The humanity of Jack Ciattarelli vs. Phil Murphy’s Wall Street ego.

By Rubashov

The grumblings on the ground, amongst the hundreds of grassroots doers who make up what could be the activist base of the Republican Party in New Jersey, are not filtering up, not making it to the ears of the Establishment media in this state. Apart from the astute Paul Mulshine, who ever calls them?

For most of the Establishment media, such people are simply examples of Hilary Clinton’s deplorables, unworthy of consideration. How stripping people of their common humanity – a humanity the Establishment media insists be granted to child rapists and serial killers – became a species of so-called “liberalism”, we cannot know. It is a feature of the new class war described by Michael Lind in a book by the same name (The New Class War: Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite), published last year.

Lind argues that Western democracies must incorporate working-class majorities of all races, ethnicities, and creeds into decision-making in politics, the economy, and culture. Only this class compromise can avert a never-ending cycle of clashes between oligarchs and populists and save democracy.” Now, before anyone goes assuming that Lind is some “right-wing extremist”, recall that he has taught at Harvard and Johns Hopkins and is a Professor at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. An author of more than a dozen books, Professor Lind was an editor or staff writer at the New Yorker, Harper’s, The New Republic, and The National Interest. Professor Lind also writes some very good poetry.

With regards to the gubernatorial race between the incumbent Democrat, Phil Murphy, and the Republican challenger, Jack Ciattarelli, the usually hostile Establishment media is full of “well-meaning” advice for the challenger. This advice goes from “give-up, Murphy’s got this” to there should be no clear-blue water between the GOP and the Democrats, all those issues are settled, your policies should mimic those of the Democrats.”

But the grumblings continue – fueled by those “settled policies” pushed on them or imposed directly by Governor Murphy and his ideological allies (many of whom he has made taxpayer-paid vendors to his administration). As the Establishment media doesn’t talk to people like this, they find ways to talk to each other – so a new, contained, kind of media is created in the hundreds of social media and internet-based groups, formal and informal, that have filled the void left by Establishment media.

This vibrant new media serves much the same purpose as the phenomenon of “little magazines” did during the last century – when political, cultural, and literary movements (pushed aside or ignored by the Establishment) created their own media to communicate through. The question is: Will the NJGOP and its candidates acknowledge and promote this new media? Will they harness its possibilities?

So far, New Jersey Republicans have been slow to recognize the opportunities offered by this new media, slow to adapt and engage. Most have remained hard-wired to the Establishment media who (a) are not their friends, and who (b) no longer talk to or engage with the voters who are their friends. We see evidence of this in every fresh missive from official party sources. The party recognizes and promotes the same sources as it has done for decades – only the newspapers are now on life-support and instead of PoliticsNJ it is now called New Jersey Globe.

The most notable departure from this has been the Republican nominee himself, Jack Ciattarelli. Whoever he was four or more years ago, informed by his background as a small business owner and an accountant, he has grown through engaging with people and listening to them.

Jack Ciattarelli is among the best listeners in politics we’ve come across. And it doesn’t matter who he’s talking with – a kid in Newark wondering about his future, a restaurant owner trying to stay in business, a single-mom facing foreclosure, or parents sick and tired of government butting-in between them and their children – Jack listens. He listens, he thinks about it, he takes what he has heard into his heart – and he changes and makes it part of his platform.

You cannot ask for more from anyone running for public office. It doesn’t get any better than a genuine, honest listener – open to learning from the people he wants to represent. And isn’t that what representative democracy is all about?

Jack’s opponent is Phil Murphy, the incumbent Governor, and one-time boss at Wall Street’s Goldman-Sachs. A self-proclaimed “Master-of-the-Universe”. They do not listen. They know.

They know what is best for you. And they know that it is better for everyone when the silly proles know their place and leave the world to be run by people like them. People who don’t let ideas like freedom or democracy get in the way of profit. Masters-of-the-Universe who know that you can’t get all sentimental and worry about young Asian girls being worked like slaves in unsafe environments for pennies an hour. Especially when an “ideal” like profit is at stake.

These people send their children to private boarding schools that cost as much as a working person earns in a year. They turn their kids over to an institution that daily takes their place. Institutions that act as Nanny to inculcate an Establishment ethos into their charges.

It is their choice to do so. But they do not extend to others the same choice when they try to impose an ideological curriculum on their children. Phil and Tammy Murphy (herself an alumnus and board member of one of these private boarding schools) want to place their ideas about how your children should be raised between you and your own kids! And its not just the curriculum that they are messing with. Murphy’s Democrats wanted to make it a crime for the police to tell parents when the cops caught their kids using drugs.

Phil Murphy doesn’t respect the family. He doesn’t care about that special space that joins parents and children. He wants to break it all to pieces – just so he can hand a fat plum to his political allies at Garden State Equality. They want something. They need money. Mandating a new curriculum delivers on that. His allies get theirs. They endorse Murphy. Murphy profits – just like in the old days.

There is no doubt that the grumblings of the nascent new media will continue – even as it grows, knits itself together, and builds a following of people looking to read something by someone who doesn’t call them names. There are millions upon millions of such people – and they grow every time someone tells them that skin color marks some people as “bad” or that their country is something to be ashamed of.

And while the NJGOP and its allied organizations throughout the state may not get it, some do and, most importantly, Jack does. Jack Ciattarelli is a listener who has listened and who has taken crap from the Establishment media because he has listened… and he did not back down.
If there is to be a reckoning within the GOP, now is not the moment. All people – Republican, Democrat, Undeclared, Independent – who value individual liberty and personal freedom, who value the family and the small community, have in Jack Ciattarelli a champion who will listen. And that’s how it begins – with listening. How refreshingly different from the “shut up and know your place… or I’ll call you a bad word” of Phil Murphy and his unctuous crew.
Jack is listening. He needs your help. Focus your energies between now and November 2nd accordingly.

“It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics.”

Robert Heinlein

Is Tim Pino auditioning for the role of Sheriff Kumbaya?

Tim Pino is undoubtedly a “nice” guy.  But is “nice” a policy platform – and especially for someone who wants to be elected to the top law enforcement job in Somerset County?

Things are changing in law enforcement.  “Woke” is replacing “Tough” as a watchword.  You need only look at Philadelphia, where a George Soros backed Democrat won the race for District Attorney.  One year in and his office has all but stopped prosecuting – and this in the midst of a rising murder rate.  The “nice” DA has even dropped his opposition to yet another appeal by convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, leaving some to wonder if the widow of the murdered police officer will ever see justice.

Outgoing Somerset County Sheriff Frank Provenzano is “tough”.  In the business of law enforcement, “tough” is the first step to being competent.  It is a para-military organization, after all.  Sheriff’s officers wear uniforms and carry guns.  This para-military aspect is somewhat mitigated by the presence of a labor union to argue for better pay, shorter hours, more perks, and leniency in the face of discipline.  There are no unions in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or the Coast Guard. 

Sheriff Frank Provenzano took a clear stand on issues like liberal Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State” – a place where state and local law enforcement ignores federal law in favor of people who are in our country illegally.  A policy that turns New Jersey’s sworn officers into little more than scofflaws.

Yes, scofflaws… defined as people who flout the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.  Democrat Phil Murphy wants to make the Somerset County deputy sheriffs into scofflaws… something like a collection of parking ticket deadbeats.  They should have more pride than to let that happen.   

We know that Sheriff Provenzano won’t allow it, but what about Tim Pino?  As a media personality, lobbyist, community activist, and candidate for office, Tim Pino has been very careful not to comment on the Murphy Democrats’ plans to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State”.  Pino aint talking.

What Pino is doing is playing it “nice”.  Like he’s auditioning for a role in Kumbaya… the Musical!

Instead of taking on the question of illegal immigration and the Democrats’ attempts to foster it through the expenditure of millions in taxpayers’ money, Tim Pino is talking about the need for law enforcement to get on the diversity bandwagon.  Of course, anyone who has ever seen the symbol of Justice knows that the law is supposed to ignore such surface details as race, ethnicity, and religion.  That is why Justice is always represented as blindfolded. 

We all know what happens when law enforcement puts ideas like diversity ahead of enforcing the law in a fair way, regardless of someone’s cultural differences.  We have many sad examples of how law enforcement lets down victims when it decides to walk along the egg-shelled strewn path of cultural diversity. 

Perhaps the most egregious example is the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal involving an estimated 1,400 children who were sexually abused between 1997 and 2013.  Investigations uncovered that law enforcement failed to act because of “fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; and the (political) reluctance to challenge an ethnic minority voting bloc.”

You can read the whole sad story and failure of law enforcement to address it at Wikipedia:

Rotherham is what happens when law enforcement makes “nice” a priority and “diversity” its watchword.  It is what happens when law enforcement forget that crime is crime, rape is rape, sexual exploitation of children is the exploitation of children… no matter who does it. 

As a candidate for public office, Tim Pino has engaged in the kind of politically correct virtue signaling that leads him to fixate on creating solutions to problems that aren’t really there.  Pino’s campaign website ignores issues like the opioid epidemic, the threats of human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, and the rise of MS-13 gangs in New Jersey.  Instead, there is a whole page (including a video and links to articles) on the threat of “white supremacy” in Somerset County. 

Candidate Pino makes much of a report showing instances of people handing out between one and thirty “fliers” – yes, leaflets or literature – that are considered to be “white supremist”.  While obnoxious and stupid, this still is protected speech under the First Amendment to our nation’s Bill of Rights. 

On the other hand, Tim Pino completely fails to mention a recent New Jersey State Commission of Investigation report on MS-13 criminal gang activity in New Jersey or that neighboring Union County is a hotbed of MS-13 activity.  Pino fails to note that the SCI report links tough immigration enforcement to keeping MS-13 from spreading deeply into places like Somerset County. 

MS-13 doesn’t hand out stupid leaflets.  MS-13 is into the trafficking of illegal drugs.  What should get the priority? 

In candidate Tim Pino’s world, the fear that an idiot kid will hand out a leaflet touting his ignorance is worthy of greater attention and resources than an organized criminal drug gang.  This is cloud cuckoo land or the rainbow fantasy world of the winged unicorn of delusion.  It isn’t law enforcement.

Planned Parenthood's Cannibal Comedienne wants your money

We live in interesting times.  Government and the corporate state -- which promoted the use of opioids before spending billions to address the resulting crisis -- is now busy promoting gender dysphoria, so that in a few years time they'll be asking the question:  Where have all the young men gone?

Of course, there are other forms of dysphoria -- branch outs from that promoted by government, the corporate state, and cultural "fashion" (aka marketing).  These include everything from old people who believe they are toddlers to human beings who "feel better" thinking they are cats... or lizards... or even dragons (even though dragons are not "real" all one needs to make something "real" is to "feel").

So it should come as no surprise that, at a recent fundraising telethon held by supporters of Planned Parenthood, one woman -- a comedian -- "came out" as a cannibal, stating that laws banning the use of aborted fetuses in food products “would make me want to eat an aborted fetus.”  So is fetus the next sushi?  Don't put it past them.

We live in an era when you need a "consent app" to have sex but will soon be able to eat your fellow man.  How long until this culture disappears up its own bunghole?

Meanwhile, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi (R-39) is continuing her call to see the financial records of Planned Parenthood.  Schepisi is actually a supporter of funding Planned Parenthood, so her call to see the organization's financial records is not part of the Pro-Life/Pro-Abortion divide.  It is just good fiscal sense to find out how an outfit spends its money before the administration of Democrat Phil Murphy goes and throws millions in taxpayers' money at funding it.

“It’s $7 million of public money and if they are unable or incapable of providing something such as a budget,  they should not receive a dollar of public money until they’re willing to do so,” Schepisi told NJ TV.

We understand that for the uneducated few, Planned Parenthood is synonymous with "women's health."  But it's not.  It is only one of many providers all jostling for market share.

No, you say?  It's a non-profit organization?  Sure, and so was the NFL.  And so are a lot of organizations that make billions and pay their executives millions.  Setting up as a "not-for-profit corporation" is simply a business model -- it's not an "I'm not greedy" pass.

And Planned Parenthood is greedy.  It wants total market share.  That's why it organized the way does -- to spend millions on lobbyists and even more on grassroots marketing -- to convince American women that only they provide the services that, in fact, hundreds of other organizations provide.  We're sure Macy's would like to have the same deal.

Planned Parenthood uses well-paid lobbyists and political pressure to secure government money with as little questions asked as possible.  They want to keep all the vittles for themselves and starve their competition.  Planned Parenthood wants to have a monopoly -- and we all know what that does to consumers and taxpayers.  Consumers pay more and have less choice.  Taxpayers get ripped-off.

Planned Parenthood is a classic case of crony capitalism, delivered by that master of Wall Street chicanery himself... Governor Goldman-Sachs 2.0, Phil Murphy.

As Murphy's Wall Street pals cut through middle America like a scythe, Murphy's party is out there dividing the working  class majority along lines of race and ethnicity and gender, hoping that they won't notice the suppository being forced upon them.  Keep them fighting amongst themselves, says Murphy.

The Democrats' moocher towns strike again

Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05) claims that some places "mooch" off other places when they get back from government more than they pay in.  According to Gottheimer, the country's top "moocher" is Mississippi, the state with the highest percentage of African-American residents -- 37 percent and growing -- because the state gets more back than they pay in. 

Is Gottheimer a racist?  Last Friday, Gottheimer was joined at a press conference by Democrats Phil Murphy and Tim Eustace to discuss ways to redress this "moocher" situation.  Are they coddling Gottheimer's racism?  If so, has anyone told the incoming First Lady?  New Jersey's answer to Madame Mao will not be amused.

If there are "moocher states" as Democrat Gottheimer claims, can we apply Gottheimer's measurement to other cases -- such as the relationship between municipalities or school districts within a state?  If, as the Democrat Congressman claims, there are places that "mooch" off the federal government, does it not also follow that there are places that "mooch" off state government?

We've already learned that towns like Sparta get back just 15 cents on every dollar they pay in state income tax to Trenton.  That's right, in what Congressman Gottheimer would call a clear case of mooching, Asbury Park paid in just a sixth -- in income taxes per person -- of what Sparta did, but got back 17 times more!

            Sparta Twp  $5,611,989 (received) / $36,267,481 (paid) = $0.15

            Asbury Park $57,632,816 (received) / $3,835,809 (paid) = $15.02

We've also learned how poor families in suburban and rural New Jersey are subsidizing rich people in chic urban hotspots.  Their cut of the revenue from the state income tax allows these hotspots to keep their property taxes comparatively low.  For example, despite being clearly being economically better-off, Hoboken gets its property taxes underwritten by the income tax revenue paid by rural Warren County:

 Warren County has double the population of Hoboken City (107,000 to 52,000) but the population of Hoboken has been growing while Warren is shrinking (5% vs. -1%).  And while Hoboken has just 800 veterans, Warren County has over 7,000.  The per capita income of Hoboken City is over $70,000.  This compares with Warren County, at $33,000.  The median value of an owner-occupied home is $550,700 in Hoboken but only $271,100 in Warren County.  The U.S. Census reported that 5.5% of the people in Hoboken are without health insurance vs. 12.5% of those in Warren County.  73.5% of those 25 or older in Hoboken have graduated from college.  In Warren County that figure is 29.6%.

Enter the State Highlands Act... Passed by a Democrat-controlled Legislature and signed into law by Democrat Governor Jim McGreevey, the Highlands Act undertakes the worthy cause of preserving the aquifer that supplies the drinking water for a large urban population in Northern New Jersey.  Unfortunately, it does so at the expense of rural and suburban property owners -- who saw their land rights seized and the use of their land forcibly regulated -- without compensation. 

The Highlands Region encompasses nearly 859,267 acres across seven counties -- including Sussex and Warren Counties.  In the phrase coined by Democrat Gottheimer -- upscale urban areas are "mooching" off economically disadvantaged rural areas and the state is refusing to provide compensation to those being "mooched" upon.

On Monday, in one of the last legislative acts of the year, Congressman Gottheimer's fellow Democrats made it a point to further piss on the hopes and property rights of the economically disadvantaged communities under the boot of the Highlands Act, by undoing a Christie administration rule that allowed a small measure of development in those areas affected.  With incoming Governor Phil Murphy urging them on from the sidelines, the Democrat-controlled Legislature rescinded the Christie rule and, in so doing, made the property in question next to worthless. 

As Josh Gottheimer would say, the Democrats once again gave more to the "moochers" and took away more from those being "mooched" upon.

Republicans like Senator Steve Oroho and Assemblyman Parker Space gave it their best, but with Phil Murphy's full support for the "moochers" and a Democrat-controlled Legislature, the resolution overturning the Christie rule barely passed the state Senate with the minimum 21 votes needed and the Assembly with 42 votes.  One of those votes to help the "moochers" at the expense of those "mooched" upon was cast by Assemblyman Tim Eustace -- who was at last Friday's press conference with Phil Murphy and Josh Gottheimer -- to complain about the "moochers"!  How is that for hypocrisy!

Why do Trenton Democrats continue to support allowing rich people in towns like Hoboken to "mooch" off poor families in places like Warren County?  Somebody needs to ask Democrats like Phil Murphy and Tim Eustace next time they hold a press conference with Josh Gottheimer to complain about "moocher states."

Sex-trafficking website funds Democrat campaigns

On Sunday, the Washington, DC, press reported on the following story:

After California’s then-Attorney General Kamala D. Harris announced felony pimping charges last year against the two owners of — a classified-ad website that is a hub for sex trafficking and prostitution, one of the men cut a $10,000 check to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s super PAC.

Mrs. Pelosi’s political action committee, House Majority PAC, has resisted giving the money back, and an aide to Mrs. Pelosi said the California Democrat knows nothing about the contribution.

The uproar over sexual harassment that began with the Harvey Weinstein scandal has intensified the scrutiny of political contributions linked to Backpage, which law enforcement officials say is the chief platform for activities far worse than harassment, including sexual slavery and child prostitution.

Mrs. Pelosi isn’t the only Democrat struggling to deal with the piles of cash that Backpage’s owners spread around to candidates and state Democratic parties over the years.

Even Ms. Harris, a California Democrat who is now a U.S. senator, ducked the issue. Her office wouldn’t respond to repeated emails about Backpage money going to House Majority PAC and other Democratic organizations.

Since 2010, the owners and their wives have shoveled about $99,000 to candidates and about $95,000 to Democratic parties in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, according to federal campaign finance data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics.

Bowing to mounting pressure, including a bipartisan Senate investigation that found the owners knowingly sold ads to pimps who coerced minors into prostitution, Backpage in January closed down its adult services sections.

The websites, however, continue to be marketplaces for the sex trade.

Read more at:

For too many children, their road into modern slavery began on the Internet.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, as many as 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year.  The Internet is the vehicle for 76 percent of the transactions for sex with underage girls. 

The average victim is between 11 and 14 years old.  These victims come from all walks of life -- from every race, social, and economic background.

The problem is made worse by America's fluid borders.  According to the United Nations (UNICEF), 2 million children are trafficked in the global prostitution trade. The U.S. State Department reports that from 600,000 to 800,000 people (mainly women and children) are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for slave labor and prostitution.

Human Trafficking has surpassed the sale of illegal arms and is set to surpass the illegal sale of drugs.  The FBI reports that human trafficking is on the rise in all 50 states and represents a multi-billion dollar criminal industry. 

New Jersey is a "hub for human trafficking," according to assistant New Jersey Attorney General Tracy M. Thompson.  "We are easily accessible via Interstate 95, and the proximity to major tourist destinations like Atlantic City and New York City makes us more vulnerable and susceptible," she said. "Our diversity is what makes it so great to be part of this state, but traffickers prey on (people of) their own ethnicity. It makes is so hard for law enforcement to penetrate these activities."

In September, 14 people were arrested in a child-porn and human trafficking operation in Monmouth County.  In October , the FBI announced that it had uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey.  The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution.  A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation.  At the beginning of December, 79 suspects were arrested on a host of charges that included sexual assault, using the Internet to send inappropriate images to children, and child pornography. 

And with schools requiring young students to have access to the Internet, it is no longer about the parent.  The government-run education system supplants the parents and requiresthe child to be connected to the Internet.  For many children, it's like requiring them to walk to and from school on a dangerous, traffic-filled highway.

There is legislation that addresses this growing criminal enterprise aimed at our children.  It is a bill championed by Republican State Senator Steve Oroho, and it has attracted substantial bi-partisan support.

The bill is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-2928).  And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children.  It requires that those who sell products and services that allow children to access the Internet make their products safe from human traffickers engaged in the modern slave trade.  It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Despite having enough legislators committed to passing this legislation -- either as co-sponsors or supporters, the Democrats who run both chambers of the Legislature have held up passage.  They are listening to objections from the porn industry, who have adopted a "no questions asked" attitude on where their profits come from.  Porn is legal and the corporations who profit from it and their allies are the enablers of human trafficking.

The enablers of human trafficking know that S-2928 has enough votes to pass the Legislature and be signed into law by Republican Governor Chris Christie.  They want to run out the clock until Democrat Phil Murphy takes office on January 16, 2018.  Then the legislative books will be closed and the process will need to start all over again, under a Governor who has not expressed support for S-2928.

The holidays are here.  Christmas is coming.  Right now, in cities and towns across America, anti-human trafficking activists are working to rescue children who were lured into a life of slavery through the Internet.  They are hoping to reunite them with their families in time for Christmas. 

Think of how you would feel at this time of year if your child was in the hands of human traffickers.  Wouldn't you want her back?  Wouldn't you want to hold her?  Wouldn't you want to break the nexus that makes such slavery possible?

Every Democrat politician who sides with human trafficking and puts profits ahead of enslaved children needs to be held to account.   They need to be asked why they are standing with the slavers and against the victims of slavery. 

Christmas Appeal: End Human Trafficking of Children


We have until January 8th to make this happen!

For the victims of human trafficking who will spend this Christmas in the nightmare of sexual slavery, time is running out. Please, help them.

Christmas Appeal:
End Human Trafficking of Children

For too many children, their road into modern slavery began on the Internet.

According to the U.S. Justice Department, as many as 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year. The Internet is the vehicle for 76 percent of the transactions for sex with underage girls.

The average victim is between 11 and 14 years old. These victims come from all walks of life -- from every race, social, and economic background.

The problem is made worse by America's fluid borders. According to the United Nations (UNICEF), 2 million children are trafficked in the global prostitution trade. The U.S. State Department reports that from 600,000 to 800,000 people (mainly women and children) are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for slave labor and prostitution.

Human Trafficking has surpassed the sale of illegal arms and is set to surpass the illegal sale of drugs. The FBI reports that human trafficking is on the rise in all 50 states and represents a multi-billion dollar criminal industry.

New Jersey is a "hub for human trafficking," according to assistant New Jersey Attorney General Tracy M. Thompson. "We are easily accessible via Interstate 95, and the proximity to major tourist destinations like Atlantic City and New York City makes us more vulnerable and susceptible," she said. "Our diversity is what makes it so great to be part of this state, but traffickers prey on (people of) their own ethnicity. It makes is so hard for law enforcement to penetrate these activities."


In September, 14 people were arrested in a child-porn and human trafficking operation in Monmouth County. In October, the FBI announced that it had uncovered and arrested 42 child sex traffickers in New Jersey. The Star-Ledger reported that the 42 were arrested on charges that included sex trafficking, child exploitation and prostitution. A total of 84 children were rescued during the operation. At the beginning of December, 79 suspects were arrested on a host of charges that included sexual assault, using the Internet to send inappropriate images to children, and child pornography.

So why are the manufacturers of products and services that provide access to the Internet refusing to take responsibility for what they sell?

Every other producer of a product or service is held to account for what they sell. You can't sell an automobile to an 11-year-old, hand her the keys, and let her drive off the lot.

And with schools requiring young students to have access to the Internet, it is no longer about the parent. The government-run education system supplants the parents and requires the child to be connected to the Internet. For many children, it's like requiring them to walk to and from school on a dangerous, traffic-filled highway.

There is legislation that changes this and makes the corporations responsible for the products and services they sell. It is a bill championed by Republican State Senator Steve Oroho, and it has attracted substantial bi-partisan support.

The bill is called the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act (S-2928). And it offers a constitutional way to prevent predators from using the Internet to sexually exploit children. It requires that those who sell products and services that allow children to access the Internet make their products safe from human traffickers engaged in the modern slave trade. It is supported by Thorn, an anti-human trafficking group that uses technology to defeat child sex traffickers.

Please make your tax-deductible donation by December31st for the fiscal year 2017

Despite having enough legislators committed to passing this legislation -- either as co-sponsors or supporters, the Democrats who run both chambers of the Legislature have held up passage. They are listening to objections from the porn industry, who have adopted a "no questions asked" attitude on where their profits come from. Porn is legal and the corporations who profit from it and their allies are the enablers of human trafficking.

The enablers of human trafficking know that S-2928 has enough votes to pass the Legislature and be signed into law by Republican Governor Chris Christie. They want to run out the clock until Democrat Phil Murphy takes office on January 16, 2018. Then the legislative books will be closed and the process will need to start all over again, under a Governor who has not expressed support for S-2928.

The holidays are here. Christmas is coming. Right now, in cities and towns across America, anti-human trafficking activists are working to rescue children who were lured into a life of slavery through the Internet. They are hoping to reunite them with their families in time for Christmas.

Think of how you would feel at this time of year if your child was in the hands of human traffickers. Wouldn't you want her back? Wouldn't you want to hold her? Wouldn't you want to break the nexus that makes such slavery possible?

We have a month to break the power of human trafficking and their enablers.

The human traffickers are counting on them to keep things the way they are. Can we count on you?

Your contribution to the Center for Garden State Families will be used to make sure that every legislator who sides with human trafficking and puts profits ahead of enslaved children is held to account. They will be forced to face the choice of standing with the slavers or with the victims of slavery. We trust that when faced with such a choice, they will do the right thing.

Can you please make your urgent contribution today?

Sabrin : Murphy and Dems are legal Willie Suttons

The Record of Bergen County recently published an article covering the Democrats' plans to raise taxes.  Here is a response to that from Professor Murray Sabrin of Ramapo College:

Regarding "State senate president plans to push tax bill," (Nov. 9, page 1A).  The people of New Jersey spoke loud and clear on election night.  They want state government to spend more of their money.  Not really their money, just upper income folks who make up a small percentage of the population.   And they want Trenton to expand its already overbearing micromanagement of the economy.  

Senate president Stephen Sweeney announced that he will put a "millionaire’s tax" on the front burner when the legislature convenes after Governor-elect Phil Murphy takes office in January.

Raising taxes on millionaires is another example of why government is like Willie Sutton, the notorious bank robber who was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, "That’s where the money is."  Phil Murphy and Democrats are legal versions of Willie Sutton. 

Higher taxes on upper income taxpayers will cause any out of state high-income individual, business owner, or corporate executive to think twice about relocating to New Jersey.   In other words, we will never how many upper income folks will not move to New Jersey because of the highest marginal taxes Murphy is so hot to increase.  In addition, how many people and businesses will leave New Jersey because of higher income taxes?  We will soon find out. 

The proposed tax increases on millionaires will eventually hit middle-income families, because that is how big government proponents operate---tax the smallest number of families first, then go after where the big bucks are, the middle class.

As H.L. Mencken remarked decades ago, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

The Star-Ledger asks: Are establishment liberals funny?

There is a reason why Jimmy Kimmel manages to get just around 3 million viewers a night while -- back when America had a much smaller population -- Johnny Carson got 19 million.  Jimmy's humor appeals to a much smaller audience, even though that audience owns everything, runs everything, and tells us what to eat, what to wear, and how to think.

In a recent opinion piece published in the Star-Ledger -- the house organ of the Newhouse Media Empire -- a dreary, oh so earnest lady, by the name of Jennifer The Moe, passed an insight in which she claimed that liberals were funny.  Forget the "funnier than" bit, we couldn't get past the "liberals being funny" piece. 

Sure, they used to be.  When they were actually "liberals" -- but not now, not today, they're not allowed to be.  In the world of the "establishment" liberal, humor (like everything else) is highly regulated.  And the list of "safe" things to be humorous about grows smaller every year.  And if you don't know that list by heart, you might just end up having to make an apology tour, or face social exclusion and public shamming, the loss of status, job, income, the means of life even.

Think of a guy like Phil Murphy trying to add a little humor into a speech.  Pity the poor bugger as he bounces around checking it with everyone he can think of who might be offended.  No wonder he has that thousand-yard-stare of someone with PTSD.  Trying not to offend can be debilitating.

Now here is a guy who is funny, effortlessly so, and who has made quite a career of it (and an international career, mind you).  Here, he is speaking seriously on a topic, while poking some fun at the censoriousness of modern "establishment" liberals (i.e. those who have actually forgotten what being a "liberal" means).

Here is another funny guy making the same point, but in a more directly comedic way:

Writing elsewhere, Jennifer The Moe provides this insight into the creative process:  "I mean, get real: you think that Henry James or Edith Wharton or Leo Tolstoy or Alice Adams wrote all those great books by themselves? Call it what you will—creative inspiration, God, Jesus, Buddha, the muses, Satan, flow, presence, or Zen—but the great stuff always comes out only when 'you' get out of the way and allow it to come."

Satan, huh?  What is it with Satan and these new liberals?  Hate Nazis but love Satan.  And the difference?  Didn't they realize that conservatives were just kidding when they teased them about being Satan-worshippers?  Who would have thought that they would double-down and now include Satan in all their lists of "supreme" beings?

kate gina jen coexist.jpg

We miss the old liberals.  They were a lot of fun -- and they joined with us in dissing both Nazis and Satan.  They weren't much good at balancing budgets, but damn did they make us laugh.  They were the yin to our yang.  We'd love to have them back -- instead of this hateful, prudish, stick-up-the-bunghole crowd that calls themselves "liberal" now.

There still are a few around though.  Bill Maher is still carrying on the tradition.  And wow does he ever nail it...

And how about this guy?  Monty Python anyone?

Why Does Phil Murphy hate average Americans?

Unable to embrace his neighbor, he embraces the world.

The sneering contempt that many in the American "elite" have for average working Americans has been extensively documented.  It comes, quite naturally from the lips of say, a Chelsea Handler, when she says that incest doesn't happen among people like her but only in places like the South and among the working class. 

Of course, this is in marked contrast to the excuses the same "elites" make for violent criminals, cop-killers, terrorists, totalitarians like Stalin, Mao, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Pol Pot.  Excuses, excuses... some even make excuses for Sharia law and for its advocates -- like Women's March co-chair Linda Sarsour.

It was Linda Sarsour who called for "jihad" against the government of the United States of America.  She did so in a speech in which she praised Siraj Wahaj, a controversial New York imam who federal prosecutors alleged was a possible "co-conspirator" in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.  You can catch her act here:

Did candidate Phil Murphy distance himself from Linda Sarsour and her organization?  No he did not.  He did not criticize her at all.

When Linda Sarsour made some horrible remarks about a Black woman, a victim of genital mutilation, and noted reformer in the Muslim world, did candidate Phil Murphy say a word about it?  No he did not.  He continues to support Sarsour, her organization, and its goals.

In contrast, candidate Phil Murphy has been quick to play holier-than-thou over a band banner and the word "bitch" used in a private conversation that was illicitly recorded.  Apparently these are worth endless commentary but calling for Islamic "holy war" against the elected government of the United States -- while we have American military men and women in the field -- is not worth candidate Phil Murphy batting an eyelash over.  Apparently, candidate Phil Murphy has no opinion on whether or not Linda Sarsour was out of line when she told a female victim of genital mutilation that she "wanted to take her vagina away."  Maybe Murphy thought that was "cute"?

Now candidate Phil Murphy is complaining because average working Americans can't understand why he would further erode their standard of living in New Jersey.  He and his allies in the establishment media have taken to calling these average working Americans names like "racist" because they don't agree with Murphy's plans to make New Jersey a "sanctuary state" for illegal aliens. 

Former Mayor Steve Lonegan explained what making New Jersey a "sanctuary state" would do to average working Americans living in New Jersey:

Lonegan quoted from a recent letter as to what the Democrats' "sanctuary state" policy would mean to the average taxpayer:

"A 'sanctuary state' will mean a huge influx of people who will need the social services safety net more than average.  The Democrat gubernatorial ticket has promised to impose a so-called 'millionaire's tax' that will chase away those who currently fund the state's social safety net.  Those who are left... the middle class who can't leave because of a job, or because they can't sell their home for what they paid for it, or because their child wants to finish school -- they will have to make up for the shortfall in higher taxes.

That won't be easy, because at 26.1% of income, the cost of living in New Jersey is, according to Bloomberg, by far the most expensive in the nation.  Meanwhile, state household income is nearly seven percent lower than it was in 2008 and has only grown by a little more than one percent since then. 

Those coming to the new 'Sanctuary State' of New Jersey will enter the workforce of the gray economy, where the minimum wage doesn't apply.  But for everyone else it does -- which will leave trade union workers, manufacturing, medical care and health workers, service industry workers, and mothers with part-time jobs all at a disadvantage when competing for a job.  It will be bad news for people trying to pay their mortgage, their property taxes, those hoping to avoid foreclosure. 

And just where will all these newcomers to the 'Sanctuary State of New Jersey' reside?  Why in subsidized sanctuary housing -- courtesy of COAH and its plan to build tens of thousands of new subsidized no-questions-asked units throughout New Jersey. 

This will require massive infrastructure investment by taxpayers -- and an increase in property tax collections.  To pay for it, the Democrats intend to scrap the 2-percent cap on local government spending.  Under the Democrats property taxes rose an average of 6.1 percent a year -- triple the rate of inflation.  Since the cap, property taxes have gone up an average of just 2.1 percent a year."

"If the Democrats are successful with their idea, they will have to build a wall to keep taxpayers in," Lonegan said.  True enough.  But it still doesn't explain what candidate Phil Murphy has against average working Americans and why he is so determined to make the lives of those living in New Jersey more difficult. should be fined for not reporting an in-kind for Murphy

We have reported before on the Newhouse media empire and its anti-worker, anti-union, anti-middle class practices.  A book was written about the Newhouse family, their media business, and how they roll.  It is a hoot, unless you lived through it, and it details how they crushed union activity, kept organizers from workers, paid people crap, but then offered them personal loans to keep them in debt and supplicant.  Real pricks.

Well, the pricks are at it again.  They want to crank it up the collective ass of every blue-collar worker in the state by suppressing their wages and breaking their ability to collectively organize for their rights as workers.  This is an old story with the Newhouse boys, who have made a career of taking good paying jobs with benefits and turning them into shit.

The Newhouse plan is to turn New Jersey -- the whole state -- into a "Sanctuary State."  What this means was outlined recently in a letter to concerned taxpayers:

"A 'sanctuary state' will mean a huge influx of people who will need the social services safety net more than average.  The Democrat gubernatorial ticket has promised to impose a so-called 'millionaire's tax' that will chase away those who currently fund the state's social safety net.  Those who are left... the middle class who can't leave because of a job, or because they can't sell their home for what they paid for it, or because their child wants to finish school -- they will have to make up for the shortfall in higher taxes.

That won't be easy, because at 26.1% of income, the cost of living in New Jersey is, according to Bloomberg, by far the most expensive in the nation.  Meanwhile, state household income is nearly seven percent lower than it was in 2008 and has only grown by a little more than one percent since then. 

Those coming to the new 'Sanctuary State' of New Jersey will enter the workforce of the gray economy, where the minimum wage doesn't apply.  But for everyone else it does -- which will leave trade union workers, manufacturing, medical care and health workers, service industry workers, and mothers with part-time jobs all at a disadvantage when competing for a job.  It will be bad news for people trying to pay their mortgage, their property taxes, those hoping to avoid foreclosure. 

And just where will all these newcomers to the 'Sanctuary State of New Jersey' reside?  Why in subsidized sanctuary housing -- courtesy of COAH and its plan to build tens of thousands of new subsidized no-questions-asked units throughout New Jersey. 

This will require massive infrastructure investment by taxpayers -- and an increase in property tax collections.  To pay for it, the Democrats intend to scrap the 2-percent cap on local government spending.  Under the Democrats property taxes rose an average of 6.1 percent a year -- triple the rate of inflation.  Since the cap, property taxes have gone up an average of just 2.1 percent a year."

In the furtherance of their scheme, the Newhouse media empire has directed one of their un-named operatives at the Star-Ledger/ to write a column that accuses those who wish to avoid the fate outlined above of... you guessed it, racism.  The accusation of "racism" is now the last refuge of those incompetent writers who simply can't make an argument.  So the column begins:

guadagno nj article.jpg

Actually, he was.  That is what making New Jersey a "sanctuary state" will do. 

Look it up, that is the traditional role of sanctuary.  It does not discriminate based on whether you have been accused of a crime or not.  Any place offering "sanctuary" worthy of the name, covers those accused of criminal wrongdoing.

If you are not going to go down this path, then don't use the word.  And words are important, as this scene from the film "Conspiracy" illustrates so well:

Words matter.  The scene above recounts a true event in the somewhat recent past.  It takes place in a country that had recently been a western democracy -- with an elected president, legislative chamber, and independent judiciary.  But in this country the law was used to drive out opposition voices and piece by piece replace the institutions of representative democracy with one-party, one point-of-view authoritarianism.  This country had grand ideas about its destiny and, to that end, committed itself to a program of foreign meddling.  So the country was soon at war.

The setting is a beautiful house on a lake, in a suburb outside the capital.  The house had been seized from its owners, by the government for its use, through a form of eminent domain.  And in the middle of winter, 15 bureaucrats and politicians met there.  Most were lawyers, others were prominent members of the civil service, many had impressive academic credentials.  Over fine wine they lunched (it calls to mind one of those Planned Parenthood videos) and for two hours twisted and contorted language and emerged with a euphemism -- "the final solution" -- that consigned millions to unimaginable horror and death.

If you watch the entire film, pay close attention to how everything they planned had to be "based in law."  And by-the-way, the uniforms are not military uniforms.  They are political party uniforms.  These bastards were not soldiers, they were attorneys. 

We should not allow Phil Murphy and the Newhouse media empire to use the word "sanctuary" as a means to drive down the cost of labor.  It is not "sanctuary" that they seek but union busting, cheap labor, and the continued decline of the middle class.  Don't let them dishonor the word "sanctuary" by turning it into a euphemism for their anti-worker schemes.

Words matter.  Politically correct euphemism is the enemy of truth. 

No surprise Kim Guadagno is down in the polls

By Rev. Greg Quinlan

A recent Monmouth University poll reports that Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno is running 27-points behind Democrat Phil Murphy in the race to be New Jersey's next Governor.  The poll found 53% supporting Murphy and 26% for Guadagno.   Another 6% were planning to vote independent and 14% were undecided.

According to this poll, Murphy has the support of 87% of his party's "registered" voters.  Guadagno has the support of just 69% of Republicans. That is a nearly 20-point deficit.

Laying to one side the fact that establishment polls in New Jersey are often engineered to produce desired results, as in the recent poll from Rutgers-Eagleton on Planned Parenthood funding, it should surprise nobody that a pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, pro-RGGI energy tax Republican is turning-off those voters she needs to turn-out in high numbers.

For more on Rutgers' infamous Planned Parenthood poll scam, read:

For anyone whose top issues are funding Planned Parenthood, or funding LGBTQ lobbyists with a state license plate scheme, or funding politically-correct corporate cronies with the job-killing RGGI energy tax, then there is a perfectly fine party that suits your needs.  It is known as the Democratic (in name only) Party.

If, on the other hand, you support traditional values and oppose politically-correct schemes to kill businesses, jobs, and raise taxes, then you should be a Republican and it is the job of Republican Party leaders to present their party's platform in a way that wins that support.  It is not their job to deny their Party's platform or, even worse, to embrace planks of the Democratic Party platform.   If they can't think of a way to present their Party's platform in a reasonable and positive way or if they don't believe in their Party's platform, then they should not be leading the Republican Party. 

The message of the Republican Party, carried in successive party platforms, is a message of electoral success.  Carrying the message of the most conservative platforms in its history, Republicans expanded their congressional majorities, captured an overwhelming number of state houses and legislative chambers, and defeated Hillary Clinton.  

The Platform of the Republican Party is a living document that is debated and voted on every four years by democratically-elected delegates from across America.  If you want to change the Party's platform, that is the time to do it.  If a state party organization wants to "opt-out" then have the guts to stand up and say so at the national convention and then post what you actually stand for on your state party website.  Make sure that it is as detailed as the RNC Platform and point-by-point, plank-by-plank, make your support or objection known.  Then we will at least know who and what you are.

Instead, every four years, New Jersey Republicans elect delegates to the Republican National Convention who write and adopt a platform, only to watch as the state's Republican establishment willfully ignores it and even lies to those who support the Republican Party and what it stands for.  It is time for a little truth in advertising.

The same old lie that has prevented New Jersey Republicans from achieving success is starting to circulate again.  It's the one that claims Republicans can only win with so-called "moderates."  Of course, this ignores the fact that the only Republican to win statewide in the last twenty years ran as a pro-Life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-gun, anti-tax conservative (yes, he used the word... over and over again).  He defeated an incumbent Democratic Governor and was re-elected with over 60% of the vote.  It also ignores the fact that the Republican Governor before him defeated a Democratic incumbent by promising big tax cuts and that the last time Republicans captured the state Legislature was due to a combined backlash on tax hikes and social issues.

It isn't that the average registered Republican lacks the confidence to be a Republican.  It's that the average Republican leader is often too conflicted to be a practicing Republican.  Too many of our Republican leaders get their incomes from sources that are antithetical to the Party's platform.  How many Republican leaders did we see employed as lobbyists advocating same-sex marriage?  How many have lobbied on behalf of Leftists like George Soros?  How many are employed by local and county governments that are controlled by Democrats? 

Republicans could be the party of the new have-nots.  I mean the vast majority of voters who fall outside those 31 urban Abbott districts that absorb most of the state's education money and gives them the highest property taxes in America. This in spite of the fact that half the state's economically disadvantaged children live outside those districts, and that many of those districts have improved economically since the Great Recession, while rural and suburban districts have suffered.  It has become a case of the rural and suburban poor subsidizing an urban elite unwilling to pay to educate the children of their communities, but many Republican leaders remain trapped in a 1980's mentality, viewing places like Hoboken and Jersey City through an antique lens.

Republicans could be the party of real democracy.  With its unelected judiciary, unelected prosecutors, and a Legislature designed to be bullied by bosses, New Jersey is about the least democratic place in America.  That could change and Republicans could be the leaders of that change.  Why not give democracy and good government a chance?  It might just be the "game-changer" the NJGOP keeps looking for.

In embracing these big-picture, broad-based ideas, Republicans should never forget that the average LGBTQ voter will always tend more towards the Left than the Right, so that means the Democratic Party; while the average traditional values voter will always tend more Right than Left, so that means the Republican Party.  It makes no sense to depress and suppress those who want to vote for you, so that you can madly chase after those who have no interest at all in voting for you. 

According to the Monmouth poll Kim Guadagno has already turned off 31% of what should be her Republican vote, while failing to make any serious inroads into her opponents' base.  This is the "moderate" formula for crushing defeat.

Worry about your voters and turn them out, don't worry about their voters.  If someone is such an LGBTQ voter that no measure of reform or democracy or tax fairness interests them, then move on, don't pander.  Besides, with Democratic candidates like Phil Murphy to vote for, they'll be plenty depressed anyway. 

Nothing kills a Leftist's buzz more than having a rich corporate globalist playing a "progressive" in a vain attempt to make voters forget who he hurt as a Wall Streeter.  Get smart and tell your opponent's story so that his potential voters know what kind of dog the Democratic Party bosses expect them to vote for.  But don't pander.  You are looking to turn them off to him, not turn them on to you.

In closing, the French Canadians have a very appropriate motto that Republicans should adopt:  "Je me souviens."  It means, "I remember who I am." 

Rev. Greg Quinlan is President of the Center for Garden State Families.