Six GOP idiots only complicate Malinowski’s role in sex-offender bill

By Rubashov

Isn’t it humorous when politicians try to weasel out of something instead of an honest and forthright defense?  Congressman Tom Malinowski is currently playing the weasel – and it is entirely his own doing.
Reporting on a “controversial television ad saying that Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-Ringoes) lobbied on behalf of sex offenders,” David Wildstein of the New Jersey Globe writes: 

The ad alleges that Malinowski opposed a section of the 2006 crime bill creating a national sex offender registry while heading the Washington office of Human Rights Watch.   Malinowski has vehemently denied any role and one of his colleagues corroborated that…
In testimony prepared for Congress, Human Rights Watch suggesting that while sex offender registration was warranted, there was “no legitimate community safety justification for the provisions in this legislation that require offenders to register for the rest of their lives, regardless of whether they have lived offense free for decades.”

In a New Jersey Globe debate with his Republican opponent, Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr. on Sunday, Malinowski insisted that he had nothing to do with the crime bill when it came up fourteen years ago.

“I did not play any such role,” Malinowski said.
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney General Jennifer Daskal, who worked at Human Right Watch in 2006, told the New Jersey Globe in August that she handled the crime bill and Malinowski did not attended any meetings on the legislation.

This mirrors the b.s. served up by Janet Rosenzweig, Chris Christie’s nominee to head the NJ Department of Children and Families.  Rosenzweig tried the “I knew nothing” scam too when confronted about her former job as executive director of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.  In the end, the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee didn’t buy it and she didn’t get the job.
In Tom Malinowski’s case, the guy has often bragged about how much he saved the world when he was at Human Rights Watch.  Now Tom is doing a Sgt. Schultz.

But a quick check of the group’s website during 2006 clearly lists him as the head of advocacy at the Washington, DC office. 
Kenneth Roth, Executive Director 
Carroll Bogert, Associate Director 
Nicolette Boehland, Associate
Matthew Collins-Gibson, Executive Assistant & Board Liaison
Camille Hawit, Senior Assistant
Peggy Hicks, Global Advocacy Director (on leave)
Wolfgang Buettner, Administrative Assistant
Tanya Cox, Associate
Steve Crawshaw, London Director
Loubna Freih, Geneva Director (on leave)
Mariette Grange, Geneva Advocacy Director
Marianne Heuwagen, Berlin Director
Lotte Leicht, EU Advocacy Director
Allison Lombardo, Associate
Tom Malinowski, Washington Advocacy Director
Anna Richmond, Associate
Rania Suidan, Associate
Tom Malinowski was one of the top dogs at Human Rights Watch, the 15th name on a long list of the organization’s staffers.  Jennifer Daskal, who is obligingly taking the fall for her elected friend, is mentioned all the way down the list as the 151st name listed.  Does Tom really want us to think that he, the Washington Advocacy Director, had nothing to do with one of the group’s top issues in Washington, DC?  Was he incompetent?  Just a pretty face?
Looking at the circa 2006 website of the organization of which Tom Malinowski was a part, we see sentiments like these…
“Banishment is not the answer (regarding a four-time sex offender)… Communities will be safer when sex offenders are able to re-integrate, receive support for behavior change, establish new adult relationships… (sex offender) registries become vehicles for the vicious ostracism and pointless torment of the men and women identified on them.”
“Some crimes—like the recent highly publicized cases of children murdered by registered sex offenders—test our capacity to envision clear-headed and effective responses. But these are exactly the kinds of responses we need. Stripping offenders of their dignity and casting them out might make us feel better, but it diverts us from developing policies that would make our children safer.”
There are dozens and dozens and dozens more like them.
So how can Tom Malinowski now claim to have missed the fact that his organization had serious issues with sex offender registries like those in Megan’s Law?  Was he unfamiliar with his group’s own website?  Was Malinowski, as the group’s top lobbyist in Washington, oblivious to its point of view as expressed in everything from press releases to policy papers?  It doesn’t seem likely.
Now for the six GOP idiots who have tried to virtue-signal their way into the limelight.  They issued a statement, reported in the New Jersey Globe, that was sickening in its saccharine insincerity:
“…the ad plays into and amplifies a dangerous current of fear in our politics, which is turning Americans against one another and distracting us from the real challenges our country faces… there should be agreement that the debate should be based on facts and focus on issues. We want to hear where the candidates stand and how they differ on important issues like the economy, health care, the environment, public safety, and national security.”
Wow, these Republican fools sound very much like the website (circa 2006) of the group Tom Malinowski worked for…

“Public officials and the public they serve should focus more on promoting programs that make sex offenders accountable to their communities instead of pandering to fear and public hysteria by pushing them into dangerous margins.”
Did these Republican donkeys forget that our political process mirrors our legal process in that it is adversarial?  There’s a lawyer or two among those six.  And since when is Megan’s Law and protecting children from sexual assault and murder not an “important issue”?  Are any of these fools contemplating re-election?      
Even worse for these Republican office holders is that right in big bold letters on that group’s annual report is the name of the man who funded such sentiments… George Soros.  And it’s almost funny when you consider that some of these jackasses actually used the same issue against their opponents when they were candidates and actually expanded upon it when they got into office…
The township moved closer to restricting convicted sex offenders from living near schools and parks when it re-introduced an ordinance that would expand the provisions set by Megan’s Law… The ordinance would make it illegal for any Tier 2 and Tier 3 sex offender to live within 2,500 feet of any school or public park.  Tier 2 and 3 sex offenders are those determined by the state to pose a moderate or relatively high risk of re-offense respectively… The new ordinance identifies by name the restricted areas including all township schools, parks, and the Board of Education administration building. The proposed restrictions also apply to recreation areas in private developments... The proposed ordinance builds on the state and federal law, which only requires that communities be made aware of the presence of convicted sex offenders.
Tom Malinowski’s group would not be in favor of this, no way.
While Malinowski hides from his past and his Republican donkeys piss down their own legs, Tom Moran of the Star-Ledger attempted to examine the issue itself in detail.  Of course, he did get a bit too emotional about it, a bit too personal, for some reason.  We certainly don’t think Tom Moran really believes that Human Rights Watch favors sex offender registries, because they don’t.
And that’s okay.     
Lots of people on both the Left and the Right have honest philosophical reservations about sex offender registries.  Scott Garrett, as a member of the New Jersey Legislature, voted against provisions of Megan’s Law because he had philosophical misgivings about it. 
Nobody needs to run from having an intelligent discussion about sex offender registries.  Nobody needs to call anyone a liar for raising the issue or, as those six Republican jackasses did, suggest that it is not a proper subject for discussion. 
An honest defense by Malinowski of his group’s philosophical position would have actually advanced the public’s understanding of the policy.  At their best, that’s what political campaigns are supposed to do.  And that’s what the media is supposed to assist them in doing.  But instead, we have ducking and hiding, and hysterics and screaming and stupidity.  What a pity.    
And finally, Tom Moran calls Human Rights Watch “a globally respected organization that won the Nobel Peace Prize”.  Well, Aung San Suu Kyi – Malinowski’s gal – was once “globally respected”.  That was before she became known as the “handmaiden to genocide.”  Bernie Madoff was “globally respected” once-upon-a-time.  Harvey Weinstein was a "globally respected" film producer who was awarded a CBE from Queen Elizabeth II.  The terrorist Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.  Murdered a great many people, won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Fritz Haber, the inventor of that wartime favorite – chlorine gas – also picked up a Nobel Prize.  Thousands died, many blinded, but he got a prize.  Even Adolf Hitler was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and he was Time Magazine's "Man of the Year".  No kidding. 

Ideas and reputations either withstand scrutiny or they do not.  Pointing to credentials instead of arguing your point is the last refuge of the incompetent.

(with apologies to Isaac Asimov)

Bhimani, Draeger, Mandelblatt, Fortgang, Lykins… The One Percenters of the so-called “Resistance”

Once upon a time, Marxism was pretty clear about who the “enemy” was. It was the rich. Money equaled power and influence to make the world as you wished it to be – to serve you and to make you feel good about yourself (while enjoying all the best food, the best housing, the best education, the best creature comforts, the best life style). Money even gave you the power to extract sex from unwilling victims… just ask BIG Democrat donor and “Friend of Hillary” Harvey Weinstein.

During the 1960’s a group of Leftist academics – tenured, cosseted, well-off and wanting to remain so – devised a new “Marxism” that replaced the central tenet of “class” with that of “identity”. Economic status no longer mattered. Now it was all about your gender, your color, or who you slept with. It was a neat trick and one that allowed a class of increasingly prosperous academics and those they launched on professional careers to remain “Marxists” while growing increasingly rich.

In place of the traditional bogeyman of the working classes – the rich – these new “Marxists” offered something called the “White Race”. Suddenly the very peasants and workers who launched Soviet Marxism in 1917 were the enemy, based solely on their skin color. It didn’t matter if you were a mill worker or a miner or a subsistence farmer in Appalachia… you were one of the hated “privileged” class.

Yes, a lot of blind faith was required to accept such nonsense – and a lot of ignorance to the facts and actual conditions of how people lived, regardless of their skin color or gender or sexual habits. Reflecting on his own Marxism of the 1930’s, the poet W.H. Auden noted the religious aspect of it. Similarly, this new “Marxism” took on a theological bent, as more and more faith was required to maintain it.

Enter the repentant sinners…

In some religions, “good works” are the pathway to salvation. And so it was for our new “Marxists”. And who is in the best position to do “good works”? Why the rich of course. They can spread money about like fertilizer.

And so, little by little, the very richest amongst those guilty of “white privilege” escaped its taint. They and their families, their corporations and institutions, fell into the column of those “saved through good works”. They got a pass when, for instance, they poisoned a generation with opioids. Or when they deliberately marketed a product that caused uterine cancer. Or when they passed laws to collect taxes in poor neighborhoods that led to young men being killed. They were not held responsible… it was that vast “white privileged class” that was responsible, as if one’s skin color had the capacity to fill one’s belly.

And strangely enough, herded together as part of those hated people of “privilege” were members of religious and ethnic groups who had suffered the most appalling persecution in the history of man. We wonder if, while exempting themselves, are these new “Marxists” giving leave for a new persecution of these groups, based on designations such as “of color” or “not of color”?

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist…

And the greatest trick the One-Percenters who now make up the “new” Left have pulled is to convince people that economic class matters less than skin color. That being George Soros doesn’t imply “privilege” but that the weather-beaten white skin of a homeless veteran does.

You can see this at work in New Jersey, where – to an unprecedented degree – One Percenters dominate the Democrat Party and account for its most woke candidates. And we’re not just talking about Governor “Goldman-Sachs” Murphy, who is happy to excuse criminal behavior in a politician if he is of the right identity group. Or Congressman Tom Malinowski, who bangs on endlessly about the sins of “white privilege” while ignoring his genuinely privileged – economically privileged – background.

Just look at this harvest of woke “resistance fighter” Assembly candidates the Democrats are putting up to address the sins of “privilege”. You could not find a more economically privileged bunch if you tried.

In District 25, there’s Lisa Bhimani – who went to Brown University, has a degree in medicine that she doesn’t need to use, because she is so rich. How rich? Rich enough to have a $1.6 million condo in Manhattan to hang in when she’s shopping in NYC. Her husband is… wait for it… the Managing Director at JP Morgan Chase.

You remember those guys, don’t you? They helped crash the world’s economy in 2008. Lay-offs, unemployment, foreclosures followed. Not for them though, they bought their $1.6 million condo after the crash. Nice.

Lisa Bhimani’s running mate is Darcy Draeger… of Wall Street. Draeger’s daddy was a newspaper executive and she worked in New York City for the Swiss UBS Investment Bank. During her time at UBS, the bank got up to some mischief and attracted the attention of federal investigators. In 2015, UBS pleaded guilty to the “biggest financial scam in history”. Cool.

Nowadays, Draeger calls herself a “farmer” – although her “farm” appears to be little more than a way to avoid paying the full whack in property taxes. We’re sure that Draeger herself will admit that her farm is nothing like the farms she remembers growing up in the Midwest. She bought her farm six years ago, for $1.3 million. 1.7 acres are fully taxed at $23,572 a year (2017). 9 acres are taxed at $25.65 (2017). According to the USDA, the average size of a “small” sustainable family farm is 231 acres. Hey, we aren’t judging… but you do seem mighty darn privileged to us.

Over in District 21, we have Democrat Lisa Mandelblatt, whose husband was Managing Director at Lehman Brothers when it went bankrupt… and crashed the world’s economy. Ouch.

And what can’t you say about Laura Fortgang? She practically started her own New Age religion – while teaching the Masters-of-the-Universe how to better shill their b.s. to a public already drowning in their b.s. A remarkable person, if you go for that kind of happy-clappy, rainbow-fantasy nonsense that obfuscates the genuine problems faced by the vast majority of working stiffs. Fortgang is hoping to ride her winged unicorn of delusion into office in District 26.

In District 24 the Democrats have found a Lobbyist for the insurance industry to represent them. Deana Lykins actually lobbied to screw the surviving family members of fallen first responders out of their benefits. That’s right, the insurance industry she worked for needed to make a little more profit on top of their already obscene profits – so screw those working class first responders. Heck, some of them are white and therefor guilty of the most heinous privilege!

This is the Democrat Party in New Jersey. A party who once claimed to represent the “working class” but who now just represent various “identities” – led by One Percenters.

And what of the working class? Who represents them? Well… nobody, of course, especially the white ones – privileged as they are.

In his book, White-Collar Government: The Hidden Role of Class in Economic Policy Making, Duke University's Nick Carnes points out that while upwards of 65 percent of citizens are "working class" and 54 percent are employed in a blue-collar occupation, just 2 percent of the members of Congress and 3 percent of state legislators held blue-collar jobs at the time of their election. Is this “Resistance” movement beginning to feel more like a “counter-revolution” to you too? A long-suffering working class, under-represented in Congress and the Legislature, screwed-over by BOTH political parties votes for Obama in 2008 (and is promptly screwed again) then in its pain and desperation turns to Trump in 2016… and now the “Resistance” has come, to put us all back in our place!

Hey Democrats… how about some diversity?

From Katie Brennan to at-risk children: Why are the Democrats ignoring Rape?

Does it seem like the administration of Governor Phil Murphy and his allies in the Democrat-controlled Legislature care more about keeping up appearances than they do about addressing actual sexual assaults against women and children? As the unresolved crime against former Democratic Party staffer Katie Brennan made clear – Murphy’s Democrats will close ranks (even against one of their own) if it threatens to tarnish their image or expose them for who they are.

Katie Brennan was one of several women who said that a top Murphy political operative had sexually assaulted them. The Murphy administration’s response was to try to cover it up and to intimidate whistleblowers who came forward.

This mirrors what is going on nationally in the liberal media, where NBC was caught trying to cover-up the sexual assault and exploitation of women by a critter named Harvey Weinstein – a top Democrat donor and “friend of Hillary”. The work done by investigative journalist Ronan Farrow to expose this corporate media cover-up has been impressive…

This is journalism today. So it’s not just the boys at InsiderNJ or Julie O’Connor and Jonathan Salant at the Star-Ledger – corporations owned by rich benefactors who are in the “news” business because it serves as a public relations tool for their other enterprises. Journalism is very sick, maybe on life-support, and unless measures are taken to ethically correct its degradation, it may well perish.

Journalists like Ronan Farrow, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, Douglas Murray, and Ross Douthat offer a way forward. But will the corporations who own the media follow?

Meanwhile the Murphy administration and the Murphy Democrats are getting away with ignoring sexual assaults on women and children.

Murphy’s Sanctuary State scheme – a major campaign promise he made to secure far-Left votes – is allowing accused rapists and child predators to be released back into the community. And when asked to come before the people who pay his salary – Murphy has refused, ignoring all requests to explain whether his Sanctuary State scheme was created with law enforcement goals or was it simply a matter of politics.

It is noteworthy that while the European Union and the British government are in frantic negotiations aimed at maintaining border-security cooperation between all levels of law enforcement – Governor Murphy and his Democrat allies have willfully destroyed such cooperation, creating a safe-haven for criminals not seen since Post-World War Two Argentina. As the United Nations reminds us, un-policed porous borders are an enhancement to the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation, the illegal importation of narcotics and opioids, and the trafficking of illegal firearms.

And on top of all of this, now the Murphy Democrats are blocking legislation that will protect at-risk children from being raped.

The Democrat leadership is holding up legislation designed to protect children from sexual assault at state supervised health care facilities. These are the same politicians who are pouring money into the campaigns of Democrat Assembly candidates Bruce Land and Matthew Milam in District 1, Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale in District 8, Lisa Mandelblatt and Stacey Gunderman in District 21, Lisa Bhimani and Darcy Draeger in District 25, Christine Clarke and Laura Fortgang in District 26, and Deana Lykins in District 24.

The legislation would require psychiatric health care facilities to provide 24-hour-a-day monitoring of children under their supervision and was proposed following documented horrific sex attacks on children. So why is there no action after 18 months?

Why are children being exposed to violent sexual assault by the Democrats?

Because the Murphy administration doesn’t like the bill, that’s why. And the Democrats – dependent on assorted Murphy donors for their campaign cash – do what they’re told.

Would the legislation have a better chance of passing if the vulnerable children who are exposed to rape were to renounce their citizenship and apply for Sanctuary Status? But hey, shouldn’t health care facilities under the supervision of the state be sanctuaries free from fear of violent sexual assault anyway? We are talking children here.

Republican Assemblyman Hal Wirths (R-24) has championed the victims of the Murphy administration’s lack of action. Wirths was quoted in a New Jersey Herald article:

“This is a parent’s worst nightmare. What this family has had to endure is horrendous. We urgently need to address these facilities’ inadequate supervision policies through legislation by requiring them to properly supervise and protect children who are in their care due to psychiatric crises. More children are put at risk every day that this legislation remains at a standstill.”

In response, the Democrats trotted out Joann Downey, who sounded decidedly less enthused about helping protect children at risk of sexual assault. She told the New Jersey Herald:

“As chair of the Assembly Committee on Human Services, it’s my first priority to make sure that the vulnerable families, children and communities of New Jersey are well cared for and supported in their times of need… I appreciate Assemblyman Wirths’ interest in our state’s psychiatric facilities and look forward to reviewing this legislation as we develop the Committee’s agenda for the coming months.”

In other words… screw you and the kids and their parents. We’ll get around to it when Boss Murphy tells us we can. Real scumbags.

Meanwhile the question remains: How many kids were sexually assaulted over the last 18 months while the Democrats have been waiting for permission to advance the bill? How many more will be raped while their parents wait for action from the Democrats?

If America’s boundaries are not worthy of respect… how about your front door?

We all have boundaries… lines beyond which someone cannot go without being invited.  It is something we have in common – as human beings.

A refrigerator box that a homeless veteran calls home is every bit as sacrosanct to him, as is the front door of a newspaperman’s McMansion.  Enter that homeless vet’s cardboard home and he will defend it… as quickly as that newspaperman will call the police (men with guns) if you menace his threshold.  

That caravan of migrants, some seeking asylum, others merely wanting to get into a “rich” welfare-providing nation illegally (or simply ahead of others who have been patiently waiting their turn) – the human beings there operate no less on boundaries.  Each has something they carry with them that is their own, around which they establish borders. Don’t touch their stuff or their food or person. Every human being operates on borders and boundaries.

That’s what the MeToo Movement is all about, isn’t it?  Somebody can’t just take it because they believe that they are entitled to it.  That it’s just not about how they feel… but about how you feel too.  An invitation is important.

A lot of rich people – rich and powerful people – they don’t get it.

Guys like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein and Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose – One Percenters like our Governor… Wall Street’s Masters of the Universe… they don’t understand boundaries and borders.  Money is arrogant. It assumes that it can invade and take whatever it wants – and it instructs those it manipulates to assume the same, generally for its own ends.

This attitude has of late been transferred to and inculcated within, an activist cadre that argues that America is a picket fence without a gate, a house without a door, a person without personal space.  These activists argue that to suggest the existence of boundaries is somehow racist. Of course, they know this is not true, because as human beings each of them maintains their own borders, which they jealously guard.  

Most American citizens agree that our country should bring in as many legal immigrants as it can, provided that the influx does not cause a decline in wages or quality of life.  Go to any theatre, bar, or dance club and they have a sign posted with the number of people who can safely occupy that space.  Posting that sign isn’t a racist act. It is common sense… and done to avoid terrible tragedy.

Post a number.  Once that number is reached… sorry, but you will have to wait.  

But that caravan of migrants, someone talked them into discarding their good manners – that you don’t barge into someone’s home unless invited – and convinced them to gatecrash America.  Yes, you can point to the activists, but they are really only paid mouthpieces. It’s who pays them that really tells the story – and behind every activist group urging migrants to gatecrash America there are members of the One Percent… rich donors and their corporate entities.

They have been at it for years – in both political parties and the media – singing the tune that America’s door swings one way.  Everyone can come here… but Americans can’t go anywhere (unless you have a corporate sponsor). They’ve hired the lobbyists to make coming to America legally a Kafkaesque proposition, but coming to America illegally a piece of cake… a human right… a birthright for anyone born anywhere on planet earth.  

Why does government make legal immigration so difficult, while actively supporting illegal immigration?  Cheap labor.  Illegal immigrants drive down the cost of labor.

The gray economy is a powerful check on rising minimum wages.  It allows so-called “progressive” politicians to play like they are helping the working class when, in fact, they are putting them out of work.  Raising the minimum wage while allowing and supporting the illegal gray economy puts blue-collar workers out of work or severely diminishes their negotiating power.

This is nothing new.  Julius Caesar was hated by Rome’s One Percenters because he pushed legislation that required them to employ citizen laborers instead of relying on slave labor.  Later, he was assassinated by them.

Today’s illegal gray labor is yesterday’s slave labor… and, because of expanding human trafficking interests, has more and more become cases of actual slave labor.  There have been cases of modern slavery adjudicated in processing, manufacturing, agriculture, health care, construction, labor, and – of course – the prostitution and pornography “industries”.  It’s tough for a single mom from Paterson to get a job to feed her kids, when she’s competing with someone who works for next to nothing. It is a human tragedy for both the single mom and the slave or the illegal immigrant being marketed and used.  A tragedy all around…

Except that some rich Wall Streeter like Phil Murphy will be smiling.  Because he’s cut labor costs. He’s shown that trailer park trash who is boss!

Like the political crook Murphy employed – who took taxpayers’ money – and the aide/alleged rapist Murphy employed – who didn’t respect a woman’s boundaries – the Governor is someone who doesn’t understand borders. Not since fellow Democrat, Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, stood on the school house steps have we seen such defiance of our federal system.  

Under Murphy, there will be less cooperation between New Jersey law enforcement and federal officials, than there is between federal officials and their international counterparts, through Interpol.  Already the biggest fiscal mess in America, with the worst property taxes, and an economy stunted by anti-business regulation (in fact, the worst state in America to start a business)… now New Jersey will be the least safe, with a hamstrung law enforcement watching helplessly as human traffickers and those who sexually exploit children set up shop in every city and town in the state… as illegal opioids and narcotics flow across the border under the shield of “sanctuary”.  As illegal gun running gangs hide behind their immigration status to hold law enforcement at bay.

Don’t believe it?  Then why is New Jersey’s urban crime rate so much higher than in other states?  That crime rate will soon be introducing itself to the suburbs, courtesy of Murphy’s new sanctuary state rules.  And meanwhile, the New Jersey Legislature continues to disarm its police officers while making nice to violent gangs, simply because of their fashionable immigration status…

New Jersey Slowly Disarming Its Cops in Fight Against LEOSA




Historically, New Jersey is one of the only states that frequently tries to neuter federal law geared toward law enforcement; perhaps no instance more evident than the ongoing battle over LEOSA (the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act).

In New Jersey, the 2016 violent crime rate in Newark was 135.96 percent higher than the national violent crime rate average. In Camden, the 2012 statistics (the most current) saw a violent crime rate 563.3 percent higher than the national average. And in Trenton, the state capital, the 2016 violent crime rate was 239.33 percent higher than the national violent crime rate. Clearly the members of the New Jersey Legislature are missing all of that during their commute to their Trenton offices.

By comparison, New York City’s 2016 violent crime rate was only 44 percent higher than the national average. Which leads to the question: What is the New Jersey Legislature doing about violent crime in these major urban hubs?

The answer, reinforcing the taking away the guns of law enforcement.

Read further…

So prepare yourselves for higher taxes, more competition for fewer jobs, and a marked decline in the quality of life.  All brought to you by your One Percenter Governor, Smilin’ Phil Murphy! And don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Democrat legislator McKeon with Trump on due process

Assemblyman John McKeon is beginning to sound like British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.  McKeon has lifted his latest missive from the former P.M.'s press office:

"Tragically, we have seen far too many 'what ifs' when it comes to these mass shootings, often centered around the question of why didn't somebody do something to take guns away from someone who is mentally unstable.

A-1217 makes it easier to accomplish that goal, and ultimately, protect our communities and our children. The status quo doesn't work. We need to take new approaches that allow authorities a real chance to remove guns from the hands of individuals who pose a threat to us all."

In other words, the Bill of Rights gets in the way of our "goal" -- which is a nice sounding "goal" -- like the Law for the Protection of the People and the State, or the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.  So we will suspend the Bill of Rights in order to give authorities a real chance to achieve their "goal" and take those rights from individuals who pose a threat to "us all" ("us all" being a euphemism for the collective or "the state").  And as every individual poses a potential threat to the state, these rights must ultimately be taken from everyone. 

If you ask some inner city youth, that potential threat from a firearm includes the police.  And if you ask some college students, the threat includes Free Speech.  So it will be interesting to watch where this goes.  To accomplish it all, the state will send in men with guns... and let the carnage begin.

Sure, civil liberties are a pain in the butt.  It is a lot easier for government to accomplish its "goal" without them.  But where would we be -- as individuals and a society -- without them?

Under McKeon's proposal, you don't have to be accused of committing a crime to have the police knock at your door to search your home or business for legal firearms and seize them.  You just need to have someone pissed-off at you.

John McKeon's fellow Democrat, Joe Cryan, had a girlfriend who was practically part of the Cryan clan.  Now this gal was mightily pissed-off at him.  Should her word alone have been enough? 

Cryan later had his girlfriend busted for stalking, but not before she secured the release of more than 150 emails he had sent her that, according to the New York Post, "graphically spelled out his kinky proclivities."  The Post noted: "The emails were written when the pol (Cryan) presumably would have been at one of his government jobs — either his $49,000-a-year Assembly gig or his $111,000-a-year post as Union County undersheriff."

Well that was business-as-usual back before Harvey Weinstein made the front pages and the Democrats got consciousness.  And it still is.  Only now it's gone underground.  Nevertheless, should the bruised feelings and raw anger that arise out of such behavior -- abhorrent as it may be -- should it take the place of due process?

Curiously, Democrat John McKeon is lending support to Republican President Donald Trump.  Last week, Assembly Democrats in New Jersey formally adopted President Trump's position in respect of the Bill of Rights.  Donald Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second," and the Assembly Democrats agreed, passing A-1217 out of committee. 

Trump made his comments at a meeting with congressional leaders on school safety.  Trump was responding to comments from Vice President Pence that families and local law enforcement should have more tools to report potentially dangerous individuals with weapons. 

Pence was taking the Bill of Rights into consideration, when he said:  "Allow due process so no one’s rights are trampled, but the ability to go to court, obtain an order and then collect not only the firearms but any weapons."  To which Trump responded:  "Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court."

About the same time as Trump was making his controversial statement, the Democrats on the Assembly Judiciary Committee were passing the "Extreme Risk Protection Order" (A-1217),  which suspends due process based on a simple accusation.  A no-knock warrant could be issued, the door of a home or place of business kicked-in, and the property of someone who hasn't been accused of breaking any law seized -- just because a "family member" or "member for law enforcement" believed he or she posed a risk.

Conservative Republican Steve Lonegan offered the following testimony on A-1217:

"In 1971, a group of possibly well-meaning but misguided politicians imposed the Civil Authorities Special Powers Act, which allowed government to take away peoples' rights without charging them with a crime.  It was meant to be a response to violence, but only made matters worse in Northern Ireland.

In considering Assembly Bill 1217, the New Jersey Legislature should recall the words of George Will, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author, who reminded us of the dangers of 'overcriminalization.'  After the death of Eric Garner, which was the result of the New York Legislature sending in the police to enforce a state tax on cigarettes, Will warned legislators that there are potentially grave consequences every time they make a new law and then send in men with guns to enforce it.

Will said:  'Overcriminalization has become a national plague. And when more and more behaviors are criminalized, there are more and more occasions for police, who embody the state’s monopoly on legitimate violence, and who fully participate in humanity’s flaws, to make mistakes.'

Assembly Bill 1217 is open to abuse and has the potential to create many more situations with violent outcomes than those it seeks to prevent.  And, as written, there is no recourse or penalty if the law and its potentially violent outcome was triggered by a simple misunderstanding or a false or malicious report."

No president likes to give up power.  The last to do so, voluntarily, was Jimmy Carter -- and he did so under the shadow of the official criminality connected to Watergate scandal.  President George W. Bush, President Obama, and President Trump have all expanded the state's power over the individual citizen.  The action by the Assembly Democrats reeks of the British government's desperate move to bring the Irish Republican Army to heel in the 1970's.  Instead of achieving their aim, they made victims out of innocent people and destroyed the reputation of their country's criminal justice system.

Let's not create a new set of victims like the Guildford Four -- only this time with names like the Newton Eleven or the Metuchen six or the Cape May seven...

This is how Republics perish.  This is how democracy dies.

Sex-trafficking website funds Democrat campaigns

On Sunday, the Washington, DC, press reported on the following story:

After California’s then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced felony pimping charges last year against the two owners of — a classified-ad website that is a hub for sex trafficking and prostitution, one of the men cut a $10,000 check to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC.

Mrs. Pelosi’s political action committee, House Majority PAC, has resisted giving the money back, and an aide to Mrs. Pelosi said the California Democrat knows nothing about the contribution.

The uproar over sexual harassment that began with the Harvey Weinstein scandal has intensified the scrutiny of political contributions linked to Backpage, which law enforcement officials say is the chief platform for activities far worse than harassment, including sexual slavery and child prostitution.

Mrs. Pelosi isn’t the only Democrat struggling to deal with the piles of cash that Backpage’s owners spread around to candidates and state Democratic parties over the years.

Even Ms. Harris, a California Democrat who is now a U.S. senator, ducked the issue. Her office wouldn’t respond to repeated emails about Backpage money going to House Majority PAC and other Democratic organizations.

Since 2010, the owners and their wives have shoveled about $99,000 to candidates and about $95,000 to Democratic parties in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, according to federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Bowing to mounting pressure, including a bipartisan Senate investigation that found the owners knowingly sold ads to pimps who coerced minors into prostitution, Backpage in January closed down its adult services sections.

The websites, however, continue to be marketplaces for the sex trade.

Read more at:

For too many children, their road into modern slavery began on the Internet.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, as many as 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year.  The Internet is the vehicle for 76 percent of the transactions for sex with underage girls. 

The average victim is between 11 and 14 years old.  These victims come from all walks of life -- from every race, social, and economic background.

The problem is made worse by America's fluid borders.  According to the United Nations (UNICEF), 2 million children are trafficked in the global prostitution trade. The U.S. State Department reports that from 600,000 to 800,000 people (mainly women and children) are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for slave labor and prostitution.

Human Trafficking has surpassed the sale of illegal arms and is set to surpass the illegal sale of drugs.  The FBI reports that human trafficking is on the rise in all 50 states and represents a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. 

New Jersey is a "hub for human trafficking," according to assistant New Jersey Attorney General Tracy M. Thompson.  "We are easily accessible via Interstate 95, and the proximity to major tourist destinations like Atlantic City and New York City makes us more vulnerable and susceptible," she said. "Our diversity is what makes it so great to be part of this state, but traffickers prey on (people of) their own ethnicity. It makes is so hard for law enforcement to penetrate these activities."

In September, 14 people were arrested in a child-porn and human trafficking operation in Monmouth County.  In October , the FBI announced that it had uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  At the beginning of December, 79 suspects were arrested on a host of charges that included sexual assault, using the Internet to send inappropriate images to children, and child pornography. 

And with schools requiring young students to have access to the Internet, it is no longer about the parent.  The government-run education system supplants the parents and requiresthe child to be connected to the Internet.  For many children, it's like requiring them to walk to and from school on a dangerous, traffic-filled highway.

There is legislation that addresses this growing criminal enterprise aimed at our children.  It is a bill championed by Republican State Senator Steve Oroho, and it has attracted substantial bi-partisan support.

The bill is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-2928).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It requires that those who sell products and services that allow children to access the Internet make their products safe from human traffickers engaged in the modern slave trade.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Despite having enough legislators committed to passing this legislation -- either as co-sponsors or supporters, the Democrats who run both chambers of the Legislature have held up passage.  They are listening to objections from the porn industry, who have adopted a "no questions asked" attitude on where their profits come from.  Porn is legal and the corporations who profit from it and their allies are the enablers of human trafficking.

The enablers of human trafficking know that S-2928 has enough votes to pass the Legislature and be signed into law by Republican Governor Chris Christie.  They want to run out the clock until Democrat Phil Murphy takes office on January 16, 2018.  Then the legislative books will be closed and the process will need to start all over again, under a Governor who has not expressed support for S-2928.

The holidays are here.  Christmas is coming.  Right now, in cities and towns across America, anti-human trafficking activists are working to rescue children who were lured into a life of slavery through the Internet.  They are hoping to reunite them with their families in time for Christmas. 

Think of how you would feel at this time of year if your child was in the hands of human traffickers.  Wouldn't you want her back?  Wouldn't you want to hold her?  Wouldn't you want to break the nexus that makes such slavery possible?

Every Democrat politician who sides with human trafficking and puts profits ahead of enslaved children needs to be held to account.   They need to be asked why they are standing with the slavers and against the victims of slavery.