Is Politico extremist? Wikipedia seems to think so.

By Rubashov

Corporate extremism. Violent corporate extremism.

Each year, every day, corporations across the globe commit acts of violence against individuals and communities. War is an act of violence. Those corporations engaged in the furtherance of endless wars, endless occupations, profit from violence. Incarcerating human beings for profit is an act of corporate violence. The opioid epidemic that has cost the lives of so many and damaged the lives of so many more, their families, and communities, is an act of corporate violence. So is the burning of forests. Human trafficking and its corporate use as a source of labor is an act of violence. So is the destruction of American jobs through the use of slave or near-slave labor. As is the violence used against workers who attempt to organize.

These are all acts of violence, often illegal, always unethical, for the purposes of greed. The media, dependent on advertising revenue from violent corporate extremists, are left with hard choices to make. Increasingly, violent corporate extremists have come to own media outlets directly.

We were thinking on this when we came across a salutary column by one Matt Freidman, formerly of David Wildstein’s PoliticsNJ. Friedman argues that it is “time for New Jersey politicians — even some considered moderate — to take stock of the extremism they have allowed to fester.” Indeed.

Friedman is very quick to use terms like “extremist” to label the exercise of free assembly and free speech of anyone with whom he disagrees. He seems very worried that, in the past, some politically “extremist” groups “tied” to the Capitol riot were permitted to speak on public ground at events attended by “mainstream politicians”.

We wonder. Does Friedman consider Bridgegate to be an act of political “extremism”?

Is shutting down a bridge and damning the people on it – including all those “children of Buono voters” riding those school buses – an act of violent extremism? If a group of knuckleheads with Trump flags had shut down that bridge and damned those “children of Buono voters” – would that have been an act of violent extremism?

Isn’t Friedman “tied” to the “mastermind” of that enterprise?

Friedman then details some of the other instances when he feels the First Amendment should not have applied:

“In 2012, Republicans in Morris County invited birther conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi to speak. Corsi later helped perpetuate the voter fraud lie. Fast forward to late 2020, when Morris County surrogate Heather Darling organized a rally in support of small business where a man flying a confederate flag looked perfectly welcome. In 2018, Republicans in South Jersey not only tolerated but in some cases helped the congressional candidacy of Seth Grossman — who’s quoted as an Oath Keepers apologist in the Inquirer piece — despite years of racist and anti-Muslim social media posts. And even Republican U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, in office 40 years and never known as a firebrand, aired demonstrably false conspiracy theories that Antifa was behind the Capitol riot, and has since deleted his Twitter account…”

But is Friedman really in a position to exercise such moral judgment? According to Wikipedia, the publication he writes for has its own failings…

Politico Magazine published an article in April 2017 purporting to show long-term links among U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch. The article was widely condemned, with the head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, saying that it ‘evokes age-old myths about Jews’.”

“In March 2019 Politico was accused again of anti-Semitism when an article depicting imagery of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders next to money trees was published. Sanders, one of two Jewish candidates for the 2020 US presidential election, was targeted for the amount of wealth he accumulated over his lifetime. Politico staff writer Michael Kruse wrote the article detailing the senator's wealth, writing that Sanders ‘might still be cheap’, according to one of the senator's friends, ‘but he's sure not poor’, which was criticized as combining two anti-Semitic tropes (Jews are cheap; Jews are rich). Politico's official Twitter account used the quote to share the story; the tweet was later deleted.”

Would it be fair to label Politico a neo-Nazi publication… or just “moderately” anti-Semitic?

Like Jerome Corsi, Politico has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories and of lying. Friedman appears perfectly comfortable writing for a publication that pushes anti-Semitic “tropes”. While accusing Seth Grossman of being an anti-Muslim apologist for the “Oath Keepers”, Friedman seems to forget that he writes for an anti-Semitic group who are apologists for “age-old myths about Jews”. And finally, like Congressman Smith, Politico deletes its Twitter account.

Is it time to ban Politico from polite society?

How about anybody that had anything to do with Bridgegate? Why would any righteous politician ever send them a press release… ever! And hey, Matt Friedman, that’s who taught you. That makes you “tied” to it. That means you need to go too. Right?

Friedman continues:

“Occasionally, Democrats go down the path of conspiracy theories and extremism, and yes, there exist left-wing radicals who commit violence. But let’s resist the temptation to ‘both sides’ this issue, because there are few if any mainstream Democrats coddling it.”

Really? Did someone take a dump in Matt’s brain and forget to flush it? Or was he on sabbatical in some monastery when all that violence and arson and carnage happened last summer? We seem to remember a certain Democrat Governor marching in support of it and the Democrats in Trenton passing a resolution in support of it. Why lie to your readers like that?

Well… follow the money. Matt’s boss at Politico has a long history of donating large sums to Democrat candidates and causes and served under former President Bill Clinton. He’s an investment banker named Patrick Steel. Yep, an investment banker. Wonder what violent corporate extremism he’s got up to?

Before spending 16 years at the investment firm FBR Capital Markets & Co. (more on this later), Steel served eight years in the Clinton administration, including a stint as the special assistant to former President Bill Clinton. He’s probably arsehole buddies with Josh Gottheimer.

According to the Media Research Center, when Steel joined Politico as CEO in 2017, he had donated $64,850 to Democrats, and nothing to Republicans. Among those he gave to were Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer.

So now you know the rest of the story.

Matt Friedman is clearly compromised – but not just in the way you might think. Matt writes the way he does because he is so certain of his own personal goodness. Because of this, he can look down at others, see bad, and seek to cast them out of society – question their very humanity. What Matt doesn’t seem to understand is that he is not good. He is bad, just as bad, we all are.

Here are some wise words for Matt, and for all of us, to consider. Maybe, when we are less censorious, we will find a way to be better – not good, and certainly not perfect – human beings. Maybe, probably not, but maybe…

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves”

— Eric Hoffer

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

John Henry Beat Steam Drill. We Can Beat Facebook

By Spamming Us Every Hour With "Woke" Democrat Propaganda, Facebook Is Giving Us Access To Millions of Swing Voters In Swing States!

By Seth Grossman

John Henry Beat Steam Drill.jpg

John Henry is a legend and a song of how one man with a hammer beat a machine.  We can beat the Facebook machine if each of us spends just a few hours a week responding to CNN fakenews and other lies posted on our Facebook feeds.   Click here for details at our website.  

  1. We don't like Facebook or Twitter.  However, we need to use them for the next two months.

  2. Facebook and Twitter are interfering with this year's election far more than any Russians ever did before.  Their hourly doses of "woke" Democrat spam are paid advertising worth millions.  Yet none of it is reported or regulated as "contributions" by the Bush-McCain-Feingold  "Campaign Finance Reform" law.  That is because most of their spam is falsely labeled "news" from left-wing "media sites like CNN, ABC, Atlantic, etc., Facebook. Below is screenshot of one example.

Fakebook Facebook fake news.jpg

3. However, notice the good part.  By sending this spam to all Facebook users, Facebook is also giving us access to all of them through "comments" to these posts-- and "replies" to other "comments"!

4.  When you get an unwanted left wing post, please do NOT miss the opportunity to reach and teach thousands of undecided and independent "swing" voters we could never reach before.  Please do NOT block or delete it. Please read and respond to it whenever you can.  

5.  After you read it, then please read the comments section, and post your own “comment”.  Either “comment” to the original post, or “reply” to another comment.  Then also “reply” to as many left wing or independent comments as you can.  (Of course, you should also “like” conservative comments and replies).

6.  Make sure your “reply” is logical, fact- based, and deals with the issue, no matter how ignorant, hateful, or dishonest the comment. Avoid insults.   Avoid inflammatory words or phrases that will get your comment deleted or your Facebook/Twitter privileges suspended.  (Commonly known as “Facebook/Twitter Jail”).  For example, I use “followers of the Prophet” instead of Muslim or Islam.  I use “Holy War” instead of “Jihad”).  Remember that you will never persuade jerks who hate America, hate whites, hate Christians, and hate Trump.  You are instead writing to persuade Facebook "friends" of those jerks who are still be independent or undecided.

7.  Keep your “reply” short. Just 2 or 3 sentences.  If you need more words to explain your position, copy and paste the link to a post or video that deals with that issue.

8.  For ideas on how to respond, please visit our website, our @libertyandprosperity Facebook page or my personal Facebook page at seth.grossman.10

9.  Always try to include somewhere in your "comment" or "reply".  Or better yet, try to copy and paste the link to one of the blogs in our website that deals with that topic.  That will lead people to our website for more details and other important information.  It may even persuade some to donate!

10.  When you make an effective reply, mass produce it! Click your “reply” and then right-click to “select all”.   Then copy your whole “reply” before you send it.    Then paste that “reply” to as many comments as you can. (Only do 5 or 10 in a session.  Otherwise, Facebook will "temporarily suspend" you for doing what they are doing.

11.  If you and every supporter does this an hour a day, several days a week, we can reach and influence hundreds of thousands of “swing voters” in “battleground states” and make a real difference. Can you help?

12.  I have been doing this myself during the past week.  I can honestly say that my posts and links to are getting engagement and support from independent and undecided citizens for the first time since Facebook and Twitter first started “throttling” and “shadow-banning” us last year!

Questions? Contact me at my personal email:   Thanks!

Seth Grossman: This Is What GOP Leaders Did To Me In 2018!

By Seth Grossman, Esq.

Last month, national GOP leaders did to Ted Howze what they did to me.  Ted Howze is a smart,  articulate, veterinarian from Modesto, California.  He ran for Congress as a Republican and won the Primary last March.  He has an excellent chance of defeating the freshman Democrat in November.
Last month, GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy publicly withdrew his support for Houze.  He and other GOP leaders including the head of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) repeated Democrat lies calling Howze a bigot.  They also found a handful Facebook comments he had posted over the years as “disturbing”.
This what these GOP leaders did to me when I ran for Congress in 2018.  This is why Republicans got clobbered that year, and let Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats take back control of the House.
For years, I gave my honest opinions on issues that matter most on talk-radio, letters to the editor, and social media.  I often changed my opinions on important issues after learning new facts or hearing better arguments from others.
Ben Franklin recognized the importance of this 300 years ago.  He said that when people with different views have honest conversations, “sparks of truth fly out and political light is obtained”.  When Americans did that, we were smart, and admired around the world for our “Yankee Ingenuity”.
Early in my campaign, I was videotaped at a debate for truthfully saying that people should be hired and promoted based on talent, achievement, and work, and not on how many “diversity” boxes they could check off.
In 2015, I openly condemned the many murders committed in the name of Islam against non-believers.  That included the kosher deli and Bataclan Theater in France, and refugee boats leaving Africa.  What angered me most was when a moderate Muslim shopkeeper in Scotland was condemned by a religious court, and executed for wishing his non-Muslim friends “Happy Easter”.  That prompted me to post that “Islam is a cancer”.  Perhaps my words were “offensive”.  However, I believe saying nothing about those atrocities was far more offensive.

During the Ebola epidemic, I said it was important to quarantine visitors from infected countries to keep us safe.  I said that thousands died needlessly during the AIDS epidemic when we put HIPAA patient privacy “rights” of those who were infected above the need of healthy people to protect themselves. 
When police around America were being murdered in 2014 because of the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” lie, I shared a Facebook post from Allen West.  The beginning of the post describing the culture of hate and violence among too many young black men in our inner cities.  However, both Allen West and I both made the mistake of not noticing passages buried in the article that made racist generalizations about all blacks.  We both apologized when we learned of them.

When Democrats published those comments after I won the Primary Election in 2018, Republican state and national leaders repeated Democrat claims that these comments proved I was a bigot.  They publicly withdrew all support for my campaign.
Yet I almost won without them.  I got 116,000 votes or 46% of the vote against an experienced and well-known State Senator.  I did raised only $300,000 and was outspent 8 to 1.  I did better than other GOP candidates backed by national leaders.
Republican leaders need to learn that if they want to win elections, they need candidates who speak openly and honestly about the issues that matter most to voters.
They need to remember that politics, like all contact sports, requires skills that can only be learned through practice.  And that means making mistakes.
Democrats understand this.  Democrats stay loyal to their candidates who make far worse mistakes.  That is why they end up with smarter and tougher candidates.
Meanwhile, Republicans stupidly cut their best players for making rookie mistakes when they were rookies!
The best way GOP leaders can learn and get smarter is for good candidates like Ted Howze win without them.


Seth Grossman is a former Atlantic City Councilman and Atlantic County Freeholder, congressional candidate, lawyer, and indefatigable champion of liberty.  He runs the group Liberty & Prosperity.

"At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is 'not done' to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was 'not done' to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals."

(George Orwell, aka Eric Blair)

Quoted by Chris Hedges, in his bestseller, “Death of the Liberal Class" (2010).

Democrat Suleiman’s racialist comment about “GOP base”

Atlantic County Democrat Party Chairman Michael Suleiman today issued a press statement in which he made racialist comments about the “GOP base”.  Suleiman said:  “They (the GOP) never miss an opportunity to not stand up to their base.” 

What does Suleiman mean by the “GOP base”?

Does he mean “property taxpayers”?

Maybe he means “religious Christians and Jews”?

Or the “unionized working class” that his own party once represented?

Or is he making a snide reference to “white Christians”?

Suleiman needs to explain himself because he holds a taxpayer-funded patronage job and some of the people he might be disparaging pay his very generous salary, benefits, and perks.  In March 2018, the Democrats gave Suleiman a public job as the lobbyist for the South Jersey Transportation Authority.

While the Democrats cut school funding across New Jersey, guys like Suleiman get paid.  Of course, Suleiman supports Murphy’s illegal Sanctuary State scheme that bullies law enforcement into ignoring the findings of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission).

Suleiman is a made member of a corrupt political machine.  He would support a horseshoe crab for office if his party told him to.  Suleiman’s Twitter page is filled with selfies featuring the love-struck Suleiman with Hillary Clinton, Phil Murphy, and Cory Booker.  Talk about having some explaining to do – we’re surprised this moron didn’t feature panegyrics to Jeff Epstein and Al Alvarez. 

Oh, and we wonder what Suleiman thinks about this stunt by Cory Booker…


While attacking taxpayer advocate Seth Grossman, Suleiman ignored this anti-Jewish prank by Cory Booker.  What does Suleiman have against taxpayers like Grossman?

But wait… in his statement, Suleiman compounds his racialism by making ethnic (and racial) assumptions about who comes into the United States illegally. He makes the claim that it is “race-baiting” to oppose illegal immigration.  That is a horrible generalization.  The term “illegal” does not denote a racial or ethnic group.

For Suleiman’s information of the 707,265 LEGAL immigrants who became LEGAL naturalized American citizens in 2017, 17 percent were from Mexico (118,559), followed by 7 percent from India (50,802), 5 percent each from China (37,674) and the Philippines (36,828), and about 4 percent each from the Dominican Republic (29,734) and Cuba (25,961).  Nationals of these six countries accounted for 42 percent of all naturalizations.  Other leading countries of origin included Vietnam (19,323 or 3 percent), El Salvador (16,941, 2 percent), Colombia (16,184, 2 percent), and Jamaica (15,087, 2 percent).

In common with many Democrats, Michael Suleiman uses race as a measurement for every human interaction.  People who do this – who think in terms of “people of color” – are called racialistsWikipedia notes that “Racialism is the belief that the human species is naturally divided into races, that are ostensibly distinct biological categories.”

The philosopher W.E.B. DuBois argued that racialism was merely the philosophical position that races existed, and that collective differences existed among such categories.  DuBois held that racialism was a value-neutral term and differed from racism in that the latter required advancing the argument that one race is superior to other races of human beings.

But science has largely erased such arguments.  Aside from some genetic correlations in the incidence of diseases in this subset or that, the idea of “racial identity” that is forced down every American child’s throat, that haunts our society in everything from census forms to employment applications, is entirely a political construct.  The American idea of “race” is nonsense and calling people “racist” is a nonsense game.  The actor Morgan Freeman got it right…

The Democrats’ insistence on the primacy of race is an inverted return to their past.  Like then, Democrats today are obsessed with what measure of blood from this group or that flows through someone’s veins.  They seem to forget that our blood – the blood of our common humanity – is categorized, not in terms like Black or White or “of color” or “not of color” – but as O, A, B, and AB.

The Democrats need to end their obsession… and embrace humanity.

Seth Grossman has the guts to stand up for Kate Smith

Say what you will about him – and some of us who write for this website have had occasion to disagree with him – but Seth Grossman has the guts and integrity to stand up to the caterwauling of modern-day Inspector Javerts who obsessively want to hunt down and punish any human being – dead or living – who they believe does not live up to the fashions of their moment.  Grossman, who runs the free market group Liberty and Prosperity, recently wrote:

There was nothing racist in any of the 3,000 songs by Kate Smith. To suggest or assume otherwise is ignorant, hateful, or both. Two songs in question, like those of Gershwin's "Porgy & Bess" and Hammerstein/Kern's "Showboat" raised awareness of the oppression of blacks a South run by white. At the time, most blacks voted Republican & threatened Democratic political machines as they moved north during the "Great Migration". Democrats used racist movies like "Birth of a Nation" in 1915 to demonize blacks, revive the KKK, suppress black voters, and win the 1916 elections. Tragically, they succeeded. During the 1920s & 1930s, young artists like 24 year old Kate Smith, Paul Robeson and others used these songs to undo that damage by humanizing blacks and raising awareness of their situation.

Grossman is correct.  Kate Smith and Paul Robeson used satire to make their point.  We wonder what some future Inspector Javerts will make of this effort at satire by the comedian Russell Brand…

Will he be exhumed and placed on trial before the fashion judges of some future moment?  Is he ready for trial even now?  Time will tell. 

Sabrin pummels young Dem on taxes. Grossman weighs in on Kate Smith

When a young Democrat suggested that a frustrated property taxpayer was wrong for pulling up stakes and leaving the Garden State, libertarian stalwart Murray Sabrin, a finance professor at Ramapo College beat him about the head (rhetorically) with a large dose of economic reality.  Here’s what Sabrin had to say:

In a guest column millennial entrepreneur and Kinnelon Board of Education member Jason DeAlessi criticizes a previous guest columnist who explained why he is leaving New Jersey for Pennsylvania where taxes are lower.

DeAlessi’s criticism reflects the prevailing collectivist ideology that has been embraced by individuals from all generations who believe: “From each according to his ability to each according to his needs.” If this sounds familiar it should, because it is the foundation of Karl Marx’s vision for the world.

DeAlessi makes the egregious assertion that successful people should be the “cash cows” for social welfare spending. This is the heart of the rationale for all taxes in contemporary America. Taxes have become the prime vehicle for politicians to “buy” the votes of the public who believe the redistribution of income will make them better off and not have any negative consequences for the economy.

The millennial critic of anyone who does not want to pay exorbitant taxes states: “But year after year, the value of your stock portfolio, IRA, and 401K goes up – on the backs of your fellow hard-working New Jerseyans.” This is not only false but defamatory. People earn their money by providing goods and services in the marketplace. In other words, they improve living standards for those who buy their produces and use their services. Entrepreneurs like DeAlessi are dependent on customers who value their services and pay their employees a wage or salary reflecting their value to the firm. This how a free market economy works.

Finally, an analogy should lay to rest the notion that people should stay in New Jersey despite the high taxes. If a slave owner prior to the Civil War decried the escape of slaves from his plantation with the assertion that their labor is needed to keep the plantation functioning, anyone who values individual liberty would consider that an outrageous assertion. Slavery being the most egregious involuntary relationship is no different than taxation, which is the modern equivalent of “slavery.” Why? Both slavery and taxation abuse and individual’s right to liberty.

In short, escaping a slave plantation and leaving a high tax state are not “selfish.” They are noble actions to be free and have more freedom over one’s income and wealth.

You can read more by Professor Sabrin at his blog…

Meanwhile, former Atlantic County Freeholder Seth Grossman is kicking some socialist ass of his own.  In an email blast earlier today, Grossman wrote: 

Last year, Stockton University lied about its namesake Richard Stockton and removed his statue.   Last week, the same "progressive" mob lied about Kate Smith, and bullied the Philadelphia Flyers into covering her statue, and taking away her song.   Today, they took away her statue.
Details at
This did not happen overnight.   This is the latest result of 50 years of people who hate our country, our freedom, and our independence using our public schools and colleges to lie to our children.

Richard Stockton and his family dedicated their lives to ending slavery in America.   Yet Stockton University professors falsely taught its students that he and his family were racists because they temporarily owned some slaves while in the process of giving them educations and preparing them to live on their own.  The real reason Stockton professors hate Richard Stockton is that they hate the Declaration of Independence he signed, and the America based on limited government and individual rights that he helped create.

Kate Smith introduced America to Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” at a time when it was needed most.   But our schools and colleges are now teach the lie that she was a racist because the perfectly acceptable language she used 86 years ago is now considered offensive by some.

Get the facts on what is going on, and what we can do about it.

Few people in America have more knowledge on this subject than Dr. Duke Pesta.   One of our members, Steve Jones will host a workshop and discussion featuring Dr. Pesta’s latest video presentation this Wednesday, April 24, at the Shore Diner in Egg Harbor Township.

Topic:  Campus Carnage:  Moral Chaos and Indoctrination in the University.
Video Presentation by Dr. Duke Pesta
This Wednesday, 7pm at Shore Diner
6710 Tilton Road (corner of Fire Road near Parkway Exit 36)
Egg Harbor Township, NJ  08234

No charge, but please order and pay for dinner off the menu and tip your server.
Please RSVP with Steve Jones at  Or leave a message at (609) 927-7333. Feel free to contact him for details.    Thanks.
Seth Grossman, Executive Director
453 Shore Road
Somers Point, NJ  08244
(609) 927-7333

Seth Grossman on why the “Convention of the States” should concern us.

Our U.S. Constitution provides two methods to amend or change it. They are both found in Article V.   One is for 2/3 of both houses of Congress to propose amendments.   The other is for 2/3 of the State Legislatures to "call a Convention for proposing Amendments".  Amendments proposed by either method become effective "when ratified by the Legislatures of 3/4 of the states by Conventions in 3/4 thereof".

Our Constitution was amended 18 times since it was first adopted in 1787.   The first ten amendments were adopted together as our "Bill of Rights" in 1791.   It was then amended 17 times during the next 227 years.  Each of those 27 amendments was proposed by 2/3 of both houses of Congress.  So far, the states never called a "Convention of States" or "Constitutional Convention" to amend our Constitution.

During the past few years, several well known conservatives proposed a "Convention of States" (Constitutional Convention) to amend or change our Constitution.  They claim that such a convention can propose amendments with good ideas like term limits and limits on borrowing and spending. 

However,  Communists, socialists, and "progressive" Democrats also want to change our Constitution.   They are proposing many bad ideas.  They want to get rid of the First Amendment so that "hate speech" (speech by anyone who disagrees with them) can be punished like it is in Europe, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.  They want to get rid of the 2d Amendment and outlaw all private gun ownership.    They want to get rid of the 10th Amendment that limits the power of the federal government.  They want to get rid of the Electoral College so a handful of big, socialist "sanctuary states" like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey can pick all future Presidents.

If we have a "Convention of States" to propose changes to our Constitution, who would control it?  Whose proposed amendments would come out of it?   Even if 3/4 of all states fail to ratify bad amendments, there will be enormous pressure to change the ratification process if the big socialist states with a majority of the population support them.    Look at how they are already undermining  the  Electoral College!

Since 2014, Legislatures in 29 states adopted resolutions calling for a "Convention of States" to change our Constitution. There will be a Constitutional Convention if 2/3 (34) or just 5 more states adopt the resolution.

Most conservatives agree that America was great when our Constitution was understood, respected, and enforced as written.   We also agree that most Senators, Members of Congress, Judges, and State and Local Officials today routinely ignore and violate our Constitution.   Why not work to elect officials who will  "preserve, protect, and defend" our Constitution?   If those officials ignore the clear written language of the Constitution we have now, why would they respect and comply with a different Constitution?

Last year, our organization voted overwhelmingly to oppose any "Convention of States".  However, during the past few breakfasts, several guests and members asked us to talk about this issue again.

For that reason, we are having a special two hour breakfast program on the Convention of States Issue this Saturday, March 23.  We will begin at our regular 9:30AM time.   There will be special video presentations and speakers during the first hour moderated by Steve Jones.     There will be an optional Question and Answer session and discussion for those who wish to stay during the next hour. from 10:30AM to 11:30AM.

If you like our work, please support us with a tax deductible donation or be a $30 per year supporting member.   Pay online at, or at any Saturday Breakfast Discussion.   Or mail or drop off your check at our Somers Point office.   Thanks!

For More Information contact:

Seth Grossman, Executive Director

Learn how a South Jersey Tea Party group took control of their local government

Stafford's "Tea Party" Took Control of Local Government Last November.  Last Week, They Ousted Establishment's Local Republican Club.  Learn How They Did It.

Stafford Township at Parkway Exit 63 has 26,000 residents.  It includes Manahawkin and Beach Haven West.  In 2010, a handful of conservatives including Mike Mazzucca, Tom Steadman, Eric Libenschek, Steve Jeffries, and Greg Myhre formed a Tea Party Group there. After being ignored and ridiculed by local and county GOP officials, they organized and worked.

They raised money, they ran for public office.  They did not run and lose as "independents".  They instead joined an existing party, and used Primary Elections to take it over.   In 2015, they lost by less than 100 votes, but they did not give up.  They stayed active for the next 3 years and ran again last June.  They formed a column on the ballot with U.S. Senate and House candidates Brian Goldberg and Seth Grossman called “Ocean County MAGA Republicans”.   They won “Column A” in the ballot position lottery.

These “MAGA Republicans” won last June.  Then they beat the Democrats (and sore loser Republicans who backed them) in November.  This week, this former “Tea Party” group was recognized by Ocean County GOP leaders as the official local Republican Club in Stafford Township.  The local Establishment Republican Club that opposed them to the bitter end was ousted.

Seth Grossman is Guest Hosting for John DeMasi tomorrow, Saturday March 16 on WPGG Radio.  DeMasi's “Talk With a Purpose” is 3 hours of live 2-Way Talk Radio from 9AM to 12 Noon.  Learn about how the Stafford Tea Party took over their local government.  WPGG Radio is heard in most of South Jersey at 1450AM and 104.1FM.  Or anywhere online at

Who Remembered Abe Lincoln's Birthday Last Tuesday?


In 1968, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson and a Democrat super majority in Congress adopted the "Uniform Monday Holiday Law". They eliminated Washington’s February 22d birthday as a national holiday. They ignored Abraham Lincoln’s February 12th birthday.   They replaced it with a new “President’s Day”.

Few noticed at the time.  The country was still in shock over recent murders of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. We were afraid of Communist trained and inspired radicals who were robbing banks, setting off bombs, murdering police officers, and starting riots that burned and looted stores in dozens of cities. (Just a few years later, many of those radicals got jobs in government, colleges, public schools, newspapers, TV, and Hollywood.  Today, most hold senior management positions there.Two of them, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn later became mentors to Barack Obama when he began is career in politics.)
With so much going on, why was it so important for Democrats to eliminate national holidays for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln?  The new federal holiday had no theme or purpose other than giving government employees a guaranteed three day weekend in February. However, it did erase George Washington and Abraham Lincoln from our national memory.
Several years ago, a study by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) found that only 9 percent of fourth graders could correctly identify a photograph of Abraham Lincoln and state two reasons for his importance.

Click here for rest of post.

Seth Grossman on Harry Hurley Radio Program:  Tomorrow, Friday, Feb 15 at 7:05 AM:  WPG TALK RADIO 104.1 FM, 1450 AM & 97.3 FM HD3.  On-Air Call-In Number (609) 407-1450

Streaming Live Audio at:
WPG Talk Radio App

PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FEBRUARY FUNDRAISING DRIVE, EVEN IF YOU CANNOT MEET US IN SOMERS POINT THIS SUNDAY, FEB 17.   Please donate or be a $30 supporting member if you cannot attend.


Immigration Expert Michael Cutler is the Speaker.  Gregory’s Restaurant, 900 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ.  Ample Free Parking.   Full buffet, cash bar 1pm to 3pm.

Tickets $75 for one and $100 for two. Pay online by sending the appropriate amount. Or mail/bring check to LibertyAndProsperity, 453 Shore Rd, Somers Point, NJ 08244 or bring to 9:30AM  breakfast this Saturday at Shore Diner. Call (609) 927-7333 or email or for questions or details. 

Michael Cutler’s Message is Important:  Open Borders are more dangerous and evil than you think.   They do more than give Democrats millions of new, reliable and uninformed and dependent voters.   They do more than give big corporations cheap and compliant labor. 

Open borders are wiping out America’s strong, prosperous, and independent middle class.  For nearly 400 years, America's middle class preserved freedom, limited Constitutional government, and individual rights against mobs, elites, and tyrants here in the U.S. and throughout the world. 


Please be a supporting member of   Dues are $30 per year, and give you access to all email updates, materials, use of our library, and the right to participate in our monthly business meetings.  Please apply by paying $30 online at, bring payment to any Saturday morning breakfast, or send you payment to Liberty and Prosperity 1776, Inc. to our office at 453 Shore Road, Somers Point, NJ  08244.  Call (609) 927-7333 for details
Change of Plan for Special Limited Seating Breakfast With Michael Cutler:   Sunday, February 17at 11 AM  before the 1pm reception on Sunday, February 17.  New Location:   Banquet Room of Sal’s Coal Fired Pizza, 501 New Road (Route 9 & Groveland Ave), Somers Point.  New Price:  $250 per person.  Pay online or mail check to LibertyAndProsperity, 453 Shore Rd, Somers Point, NJ 08244 or bring to any Saturday breakfast. Call (609) 927-7333 or use my personal email of for details.   Thanks.

We also invite you to forward this email to your friends, family, and co-workers, and invite others to join and support us.  You can also follow us on Liberty and Prosperity Facebook and @LandP1776 Twitter.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director
453 Shore Road
Somers Point, NJ  08244
(609) 927-7333

Copyright © 2019 Seth Grossman, All rights reserved. 
You are getting this email because either I or another member of a group I was involved with talked to you about NJ politics or worked together on one or more political campaigns during the past 20 years. If you do not want to receive further emails from me, please let me know by "reply" email, or click the "unsubscribe" link. Thanks. 

Our mailing address is: 
Seth Grossman

453 Shore Road

Somers Point, NJ 08244
Add us to your address book

Is Media Matters’ depiction of Seth Grossman anti-Semitic?

By Rubashov

Eric Hananoki is a DC-based, DC-educated opposition researcher and writer for Media Matters – a leftwing organization that supplements the Democrat Party with attacks on its Republican opponents.  Mr. Hananoki is a good writer – very readable, entertaining, biased in the extreme, but you expect that from an outfit like Media Matters.  He serves his masters, which can be a compromise on his art.  It’s an old story well detailed by Cyril Connelly in his “Enemies of Promise.”

So much for the writer, who posted a rather crushing story today on the campaign of Seth Grossman.  A Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s 2nd District.  A longtime Libertarian from Atlantic City, Grossman was an eccentric member when he served in county and local government. 

Seth Grossman can be described as the Kinky Friedman of New Jersey – sometimes a strict constitutionalist, at others espousing a hippy individualism.  Grossman has argued for legal drugs and prostitution, said the State should default on its debt, and has given speeches in which he’s fondly recalled the days when the mob ran his home town.  Grossman has that kind of shoot-from-the-hip, radical honesty you almost never find in politics.

Yes my comrades, people love to be lied to – especially liberals – who lack that shitty exterior many conservatives develop.  “That’s not piss… it’s dew,” they advise us, as they skip from rationalized disappointment to the dawn of new and more hopeful disappointments. 

But honesty can be entertaining.  It can even be art.  Maybe a transgressive form, but still art, and we think a writer like Eric Hananoki – one day, when he’s ditched his current paymasters – one day, will get that about Kinky Grossman.

Not so the editor for Media Matters who selected the photo of Grossman for the story.  Whoever choose that picture read the name “Grossman” and went right for caricature.  He or she has the same ham-fisted touch as those propagandists who did “The Eternal Jew” for Joseph Goebbels in 1940 – and who made it too over-the-top for even him.

So careful now Mr. Hananoki.  You don’t want to get mixed up with a group of anti-Semites.  We thought we were done with them after they put out the last fire in Berlin, but who would have thought they’d be back – and so many, Left and Right.  Perhaps we’re too liberal in our expectations?  A conservative would have expected mankind to neglect the past, to unlearn it and forget.  Stupid, stupid, stupid, but we always do… until the times comes and there’s a great re-learning thrust upon us.

Take care now, Mr. Hananoki.  Mind the company you keep.

Once, we had open & honest conversations about important issues

When America Was Great Before, We Had Open & Honest Conversations on Important Issues.

For the last 40 years, I wrote and published thousands of articles and comments about important and controversial issues.  I did it to make people aware of important issues that affected their lives.  Not everyone agreed with me all the time.  However, I was trusted and respected by all segments of the community as a lawyer, elected official, radio talk-show host, guest columnist, adjunct college professor, and executive director of 
All that changed five weeks ago.  That was when I won the Primary Election, and became the Republican candidate for Congress in South Jersey.   Now, Democrats all over the country are falsely calling me a hater, racist and bigot.

America's culture of free and open discussion on public issues started long before the First Amendment to our Constitution.  Back in 1731, Benjamin Franklin wrote:  “If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed”.  

Franklin also wrote:  “When men differ in opinion, both sides ought equally to have the advantage of being heard by the public.   When Truth and Error have fair play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter”. 

When America was great, Americans freely and openly voiced their opinions on public issues.   They also respected others, even when they disagreed.  Back then, Americans got smarter by learning from each other.

Today, far too many Americans are afraid to openly express their opinions for fear of losing friends, customers, or their jobs.   Too many Americans use arguments to ridicule or bully those who disagree.  Too many Americans blame others for problems, while doing nothing to work with others to fix those problems. 

Two of our biggest problems today involve race and immigration.   Those are problems that few people dare to discuss openly.   These are problems that are getting worse every year.

I am running for Congress, because I think Democratic Party politics made problems in our cities worse during the past 50 years.   I think Republican President Donald Trump is taking a different approach, and making things better.   Record numbers of blacks and Hispanics are working again   I think we can make even more progress if we  honestly talk about what worked and didn't work in the past and what we should do and not do in the future. 
This week, I plan to discuss these topics at the following three forums:.

This evening, Tuesday, July 10, at 7pm:   Atlantic City Republican Club.  Choice Bar and Grill, 470 North Albany Ave. (Route 322), Atlantic City, NJ.

Thursday, July 12 at 7pm:   Civil Discourse Forum on Immigration.  Bethany Grace Community Church, 31 N. Pearl Street, Bridgeton, NJ   (The admission fee for the forum is a non-perishable food item to be distributed at the church’s food pantry program for the public. The forum is open to the public, but advance registration is required and seating is limited.  Register online at: 

Saturday, July 14 at 7:15AM to 8:00AM.   Radio Interview with Seth Grossman.  WVLT 92.1FM Radio. Heard in most of South Jersey from 7:15AM to 8AM.  (I will be the first guest on the “Bob and Steve Show” which begins that day). 

For more information, visit GrossmanforCongress.comGrossmanforCongress Facebook, and @Grossman4NJ on Twitter.   Please “like” and “share”.   Thanks!

Seth Grossman
453 Shore Road
Somers Point, NJ  08244
(609) 927-7333

Van Drew supported Obama despite Rev. Wright?

Remember “The Day of the Jackal”?  Yesterday was “The Day of the Ass Clown”.

It was the day that some national Republicans withdrew their support from a Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s District Two, because four years ago that candidate reposted an article, that he claims came from an African-American Congressman, but that was linked back to a “white supremacist website.”

Okay, fair enough, but here’s the Ass Clown bit.  The Congressional campaign of Democrat Jeff Van Drew, currently a state senator, chastised the national Republicans for waiting so long.  Van Drew's chief-of-hand, Michael Muller, wondered what took the NRCC so long.

"It's been 29 days since the media first broke the story of Seth Grossman's hateful rhetoric," Muller said.  "If the NRCC had done a cursory Google search, or even visited their chosen candidate's website or Facebook page, they'd know what most voters in South Jersey already know.  Seth Grossman is unhinged and unfit for office."

Could it be that the handjob in question simply doesn’t understand the ways of cranky old Jewish guys?  Hey, we’d be the first to admit that Seth Grossman is the kind of radically honest guy who doesn’t give a damn what he says or who he says it to.  Yes, that is kind of the antithesis of those politicians – like Van Drew – who never leave an ass unkissed (but then screw them all over anyway).

But “unhinged and unfit”?  That sounds like ageism to us.  Just how old is this Michael Muller anyway? 

Question #1 for the candidate (or the handjob, for that matter):  “If cranky old Seth Grossman is “unhinged and unfit” then what is that newly minted Democrat nominee from New York, the lovely Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14).  The self-described “millennial socialist” wants to abolish all border controls and border security – get rid of the ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) and let the illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, human trafficking, and the sexual trafficking of children just flow across the border without a hitch.

Now Messrs. Van Drew and Hand… is what your fellow Democrat advocating “unhinged and unfit”? 

Don’t ask us to down her… we think she’s cute as a button.  And we can’t wait until she’s in your caucus.  Heck, hand her a committee.  It will be a blast!

Now for Question #2.  Well, there’s no time like the present, and it has been some time, but we are wondering when Jeff Van Drew (aka “the dragon lizard”) will ever get around to condemning now former President Barack Obama for seeking out and attending sermons delivered by that notorious hater, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. 

Here are a few of the nicer quotes dropped by the man who the Democrat President called his “mentor”:

“Them Jews aren't going to let (Obama) talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is.”

“White folk done took this country. You're in their home, and they're gonna let you know it. You are not now, nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be a brother to white folk and if you do not realize that, you are in serious trouble.”

“The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.”

“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”

“(The United States) is the same as al-Qaeda, under a different color flag, calling on the name a different God to sanction and approve our murder and our mayhem!”

“No, no, no, not God bless America — God damn America!”

Well, nobody can say that the good Reverend isn’t direct.  But still, as we are talking “unhinged” – would Senator Jeff Van Drew or his chief-of-hand care to call Reverend Jerimiah Wright… “unhinged”?  Would they care to suggest that maybe President Barack Obama was “unfit” for having sought him out for his personal and religious counsel? 

Senator Van Drew… balls?  No balls?  Which is it?

Sabrin & Grossman host important conservative events

Two important upcoming events to place on your agenda.

The Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise presents a talk by William D. Cohan:  "Wall Street: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."


William D. Cohan

November 1, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. in the Trustees Pavilion
Refreshments and Registration 7 p.m.

Please RSVP to or call 201.684.7373.

William D. Cohan, a former senior Wall Street M&A investment

William D. Cohan, a former senior Wall Street M&A investment banker for 17 years at Lazard Frères & Co., Merrill Lynch and JPMorganChase, is the New York Times bestselling author of three non-fiction narratives about Wall Street: Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World; House of Cards: A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street; and, The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Frères & Co., the winner of the 2007 FT/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award. His book, The Price of Silence, about the Duke lacrosse scandal was published in April 2014 and was also a New York Times bestseller. His new book, Why Wall Street Matters, was published by Random House in February 2017. He is a special correspondent at Vanity Fair and a columnist for the DealBook section of the New York Times. He also writes for The Financial Times, The New York Times, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Atlantic, The Nation, Fortune, and Politico. He previously wrote a bi-weekly opinion column for The New York Times and an opinion column for BloombergView. He also appears regularly on CNN, on Bloomberg TV, where he is a contributing editor, on MSNBC and the BBC-TV. He has also appeared three times as a guest on the Daily Show, with Jon Stewart, The NewsHour, The Charlie Rose Show, The Tavis Smiley Show, and CBS This Morning as well as on numerous NPR, BBC and Bloomberg radio programs. He is a graduate of Phillips Academy, Duke University, Columbia University School of Journalism and the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. He grew up in Worcester, Massachusetts and now lives in New York City with his wife and two sons.

This event has been made possible by The Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise.

Liberty & Prosperity is hosting a discussion on "Fake News" tomorrow evening, October 25th, at the Shore Diner:

Special video "Behind the Big News"  with discussion hosted by Steve Jones tomorrow, Wednesday, October 25 at 7PM to 8:30 pm.  Location:  Shore Diner, 6710 Tilton Road, Egg Harbor Twp, NJ (By Parkway Exit #36 Northfield)
No Admission, but please order dinner off menu as Shore Diner is not charging for the room.  This video examines "fake news" and collusion between leading media executives and personalities, and government officials, donors, and lobbyists tied to Bush Republicans and Clinton Democrats.   For more information, please contact Steve Jones at 609-616-5321 or

Seth Grossman, former Atlantic County Freeholder and founder of Liberty & Prosperity, provides his insights on the upcoming election and especially the ballot questions at

Steve Jones is leading a truth crusade in South Jersey

Steve Jones, a member of former Atlantic County Freeholder Seth Grossman's Liberty & Prosperity organization, is leading an effort to bring balance to political debate in the media.  His two latest targets are described below:


Almost every month, the so-called "Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) targets and destroys the reputation of at least one caring, loving, smart, educated, tolerant, and law-abiding American--or worthwhile group--who dares to organize and speak out against Obama/Clinton Democrats and their radical, hate-America agendas.  Often, SPLC does it by inventing the most outrageous lies, and then getting them published, or broadcast by "mainstream" newspapers and TV stations, and relied on by schools and colleges.

Of course, upon closer examination we find that these white-collar, buttoned-down "radicals" are really no more than corporate-funded puppets designed to make Americans conform to the "happy face" agenda of globalist slavery.  SPLC's corporate paymasters hate the American ideal of individualist freedom.  In the words of the great George Carlin, they are looking for "obedient workers" with sub-standard educations, who think, live, and eat how they are told.  SPLC is funded by some of the worst corporations in the world -- like Apple, 21st Century Fox, MGM Resorts, JP Morgan, Uber, and others.  Yeah, Uber, now wouldn't we all want a boss like that?

Steve Jones is becoming a great resource on these globalist shills.  To find out how to identify and expose their lies and dirty tricks--and shut off their funding -- check this short video:

Or you can contact Steve Jones directly at  

Liberty & Prosperity supports our Local Police. 

Steve Jones is also running discussions on the current anti-police fervor in some quarters of the United States and the reasons why.  Jones holds that "most riots, protests, and often frivolous lawsuits and even criminal charges are against police officers who did nothing more than enforce the law and protect life and property in very dangerous and difficult situations."  He makes the point that"very few protests and riots are justified or spontaneous. "  In Jones' view, these riots "are carefully planned, designed, and funded as part of a plan to replace local police loyal to their communities with a highly political federal police force." 

For more details, contact Liberty & Prosperity at or please visit their website at, or the Liberty And Prosperity Facebook Page.

Help Liberty & Prosperity at Stockton University

seth grossman.jpg

Here is a message from Seth Grossman, former Atlantic County Freeholder and one of the state's most outspoken and indefatigable libertarians.  Seth and his organization, Liberty & Prosperity, are taking the battle to Stockton University and signing up the next generation of conservative leaders.


Please help us at Stockton!

Tomorrow and Wednesday, Sep 19 and 20.

Any time between 10 am and 4pm.  Meet us at Table #24 at F Wing Atrium (outside library).

We need to talk to students about at Stockton's "Get Involved Fair".

Stockton University spends lots of time and money for students to “get involved”  with off-campus “community service agencies”.

Tomorrow, September 19,  and Wednesday, September 20, we and 30 other off-campus groups will be at tables set up in the F Wing Atrium (outside library) of the Stockton campus to meet students.    We will be there from 10 am to 4pm.   We need your help to hand out postcards, bring students to our table, and persuade them to sign up for our email updates and meetings on campus.

Stockton University is by Jimmie Leeds Road in Galloway Township between Exits 41 and 44 of Garden State Parkway.

More than half of the other 30 groups directly or indirectly promote the “democratic socialist”, Obama/Clinton Democrat political agenda.

Some falsely blame “capitalism” and “racism” for poverty and “income inequality” in America.   They suggest that those who work hard to live a comfortable, middle-class life should feel guilty about their “white privilege”.

Some demand “safe spaces”, special funding and all sorts of special privileges for certain “politically correct” groups of “victims” who they falsely claim are unfairly treated by a hateful, intolerant, and unjust America.

Other groups falsely blame America for “climate change” and even hurricanes!   They promote “green” energy projects that do little or nothing to affect climate, but do a whole lot to kill jobs, triple electric bills, jack-up heating bills,  and make Americans miserable and poor.

  Although Stockton claims to embrace “diversity”, we are the only group on campus that openly offers students different points of view.

We alone explain how America was “conceived in liberty” on July 4, 1776 when our Declaration of Independence held these truths to be “self-evident”:

“We are all created equal.  We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.  Among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  To secure these rights, governments are instituted among us, exercising their just powers from the consent of the governed”.

We alone explain that although Stockton University displays a giant mural of that Declaration of Independence outside the Campus Center, that mural is designed so that it is nearly impossible to read those self-evident truths.

We agree that America is not perfect.  However, we remind Stockton students that when Americans understood and respected our Constitution and those founding principles of liberty, America brought more wealth, opportunity, and justice to more people than any other nation in history.   We explain that this is the meaning of New Jersey’s motto “Liberty and Prosperity” since 1776.

We alone point out that earth’s climate has constantly been changing for billions of years.  We remind students that half of New Jersey was covered with giant ice sheets until “global warming” began more than 10,000 years ago.

Our goal tomorrow and Wednesday is to persuade 10 Stockton students to sign our Liberty and Prosperity Club roster.    If we succeed,  we will be recognized as an official Stockton student club.   This will give us funding and access to Stockton’s meeting rooms, bulletin boards, and TV monitors.

If you can join us on campus tomorrow or Wednesday, please contact Seth Grossman at or (609) 927-7333.

For more information, please also visit, Liberty and Prosperity Facebook page, and

If you cannot be with us on campus this week, please forward this email to any Stockton student you know -- or the family of any student.   If you know a student who may be interested, please let us know so we can contact that student.

We also have scholarship and stipend money for students who help us deliver our message on campus.

Thank you for your support.

Seth Grossman

453 Shore Road

Somers Point, NJ08244

(609) 927-7333

Seth Grossman stands up for Tom MacArthur

Seth Grossman, one of the state's foremost libertarian-conservative leaders, has come to the defense of Congressman Tom MacArthur.  Seth, who some at Jersey Conservative have had policy differences with, particularly on social issues, has made a well-reasoned argument in support of the Congressman:

Two months ago, Republican leaders in Congress (including South Jersey Congressman Frank LoBiondo) met in secret and tried to ram though an Obamacare replacement that was just as bad as Obamacare.   They were stopped only by the determined opposition of some three dozen conservative Congress members known as “The Freedom Caucus”.    

For weeks, it looked like no repeal of Obamacare was possible.   That was when our own Republican Congressman Tom MacArthur of Ocean/Burlington County stepped forward and became a game-changer. 

Tom MacArthur reached out to conservatives in the Freedom Caucus and found common ground with Republican moderates.   MacArthur almost single handedly worked out the compromise that includes some very good conservative ideas.  If Republicans in the Senate do their part, MacArthur’s bill can bring free markets, competition, better care, and lower prices back to our health care system. 

The Republican Establishment is now punishing MacArthur for doing the right thing.  Earlier this week, they forced MacArthur out of the “Tuesday Group”– some 40 “moderate” Republicans who include anti-conservative NJ Republican Congressmen like Leonard Lance, Frank LoBiondo, and Chris Smith. These “Tuesday Group” Republicans are generously funded by “the swamp” that Trump promised to drain.  

It is not enough to just criticize and politicians when they oppose us.  We must also thank, support, and help officials when they do the right thing--even when they are not Constitutional or conservative on some other issues.   That is why every conservative in New Jersey should now publicly thank and support Republican Congressman Tom MacArthur. 

The compromise package he put together is not the simple and complete repeal we favored.   However, it is much better than what we have now.  It also gives President Trump and the states new power to restore individual choices and costs in the future.    Finally, it also won recognition and respect for conservative, Freedom Caucus members who are too often ignored or marginalized by Establishment Republicans.

Please contact Tom MacArthur's office and thank him yourself.  Please visit is webpage for contact information at 

Also, please forward copy, paste, email, “like” and “share” this post with everyone you know in MacArthur’s district of Ocean and Burlington Counties.  Please do it every way you can. 

Please post your support in the comments section of newspapers like the Asbury Park Press at     You can submit a letter of 200 words or less for publication there to

For more information or help, please contact me at or at (609) 927-7333. 

And let's talk more about it over breakfast.   This and every Saturday morning at the Shore Diner, 6710 Tilton Road, Egg Harbor Township/Northfield, NJ.   Thanks.

Seth, who is supporting Jack Ciattarelli for Governor, has some insights into the upcoming Republican gubernatorial primary on June 6th.  It must be noted that some of our contributors here at Jersey Conservative are supporters of Pro-Life, pro-Second Amendment candidate Steve Rogers.

This is what Seth has to say:

The Governor's Race:   Conservatives have no interest in who gets the Democratic nomination this year.   At the debates, all Democratic candidates agreed, "We are all progressives!".   Here is the latest Stockton University poll for June 6 Republican primary:  
Kim Guadagno:   37%
UNDECIDED:        31%
Jack Ciattarelli:    18%
Steven Rogers:      4%
Joseph Rullo:         3%
Hirsh Singh:           3% 

Republicans have 12 days to stop this trainwreck.  Guadagno is tied to a very unpopular Christie. She also improperly let top officials collect both salaries and state pensions as Monmouth County Sheriff.  Many local Republican officials privately worry that Guardagno will be an anchor around the neck of every Republican candidate in Atlantic County this November. But they publicly support her.

Polls eight years ago showed only 11% of Republicans undecided in the primary battle between Chris Christie and conservative Steve Lonegan. Today, 31% are undecided. That is more than enough to tip the election to conservative Jack Ciattarelli.   

However, this poll indicates that there are not enough undecided voters to elect Rogers, Rullo, or Singh.   The only way Ciattarelli can defeat Guadagno is if most undecideds and some Rogers/Rullo/Singh supporters switch to conservative Ciattarelli.  

 Seth Grossman, Executive Director. Liberty and Prosperity

Libertarian Seth Grossman endorses Jack Ciattarelli

Our friend Seth Grossman, President of the citizens' group Liberty & Prosperity and one of the founders of AFP in New Jersey, has made his choice for Governor.  He sent this letter out earlier today:

This year, I am supporting Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli.   In my opinion, Ciattarelli is the only Republican running a serious statewide campaign against Christie’s hand-picked Lieutenant Governor (and accomplice) Kim Guadagno.

I  believe  Ciattarelli is the only candidate willing and able to fix the damage done to Atlantic City and the rest of Atlantic County by Christie during the past eight years.

Christie began his mismanagement of Atlantic City in 2010 during his first month in office.   Christie made a deal with Sweeney Democrats to bail out the failed Revel Casino project with big state tax breaks and $400 million in state government loans.

Christie then worked with Democrats to strip Atlantic City voters of their right to petition for a public vote to block local government loans and tax breaks for the project.

In October 2010, Christie’s state officials took over the finances of Atlantic City government.   They sued Atlantic City for spending more than it collected in violation of the state’s Local Budget Law.  But when the state took over, Christie’s state officials let Atlantic City spend roughly $80 million more than it took in for each of the next seven years.  The state gave this city of 38,000 roughly $600 million of debt.

Things got so bad that by 2016, even casinos could no longer afford the taxes needed for this.    Last year, Christie made another deal with Democrats to give the casinos ten years of tax breaks.   That was on top of the 110 outlet shops and restaurants and 3,500 “affordable” housing units that already paid PILOT (Locals call this "Peanuts In Lieu of Taxes").  Now, everyone else in Atlantic County is facing big tax hikes to make up the difference.

While Kim Guadagno quietly stood by Christie, Jack Ciattarelli stood up and did everything he could to stop Christie.   As an Assemblyman, he spoke up and helped persuade nearly a dozen other Assembly members to vote against this dirty deal supported by bosses of both parties.

Ciattarelli is the only candidate for Governor who spoke in favor of a municipal bankruptcy for Atlantic City.   As an MBA/CPA and incredibly successful business owner, Ciattarelli knows bankruptcy is the only legal way to cut unsustainable debt and taxes.  It is the only way to get an impartial judge to force everyone, including Wall Street investors and casinos to equally share the sacrifice.

We locals know that what happens to New Jersey happens to Atlantic City first.   The same pay-to-play political culture that ruined Atlantic City for all but a handful of insiders,  is causing the same problems all over the New Jersey.

During the next few weeks, I will do everything I can to explain with facts and details why Jack Ciattarelli is the only candidate for Governor with the ability and willingness to address the issues that affect us the most.

The Primary Election is Tuesday, June 6.   Any voter who is either registered as a Republican or who has not yet voted in a June Primary election is qualified to vote for Jack Ciattarelli.  Please email me at or call me (609) 927-7333 if you live near Atlantic City and want to work with me.

Otherwise, please contact Jack Ciattarelli's campaign directly at, through the Jack Ciatterlli for Governor Facebook page, or at (908) 842-2100.

If you were one of the 18,033 (8%) who voted for me against Christie in the June Primary four years ago, I thank you again.  I also invite you to compare how close Jack Ciattarelli and I are on the issues that affect us the most.   Please visit my old campaign website from four years ago at and compare it to what you see on Jack's website today.  I also invite you to visit and "like" my Seth Grossman Facebook page.   Thanks!

Paid for by Seth Grossman, Attorney

as a private citizen not on behalf of any organization.

453 Shore Road

Somers Point, NJ  08244

(609) 927-7333

The Screw card: Who engineered those AFP ratings?

A whistleblower copied us on a letter sent to the Internal Revenue Service, among other organizations.  The letter outlines the on-going collusion between the New Jersey affiliate of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a tax-exempt organization, and legislative staff and political campaign operatives in the creation of the group's so-called "scorecard." 

AFP's scorecard is a rating system that internal memos show has been engineered to benefit individual legislators for various purposes.  For instance, one legislator, Gail Phoebus, recently hired an AFP donor's child to her legislative staff.  For doing so, she received an "A+".  That's taxpayers' money that paid for that grade.

There was corruption evident in each of AFP's scorecards in the past, but this most recent edition -- the release of which was timed to coincide with a major AFP fundraiser hosted by Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean Jr. -- is so corrupt, so convoluted, that it begs description.  Instead of counting actual votes, the "engineers" behind the screw card fashioned a subjective mix of assigned "points" for the effort of proposing legislation -- even if that legislation was never posted for a vote.  That said, in order to injure some legislators and enhance others, co-sponsorship of legislation wasn't given credit  or, on bad bills, deductions.  And even though the rules on the number of sponsors vary in each Chamber, this wasn't taken into account.

Some of the more glaring incidents of corruption:

- Legislation to get rid of the Estate Tax in five years that went nowhere, is marked as a positive.  The legislation that actually did get rid of the Estate Tax in less than two years, is a negative.  Curiously, AFP actually touted the success of the legislation they marked as "negative" in a press release detailing their "legislative successes" for 2016.  In fact, most of the "successes" they used to raise money from their donors came from legislation they marked as "negative."   

- Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26) gets credit for sponsoring legislation (A-1059), while running-mate Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce gets no credit for co-sponsoring the same legislation.

- A bill (ACR-213) proposed by far-left Democrat John Wisniewski (D-19) which would allow voters to over-turn all of Governor Chris Christie's vetoes of anti-Second Amendment legislation passed by the Legislature was rated as a POSITIVE by AFP.  Does that make AFP anti-gun?  It certainly seems so.  On top of this, they assigned credit or blame incorrectly.  For instance, AFP credited Senator Michael Doherty even though he hadn't sponsored a Senate version (none exists).

- Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon (R-13), a candidate for the Senate received an "A+" for his vote on the so-called "gas tax" (actually, the Tax Reform package that included 5 tax cuts as well as the gas tax increase), while Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-13) got an "F" for taking the exact same vote on the "gas tax."

- There was no mention of legislation to spend millions on Planned Parenthood.  Whether this was because of AFP State Chair Frayda Levy's personal position on abortion or the time AFP Executive Director Erica Jedynak (nee Klemens) spent with W.A.N.D. (Women's Action for New Directions) we cannot tell.  Apparently, legislators get no credit for being Pro-Life from AFP.  Neither do they get it for preventing taxpayers' millions from being spent on abortion facilities.

- AFP is apparently hostile to legislation proposed by Senator Steve Oroho, called the Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation Prevention Act.  It appears to fly in the face of what AFP national chair David Koch calls "free trade."

- A great deal of important legislation, like Senate legislation on paid sick leave, was treated as if it didn't exist.  The scores of some legislators, such as Senator Tom Kean Jr., improved dramatically.  Kean, who just a session ago was in the high 50 percentile range, suddenly got an "A"!

-  Of all the hundreds of votes taken in the Legislature, AFP "counted" just nine Assembly votes and six in the Senate -- and one of those they got wrong because they cherry-picked it from a previous session.  In other words, either the ass-monkey can't read a date correctly or somebody really wanted to screw someone.

(Jersey Conservative has some of best legislative watchers in the state and we will be putting together a comprehensive scorecard of the top 100 votes in the Legislature for 2016 in plenty of time for the June primary.  Instead of the subjective contortions used by the Kock organization's screw card, Jersey Conservative will use as our guide, the RNC platform that Chairman Webber so studiously avoided adopting.)

Who was behind the convoluted calculations that appear to damage some for a primary, while creating an advantage for others?  Whose thumb was on the scale?

We have asked this question before, of a different group that issues ratings -- the American Conservative Union (ACU).  When we spoke with their national office last year, they were most cooperative and forthcoming.  They readily informed us that the office of the Senate Republican Leader had assisted them in picking and choosing which votes to highlight. 

Perhaps that was the reason the ACU left out important votes like providing drug-dealers with taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.  Whatever, because it was child's play compared to what just happened over at AFP.

We can't imagine why a Republican Leader or his staff would have anything to do with an organization that went out of its way to crank it up the ass of five of his own incumbent Republican caucus members.  Are they trying to weed out anyone with a spine or just those who have never thought about visiting the Bohemian Grove?  Is this laying the groundwork for a Republican-NJEA alliance for November with the hope that conservatives will keep focused on "the gas tax" long enough to have their guns confiscated and the institution of co-ed high school showers.  Time will tell.

As for AFP, anyone who dips their snout in the toilet bowl with it can be labeled as working with the petroleum lobby, the illegal immigration lobby, the open borders for terrorists lobby, and also with that peculiar brand of Koch libertarianism that sincerely believes children have the rights to recreational narcotics and to sell their bodies for sex.  We suspect that candidates will be hearing a lot more on this as their campaigns progress through the primary and general election processes. The digging will get deep and the shit will be random. 

Let us leave you with this quote from the Liberty & Prosperity blog run by Seth Grossman.  Grossman was a founding member of New Jersey's AFP affiliate, so he knows of whom he speaks:

"Frayda Levy of Bergen County also supports amnesty for all illegals without taking any measures to stop, arrest, or deport future illegals.   Frayda is one of the super-rich donors who donated more than a million dollars to Americans for Prosperity created by Charles and David Koch."

People like the ones running AFP like illegal labor because it drives down wages and makes average Americans take-it-or-leave-it wage slaves.  Next time some surrogate for these modern day slavers complains about a working man in Morris County supporting a candidate who helps him keep his family fed, clothed, and a roof over their head, we will detail how much dough the folks on the other side are swimming in and the causes they use it on.  Special interests?  What in the hell are the Koch Brothers! 

Measuring voting records for 2017

2016 was a very strange year, in that you had Tea Party people running around calling Senator Jennifer Beck a "conservative."  That's funny, because not even Senator Beck calls herself "conservative."  In fact, it's a label she actively runs away from.

There are those who called Seth Grossman, an activist and former Atlantic County elected official,  a "conservative" -- even as he pushed a radical left social agenda that many liberals think goes too far.  His plan to repudiate the state's debt is a solution only if your town and county and state want to pay cash for everything -- up front -- from now on.  Try building a bridge without financing and see what that does to your property taxes.  It is the Argentina model.  Hardly what you would call "conservative."     

Then there are the raters -- groups like the American Conservative Union (ACU) take their cues from GOP legislative leaders who are not especially "conservative" when they choose the handful of votes by which they rate a legislator.  And so they miss big ones like welfare for drug dealers and liberal legislators suddenly become more "conservative" without changing their voting habits at all.

The truth is that what it means to be a "conservative" has changed a lot since Ronald Reagan ran for President in 1980.  That year, one of the Koch brothers who have come to so dominate modern conservative politics ran against Reagan on a libertarian ticket with a platform that made many liberals blush.

Instead of swallowing a special interest group rating hook, line, and sinker -- we need to examine who is doing the rating, what is their history, their agenda as it pertains to the votes they selected, and what did they leave out.  Knowing these things will give the reader a better idea of who the rater is.

No one rating system is going to satisfy everyone calling themselves "conservative," so for 2017 Jersey Conservative is going to put together ratings based on a  broader range of conservative identities.   In this way, individuals can decide which legislator or candidate comes nearest to their selected "identity."

There are Reagan conservatives with issue interests different from libertarians, Tea Party conservatives, Evangelical conservatives, the Pro-Life movement, the Second Amendment movement, Trump conservatives, Chamber of Commerce Republicans, and "It's My Party Too" Republicans.  We also have the platform of the Republican National Committee as a benchmark. 

If you are a traditional Reagan conservative, it would be helpful to know not only how a legislator or candidate rates based on a "Reagan" issues grid, but on a "Trump" one as well, a "Koch" one, or a "Whitman" one.  It will broaden the perspective and provide more information than the simple "conservative" label does currently.  

This is going to be a collaborative effort, so we will be looking for your input on both issues and votes.  Write to us with your ideas.

Which one do you identify with?

Which one do you identify with?

Atlantic City--The canary in the coal mine

By Seth Grossman, Esq.

I am an attorney and former Atlantic City councilman and Atlantic County freeholder.   I also teach history as an adjunct at our community college, and am Executive Director   I ran for Governor against Christie in the 2013 Republican Primary because I and most people in this area saw first-hand how his policies were making a bad situation in Atlantic City worse—and nobody else was running against him.    Most home and business owners in the beach towns also knew Christie was completely wrong about sand dunes.   We all know that most storm flooding comes from the back bay and that wide beaches and wooden seawalls protected the ocean side of most towns south of Brigantine since 1944.   Most local Republicans privately tell me they agree with these views: 

1.     Bankruptcy or a state court insolvency is the quickest, most orderly, and fairest way to give Atlantic City a fresh start and chance to recover from past mistakes:    Here is link to my recent published column in Star Ledger:

2.     Donald Trump opposed a State Government takeover of Atlantic City in 1989 by correctly pointing out that state policies and actions caused most of the problems

3.      Our organization filed suit against the City and State officials last month.    We cannot understand why the NJ State Department of Community Affairs refuses to make Atlantic City comply with the Local Budget Law which requires every town and county to approve a balanced “cash basis” budget by February 10 each year.   Although the Department of Community Affairs often grants extensions to March and April, last year’s Atlantic City budget was not approved until September 22—when it already spent far too much money at unsustainable rates.  It is now May and Atlantic City has not even introduced a proposed budget!    We also alleged that the proposed PILOT (Peanuts In Lieu of Taxes) for casinos is blatantly unconstitutional and unfair.   Please ask your Legislators how they can seriously vote for a bill that declares the 8 most valuable properties in Atlantic City are “blighted areas” as described in NJ State Constitution?    Since the casinos now pay more than half the taxes in Atlantic City and one fourth of county taxes, how can any non-casino property owner afford paying double tax hikes during next ten years , so casino properties get no tax hikes?   Please find more details on our website.

4.     Years ago, coal miners brought a caged canary when they worked underground. If it stopped singing, they knew there was poison that would soon kill them too. Atlantic City government is like that canary in the coal mine.  What is now choking Atlantic City is already making the rest of New Jersey sick.    We need to identify and get rid of the poison—not give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to the canary!

Seth Grossman is the Executive Director of the taxpayers' group Liberty and Prosperity.  For more information on the group, visit their website at