An Illegal Attempt to Bar Trump from NJ Ballot in 2020

This week in Trenton is a real doozy…

The New Jersey Senate will be meeting on Thursday, February 21st, to consider Senate Bill 119, which changes the qualifications for the Office of the President of the United States.  This purely state legislation attempts to hold a federal office to a higher standard than any state office.  

Senate Bill 119 exempts EVERY New Jersey Legislator from having to disclose his or her state or federal income tax returns in order to appear on a ballot, but it singles out candidates for certain federal offices – those of President and Vice President – and requires that they disclose their federal income tax returns in order to appear on the ballot in New Jersey.   This legislation also exempts all the other federal elected officials in New Jersey – including United States Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez – from having to disclose their federal income tax returns. 

Senate Bill 119 is so narrowly crafted in its purpose and design that it amounts to a transparent attempt to keep the incumbent Republican President, Donald Trump, off the ballot in 2020.  The sponsors of Senate Bill 119 – Senators Weinberg, Turner, Greenstein, and Singleton – know that if their legislation succeeds and they decapitate the top of the Republican Party ticket in New Jersey, they will succeed in suppressing Republican voter turnout in the 2020 Presidential election, disenfranchising voters on a massive scale, in what could arguably be called a criminal act of calculated and coordinated voter suppression.

These Democrats fear the electoral chances of Donald Trump so much that they are prepared to cheat – to rig the election by keeping an incumbent President off the ballot in New Jersey.  Never before in America’s history has this happened.  The intent of Senate Bill 119 would not pass muster in a United Nations administered election in a Third World Country. 

We believe that the disclosure of income tax returns are a good thing – for all candidates for public office to do.  Every federal candidate in New Jersey, every Legislator, the Governor and his cabinet should all be required to do so.  Once New Jersey requires this of their own politicians – then it can reach beyond its borders and require the same of people who do not live here.

The sponsors of Senate Bill 119 – Senators Weinberg, Turner, Greenstein, and Singleton – are trying to pretend that their voter suppression is an act of “good government” when they appear utterly content to ignore the fact that there are those amongst them – in the Democrat legislative caucus – who have been convicted of serious crimes, including federal crimes.  Why not make your own disclose their criminal activity??? 

The sponsors of Senate Bill 119 – Senators Weinberg, Turner, Greenstein, and Singleton – are trying to ignore the fact that there are those in the Democrat legislative caucus who collect money to lobby and who do so in open violation of standard norms on conflicts of interest and on the appearance of conflicts of interest.  Why not make your own disclose their conflicts of interest??? 

The sponsors of Senate Bill 119 – Senators Weinberg, Turner, Greenstein, and Singleton – know that the lawyers-legislators in their legislative caucus do not disclose who their clients are, which allows them to cover-up corruption and conflicts of interest for years, and often, forever.  Why not make these lawyer-legislators disclose who they get their money from, disclose their clients, their conflicts of interest, and their potential corruption???

The high standards that you propose for people living outside New Jersey should be lived by the politicians who represent New Jersey.  Scum cannot aspire to teach others how to be saints.  Scum must pull themselves out of their mire of corrupt filth, clean out their bunghole, bathe in the clear water of reform, and then – once purified – and only then… teach others. 

First things first.  You must lead by the example you make of yourselves. 

The same NJ media that covered up for Clinton, tries to do the same for Menendez

Remember how the newspapers tried to discredit the source for the claim that Bill Clinton had seduced Monica Lewinsky in the White House?  Remember how the media told us that Linda Tripp was a “liar” and that she used “right wing” media outlets to peddle her "meaningless" allegations?


All part of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” Hillary Clinton assured us.  And NOW – the National Organization for Women – stood by their man, and so did legions of Democrat women politicians.  They all assured us that Bill Clinton would NEVER act so inappropriately.

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Yep, the media was right on that!  We all know today that Bill Clinton DID NOT have sex with Monica Lewinsky, right???

And as more and more evidence piled up, the media just dismissed it.  When other women came forward and said they were raped.  The media trashed them, called them trailer park trash, said it was all a plot to damage the good name of William Jefferson Clinton.  They advised us to Move On…

One New Jersey newspaper published an editorial with the title:  "GOTCHA" POLITICS HIT A NEW LOW WITH STARR'S SEX INVESTIGATION

Another New Jersey newspaper did an editorial that simply said:  TIME TO END IT.

Well, it’s déjà vu all over again!


On Wednesday, there was United States Senator Bob Menendez and, like Bill Clinton once upon a time, he was surrounded by NOW and a bevy of female Democrat office holders whose political fortunes (for better or for worse) are tied to the Senator’s.  There was Bob Menendez himself, doing his best… “I did not have sex…” imitation of Bill Clinton.  And there was the media, once again failing to read what they wrote last time, talking about “gutter” politics and “right wing blogs” and trashing the women, and the prosecutors, and the GOP. 

Hey Tom Moran, Fred Snowflake, Hand of Hand, Moe of Moe, and all those media mavens who want to shake their tallywhackers at us to make it so…

Guys, you bullshit us once.  Then – along comes Brett Kavanaugh – and you went back on your bullshit and said the opposite of everything you said when it was Bill Clinton.  Now (and it’s just been a few weeks for Christ sake!) you want to go back on everything you just said about Brett Kavanaugh and tell us there’s a new set of rules – and why?  Because it’s about Bob Menendez???

Fellas, keep your bullshit.  You have the collective credibility and moral authority of an unwiped ass.  Nobody is buying it besides those phonies from NOW.

Fred Snowflake tries to make excuses for Menendez and the underaged girls.

We remember when Fred was the editor for a legit newspaper – a real journalist.  Then he went corporate and ended up writing for a blog that shills for a Democrat vendor – yes, a greaser greasing the grease machine of contributions and contracts – a guy who lives so far up Bob Menendez’ ass that he wanted him to be Vice President instead of Joe Biden. 

Writing from the perspective of a Left Wing Blog, Fred tries to dismiss something because he claims it was written in a “Right Wing blog” and fails to see the irony in doing so.  It’s kind of pathetic.

Hey Fred, BelieveWomen!  Women made the accusation against Bob Menendez and just because those women are darker-skinned than Dr. Christine Blasey Ford or don’t have her economic and educational “privilege” – and maybe they don’t speak English, so what – that doesn’t make them liars, does it?  What’s wrong with you, Fred, are you some kind of racist?

Oh, you say they say they got their stories wrong?  After what?  After some corrupt criminal billionaire calls up the local Establishment he’s paid into down there and sets the “man” on them?  And the “man” down there don’t do due process, Fred.  Read up on it sometime, Fred, they have death squads down there.

And how about those lovely young ladies from Eastern Europe who the Honorable Member from New Jersey helped traffick into the United States for his old-assed buddy to play with?  Are you going to argue that they just hold hands?  Huh, Fred?  No Fred, it’s  a crime against nature that’s what that is.

Fred tries to dismiss what the FBI said and President Obama’s Justice Department said (that’s right – President Obama’s Justice Department – not Trump’s) about the scumbag behavior of Bob Menendez.  But Fred doesn’t examine the documents, he just waves his tallywhacker and expects all that documentation to magically disappear.

Documentation like this…


And this…

 And don’t forget this…

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Yeah, it all comes down to hypocrisy, don’t it Fred?  Bob Menendez brought this upon himself the day he wanted to play “butter-doesn’t-melt-in-my-mouth” at the Kavanaugh confirmation.  The old Fred, the journalist, would have got it.  The new Fred, the shill for the greaser vendor and Menendez fundraiser, not so much.  Hey, things change. 

There’s an accused rapist prowling the State House in Trenton. Why are the Democrats protecting him?

A couple days ago, the story broke.  It had been suppressed up until then.  A woman on the campaign of Democrat Governor Phil Murphy accused a senior staffer of rape.  He got a cushy job in the Democrat administration.  She didn’t get justice.  Here is the story from the Star-Ledger…


The woman who accused a senior staffer in Gov. Phil Murphy's administration of sexually assaulting her while he worked for Murphy's campaign last year is a state official who says she is now telling her story because she has "received no justice." 

Katie Brennan, who later volunteered for the campaign and is now the chief of staff at the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, detailed her allegations against Albert J. Alvarez publicly for the first time in a story published by the Wall Street Journal on Sunday afternoon.  

After the report was published Sunday afternoon, Brennan said in a statement: "On April 8th, 2017, Al Alvarez raped me. On April 9th, 2017 I learned that the system is broken." 

"I have pursued every form of justice available," Brennan, 31, of Jersey City, continued. "But it has become clear that this system is not built for survivors."

Brennan said she "decided to come forward because I know that Al Alvarez, and all perpetrators, must be held accountable, must never rape again, and the justice system needs a complete change with regard to sexual violence." 

"It is clear that leadership from the Murphy administration is needed to create meaningful policy change on several levels to make sure future victims do not have to endure what I have," she said.

Multiple media outlets -- including NJ Advance Media -- published reports this week citing anonymous sources saying Alvarez faced allegations of sexual assault while he worked as director of Latin and Muslim outreach for Murphy's campaign in April 2017. Alvarez, 44, of Wood-Ridge, was never charged with a crime. 

The victim detailed to the newspaper how both the Governor and Democrat Party let her down… 

We recall last year how the entire Democrat Party – leadership and minions – piled on to berate various Republicans for making jokes about the Women’s March organization (which turned out to be led by a racist Jihadist) or about Democrat candidates who happened to be women.  Jokes.  This is an accusation of rape we’re talking about.  There was plenty of outcry then.  Why is it muted now? 

Where is Jay Lassiter on this?  Why are his panties not in a twist?  There are dozens and dozens of Democrats who have remained silent.  You know who you are.  We’re going to start naming the names of the “Pro-Rape” wing of the NJ Democrats.

And then there’s Bob Menendez… doesn’t anybody in the Democrat Party care about the FBI’s findings that he was using underaged prostitutes in the Caribbean?  Don’t they care that he trafficked young women for his old-assed buddy to play with?  These are crimes against nature we’re talking about.  But the Democrats just wank on by and blithely ignore it all.

Next time they open their fat mouth we’ll have plenty to fill it with.

The people who teach our children are shilling for a human trafficker. Yes, the world is a bad place.

Throughout the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, we heard a lot from the Democrats and their allies – from newcomers like Antifa and the Women’s March to usual suspects like NOW and the NJEA.  We heard them shout in unison about “accusations” and “FBI investigations” – and how these things are enough to block someone from high office.  Well, there were enough allegations against Senator Bob Menendez, for President Obama’s Justice Department to indict him on federal corruption charges and to take him to trial.  It ended in a mistrial.  Out of that came a formal admonishment by the Senate Ethics Committee in April of this year.

What came out of the FBI investigation was that Senator Menendez was helping to bring young women into the United States for his friend and donor, Salomon Melgen to use as sexual objects.  It is our opinion that these women were being trafficked for sexual purposes and the FBI investigation appears to have led to the same conclusion. 

As was reported in the national and New York media, the FBI investigation came up with “corroborating evidence” concerning uncharged allegations of underage prostitution.  Specifically, prosecutors claim that the Senator and his donor friend traveled to the Dominican Republic to have sex with prostitutes, some of whom would have been underaged. 

If, in the era of #MeTooism, allegations are enough – as we were endlessly told by the Democrats and their Antifa allies – then why are Democrats and groups like the NJEA supporting Bob Menendez?  Why are they allowing RealPolitik to trump #MeTooism?

There is a lot more evidence of #MeTooism with Senator Menendez than ever existed in the case of Brett Kavanaugh.  And yet we still hear the self-serving dribble from the likes of Democrat congressional candidates Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim.  Not to mention Senator Cory Booker – who wants to turn Israel, or what would remain of it after he removed their defensive wall, into a vast Yugoslav-style rape camp.  Does anyone doubt what would happen to the Israeli population – particularly its women and children – if they were ever turned over to the tender mercies of Hamas, Hezbollah, or even the garden variety governments of its “neighbors”?

In addition to their hypocritical support of Menendez and opposition to Kavanaugh, the indictments against these three candidates are as follows:

Mikie Sherrill worked with far-left radical elements allied with Antifa and the Jihadist Linda Sarsour (a racist allied with Louis Farrakhan) to drive out a moderate, bi-partisan member of Congress, who had served in-country during the Vietnam War.  They knew he was elderly and in failing health, but they worked on him until he had to give up.

Tom Malinowski turned a career as a human rights advocate on its head when he joined Obama’s Clinton-Kerry State Department and promptly became an apologist for those who use slave labor and who engage in human trafficking and the exploitation of women and children.  Far from standing up to dictators and authoritarian governments, he made excuses for them.

Andy Kim is one of the founders of “The Resistance.”  And he has lied about his record from the first – at one point even describing himself or allowing himself to be described as a “veteran” when he has never served in the military.  Now he’s running on a ticket that includes – not only Senator Menendez – but a Freeholder candidate who has been arrested for domestic violence and who had stalking complaints filed against him. 

These candidates are not pro-women or pro-anything, they are Democrat Party politicians looking for votes, and they will do anything or say anything to get them.  They are committed to getting power so that they can take away YOUR freedom.

So now we know how far they’ll go.  What are we going to do to stop them?  How determined are we?  Are we determined enough to tell our neighbors about their hypocrisy?  Are we determined enough to stand up after the church social and put it out there?  Are we determined enough to let everyone we know on Facebook where we stand and what the stakes are?  Or are we too pussy to do any of that?

Republicans who want to stay pussies are not going to make this fight any easier.

Don’t be pussies.  There’s too much at stake.  At the very least, think of those young women – the trafficked and the sexually exploited – those women the NJEA and Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim conveniently forgot about.

Now go to it and motivate your friends, family, and neighbors to vote for reform.  Go to it like you really mean it… and don’t be afraid if the coddlers of human traffickers and sexual exploitation call you names.  Suck it up.  Embrace it.

Sign the petition to stop Murphy’s Sanctuary State plan.

Our porous borders will only get worse…

The importation of illegal narcotics and opioids…

And illegal firearms…

The modern slavery of human trafficking…

And the sexual exploitation of women and children…

Will only get worse.  Unless you do something about it. 

Some people think securing our border is just about protecting American jobs.   

But a secure border is about more than just jobs.  Secure borders help prevent human trafficking and the exploitation of children.  Secure borders fight modern day slavery.

The United Nations has issued reports showing human trafficking is the fastest growing organized criminal activity on earth.  A porous border not only facilitates the trafficking of illegal narcotics, opioids, and illegal firearms – it is a boon to modern day slavery – the trafficking and sale of human beings, especially children.

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Some have adopted dangerously naïve views about border security.  In their hatred for President Trump, they have embraced calls to abolish ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) – even though it was funded and operated under the administrations of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.  The abolition of ICE would open the doors to a nightmarish wild west scenario.  Without ICE, who will be around to prevent the living horror of modern slavery? 

The statements made by Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez, and congressional candidates Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, and Jeff Van Drew have been shocking.  We’re not condemning a party here, or its members, but only those who have taken leave of their senses in a mindless quest for votes. 

Many are following the worst path when it comes to border security.  In an effort to elevate the plight of the undocumented immigrant here illegally, their irrational demands for change will open the floodgates to all manner of terrible consequences – to lawlessness, violence, and slavery.

What Booker and Menendez, Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, and Jeff Van Drew are advocating for will make our borders more porous – allowing thousands more victims (mainly women and children) to be shipped and sold like cattle, welcoming more dangerous illegal drugs into our communities, and providing illegal firearms for organized criminal gangs.

There have been many responsible voices from both parties, but they have been drowned out by the media’s attention on emotional and irrational ideas like that of Governor Phil Murphy, who has made it his mission to turn New Jersey into a Sanctuary State and to instruct state and local law enforcement not to cooperate with federal agencies.  Whatever good intentions Murphy has in this are undone by the consequences of weakening border security in the midst of an illegal narcotic and opioid crisis and a growing problem with human trafficking and child exploitation (as his own Attorney General has said).

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We need to clearly instruct our county and local law enforcement to work with federal agencies to strengthen border security and the interdiction of illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, and human trafficking networks that exploit women and children sexually. 

Our law enforcement community does not like the idea of being strong-armed by the Governor into violating federal law.  They are standing up to those who foolishly want to sever cooperation between local law enforcement and federal agencies.  We need to stand with them.

Alongside law enforcement, we will fight Governor Murphy and his administration on this.  We will fight the Trenton bureaucrats and the professional lobbyists on this.


A petition drive is being launched – county by county – asking the Freeholders of each county to place a public question on the ballot in their county.  These ballot questions will ask voters to instruct their Sheriff or local law enforcement in fully cooperating with federal agencies and ignore all orders from the Murphy administration to the contrary.   

American law is our law.  Governor Murphy can no more ignore American law than Governor Wallace of Alabama once tried to do.  We are one country, one people, not a multi-state league of nations.

We are also working to pass the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, which despite having strong bi-partisan support, is being prevented from moving forward by the singular efforts of the staff of the Democrat Majority Leader in the Senate – Senator Loretta Weinberg.  That is correct.  Her staff is anti-woman and anti-child.  While she attempts to associate herself with the #MeToo movement, her staff is blocking legislation that would break the infrastructure through which young women and children are lured, raped, and sold into prostitution and the illegal porn trade.

So now it is up to YOU…

Now it is up to YOU…

Will you help?   

Or will you sit on your hands, complain, and do nothing?

Click here to start a petition in your county. 

Click here to start a group to circulate a petition in your county. 

Click here to sign a petition for your county.

To find out more about the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, click here.

To find out what you can do to combat the scourge of modern slavery, human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, click here.

Rasmussen poll: Voters Don’t Like ‘Antifa’ Protesters.

Memo to Cory Booker, Bob Menendez, Phil Murphy, Madame de La Murphy, Mikie Sherrill, Tommy Malinowski, and Andy Kim… all that hanging with the Linda Sarsour crowd and the bourgeois suburban offspring who make-up Antifa ‘aint helping your image. 

Rasmussen polling reported today that most normal people think Antifa is right up there with dogshit… and their numbers have got worse since September 2017. 

Rasmussen reports:  “Voters are even more critical of the so-called “antifa” protesters who surfaced again this past weekend in Charlottesville and Washington, DC and continue to think they’re chiefly interested in causing trouble.”

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 18% of Likely U.S. Voters share a favorable opinion of the Antifa protesters, with six percent (6%) who view them Very Favorably.  That compares to 24% and eight percent (8%) respectively last September.

Fifty-four percent (54%) have an unfavorable opinion of these protesters, including 39% with a Very Unfavorable one.  Twenty-eight percent (28%) are undecided.  See the survey question wording below:

National Survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters

Conducted August 14-15, 2018
By Rasmussen Reports

1* Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of the so-called “antifa” protestors?

2* Which is closer to your point of view – The antifa protestors are primarily a valid protest movement representing the concerns of many Americans, or the antifa protestors are primarily troublemakers looking to cause a public disturbance?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

You can access more from Rasmussen here:

Rasmussen Reports invites you to be a part of our first-ever Citizen-Sourced National Midterm Election Polling Project. Learn more about how you can contribute

Voters shocked to learn Menendez’ campaign run by lobbyist for foreign nation

Following up on an investigation Jersey Conservative started last year, the Philadelphia Inquirer broke the story that United States Senator Bob Menendez’ campaign manager is a registered foreign agent for the Islamic nation of Qatar… a country that the United Nations and Amnesty International have accused of being complicit in its support and use of modern day slavery – human trafficking.  Here’s the headline:

N.J.’s Bob Menendez is top foreign relations Democrat in Senate. His campaign chief is a lobbyist for Qatar.

You can read the entire Philadelphia Inquirer story here:


This is how Jersey Conservative's story began…

Top NJ politico works for Qatar slavery

If you want to know why the New Jersey Legislature is silent on human rights abuses and slavery in Qatar, look no further than the next Democrat State Committee cocktail party.  There you will find one of Qatar's top men in America handing out checks to corpulent state and local politicians on the make.

Don't believe us?  Well here is a snapshot of his Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filing.  Note that he is paid to do "political" work for a foreign government within the borders of the United States…


It is amazing how much corruption occurs in the open, right under voters’ noses, and yet they never hear of it, because the media have relationships and play favorites.  But every now and then, a journalist like the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Andrew Seidman will come along and write about what’s done in plain sight, and in doing so, lift the curtain and reveal that the reality of our politics is nothing like we imagine it – that the red and blue “teams” we’ve been trained to fight over have the same owners and that the people who run them are really playing for the same side.

The philosopher Guy Debord was right… this is the Society of the Spectacle.  And we, convinced of it, are prepared to kill our neighbors because we believe they are truly “red” or truly “blue.”

Mikey Puzio joins Mikie Sherrill and the Democrats in a time of Antifa

What an asswipe!

No, we take that back… a festered asswipe!

Mikey Puzio, who somehow got over on the voters of Rockaway Township and passed himself off as a member of the GOP, was an elected member of the Rockaway Council.  He agreed to sell out to the Democrat Party of Governor Phil Murphy and Bob “I didn’t traffick those girls” Menendez. 

The reason he gave is rich.  

Puzio said:  “Our community needs a leader with a proven record of working with people from both parties.”  Yeah, well you had one, his name was Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen. 

Yep, you had one until Mikie Sherrill set her “Resistance” pals on Rodney.  They screamed and shouted down old Congressman Frelinghuysen – spat insults at him, called him vicious names, trashed his name and all the good works that he stood for.  Just as Rodney Frelinghuysen was about to secure mass transit service for Sussex County… Mikie Sherrill’s loudmouths tortured the old fellow, drove up his blood pressure, rattled his nerves, to the point that he quietly exited the stage.

Mikie Sherrill knew that Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen was getting up there in age and that his health was in decline.  She also knew that he was one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress… known for his mild, gentlemanly demeanor, respected by both parties, willing to work with all sides to find solutions.

This was the man Mikie Sherrill set her Antifa hoodlums on.

Mikie Sherrill lost New Jersey one of its most powerful advocates in Congress – no, not with press releases, but in his quiet way, he knew how to get things done in Congress. He secured the post of Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in 2017.  In this powerful position, Rodney Frelinghuysen would have been able to accomplish so much for our state.  Now that’s all gone.  You killed the guy who was in the best position to serve our state and don’t think for one moment that some wet-behind-the-ears freshman is going to make a patch on Rodney’s arse.

Standing with his new far-Left friends, Puzio signed a press release that read more like a hostage letter:  “The partisanship that plagues Congress hurts Rockaway, and prevents New Jersey from moving forward.  I’m endorsing Mikie Sherrill because I know the letter that comes after my name is less important to Mikie than the fact that I am a resident of this community.”

Sure.  The “Resistance” is just sooooo bi-partisan.  How did anybody miss that?  Yep, we are all just supposed to forget where Mikie Sherrill came from.  The radical crowd she hung out with. 

That’s what Mikey Puzio wants us to do.  He wants us to forget who Mikie Sherrill really is and the radical soil she has sprung from.  He wants us to forget what Sherrill’s radical followers did to a genuinely bi-partisan leader – Rodney Frelinghuysen – and how they trashed his good name and good works.

No way, handjob… we will not forget.

Fellow Democrat exposes Menendez for voter suppression

Our friends at Real Jersey City recently put up a post on their website reminding voters that 15 years ago, on July 29, 2003, the late Jersey City Mayor Glenn Cunningham gave a speech about Senator Bob Menendez.  In his speech, the Mayor stood up to Menendez and his political machine – the Hudson County Democratic Organization – for its use of voter suppression tactics.

“This renegade Democratic organization is using the same tactics that were used by infamous organizations, that attempted to prevent people from making their votes count, in the days prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act,” Cunningham, Jersey City’s first black mayor, said about Menendez’ Hudson Democrat machine.

“Something is wrong with our Democratic Leadership here when one of the most powerful Democratic elected officials in the nation, Congressman Bob Menendez, uses his influence to prevent the express voting will of the people of Jersey City – to be thrown away like garbage on the street.”

Cunningham, who also served the 31st Legislative District in the New Jersey Senate, claimed Hudson Democrats sent a list of “illegal voters” to the courts so people favorable to the historic mayor would be removed from the voting rolls.

“Their actions are so frivolous and sickening, actually it’s even funny and comical” Cunningham stated as he read off a list of people on the illegal voter list.

(VIDEO: Courtesy of

Stay up to date on Jersey City and Hudson County news…

Another case of child trafficking stopped by police

NJ101.5 News Radio reported yesterday that Middlesex Borough police had uncovered a case of child trafficking that could have ended in something even worse.  Fortunately, police arrested the suspected trafficker and reported there were as many as twenty victims:

A man who threatened to share pictures he received from a local girl if she didn't send him more is now behind bars thanks to a multi-state investigation.

Police in New Jersey and Illinois worked together on the investigation that led to the arrest of Joshua P. Breckel, 19, of Mascoutah Illinois. Breckel was identified after Middlesex police were notified back in April that the girl had been "coerced to send a suggestive photo of herself to an online acquaintance," Chief Matthew P. Geist said. The man then asked the girl for more pictures and videos, and also offered to pay her if she got her friends to send him images as well, Geist said.

After refusing to send anything else the man, later identified as Breckel, threatened to share the photo she had sent him with her family and friends "through various online means." Working with the police in Mascoutah as well as the FBI it was determined that Breckel had extorted several girls, "including one that appeared to be 9 or 10 years old." Geist said.

When police came to his home Breckel admitted to attempting to exploit the girl and also told police that he had child pornographic images on his computer. He pleaded not guilty in U.S. District Court in East St. Louis.

Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, second to drug dealing and tied with arms dealing.  The FBI recently uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  Human Trafficking is modern day slavery and it is happening TODAY -- in the HERE and NOW!  

Modern technology is rapidly expanding the means by which human beings are ensnared and trapped into modern slavery and then trafficked as though they were meat.  The modern "slave ship" is embodied by certain websites and social media -- its "ocean" is the Internet.  The media recently reported about the rescue by the FBI of a "3-month-old girl and her 5-year-old sister" who were being trafficked by a child predator "who was offering to sell the children for sex" using the Internet.  Isn't it time to adopt the technology to blast these scumbags from the Internet?

Child trafficking is a $32 billion-a-year industry and is on the rise in all 50 states, according to the U.S. government.  4.5 Million of trafficked persons have been sexually exploited and nearly 300,000 Americans under 18 have been lured into the commercial sex trade.  The National Human Trafficking Hotline reported that in 2016, human trafficking in the United States increased by 35.7% -- in one year!  But we have the technology to stop it.  So why aren't we adopting it?

We have the legislation.  It's called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-540/ A-878).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Some members of New Jersey’s political establishment have undermined this legislation by making excuses for the actions of Senator Bob Menendez and his friend, a wealthy man who was convicted of ripping-off taxpayers and who brought women into the United States.  Some have been reluctant to support the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act on the state and federal level.  We certainly hope that this attitude changes soon and that New Jersey adopts the Act.  For more information about what you can do, visit…

Is the party of the old slavery now the party of the new?

How has your summer been?

For most members of the New Jersey political establishment we bet it’s been pretty good – surrounded by family, nice food and drink, the sounds of laughter and friendship.  But for the victims of human trafficking -- our modern slavery epidemic – it’s been just another season in hell, made more poignant by the fact that, for almost all of those trafficked, there are memories of when they enjoyed the summer holidays as much as anyone else. 

Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, second to drug dealing and tied with arms dealing.  The FBI recently uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  Human Trafficking is modern day slavery and it is happening TODAY -- in the HERE and NOW! 

But some in New Jersey’s political establishment don't want to admit that it is happening, because too many are in hock to contributions from special interests who benefit from the massive profits generated by everything from goods made with indentured labor to Internet porn.  Instead of addressing this modern crime against humanity, many console themselves by virtue signaling about the slavery ended by the Civil War -- in 1865.  This allows them to (1) ignore modern slavery, (2) keep taking the money, and (3) feel good about themselves. 

Imagine if the British government had taken this line in 1807 and -- instead of abolishing the slave trade -- they had merely congratulated themselves on the end of their enslavement by the Romans, centuries before?  No, they were focused on the affliction of slavery in what was their modern times – and they dealt with it, sending out the Royal Navy to sink every slave ship and blast every slave trader from the seven seas.

Modern technology is rapidly expanding the means by which human beings are ensnared and trapped into modern slavery and then trafficked as though they were meat.  The modern "slave ship" is embodied by certain websites and social media -- its "ocean" is the Internet.  The media recently reported about the rescue by the FBI of a "3-month-old girl and her 5-year-old sister" who were being trafficked by a child predator "who was offering to sell the children for sex" using the Internet.  Isn't it time to adopt the technology to blast these scumbags from the Internet?

Child trafficking is a $32 billion-a-year industry and is on the rise in all 50 states, according to the U.S. government.  4.5 Million of trafficked persons have been sexually exploited and nearly 300,000 Americans under 18 have been lured into the commercial sex trade.  The National Human Trafficking Hotline reported that in 2016, human trafficking in the United States increased by 35.7% -- in one year!  But we have the technology to stop it.  So why aren't we adopting it?

We have the legislation.  It's called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-540/ A-878).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

So why are some members of New Jersey’s political establishment undermining this legislation by making excuses for the actions of Senator Bob Menendez and his friend, a wealthy man who was convicted of ripping-off taxpayers?  And why are others reluctant to support the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act on the state and federal level? 

Last week, the New Jersey Democrat State Committee rounded up 88 women operatives to aid Senator Bob Menendez’ comeback bid.  The 88 Democrats brushed aside federal allegations made by prosecutors that there was evidence to suggest that the Senator and his “friend” had been involved in trafficking, including “uncharged allegations of underage prostitution that kicked off the federal probe.”  This is serious stuff and something each of those 88 Democrats should have answers for.

Prosecutors twice say there was “corroborating evidence” to support the initial sex crime allegations, for which Senator Menendez and his convicted friend, Dr. Solomon Melgen, face no charges. In the first instance, they write:

"The defendants present their case as exceptional because the allegations of underage prostitution are 'such easily disprovable allegations about something that would hardly be a federal crime even had it been true.' Id. As an initial matter, it is most certainly a federal crime to leave the country for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act with a minor, and the defendants’ suggestion to the contrary is unsettling. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952, 1591(a)(1), & 2421. Furthermore, the defendants’ dismissive treatment of these allegations is troubling. Allegations of human trafficking and underage prostitution must be taken seriously and cannot be dismissed merely because the alleged perpetrator is a United States Senator. Given the nature and seriousness of the allegations, in addition to the corroborating evidence, it would have been irresponsible not to investigate."

Then, recounting the initial stages of the investigation and apparently corroborating evidence, prosecutors write:

"As would be done in the normal course, the Government took responsible steps to investigate these serious criminal allegations, which were not so 'easily disprovable,' as the defendants suggest. Some eyewitnesses described a party attended by defendant Melgen in Casa de Campo—where defendant Melgen has a home and where defendant Menendez often visited—involving prostitutes. See Ex. 2 at 2; Ex. 3 at 1-2.. Furthermore, defendant Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican Republic. Many of these young women receive substantial financial support from defendant Melgen. For example, defendant Melgen flew two young women—whom he met while they were performing at a South Florida 'Gentlemen’s' Club, see Ex. 4 at 1-2—on his private jet to his villa in Casa de Campo the day after paying one young woman $1,000 and the other young woman $2,000. See Ex. 5. Indeed, one of defendant Melgen’s pilots described 'young girls' who 'look[ed] like escorts' traveling at various times on defendant Melgen’s private jet. Ex. 6 at 9:7-16. Some young women who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time. Moreover, when the allegations were first reported, defendant Menendez defended himself with public statements that are easily disprovable. Specifically, he repeated several times that he had only flown on defendant Melgen’s private jet on three occasions. That representation is demonstrably false. Confronted with corroborating evidence of such serious crimes, it would have been an inexcusable abdication of responsibility not to investigate these allegations."

While Menendez denies these allegations, did the 88 Democrat women operatives ever stop to ask him about them? 

So who are they?  Well here is the list of the 88…

Afsheen Shamsi, Steering Committee Member, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Alison Arne, Atlantic County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amie Maria, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amy DeGise, Chair, Hudson County Democratic Organization

Analilia Mejia, Executive Director, New Jersey Working Families Alliance

Andrea Smith, Cape May County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela Bardoe, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela McKnight, Assemblymember

Angelica Jimenez, Assemblymember

Annette Quijano, Assemblymember

Anita Esteve, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Ann Twomey, President, Health Professionals and Allied Employees

Anna Maria Tejada, Past President, Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

Anna Wong, Northeast Regional Director, Action Together New Jersey

Arlene Quinones Perez, Chair, Hunterdon County Democratic Committee

Ashley Henderson, President, Princeton Marching Forward

Barbra Casbar Siperstein, Gender Rights Advocacy Association of NJ

Caitlin Sherman, Hudson County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Careen DeAndrea Lazarus, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Carmen Salavarrieta, Angels in Action

Cathy Brienza, JOLT USA

Caty Polanco, Latin American Democratic Association

Cheryl Marciano, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Christina Zuk, Vice President, New Jersey Young Democrats

Christine Clarke, Environmental Director, Action Together New Jersey

Christine Elias, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Deb Huber, President, NOW-NJ

Devon Mazza, Ocean County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Donna M Chiera, President, AFTNJ

Dr. Hetal Gor, Advisory Board, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi, Professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Edina Brown, Councilmember, Old Bridge

Elizabeth Cano, Union County Latina Activist

Elizabeth Meyer, Founder, NJ Women’s March

Erin Chung, President and Founder, Women for Progress

Estina Baker, CWA District 1

Gail Black, Statewide Jewish Women’s Advocate

Hetty Rosenstein, CWA

Iris Perrot, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jaci Jones, President, Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women

Jackie Low, Bergen County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jeanne Fox, Esq., Former BPU President

Jeanne Jordan, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jill Rhodes, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Jacobsen, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Quigley, Former President of the State Junior Women’s Clubs

Joann Downey, Assemblymember

Kellie Davidson, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Kelly Shea, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Laurel Brennan, Secretary-Treasurer, New Jersey State AFL-CIO

Lauren Nicosia, Women’s Health Advocate

Lenace Edwards, SEIU 32BJ

Leslie Huhn, Chair, Sussex County Democratic Committee

Linda Sloan Locke, CNM,LSW

Lindsay Campbell, President, Sussex County NOW

Lisa Anderson, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lisa Bonanno, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Vice Chair, New Jersey State Democratic Committee

Marcia Marley, BlueWave NJ

Margaret Weinberger, President, Somerset County Federation of Democratic Women

Megan Coyne, President, College Democrats of New Jersey

Mildred Scott, Sheriff, Middlesex County

Nancy Pinkin, Assemblywoman

Nedia Morsy, Make the Road Action

Pamela Brug, Union County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Pamela Renee, Councilwoman, Neptune City

Pat Perkins Auguste, Councilwoman, Elizabeth

Patricia Campos, LUPE PAC

Patricia Soteropoulos, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Patricia Teffenhart, Gender Equity Advocate

Patti Douglass, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Peg Schaffer, Chair, Somerset County Democratic Committee

Phyllis Salowe-Kay

Rachel Barry, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Regina Keelan, Democratic Municipal Chair, Atlantic Highlands

Nadia Hussain, Passaic County Director, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Safanya Searcy, Labor Leader and Community Activist

Saily M. Avelenda, Esq., Attorney and Activist

Sara Cullinane, Make the Road Action

Shanel Robinson, Deputy Mayor, Franklin Township

Shanti Narra, Middlesex County Freeholder

Shelly Morningstar, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Stephanie Silvera, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Susan Lavine Coleman, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Tammi Bathke, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson, Assemblywoman

Winn Khuong, Executive Director, Action Together New Jersey

Yvonne Lopez, Assemblymember


88 women “leaders” silent about Menendez and the girls who were trafficked

Last week, the New Jersey Democrat State Committee rounded up 88 women operatives and put them in harness to aid Bob Menendez’ comeback bid.  Yep, after his brush with political mortality last year, the Democrat is banking on faux outrage by the barking Machiavellians of a feminist fringe to obscure his brutal treatment of women. 

Federal documents in 2015 revisited “uncharged allegations of underage prostitution that kicked off the federal probe.”

According to U.S. News & World Report (August 24, 2015) prosecutors did not “explicitly say the underage prostitution investigation came up empty.”  On the contrary, the probe is described as having turned up “corroborating evidence.”  The federal prosecutors’ filing states:

“While those allegations have not resulted in any criminal charges, there can be no question that the Government has an obligation to take such allegations regarding potential harm to minors very seriously, regardless of who the alleged perpetrators may be.”

“Presented with specific, corroborated allegations that defendants Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic, the Government responsibly and dutifully investigated those serious allegations… The indictment here, of course, charges only corruption and does not include any allegations of soliciting underage prostitution.”

stop trafficking women.jpg

Prosecutors twice say there was “corroborating evidence” to support the initial sex crime allegations, for which Senator Menendez and his convicted friend, Dr. Solomon Melgen, face no charges. In the first instance, they write:

"The defendants present their case as exceptional because the allegations of underage prostitution are 'such easily disprovable allegations about something that would hardly be a federal crime even had it been true.' Id. As an initial matter, it is most certainly a federal crime to leave the country for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act with a minor, and the defendants’ suggestion to the contrary is unsettling. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952, 1591(a)(1), & 2421. Furthermore, the defendants’ dismissive treatment of these allegations is troubling. Allegations of human trafficking and underage prostitution must be taken seriously and cannot be dismissed merely because the alleged perpetrator is a United States Senator. Given the nature and seriousness of the allegations, in addition to the corroborating evidence, it would have been irresponsible not to investigate."

Then, recounting the initial stages of the investigation and apparently corroborating evidence, prosecutors write:

"As would be done in the normal course, the Government took responsible steps to investigate these serious criminal allegations, which were not so 'easily disprovable,' as the defendants suggest. Some eyewitnesses described a party attended by defendant Melgen in Casa de Campo—where defendant Melgen has a home and where defendant Menendez often visited—involving prostitutes. See Ex. 2 at 2; Ex. 3 at 1-2.. Furthermore, defendant Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican Republic. Many of these young women receive substantial financial support from defendant Melgen. For example, defendant Melgen flew two young women—whom he met while they were performing at a South Florida 'Gentlemen’s' Club, see Ex. 4 at 1-2—on his private jet to his villa in Casa de Campo the day after paying one young woman $1,000 and the other young woman $2,000. See Ex. 5. Indeed, one of defendant Melgen’s pilots described 'young girls' who 'look[ed] like escorts' traveling at various times on defendant Melgen’s private jet. Ex. 6 at 9:7-16. Some young women who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time. Moreover, when the allegations were first reported, defendant Menendez defended himself with public statements that are easily disprovable. Specifically, he repeated several times that he had only flown on defendant Melgen’s private jet on three occasions. That representation is demonstrably false. Confronted with corroborating evidence of such serious crimes, it would have been an inexcusable abdication of responsibility not to investigate these allegations."

While Menendez denies these allegations, did the 88 Democrat women operatives ever stop to ask him about them?  Did they satisfy their own consciences (if indeed, they possess anything like a conscience) that no woman or girls were sexually abused or enslaved during the period covered by the filings?

stop trafficking women.2.jpg

Did anyone of them have anything to say when the New York Post filed this story…

Getting these beauties visas was high on Menendez’s to-do list: aide

By Kaja Whitehouse

September 11, 2017 | 7:42pm | Updated

Svitlana Buchyk, Bob Menendez and Juliana Lopes Leite.

Svitlana Buchyk, Bob Menendez and Juliana Lopes Leite.

They all need to be reminded of their silence next time they face the voters:

Afsheen Shamsi, Steering Committee Member, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Alison Arne, Atlantic County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amie Maria, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amy DeGise, Chair, Hudson County Democratic Organization

Analilia Mejia, Executive Director, New Jersey Working Families Alliance

Andrea Smith, Cape May County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela Bardoe, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela McKnight, Assemblymember

Angelica Jimenez, Assemblymember

Annette Quijano, Assemblymember

Anita Esteve, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Ann Twomey, President, Health Professionals and Allied Employees

Anna Maria Tejada, Past President, Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

Anna Wong, Northeast Regional Director, Action Together New Jersey

Arlene Quinones Perez, Chair, Hunterdon County Democratic Committee

Ashley Henderson, President, Princeton Marching Forward

Barbra Casbar Siperstein, Gender Rights Advocacy Association of NJ

Caitlin Sherman, Hudson County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Careen DeAndrea Lazarus, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Carmen Salavarrieta, Angels in Action

Cathy Brienza, JOLT USA

Caty Polanco, Latin American Democratic Association

Cheryl Marciano, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Christina Zuk, Vice President, New Jersey Young Democrats

Christine Clarke, Environmental Director, Action Together New Jersey

Christine Elias, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Deb Huber, President, NOW-NJ

Devon Mazza, Ocean County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Donna M Chiera, President, AFTNJ

Dr. Hetal Gor, Advisory Board, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi, Professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Edina Brown, Councilmember, Old Bridge

Elizabeth Cano, Union County Latina Activist

Elizabeth Meyer, Founder, NJ Women’s March

Erin Chung, President and Founder, Women for Progress

Estina Baker, CWA District 1

Gail Black, Statewide Jewish Women’s Advocate

Hetty Rosenstein, CWA

Iris Perrot, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jaci Jones, President, Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women

Jackie Low, Bergen County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jeanne Fox, Esq., Former BPU President

Jeanne Jordan, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jill Rhodes, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Jacobsen, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Quigley, Former President of the State Junior Women’s Clubs

Joann Downey, Assemblymember

Kellie Davidson, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Kelly Shea, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Laurel Brennan, Secretary-Treasurer, New Jersey State AFL-CIO

Lauren Nicosia, Women’s Health Advocate

Lenace Edwards, SEIU 32BJ

Leslie Huhn, Chair, Sussex County Democratic Committee

Linda Sloan Locke, CNM,LSW

Lindsay Campbell, President, Sussex County NOW

Lisa Anderson, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lisa Bonanno, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Vice Chair, New Jersey State Democratic Committee

Marcia Marley, BlueWave NJ

Margaret Weinberger, President, Somerset County Federation of Democratic Women

Megan Coyne, President, College Democrats of New Jersey

Mildred Scott, Sheriff, Middlesex County

Nancy Pinkin, Assemblywoman

Nedia Morsy, Make the Road Action

Pamela Brug, Union County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Pamela Renee, Councilwoman, Neptune City

Pat Perkins Auguste, Councilwoman, Elizabeth

Patricia Campos, LUPE PAC

Patricia Soteropoulos, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Patricia Teffenhart, Gender Equity Advocate

Patti Douglass, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Peg Schaffer, Chair, Somerset County Democratic Committee

Phyllis Salowe-Kay

Rachel Barry, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Regina Keelan, Democratic Municipal Chair, Atlantic Highlands

Nadia Hussain, Passaic County Director, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Safanya Searcy, Labor Leader and Community Activist

Saily M. Avelenda, Esq., Attorney and Activist

Sara Cullinane, Make the Road Action

Shanel Robinson, Deputy Mayor, Franklin Township

Shanti Narra, Middlesex County Freeholder

Shelly Morningstar, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Stephanie Silvera, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Susan Lavine Coleman, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Tammi Bathke, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson, Assemblywoman

Winn Khuong, Executive Director, Action Together New Jersey

Yvonne Lopez, Assemblymember


Valerie Huttle loses her mind (Is there nothing she won’t say?)

There is a great hubbub coming out of Trenton about the situation at America’s southern border.  People are illegally crossing the border and they are being detained for breaking the law.

Many people, Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle and Governor Phil Murphy among them, are angry because law enforcement separates family members when they are arrested for breaking the law.  Adult males are housed with adult males, adult females with adult females, and minors/children in juvenile facilities. 

It is an outrage… except that this is standard operating practice in New Jersey, and pretty much everywhere else.

Hey, in fairness to Huttle and Murphy, the madness is widespread.  Senators Booker and Menendez have the madness, as do the rest of their Democrat colleagues.  But hold on tight, because Assemblywoman Huttle is on the way to the rescue with Assembly Resolution No. 175.  In it, the Assemblywoman makes the claim that the policy of separating those accused of criminal behavior from their children is “sanctioned child abuse” and worse… it causes cancer in children.

No kidding.





Sponsored by:


District 37 (Bergen)


     Condemns federal government’s policy of separating immigrant families and contends that federal government’s actions are sanctioned child abuse.


     As introduced.

Whereas, Experts find this policy is detrimental to the health of young children causing short-term developmental delays and long-term health concerns such as heart disease, cancer, and morbid obesity; and

Yep… cancer.

Look out DYFS (now called Child Protective Services) – those lawsuits are coming!  The State of New Jersey gave me CANCER when they arrested mom for something illegal and shipped me off to a foster home.  I got CANCER and the State Legislature said it was because of what the State did.  Here it is… in black and white.  They say so.

The docket backlog for lawsuits will be measured in decades.  The state will need to double the size of its courts to handle it.  And the taxpayers will pay dearly for Assemblywoman Huttle's insanity.