  There was a discussion about how a porous border and the Murphy administration’s Sanctuary State directive empowers human traffickers in the sexual exploitation of women and children. 

Christine Flaherty explained the importance of the 20/20 bill, also known as the "Babies in the Womb Feel Pain".  This legislation recognizes the scientific fact that a fetus or unborn baby is pain-sensitive at 20 weeks.  Every other country on earth recognizes this fact except North Korea, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Canada, and the Netherlands.  Similar legislation has been passed in nearly half the states and is moving forward in others in an attempt bring our laws into line with the rest of the civilized world. 

An ecumenical movement has formed called the 20/20 Project.  Its members represent many religious denominations.  It is actively supported by a number of organizations including the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Metuchen, the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark, Project LEARN, the New Jersey Family Policy Council, New Jersey Right to Life, the Center for Garden State Families, Corazon Puro, LifeNet, the League of American Families, among others. 

Of course, the 20/20 bill has been attacked by the death-cult wing of the New Jersey Democrat Party (there are still a great many religious Democrats who value life and recognize that their communities are being slaughtered for profit by Planned Parenthood).  As one activist said:  “They celebrate taking life and would do anything to maintain the barbaric practices that are illegal in most of the civilized world."

And speaking of attacks…  Since the first conference in Sussex County, one of the speakers has been attacked for his Biblical-based beliefs.   

Pastor Phil Rizzo, who spoke to the conference on the importance of religious freedom, was stalked and targeted by Sussex County Democrats for agreeing to help sort out a recent Twitter controversy involving the GOP county chairman.  State Democrats reached out to a political blog to arrange a “hit” on Pastor Rizzo, the gist of which was that he didn’t embrace Islam and wasn’t pro-LGBTQ+. 

The fact that those two world-views differ dramatically apparently didn’t dawn on the author of that hit piece, but the incident did offer up an important lesson:  There are Establishment forces who want to drive traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs out of the public square and to make it punishable (and eventually illegal) to express them. 

Despite the presence of good believers in the Democrat Party, the leadership of that party is in thrall to these forces – as is corporate media.  As evidence of this was the statement by the Sussex County Democrat Chairwoman that compared Pastor Rizzo to “Hitler” because he held traditional Biblical beliefs and the attack by an LGBTQ+ activist employed by the Star-Ledger. 

The battle lines are drawn and they are coming for your Bible.  They want to make reading it (or repeating what you have read) a “hate crime”.  And they will target and stalk anyone who stands for religious freedom.  Faith will either win this one or be driven into the wilderness. 

If you are interested in attending the Second Conference on Religious Liberty, please contact the Center for Garden State Families at

If you have a conflict, please contact the center and ask when the next one will be (at least four more are planned throughout the state).  Let’s get active!

And be of good cheer.  Faith can move mountains, while government and politicians and corporations and media and academics are all… “a small dust in the balance.”

If America’s boundaries are not worthy of respect… how about your front door?

We all have boundaries… lines beyond which someone cannot go without being invited.  It is something we have in common – as human beings.

A refrigerator box that a homeless veteran calls home is every bit as sacrosanct to him, as is the front door of a newspaperman’s McMansion.  Enter that homeless vet’s cardboard home and he will defend it… as quickly as that newspaperman will call the police (men with guns) if you menace his threshold.  

That caravan of migrants, some seeking asylum, others merely wanting to get into a “rich” welfare-providing nation illegally (or simply ahead of others who have been patiently waiting their turn) – the human beings there operate no less on boundaries.  Each has something they carry with them that is their own, around which they establish borders. Don’t touch their stuff or their food or person. Every human being operates on borders and boundaries.

That’s what the MeToo Movement is all about, isn’t it?  Somebody can’t just take it because they believe that they are entitled to it.  That it’s just not about how they feel… but about how you feel too.  An invitation is important.

A lot of rich people – rich and powerful people – they don’t get it.

Guys like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein and Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose – One Percenters like our Governor… Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe… they don’t understand boundaries and borders.  Money is arrogant. It assumes that it can invade and take whatever it wants – and it instructs those it manipulates to assume the same, generally for its own ends.

This attitude has of late been transferred to and inculcated within, an activist cadre that argues that America is a picket fence without a gate, a house without a door, a person without personal space.  These activists argue that to suggest the existence of boundaries is somehow racist. Of course, they know this is not true, because as human beings each of them maintains their own borders, which they jealously guard.  

Most American citizens agree that our country should bring in as many legal immigrants as it can, provided that the influx does not cause a decline in wages or quality of life.  Go to any theatre, bar, or dance club and they have a sign posted with the number of people who can safely occupy that space.  Posting that sign isn’t a racist act. It is common sense… and done to avoid terrible tragedy.

Post a number.  Once that number is reached… sorry, but you will have to wait.  

But that caravan of migrants, someone talked them into discarding their good manners – that you don’t barge into someone’s home unless invited – and convinced them to gatecrash America.  Yes, you can point to the activists, but they are really only paid mouthpieces. It’s who pays them that really tells the story – and behind every activist group urging migrants to gatecrash America there are members of the One Percent… rich donors and their corporate entities.

They have been at it for years – in both political parties and the media – singing the tune that America’s door swings one way.  Everyone can come here… but Americans can’t go anywhere (unless you have a corporate sponsor). They’ve hired the lobbyists to make coming to America legally a Kafkaesque proposition, but coming to America illegally a piece of cake… a human right… a birthright for anyone born anywhere on planet earth.  

Why does government make legal immigration so difficult, while actively supporting illegal immigration?  Cheap labor.  Illegal immigrants drive down the cost of labor.

The gray economy is a powerful check on rising minimum wages.  It allows so-called “progressive” politicians to play like they are helping the working class when, in fact, they are putting them out of work.  Raising the minimum wage while allowing and supporting the illegal gray economy puts blue-collar workers out of work or severely diminishes their negotiating power.

This is nothing new.  Julius Caesar was hated by Rome’s One Percenters because he pushed legislation that required them to employ citizen laborers instead of relying on slave labor.  Later, he was assassinated by them.

Today’s illegal gray labor is yesterday’s slave labor… and, because of expanding human trafficking interests, has more and more become cases of actual slave labor.  There have been cases of modern slavery adjudicated in processing, manufacturing, agriculture, health care, construction, labor, and – of course – the prostitution and pornography “industries”.  It’s tough for a single mom from Paterson to get a job to feed her kids, when she’s competing with someone who works for next to nothing. It is a human tragedy for both the single mom and the slave or the illegal immigrant being marketed and used.  A tragedy all around…

Except that some rich Wall Streeter like Phil Murphy will be smiling.  Because he’s cut labor costs. He’s shown that trailer park trash who is boss!

Like the political crook Murphy employed – who took taxpayers’ money – and the aide/alleged rapist Murphy employed – who didn’t respect a woman’s boundaries – the Governor is someone who doesn’t understand borders. Not since fellow Democrat, Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, stood on the school house steps have we seen such defiance of our federal system.  

Under Murphy, there will be less cooperation between New Jersey law enforcement and federal officials, than there is between federal officials and their international counterparts, through Interpol.  Already the biggest fiscal mess in America, with the worst property taxes, and an economy stunted by anti-business regulation (in fact, the worst state in America to start a business)… now New Jersey will be the least safe, with a hamstrung law enforcement watching helplessly as human traffickers and those who sexually exploit children set up shop in every city and town in the state… as illegal opioids and narcotics flow across the border under the shield of “sanctuary”.  As illegal gun running gangs hide behind their immigration status to hold law enforcement at bay.

Don’t believe it?  Then why is New Jersey’s urban crime rate so much higher than in other states?  That crime rate will soon be introducing itself to the suburbs, courtesy of Murphy’s new sanctuary state rules.  And meanwhile, the New Jersey Legislature continues to disarm its police officers while making nice to violent gangs, simply because of their fashionable immigration status…

New Jersey Slowly Disarming Its Cops in Fight Against LEOSA




Historically, New Jersey is one of the only states that frequently tries to neuter federal law geared toward law enforcement; perhaps no instance more evident than the ongoing battle over LEOSA (the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act).

In New Jersey, the 2016 violent crime rate in Newark was 135.96 percent higher than the national violent crime rate average. In Camden, the 2012 statistics (the most current) saw a violent crime rate 563.3 percent higher than the national average. And in Trenton, the state capital, the 2016 violent crime rate was 239.33 percent higher than the national violent crime rate. Clearly the members of the New Jersey Legislature are missing all of that during their commute to their Trenton offices.

By comparison, New York City’s 2016 violent crime rate was only 44 percent higher than the national average. Which leads to the question: What is the New Jersey Legislature doing about violent crime in these major urban hubs?

The answer, reinforcing the taking away the guns of law enforcement.

Read further…

So prepare yourselves for higher taxes, more competition for fewer jobs, and a marked decline in the quality of life.  All brought to you by your One Percenter Governor, Smilin’ Phil Murphy! And don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Meet some of the victims of the Sanctuary State movement…

The Democratic Socialist movement that includes the Women’s March, Antifa, Rise Stronger, Indivisible, Action Together… and who support candidates like Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill have all lined up behind Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to make New Jersey a Sanctuary State.  Yes, the whole state.

In doing so – wittingly or unwittingly – they have become allies of modern day slavery, the traffickers in human beings and especially those who deal in the trafficking of women and children for America’s booming (and often illegal) sex industry.  The porous border that Kim, Malinowski, and Sherrill advocate serves the needs of criminal traffickers of illegal narcotics and opioids – and illegal firearms – as well.

This isn’t a victimless position to take.  You aren’t helping people when you help those who kidnap them and bring them to America to sell.  A United Nations study estimated that the criminal cartels who control the trafficking of human beings and illegal narcotics into the United States collect $6.6 billion annually. 

And who is being trafficked?  Here, meet some of the victims…

Now let’s ask Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill… do you feel better about your movement… or do you feel worse?

Tom Malinowski caught trying to capitalize on John McCain’s death?

Democrat candidate for Congress Tom Malinowski is using Senator John McCain’s death for political gain… so says the executive director of a major national Jewish organization. 

 Apparently Malinowski’s campaign has launched a commercial that makes use of some “kind words” that the late Senator had for Malinowski after President Barack Obama nominated him for a post at the State Department.  Along with this, the Malinowski fundraising machine has launched another appeal for more money (it seems the Washington, DC, political team responsible for the commercial want to be paid).

 Senator McCain did have some “kind words” for Tom Malinowski, but that was after Malinowski told those at the hearing that his lovely mother was present.  It is kind of hard to be tough on someone who has brought his mom… 

 Regarding the Malinowski commercial that trades on the late Senator, Matt Brooks of the RJC issued the following statement:

 “For Tom Malinowski to use Senator John McCain’s kind words in a political advertisement to imply support for Malinowski in his race against Congressman Leonard Lance is wrong, and he should immediately take the commercial down. John McCain would have voted for Leonard Lance if he lived in New Jersey’s 7th district. John McCain would have quickly pointed out that Tom Malinowski is dead wrong on Israel, taxes, and a host of other important issues. John McCain’s strong support of Israel flew in the face of Malinowski’s lobbying against supplying Israel’s military with American weapons and his support for the Iran nuclear deal. To wait until the passing of Senator McCain to release a political ad featuring his kind words, and implying support for Malinowski, a claim that McCain is no longer here to refute, is disgusting. Tom Malinowski must take this disgraceful commercial down."

 Of course, we all know that Tom Malinowski has a long record of Israel-bashing and that his campaign has allied itself with groups like the Women’s March, led by “friend of Louis Farrakhan” Linda Sarsour – who last year called for Jihad against the elected government of the United States of America.  And Tom Malinowski is a close political ally of this guy…


Calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker's fellow Democrat - Bob Menendez - is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitude towards modern slavery - human trafficking and the exploitation of children. 

 So why has Tom Malinowski used the image of a staunchly pro-Israel Senator in his campaign?  Is it because he knows that now that Senator McCain is dead and buried the Senator won’t be able to correct Malinowski’s misinterpretation of him? 

 Senator John McCain would never have time for a Louis Farrakhan or a Linda Sarsour or a Cory Booker holding a stupid anti-Israel sign like that or the antics of a Bob Menendez.  But Malinowski’s use of McCain’s death isn’t the only thing wrong with his campaign commercial.  He brags about standing up to dictators.  He sucked at standing up to dictators.  Hey Tom, occupying an office that is supposed to stand up to dictators, but sucks, isn’t the same as standing up to dictators.

 Just like Tom sucked at standing up to human traffickers.  Especially after his boss, Barack Obama, wanted to pass the union-screwing, working class eviscerating, job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP).  Malinowski’s State Department willfully ignored the deplorable records on modern slavery of a number of nations and simply said that they were okay to compete with American working men and women.  It was shameful. 

That’s Tom Malinowski… shameless (but pretty).

Is the party of the old slavery now the party of the new?

How has your summer been?

For most members of the New Jersey political establishment we bet it’s been pretty good – surrounded by family, nice food and drink, the sounds of laughter and friendship.  But for the victims of human trafficking -- our modern slavery epidemic – it’s been just another season in hell, made more poignant by the fact that, for almost all of those trafficked, there are memories of when they enjoyed the summer holidays as much as anyone else. 

Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, second to drug dealing and tied with arms dealing.  The FBI recently uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  Human Trafficking is modern day slavery and it is happening TODAY -- in the HERE and NOW! 

But some in New Jersey’s political establishment don't want to admit that it is happening, because too many are in hock to contributions from special interests who benefit from the massive profits generated by everything from goods made with indentured labor to Internet porn.  Instead of addressing this modern crime against humanity, many console themselves by virtue signaling about the slavery ended by the Civil War -- in 1865.  This allows them to (1) ignore modern slavery, (2) keep taking the money, and (3) feel good about themselves. 

Imagine if the British government had taken this line in 1807 and -- instead of abolishing the slave trade -- they had merely congratulated themselves on the end of their enslavement by the Romans, centuries before?  No, they were focused on the affliction of slavery in what was their modern times – and they dealt with it, sending out the Royal Navy to sink every slave ship and blast every slave trader from the seven seas.

Modern technology is rapidly expanding the means by which human beings are ensnared and trapped into modern slavery and then trafficked as though they were meat.  The modern "slave ship" is embodied by certain websites and social media -- its "ocean" is the Internet.  The media recently reported about the rescue by the FBI of a "3-month-old girl and her 5-year-old sister" who were being trafficked by a child predator "who was offering to sell the children for sex" using the Internet.  Isn't it time to adopt the technology to blast these scumbags from the Internet?

Child trafficking is a $32 billion-a-year industry and is on the rise in all 50 states, according to the U.S. government.  4.5 Million of trafficked persons have been sexually exploited and nearly 300,000 Americans under 18 have been lured into the commercial sex trade.  The National Human Trafficking Hotline reported that in 2016, human trafficking in the United States increased by 35.7% -- in one year!  But we have the technology to stop it.  So why aren't we adopting it?

We have the legislation.  It's called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-540/ A-878).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

So why are some members of New Jersey’s political establishment undermining this legislation by making excuses for the actions of Senator Bob Menendez and his friend, a wealthy man who was convicted of ripping-off taxpayers?  And why are others reluctant to support the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act on the state and federal level? 

Last week, the New Jersey Democrat State Committee rounded up 88 women operatives to aid Senator Bob Menendez’ comeback bid.  The 88 Democrats brushed aside federal allegations made by prosecutors that there was evidence to suggest that the Senator and his “friend” had been involved in trafficking, including “uncharged allegations of underage prostitution that kicked off the federal probe.”  This is serious stuff and something each of those 88 Democrats should have answers for.

Prosecutors twice say there was “corroborating evidence” to support the initial sex crime allegations, for which Senator Menendez and his convicted friend, Dr. Solomon Melgen, face no charges. In the first instance, they write:

"The defendants present their case as exceptional because the allegations of underage prostitution are 'such easily disprovable allegations about something that would hardly be a federal crime even had it been true.' Id. As an initial matter, it is most certainly a federal crime to leave the country for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act with a minor, and the defendants’ suggestion to the contrary is unsettling. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952, 1591(a)(1), & 2421. Furthermore, the defendants’ dismissive treatment of these allegations is troubling. Allegations of human trafficking and underage prostitution must be taken seriously and cannot be dismissed merely because the alleged perpetrator is a United States Senator. Given the nature and seriousness of the allegations, in addition to the corroborating evidence, it would have been irresponsible not to investigate."

Then, recounting the initial stages of the investigation and apparently corroborating evidence, prosecutors write:

"As would be done in the normal course, the Government took responsible steps to investigate these serious criminal allegations, which were not so 'easily disprovable,' as the defendants suggest. Some eyewitnesses described a party attended by defendant Melgen in Casa de Campo—where defendant Melgen has a home and where defendant Menendez often visited—involving prostitutes. See Ex. 2 at 2; Ex. 3 at 1-2.. Furthermore, defendant Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican Republic. Many of these young women receive substantial financial support from defendant Melgen. For example, defendant Melgen flew two young women—whom he met while they were performing at a South Florida 'Gentlemen’s' Club, see Ex. 4 at 1-2—on his private jet to his villa in Casa de Campo the day after paying one young woman $1,000 and the other young woman $2,000. See Ex. 5. Indeed, one of defendant Melgen’s pilots described 'young girls' who 'look[ed] like escorts' traveling at various times on defendant Melgen’s private jet. Ex. 6 at 9:7-16. Some young women who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time. Moreover, when the allegations were first reported, defendant Menendez defended himself with public statements that are easily disprovable. Specifically, he repeated several times that he had only flown on defendant Melgen’s private jet on three occasions. That representation is demonstrably false. Confronted with corroborating evidence of such serious crimes, it would have been an inexcusable abdication of responsibility not to investigate these allegations."

While Menendez denies these allegations, did the 88 Democrat women operatives ever stop to ask him about them? 

So who are they?  Well here is the list of the 88…

Afsheen Shamsi, Steering Committee Member, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Alison Arne, Atlantic County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amie Maria, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amy DeGise, Chair, Hudson County Democratic Organization

Analilia Mejia, Executive Director, New Jersey Working Families Alliance

Andrea Smith, Cape May County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela Bardoe, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela McKnight, Assemblymember

Angelica Jimenez, Assemblymember

Annette Quijano, Assemblymember

Anita Esteve, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Ann Twomey, President, Health Professionals and Allied Employees

Anna Maria Tejada, Past President, Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

Anna Wong, Northeast Regional Director, Action Together New Jersey

Arlene Quinones Perez, Chair, Hunterdon County Democratic Committee

Ashley Henderson, President, Princeton Marching Forward

Barbra Casbar Siperstein, Gender Rights Advocacy Association of NJ

Caitlin Sherman, Hudson County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Careen DeAndrea Lazarus, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Carmen Salavarrieta, Angels in Action

Cathy Brienza, JOLT USA

Caty Polanco, Latin American Democratic Association

Cheryl Marciano, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Christina Zuk, Vice President, New Jersey Young Democrats

Christine Clarke, Environmental Director, Action Together New Jersey

Christine Elias, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Deb Huber, President, NOW-NJ

Devon Mazza, Ocean County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Donna M Chiera, President, AFTNJ

Dr. Hetal Gor, Advisory Board, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi, Professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Edina Brown, Councilmember, Old Bridge

Elizabeth Cano, Union County Latina Activist

Elizabeth Meyer, Founder, NJ Women’s March

Erin Chung, President and Founder, Women for Progress

Estina Baker, CWA District 1

Gail Black, Statewide Jewish Women’s Advocate

Hetty Rosenstein, CWA

Iris Perrot, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jaci Jones, President, Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women

Jackie Low, Bergen County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jeanne Fox, Esq., Former BPU President

Jeanne Jordan, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jill Rhodes, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Jacobsen, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Quigley, Former President of the State Junior Women’s Clubs

Joann Downey, Assemblymember

Kellie Davidson, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Kelly Shea, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Laurel Brennan, Secretary-Treasurer, New Jersey State AFL-CIO

Lauren Nicosia, Women’s Health Advocate

Lenace Edwards, SEIU 32BJ

Leslie Huhn, Chair, Sussex County Democratic Committee

Linda Sloan Locke, CNM,LSW

Lindsay Campbell, President, Sussex County NOW

Lisa Anderson, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lisa Bonanno, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Vice Chair, New Jersey State Democratic Committee

Marcia Marley, BlueWave NJ

Margaret Weinberger, President, Somerset County Federation of Democratic Women

Megan Coyne, President, College Democrats of New Jersey

Mildred Scott, Sheriff, Middlesex County

Nancy Pinkin, Assemblywoman

Nedia Morsy, Make the Road Action

Pamela Brug, Union County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Pamela Renee, Councilwoman, Neptune City

Pat Perkins Auguste, Councilwoman, Elizabeth

Patricia Campos, LUPE PAC

Patricia Soteropoulos, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Patricia Teffenhart, Gender Equity Advocate

Patti Douglass, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Peg Schaffer, Chair, Somerset County Democratic Committee

Phyllis Salowe-Kay

Rachel Barry, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Regina Keelan, Democratic Municipal Chair, Atlantic Highlands

Nadia Hussain, Passaic County Director, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Safanya Searcy, Labor Leader and Community Activist

Saily M. Avelenda, Esq., Attorney and Activist

Sara Cullinane, Make the Road Action

Shanel Robinson, Deputy Mayor, Franklin Township

Shanti Narra, Middlesex County Freeholder

Shelly Morningstar, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Stephanie Silvera, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Susan Lavine Coleman, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Tammi Bathke, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson, Assemblywoman

Winn Khuong, Executive Director, Action Together New Jersey

Yvonne Lopez, Assemblymember


Will investigation derail Eustace's appointment?

Word comes to us that the Doyen of the LGBT caucus -- Tim Eustace (AKA Brother Eustace, Major Eustace, the Kingfish, Great White...) -- shouldn't get too comfy in that new six-figure job of his.  Eustace's new job puts him in charge of water supplies in northern New Jersey. 

Eustace -- an ally of Sussex Democrats Kate Matteson and Gina Trish, and friend to Bergen politicos like Josh Gottheimer and John McCann -- was appointed by Governor Murphy as the deputy director of North Jersey District Water Supply Commission.  The appointment was considered by many as a "consolation prize" for his being blocked for the State Senate, after a vacancy opened.  Just why he was blocked is still unclear.

Sources confirm that multiple ethics violations are being prepared -- and perhaps a New Jersey Election Law Enforcement (NJELEC) violation as well.   Some of this appears to involve the former Assemblyman's use of money raised for his re-election campaign to send a staffer to Nepal with a stop-over in Dubai.  It appears that Eustace accompanied the staffer on the far-east excursion. 

Dinner in Dubai?
What's up with these Democrats?
Now take a look at this...


So let's get this straight.  Democrat Assemblyman Tim Eustace collects money from special interests, so that he and his legislative aide can fly around the world to do what?  You are a state legislator, not a congressman.  New Jersey doesn't have a foreign policy.

It looks like the former Democrat Assemblyman has some explaining to do. 

Are these Democrats aware that Nepal is one of the worst centers for human trafficking and modern slavery in the world?  While dining with some bigwigs there did they know that, according to the U.S. State Department, "the government of Nepal does not fully comply with minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking"?  Here is more, from Wikipedia:

"Human trafficking in Nepal is a growing criminal industry affecting multiple other countries beyond Nepal, primarily across Asia and the Middle East.   Nepal is mainly a source country for men, women and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking... Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, second to drug dealing and tied with arms dealing."

"Trafficking victims often are taken to locations within Nepal, often from rural areas to the urban centers. Mainly young girls and women are trafficked for sexual exploitation in places such as cabin/dance restaurants, massage parlors, and other places within tourism sector... Within Nepal, labor trafficking is also common: victims often end up in carpet and garment factories, embroidering sweatshops, brick-kilns, and others." 

"The trafficking of girls from Nepal into India for forced prostitution is perhaps one of the busiest slave trafficking routes anywhere in the world, with estimated 5,000-10,000 Nepali women and girls trafficked to India each year.   An estimated 100,000-200,000 Nepali trafficked persons are in India.   Nepali girls are especially desirable as prostitutes in India because they are considered more attractive due to their lighter skin color, and because Nepali virgins are believed to be able to cure AIDS.   Victims are also trafficked for labor in circuses, agriculture, and other manufacturing sectors.   The 1850 kilometers of open, porous border between Nepal and India make trafficking simple and difficult to catch.   In addition, there is no immigration control for Nepalese migrating to India or Indians coming in Nepal under the 1950 Peace and Friendship Treaty between India and Nepal.   In addition to being a destination, India is also a transit country for Nepalese and Bangladeshi women trafficked to Pakistan, Western Asia, and the Middle East and for women trafficked from the Russian Federation to Thailand."  

"Victims, especially girls and women, are trafficked to Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Russia, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states.   Experts believe China is also becoming an emerging hub for Nepali victims.   Many victims who end up overseas are passed through India first before their final destinations... Girls are sold to brothels at prices ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 Indian rupees.   The younger the girl, the higher the price she will be sold for.   Once sold, the girls are property of the brothel owner until they can pay back the amount that was paid for them... One study reported that girls were forced to serve an average of 14 clients per day, with a minimum of three and a maximum of 40 men."

It is a very sad thing to see members of New Jersey's political class -- rich, liberal, and fortunate-to-have-been-born-in-America -- turn a blind eye to their impoverished sisters overseas.  Very sad indeed.

Sex-trafficking website funds Democrat campaigns

On Sunday, the Washington, DC, press reported on the following story:

After California’s then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced felony pimping charges last year against the two owners of — a classified-ad website that is a hub for sex trafficking and prostitution, one of the men cut a $10,000 check to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC.

Mrs. Pelosi’s political action committee, House Majority PAC, has resisted giving the money back, and an aide to Mrs. Pelosi said the California Democrat knows nothing about the contribution.

The uproar over sexual harassment that began with the Harvey Weinstein scandal has intensified the scrutiny of political contributions linked to Backpage, which law enforcement officials say is the chief platform for activities far worse than harassment, including sexual slavery and child prostitution.

Mrs. Pelosi isn’t the only Democrat struggling to deal with the piles of cash that Backpage’s owners spread around to candidates and state Democratic parties over the years.

Even Ms. Harris, a California Democrat who is now a U.S. senator, ducked the issue. Her office wouldn’t respond to repeated emails about Backpage money going to House Majority PAC and other Democratic organizations.

Since 2010, the owners and their wives have shoveled about $99,000 to candidates and about $95,000 to Democratic parties in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, according to federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Bowing to mounting pressure, including a bipartisan Senate investigation that found the owners knowingly sold ads to pimps who coerced minors into prostitution, Backpage in January closed down its adult services sections.

The websites, however, continue to be marketplaces for the sex trade.

Read more at:

For too many children, their road into modern slavery began on the Internet.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, as many as 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year.  The Internet is the vehicle for 76 percent of the transactions for sex with underage girls. 

The average victim is between 11 and 14 years old.  These victims come from all walks of life -- from every race, social, and economic background.

The problem is made worse by America's fluid borders.  According to the United Nations (UNICEF), 2 million children are trafficked in the global prostitution trade. The U.S. State Department reports that from 600,000 to 800,000 people (mainly women and children) are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for slave labor and prostitution.

Human Trafficking has surpassed the sale of illegal arms and is set to surpass the illegal sale of drugs.  The FBI reports that human trafficking is on the rise in all 50 states and represents a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. 

New Jersey is a "hub for human trafficking," according to assistant New Jersey Attorney General Tracy M. Thompson.  "We are easily accessible via Interstate 95, and the proximity to major tourist destinations like Atlantic City and New York City makes us more vulnerable and susceptible," she said. "Our diversity is what makes it so great to be part of this state, but traffickers prey on (people of) their own ethnicity. It makes is so hard for law enforcement to penetrate these activities."

In September, 14 people were arrested in a child-porn and human trafficking operation in Monmouth County.  In October , the FBI announced that it had uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  At the beginning of December, 79 suspects were arrested on a host of charges that included sexual assault, using the Internet to send inappropriate images to children, and child pornography. 

And with schools requiring young students to have access to the Internet, it is no longer about the parent.  The government-run education system supplants the parents and requiresthe child to be connected to the Internet.  For many children, it's like requiring them to walk to and from school on a dangerous, traffic-filled highway.

There is legislation that addresses this growing criminal enterprise aimed at our children.  It is a bill championed by Republican State Senator Steve Oroho, and it has attracted substantial bi-partisan support.

The bill is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-2928).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It requires that those who sell products and services that allow children to access the Internet make their products safe from human traffickers engaged in the modern slave trade.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Despite having enough legislators committed to passing this legislation -- either as co-sponsors or supporters, the Democrats who run both chambers of the Legislature have held up passage.  They are listening to objections from the porn industry, who have adopted a "no questions asked" attitude on where their profits come from.  Porn is legal and the corporations who profit from it and their allies are the enablers of human trafficking.

The enablers of human trafficking know that S-2928 has enough votes to pass the Legislature and be signed into law by Republican Governor Chris Christie.  They want to run out the clock until Democrat Phil Murphy takes office on January 16, 2018.  Then the legislative books will be closed and the process will need to start all over again, under a Governor who has not expressed support for S-2928.

The holidays are here.  Christmas is coming.  Right now, in cities and towns across America, anti-human trafficking activists are working to rescue children who were lured into a life of slavery through the Internet.  They are hoping to reunite them with their families in time for Christmas. 

Think of how you would feel at this time of year if your child was in the hands of human traffickers.  Wouldn't you want her back?  Wouldn't you want to hold her?  Wouldn't you want to break the nexus that makes such slavery possible?

Every Democrat politician who sides with human trafficking and puts profits ahead of enslaved children needs to be held to account.   They need to be asked why they are standing with the slavers and against the victims of slavery. 

Christmas Appeal: End Human Trafficking of Children


We have until January 8th to make this happen!

For the victims of human trafficking who will spend this Christmas in the nightmare of sexual slavery, time is running out. Please, help them.

Christmas Appeal:
End Human Trafficking of Children

For too many children, their road into modern slavery began on the Internet.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, as many as 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year. The Internet is the vehicle for 76 percent of the transactions for sex with underage girls.

The average victim is between 11 and 14 years old. These victims come from all walks of life -- from every race, social, and economic background.

The problem is made worse by America's fluid borders. According to the United Nations (UNICEF), 2 million children are trafficked in the global prostitution trade. The U.S. State Department reports that from 600,000 to 800,000 people (mainly women and children) are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for slave labor and prostitution.

Human Trafficking has surpassed the sale of illegal arms and is set to surpass the illegal sale of drugs. The FBI reports that human trafficking is on the rise in all 50 states and represents a multi-billion dollar criminal industry.

New Jersey is a "hub for human trafficking," according to assistant New Jersey Attorney General Tracy M. Thompson. "We are easily accessible via Interstate 95, and the proximity to major tourist destinations like Atlantic City and New York City makes us more vulnerable and susceptible," she said. "Our diversity is what makes it so great to be part of this state, but traffickers prey on (people of) their own ethnicity. It makes is so hard for law enforcement to penetrate these activities."


In September, 14 people were arrested in a child-porn and human trafficking operation in Monmouth County. In October, the FBI announced that it had uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey. The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution. A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation. At the beginning of December, 79 suspects were arrested on a host of charges that included sexual assault, using the Internet to send inappropriate images to children, and child pornography.

So why are the manufacturers of products and services that provide access to the Internet refusing to take responsibility for what they sell?

Every other producer of a product or service is held to account for what they sell. You can't sell an automobile to an 11-year-old, hand her the keys, and let her drive off the lot.

And with schools requiring young students to have access to the Internet, it is no longer about the parent. The government-run education system supplants the parents and requires the child to be connected to the Internet. For many children, it's like requiring them to walk to and from school on a dangerous, traffic-filled highway.

There is legislation that changes this and makes the corporations responsible for the products and services they sell. It is a bill championed by Republican State Senator Steve Oroho, and it has attracted substantial bi-partisan support.

The bill is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-2928). And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children. It requires that those who sell products and services that allow children to access the Internet make their products safe from human traffickers engaged in the modern slave trade. It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Please make your tax-deductible donation by December31st for the fiscal year 2017

Despite having enough legislators committed to passing this legislation -- either as co-sponsors or supporters, the Democrats who run both chambers of the Legislature have held up passage. They are listening to objections from the porn industry, who have adopted a "no questions asked" attitude on where their profits come from. Porn is legal and the corporations who profit from it and their allies are the enablers of human trafficking.

The enablers of human trafficking know that S-2928 has enough votes to pass the Legislature and be signed into law by Republican Governor Chris Christie. They want to run out the clock until Democrat Phil Murphy takes office on January 16, 2018. Then the legislative books will be closed and the process will need to start all over again, under a Governor who has not expressed support for S-2928.

The holidays are here. Christmas is coming. Right now, in cities and towns across America, anti-human trafficking activists are working to rescue children who were lured into a life of slavery through the Internet. They are hoping to reunite them with their families in time for Christmas.

Think of how you would feel at this time of year if your child was in the hands of human traffickers. Wouldn't you want her back? Wouldn't you want to hold her? Wouldn't you want to break the nexus that makes such slavery possible?

We have a month to break the power of human trafficking and their enablers.

The human traffickers are counting on them to keep things the way they are. Can we count on you?

Your contribution to the Center for Garden State Families will be used to make sure that every legislator who sides with human trafficking and puts profits ahead of enslaved children is held to account. They will be forced to face the choice of standing with the slavers or with the victims of slavery. We trust that when faced with such a choice, they will do the right thing.

Can you please make your urgent contribution today?

Assemblyman Eustace sent his staffer to Nepal?

Dinner in Dubai?
What's up with these Democrats?
Look, we're cool.  We tend not to involve ourselves in the world of our Democrat brothers and sisters.  We let them do them, so long as we are left alone to do us. 
But lately a whole train of Dems are sticking their peckers into places where they certainly don't belong.  And so, we say, be done as you have done.
Now take a look at this shit...

hillman_eustace dubai.PNG
hillman_eustace dubai1.PNG

Paid for by those special interests who pour money into Assemblyman Eustace's campaign account...


So let's get this straight.  Democrat Assemblyman Tim Eustace collects money from special interests, so that he and his legislative aide can fly around the world to do what?  You are a state legislator, not a congressman.  New Jersey doesn't have a foreign policy.

Are these Democrats aware that Nepal is one of the worst centers for human trafficking and modern slavery in the world?  While dining with some bigwigs there did they know that, according to the U.S. State Department, "the government of Nepal does not fully comply with minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking"?  Here is more, from Wikipedia:

"Human trafficking in Nepal is a growing criminal industry affecting multiple other countries beyond Nepal, primarily across Asia and the Middle East.   Nepal is mainly a source country for men, women and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking... Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, second to drug dealing and tied with arms dealing."

At the LD24 Sussex County debate on Tuesday evening, we heard Assemblyman Eustace's aide -- David "Mr. Frosty" Grant -- pontificate about how much he admired "strong (rich, suburban, one-percenter, liberal) women."  That is good as far as it goes, but what about all those other women who don't have the advantages that say Kate & Gina, the ANTIFA twins have, or that their running mate "Boom Boom" Hamilton has?  Again, Wikipedia takes up the story of those women:

"Trafficking victims often are taken to locations within Nepal, often from rural areas to the urban centers. Mainly young girls and women are trafficked for sexual exploitation in places such as cabin/dance restaurants, massage parlors, and other places within tourism sector... Within Nepal, labor trafficking is also common: victims often end up in carpet and garment factories, embroidering sweatshops, brick-kilns, and others." 

"The trafficking of girls from Nepal into India for forced prostitution is perhaps one of the busiest slave trafficking routes anywhere in the world, with estimated 5,000-10,000 Nepali women and girls trafficked to India each year.   An estimated 100,000-200,000 Nepali trafficked persons are in India.   Nepali girls are especially desirable as prostitutes in India because they are considered more attractive due to their lighter skin color, and because Nepali virgins are believed to be able to cure AIDS.   Victims are also trafficked for labor in circuses, agriculture, and other manufacturing sectors.   The 1850 kilometers of open, porous border between Nepal and India make trafficking simple and difficult to catch.   In addition, there is no immigration control for Nepalese migrating to India or Indians coming in Nepal under the 1950 Peace and Friendship Treaty between India and Nepal.   In addition to being a destination, India is also a transit country for Nepalese and Bangladeshi women trafficked to Pakistan, Western Asia, and the Middle East and for women trafficked from the Russian Federation to Thailand."  

"Victims, especially girls and women, are trafficked to Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Russia, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states.   Experts believe China is also becoming an emerging hub for Nepali victims.   Many victims who end up overseas are passed through India first before their final destinations... Girls are sold to brothels at prices ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 Indian rupees.   The younger the girl, the higher the price she will be sold for.   Once sold, the girls are property of the brothel owner until they can pay back the amount that was paid for them... One study reported that girls were forced to serve an average of 14 clients per day, with a minimum of three and a maximum of 40 men."

If Democrat Assemblyman Tim Eustace wants to do some good to counter his gross faux pas, perhaps he should make it a point to sign-on to the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (A-4503).  Republican Assemblyman Parker Space is a prime sponsor of A-4503 and Senator Steve Oroho (R-24) is the prime sponsor of the Senate version.  In fact, he gave the bill its name and the name several dozen such bills carry in nearly all of the 50 states.

So do some good, Tim.  And maybe you can ask your aide, Mr. Frosty, to suggest to his charges (the ANTIFA twins, Kate & Gina, and "Boom Boom") that they do some good too my endorsing the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (A-4503) instead of trashing its sponsors. 

It is a very sad thing to see rich, liberal, fortunate-to-have-been-born-in-America, suburban women turn a blind eye to their impoverished sisters overseas.  Very sad indeed.

The Screw card: Who engineered those AFP ratings?

A whistleblower copied us on a letter sent to the Internal Revenue Service, among other organizations.  The letter outlines the on-going collusion between the New Jersey affiliate of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a tax-exempt organization, and legislative staff and political campaign operatives in the creation of the group's so-called "scorecard." 

AFP's scorecard is a rating system that internal memos show has been engineered to benefit individual legislators for various purposes.  For instance, one legislator, Gail Phoebus, recently hired an AFP donor's child to her legislative staff.  For doing so, she received an "A+".  That's taxpayers' money that paid for that grade.

There was corruption evident in each of AFP's scorecards in the past, but this most recent edition -- the release of which was timed to coincide with a major AFP fundraiser hosted by Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean Jr. -- is so corrupt, so convoluted, that it begs description.  Instead of counting actual votes, the "engineers" behind the screw card fashioned a subjective mix of assigned "points" for the effort of proposing legislation -- even if that legislation was never posted for a vote.  That said, in order to injure some legislators and enhance others, co-sponsorship of legislation wasn't given credit  or, on bad bills, deductions.  And even though the rules on the number of sponsors vary in each Chamber, this wasn't taken into account.

Some of the more glaring incidents of corruption:

- Legislation to get rid of the Estate Tax in five years that went nowhere, is marked as a positive.  The legislation that actually did get rid of the Estate Tax in less than two years, is a negative.  Curiously, AFP actually touted the success of the legislation they marked as "negative" in a press release detailing their "legislative successes" for 2016.  In fact, most of the "successes" they used to raise money from their donors came from legislation they marked as "negative."   

- Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26) gets credit for sponsoring legislation (A-1059), while running-mate Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce gets no credit for co-sponsoring the same legislation.

- A bill (ACR-213) proposed by far-left Democrat John Wisniewski (D-19) which would allow voters to over-turn all of Governor Chris Christie's vetoes of anti-Second Amendment legislation passed by the Legislature was rated as a POSITIVE by AFP.  Does that make AFP anti-gun?  It certainly seems so.  On top of this, they assigned credit or blame incorrectly.  For instance, AFP credited Senator Michael Doherty even though he hadn't sponsored a Senate version (none exists).

- Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon (R-13), a candidate for the Senate received an "A+" for his vote on the so-called "gas tax" (actually, the Tax Reform package that included 5 tax cuts as well as the gas tax increase), while Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-13) got an "F" for taking the exact same vote on the "gas tax."

- There was no mention of legislation to spend millions on Planned Parenthood.  Whether this was because of AFP State Chair Frayda Levy's personal position on abortion or the time AFP Executive Director Erica Jedynak (nee Klemens) spent with W.A.N.D. (Women's Action for New Directions) we cannot tell.  Apparently, legislators get no credit for being Pro-Life from AFP.  Neither do they get it for preventing taxpayers' millions from being spent on abortion facilities.

- AFP is apparently hostile to legislation proposed by Senator Steve Oroho, called the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act.  It appears to fly in the face of what AFP national chair David Koch calls "free trade."

- A great deal of important legislation, like Senate legislation on paid sick leave, was treated as if it didn't exist.  The scores of some legislators, such as Senator Tom Kean Jr., improved dramatically.  Kean, who just a session ago was in the high 50 percentile range, suddenly got an "A"!

-  Of all the hundreds of votes taken in the Legislature, AFP "counted" just nine Assembly votes and six in the Senate -- and one of those they got wrong because they cherry-picked it from a previous session.  In other words, either the ass-monkey can't read a date correctly or somebody really wanted to screw someone.

(Jersey Conservative has some of best legislative watchers in the state and we will be putting together a comprehensive scorecard of the top 100 votes in the Legislature for 2016 in plenty of time for the June primary.  Instead of the subjective contortions used by the Kock organization's screw card, Jersey Conservative will use as our guide, the RNC platform that Chairman Webber so studiously avoided adopting.)

Who was behind the convoluted calculations that appear to damage some for a primary, while creating an advantage for others?  Whose thumb was on the scale?

We have asked this question before, of a different group that issues ratings -- the American Conservative Union (ACU).  When we spoke with their national office last year, they were most cooperative and forthcoming.  They readily informed us that the office of the Senate Republican Leader had assisted them in picking and choosing which votes to highlight. 

Perhaps that was the reason the ACU left out important votes like providing drug-dealers with taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.  Whatever, because it was child's play compared to what just happened over at AFP.

We can't imagine why a Republican Leader or his staff would have anything to do with an organization that went out of its way to crank it up the ass of five of his own incumbent Republican caucus members.  Are they trying to weed out anyone with a spine or just those who have never thought about visiting the Bohemian Grove?  Is this laying the groundwork for a Republican-NJEA alliance for November with the hope that conservatives will keep focused on "the gas tax" long enough to have their guns confiscated and the institution of co-ed high school showers.  Time will tell.

As for AFP, anyone who dips their snout in the toilet bowl with it can be labeled as working with the petroleum lobby, the illegal immigration lobby, the open borders for terrorists lobby, and also with that peculiar brand of Koch libertarianism that sincerely believes children have the rights to recreational narcotics and to sell their bodies for sex.  We suspect that candidates will be hearing a lot more on this as their campaigns progress through the primary and general election processes. The digging will get deep and the shit will be random. 

Let us leave you with this quote from the Liberty & Prosperity blog run by Seth Grossman.  Grossman was a founding member of New Jersey's AFP affiliate, so he knows of whom he speaks:

"Frayda Levy of Bergen County also supports amnesty for all illegals without taking any measures to stop, arrest, or deport future illegals.   Frayda is one of the super-rich donors who donated more than a million dollars to Americans for Prosperity created by Charles and David Koch."

People like the ones running AFP like illegal labor because it drives down wages and makes average Americans take-it-or-leave-it wage slaves.  Next time some surrogate for these modern day slavers complains about a working man in Morris County supporting a candidate who helps him keep his family fed, clothed, and a roof over their head, we will detail how much dough the folks on the other side are swimming in and the causes they use it on.  Special interests?  What in the hell are the Koch Brothers! 

Oroho leads fight to end Human Trafficking of children

The commercial sexual exploitation of children is a global problem that is happening in communities across New Jersey.  The commercial sex industry targets children regardless of their gender.  Commercial sexual exploitation of children occurs when individuals buy, trade, or sell sexual acts with a child; and sex trafficking is "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purposes of a commercial sex act... in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age."  

Children become victims through interaction with predators.  Traffickers target vulnerable children and lure them into prostitution and commercial pornography using psychological manipulation, drugs, and/or violence.  75% of all children who are trafficked were lured into sexual exploitation through Internet porn.  There is an inseparable link between pornography and human trafficking. Children have been kidnapped, abused, drugged, threatened and coerced into doing porn, which is by definition, sex trafficking.

On Monday, January 23rd, the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act was proposed in both the New Jersey Senate and Assembly.  It was proposed in the Senate (S-2928) by Senator Steve Oroho, and in the Assembly (A-4503) sponsors include Assemblywoman Nancy F. Munoz, Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce, Assemblyman Parker Space, and Assemblywoman Amy H. Handlin. 

This legislation requires Internet-connected devices to have digital blocking capability that can only be removed by an adult and would make it unlawful "to manufacture, sell, offer for sale, lease, or distribute a product" that makes pornographic content accessible "unless the product contains digital blocking capability that renders" certain obscene material "inaccessible" and ensures that "all child pornography and revenge pornography is inaccessible on the product... prohibits the product from accessing any hub that facilitates prostitution; and render websites that are known to facilitate human trafficking... inaccessible."

Any digital blocking capability could be disabled by an adult consumer by (1) requesting same in writing, (2) presenting identification to verify age, (3) acknowledges receiving a written warning regarding the potential danger of deactivating the digital blocking capability, and (4) paying a one-time $20 digital access fee.

The fee will be collected by the manufacturer or distributor and then forwarded to the New Jersey State Treasurer.  Proceeds will fund the operations of the Commission on Human Trafficking and the Attorney General's office.  The legislation allows the manufacturer or distributor to pay the $20 opt-out fee instead of the consumer.

The legislation also requires manufacturers and distributors to establish a reporting mechanism -- a website or a call center -- to allow consumers to report unblocked obscene material or blocked material that is not obscene.

The legislation was fashioned using directives from the United States Supreme Court regarding the use of digital blocking or filters.  Great attention was paid to the arguments of the ACLU and others when fashioning this legislation. 

The Human Trafficking Prevention Act is a nationwide, bipartisan effort to cut-off the grooming and trafficking of children into prostitution through commercial, for-profit pornography.  New Jersey Senator Steve Oroho gave the legislation the name it is known by and it is being proposed in each of the 50 states.  For a full list of the legislation and its sponsors in each state, go to this website:

“Sexually exploiting children causes long term, if not lifelong damage and confusion,"  Said Rev. Greg Quinlan of the Center for Garden Sate Families.

For more information on how to organize to support the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act in New Jersey, visit the Center for Garden State Families at