Ryan Peters: Thumbs up to Mikie Sherrill. Thumbs down to Diane Allen.

By Rubashov

In a video paid for by Nick DeGregorio’s campaign for Congress, former Assemblyman Ryan Peters touts military experience as the preeminent qualification for public office. Peters, a former Navy SEAL, states: “There is simply no boardroom or classroom that tests you like a combat zone.”

Peters goes on to say, “You see things, and you’re put in situations… that test the core of who you are. Because ultimately… you will have to look into the eyes of our enemy and decide right then, right there, whether or not you have the strength to fight…”

The ancient Greeks might well agree with Peters. Military service and procreation were twin virtues revered by their civilization. Both were considered essential to the preservation of the city-state, and military service was compulsory. In Athens, for example, service was limited to a set period. In Sparta, it was for life.

But are Peters’ views relevant today? Is combat vet Tammy Duckworth more qualified to be President than was someone like Ronald Reagan? Peters appears to think so. Duckworth, an Army Lt. Colonel, lost both her legs to combat. She is currently the United States Senator from Illinois and a decidedly liberal Democrat. Is Peters suggesting that we ignore her positions on issues and vote for her based on her unquestionable military experience?

Should we have cast our votes for, say, John Kerry (Navy Lieutenant, winner of the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts) over George W. Bush? Peters seems to say “yes”.

The only Republican in the Legislature to vote for Democrat Governor Jim Florio's gun ban was a United States Marine (a Captain). Should Republicans have voted for him based on his military experience? Or should they have taken his anti-Second Amendment position into account?

The video features a clip of DeGregorio, a candidate for Congress in the 5th District, complaining that his Republican primary opponents have questioned his experience. Nick, who reached the rank of Major in the Marine Corps, is running a campaign largely based on his military service. On his campaign website, there are many paragraphs about what Nick did in the military, but there’s nothing about what he’d do in Congress. No issues page. No policies.

Nick compounded this by refusing to share his views with a panel of statewide conservative leaders that included Mayor Steve Lonegan; Marie Tasy (New Jersey Right to Life); Alex Roubian (2nd Amendment Society); Rev. Greg Quinlan (Center for Garden State Families); John Robert Carman (NJ Constitutional Republicans); and Josh Aikens (AriseNJ). Every other candidate for the GOP nomination in the 5th District participated, as did every candidate in the neighboring 7th District – including elected officials like Senator Tom Kean Jr. and Assemblyman Erik Peterson. Perhaps Nick hasn’t fully formed views on issues like taxation and abortion and the Second Amendment?

Whatever the reason for Nick’s reticence to share his ideas on issues, it does raise perfectly reasonable questions about what those ideas might be – or whether Nick has any ideas at all. In the video, Peters suggest anyone who questions a former combat veteran and candidate for public office should face cancellation for daring to do so. Peters states, “So, for any guy who puts on a suit, sits in an office, and says those who chose to put on a uniform and face down the barrel of a gun, that they don’t have experience – you sir, have no business representing anybody in Congress.”

This is quite an extreme statement and a species of that faux moral outrage one generally associates with the Left. Of course, all citizens – suit-wearing or not – have not only the right but the duty to question the experience of those who wish to represent them in Congress. To suggest that questioning certain people should result in the questioner being cancelled is irresponsible and absurd.

We wonder if Republicans will face the same admonishments from Democrats when Senator Duckworth runs for President in 2024? And we can’t help but wonder who Assemblyman Peters would have voted for last year, if Phil Murphy had run with Mikie Sherrill (retired Navy Lt. Commander and a combat helicopter pilot) against a Quaker pacifist like Diane Allen?

If we place the romance and emotional rhetoric to one side, it is clear to see there are many kinds of experiences that could be helpful in Congress. Having gone through a pandemic, perhaps a candidate with a medical background might be helpful? A career in medical research might even be more helpful. Would Peters suggest cancelling such a candidate if they dared ask Nick where he stood on the issues?

Experience should be the beginning of a candidate's story. It should not be a candidate's entire story.

This is not to place blame on Ryan and Nick alone, because they have not embraced this criterion on their own. They are victims of the political campaign industry’s consultant class. America might not manufacture anything anymore, but politics and government affairs and lobbying has never been bigger.

Today’s political consultants don’t think of a public servant or a statesman when they think of a candidate – they think of a Facebook celebrity. And that is what they seek to manufacture. A nice, plausible face with a good back story that produces the mandatory emotional “likes”. Candidates are admonished not to think or tell anybody where they stand on issues. In place of genuine thought, there is a script. Human concern is carefully choreographed. Image is all.

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.

(Excerpts from “The Hollow Men”
by Thomas Stearns Eliot)

We disagree with these political consultants. We believe that issues matter to people. Issues motivate individual people to vote. Not categories designed by algorithms. Issues have meaning to people.

Take these folks in this video, for example. Are they “Soft Democrats” or “Swing” or any one of the other descriptors designed to make it easier to sell some technological shortcut to figuring out what is on people’s minds (short of having a discussion with them). To us, they appear unique, individual, and motivated by an issue that concerns them. Of course, we could be wrong. Watch the video. You describe them. Are they Republicans?

How would the sacred algorithms describe them?

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell

Bhimani and Draeger: Mikie Sherrill’s sore winners.

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What a couple of cretins!  

Okay, you did your weekly Antifa routine in front of his office and upset the old guy so much that his doctor told him to give it up.  Hoorah! You tormented a man whose public service began in the jungles of Vietnam and drove him out of office.

Then you beat his party’s nominee with a candidate who masqueraded as a suburban Republican – a veteran, tough on crime prosecutor, and all American mom (hey, where’s that slice of apple pie?).  But that wasn’t good enough for the kind of Antifa gals who enjoy pulling the wings off flies.

You had to show up to his office on his last day open – and act like assholes.  Well good for you. You showed all the world what measure of class and grace you possess.  

Liar Mikie Sherrill is no Josh Gottheimer. Newcomer goes back on her word. Twice.

What’s wrong with Democrat Mikie Sherrill?

First, she told the voters of the 11th District that she wouldn’t support the deeply unpopular Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.  

Now, the media is reporting that Mikie Sherrill is going back on her word.  According to Roll Call, less than two weeks after being elected, she was already playing politics:

Democrats Who Ran Anti-Pelosi Campaigns Show Signs of Cracking

Some of the newly elected Democratic House members who said on the campaign trail they would not support Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for speaker have already shown signs of cracking as Pelosi ramps up the pressure for them not to divide the party before it even takes control of the chamber in January.

Rep.-elect Mikie Sherrill, a New Jersey Democrat who said during her campaign that the party needs “new leadership, and it starts at the top,” declined to affirm that statement after meeting with Pelosi on Friday.

“I’m sorry, I got to go,” Sherrill told reporters waiting outside the minority leader’s office. She directed reporters to her press aide.

In an interview on Oct. 11 on local TV, Sherrill blasted her Republican opponent for trying to tie her to Pelosi at a debate.

“I don’t support Nancy Pelosi. I put out a commercial saying that I don’t support Nancy Pelosi,” Sherrill said.

The New Jersey Democrat is one of a handful of freshman Democrats who have softened their opposition to the caucus’s likely choice for speaker in January.


Remember those expensive political advertisements Mike Sherrill used to win over voters?  

That’s Mikie Sherrill promising to “stop the partisan politics” – but once again, she’s gone back on her word.  The ink isn’t dry on her election victory, and she is already targeting a local Republican legislator she should be looking to work with to get the job done for her constituents.

Instead of working across party lines, Mikie Sherrill is heading up a political campaign for the state Legislature.  It was announced last week that Sherrill will serve as the Chairman of the campaign of two Democrat candidates for the state Legislature.  How is that ending partisan politics?

From: Lisa Bhimani
Date: November 19, 2018 at 1:08:22 PM EST
Subject: Our campaign kickoff Monday 11/26!

Hi friend -

Darcy Draeger and I would like to invite you to the formal launch of our campaign for Assembly in the 25th Legislative District. We are thrilled that Mikie Sherrill, Congresswoman-elect from NJ’s 11th District, will be attending as a special guest and has agreed to chair of our campaign. 

Please join us Monday, November 26th at 1:30pm at the Brookside Community Center in Mendham. Please see the below for more information. 

We'd love to see you there. 


Lisa and Darcy

More and more it looks like Mikie Sherrill won her seat dishonestly – by lying to the voters and deceiving them as to her real intentions.  

That should come as no surprise to NJTV’s top journalist Michael Aron.  During the campaign, Aron asked Sherrill’s spokesperson to give the media a little more on Mikie Sherrill than the “Navy pilot – Prosecutor – Mom” routine.  Sherrill’s spokesperson smiled at Aron and said: “That’s all you’re ever going to get to know.” Well maybe during the campaign, but now that she’s in office, the bark is going to get peeled off that tree.  It can’t help but be.

Mikie Sherrill’s failure to keep her word on bi-partisanship is in stark contrast to the record of fellow Democrat Josh Gottheimer, who has maintained the gold standard of bi-partisanship in the neighboring 5th congressional district.  You wouldn’t catch Congressman Gottheimer pulling a stunt like Sherrill’s in LD25 – and that’s after he’s been re-elected!  

Of course, this didn’t stop the vendor owned InsiderNJ’s Fred Snowflake from engaging in the usual handjob snark about whether Sherrill should be endorsing a Republican instead of Bhimani and Draeger.  If bi-partisan is really and truly your thing, why endorse anyone? Just work with what is. But trust a handjob not to get it (everything is either/or, black/white with them… very anal).

Blue what? The only NJ Dem legislator elected to Congress was endorsed by the NRA!

There’s a lot to be said for not having a record. 

For a start, you can lie about who you are and what you will do when you get elected.  You can even target your lies to different audiences – like pretending you have a war record and appealing to suburban voters with your anti-tax broadcast advertising, while using your grassroots to find and target liberals with a message especially for them.  That’s how the Democrats did it. 

Republicans… they did it ass backwards.  They invested millions to tell their grassroots to go to hell and then broadcast an explicitly liberal message to those cultural leftists who hate the word “Republican” the most.  And they did it in the midst of the most divisive national election since 2010 – on par with 1994.  They invested even more millions in turning out the very people who loath them – all the while doing their utmost to convince their base that they think of them the same way they think of dog excrement.  See, in this way you lose everybody! 

New Jersey Republicans desperately needed a unified message to take to war in 2018.  After Donald Trump and the GOP leadership in Congress screwed them by passing a tax package that arguably raised property taxes in the state with the worst property tax problem in the nation – somebody should have got everyone in a room to figure out a message.  Hey, it’s a small state so if you don’t want to come off like a cacophony, you’d better all be singing the same tune.

Instead, half argued that screwing with the state’s property tax deduction was a net positive, half said it was a net negative – and the Democrats, they just loved it!  For once, they got to be the party defending the beleaguered property taxpayers of New Jersey.  What passes for the media in New Jersey backed them up on it.  And more importantly, so did the instincts of the average property taxpayer.  Donald Trump or no Donald Trump, when it comes to trusting the promises politicians make about property taxes, they don’t.  Period.  Somebody should have remembered that.

After handing the property tax issue to the Democrats – the issue that has consistently tested as the top concern of New Jersey voters for at least the last decade – it is amazing the NJGOP did as well as it did on November 6th.  A large part of the electorate already hated Donald Trump (and therefore, the Republican brand) and wanted to show it – but by miscalculation, the remainder were granted permission to hate the GOP too… over property taxes!  Gagged and gagged again.

But it wouldn’t have worked so well if the Democrats hadn’t been such clean slates.  Just think of it.  All those Democrats in the Legislature with all those perfect liberal voting records… and the only guy who is acceptable to the electorate to move up and go to Congress is the state’s most conservative Democrat legislator… the one who is endorsed by the NRA.  The one who voted against same-sex marriage.  Heck, Jeff Van Drew is more Pro-Life than many Republicans and has opposed both RGGI and increasing the minimum wage!  But he moved up, and all the rest stayed behind. 

Meanwhile, DC residents Andy Kim and Tom Malinowski simply move into the state, take out six month leases on rental properties, run and win.  And the silly fools who spent years as Democrat committee members, in local governments, running for Freeholder and then for Assembly… they just suck ass.  You can’t get elected because your liberal records won’t let you.

Where did Mikie Sherrill come from?  The “Navy pilot – Prosecutor – Mom” fell out of the sky and landed in Congress.  In the new politics of congressional elections, she’s one of the Houyhnhnm.  Back in the trenches, the time-serving yahoos can only snort and envy her advancement. 

Yesterday, Rutgers put out a new poll showing that – once again – taxes top the state’s issues grid (with a sizeable number volunteering “property” taxes as their big concern).  The Eagleton poll noted that people are generally happy with the state’s economy and, as it is part of a generally buoyant national economy, that shouldn’t surprise anyone, but it does appear Democrat Governor Murphy is taking more credit than the state Republican leaders.  One “research professor” drew attention to “a new phenomenon” of voters not having quite formed an opinion of Phil Murphy, after nearly a year in office.  It’s like they don’t know him and it’s taking some time. (Maybe they will now… after yesterday’s snow job?)

A phenomenon is it?  Why is anyone surprised, given the state of political news coverage in New Jersey?  Just ask anyone on press row… oh, that’s right, it’s not there anymore.  If it’s a national election like we just had, the coverage will be driven by national outlets.  If not… good luck.  And that is something our campaign gurus are going to need to consider when planning what used to be called “earned media” campaigns. 

Meanwhile, back at madness central, a couple of juvenile delinquent Democrat Assemblywomen invited “pro-death penalty for American military members” activist Jane Fonda to place a feather in her patouee and lead a conga line from the Speaker’s office to the Governor’s den.  Not a word yet from Navy pilot Mikie Sherrill about the appropriateness of Fonda’s appearance – or from Andy Kim or Tom Malinowski, for that matter.  But hey Assemblywomen, keep it up.  If that’s the fashion, keep it up and you’ll soon find yourself in… Congress?  NOT!

Suburban Democrats ran and won on property taxes.

Has Fred Snowflake ever run a political campaign in his life?  We suspect not.

If he had, he’d spend less time in the shithouse dreaming and more time paying attention to how campaigns are run and what’s said.  But Snowflake – who writes for a website owned by a slimebag vendor who sells shit to governments that spend taxpayers’ money – does most of his work behind the latrine door these days.  His latest spin is that taxes don’t matter… especially property taxes.

Did Snowflake deliberately forget about the Trump tax cut and SALT?  Was it not discussed enough for him?  Did property taxes not emerge as a central issue in the congressional campaigns in New Jersey? 

As “proof” for his silly argument he offers us the Democrats elected to Congress from Northwest New Jersey – Josh Gottheimer and Mikie Sherrill.  According to Snowflake…

“taxes are high in New Jersey. But taxes are not the only issue.  More and more it seems that suburbanites are voting in favor of issues unrelated to taxes. They are voting in favor of abortion rights for women, a more welcoming policy toward immigrants, stronger gun control laws and an environmental policy based on science. That seemed to drive this year’s election in New Jersey…”

Seemed?  Only if you were in the shithouse. 

We looked… but cannot find a Democrat cable or broadcast advertisement that unpacks that particular issues grid.  Apparently, it wasn’t in their armory. 

What we actually got was this:  Democrats cleverly portraying themselves as Republicans on all the most important issues.  Hey, check it out for yourselves.  Go to Josh Gottheimer or Mikie Sherrill’s YouTube pages and watch the ads.

Immigration?  Are you kidding?  What you will find it this…

“Lower Taxes. Jersey Values.”

“Cut Property Taxes”

“Think your property taxes are too high?”

“Navy Pilot – Prosecutor – Mom”

“I’ll fight to restore your property tax deduction.”

Josh Gottheimer’s campaign doesn’t post any ads that could reasonably be called liberal.  Mikie Sherrill’s posts two conservative ads for every liberal ad.  And nobody says shit about immigration.

See what Snowflake is doing here?   

Snowflake’s vendor owner – a Hillary Clinton insider – is trying to convince New Jersey Republicans to screw themselves again, even as they pull that old Bill Clinton maneuver of co-opting and running on Republicans issues.  Anyone remember welfare-reform?  Or how about “the era of big government is over”? 

It’s an old trick.  And a good one.  Almost as good as the one Mikie Sherrill pulled on the constituents she’s about to represent.  Who is she?  Really?

In common with most of Democrat moes who ran this year, they all started out dancing in the street with pussy hats on, attending protests, and pretending they were back in the 1960’s (which none of them were in the first place).  The heady days of the Women’s March was that kind of Disneyland.  Then, after winning their primaries, they all suddenly became centrists and “bi-partisan”.  Not a mention of transgender anything.  Republican Bob Hugin spent more promoting abortion and gay marriage than all the Democrats put together.  Mikie Sherrill became “Navy Pilot – Prosecutor – Mom” in other words “War – Cops – and Motherhood”.  That ain’t a liberal message.

In the aftermath of Sherrill’s victory last week, most commentators missed the real reason why she won:  She got to pick her opponent for the General Election (and it was anyone other than the incumbent, Rodney Frelinghuysen).  Yep, her pussy hatted minions pushed the incumbent Republican out of the race (a fact Jay Webber should have played on).  You know, that well-respected, well-heeled, bi-partisan Vietnam War vet… yeah, him.

For that, she needed her grassroots.  All those crazies who pissed and moaned and carried on, and who, like a switch, suddenly dropped out of sight to return as blandly suburban or mildly eccentric door-to-door volunteers spitting out the party line.  Admirable discipline. 

We can only speculate as to what would have happened had the Navy pilot come up against someone who had actually tasted war.  Someone with a real record of bi-partisan accomplishment.  Who had attended to constituent service.  Or, if the incumbent had departed in a more timely fashion, a new candidate – without the encumbrance of a messy primary – who would have had the time and resources to use all those individual crazies as the means to define just who Mikie Sherrill really is.  We can only speculate.

Still, the road is long.  The opportunity will present itself again.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”  - Winston Churchill

Tom Moran shits the bed again. NJ.com editorial goes nuts with the name-calling (again).

By Rubashov

At what point did Star-Ledger/NJ.com editor Tom Moran go from a somewhat reasonable – albeit excruciatingly liberal – man of journalism, to New Jersey’s own Julius Streicher, throwing invective and hate at anyone who doesn’t see the world through the increasingly dark and confused lens he does.  Like Streicher, who edited a newspaper called “The Attacker,” Moran discards journalism and adopts a political role as the state’s leading propagandist for what has come to be known as “The Resistance.”

Of course, what he is “resisting” is the outcome (under long established rules) of a national election in the world’s foremost democracy.  Moran and his movement are not only threats to the political and economic stability of United States, but of the World.  It takes humility to live in a democracy, to preserve a Republic.  But Moran and his movement place their will above all else – and if their will should triumph, all future elections would be fought after the fact, regardless of outcome, endlessly, the way they are fighting this one.

To Moran and his movement, we are in year three of the 2016 presidential election.  This election will not be over until they get their way.  Only then will they permit us to move on to the next election. 

But who is this movement?  They are the permanent Establishment Party of government.  That’s what they would be called if they were honest about it.  In Mexico, where honesty rates higher than in Washington, DC, the longtime ruling political party calls itself the Partido Revolucionario Institucional – the Institutional Revolutionary Party.  They held power for 71 uninterrupted years – until the corruption and economic decline got so bad that voters, in their pain, sought other answers (both good and bad).  Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, like Ralph Nader and Ron Paul before them, are symptoms of a corrupt institutional party producing more pain than benefits. 

Tom Moran is a chief propagandist for global corporatists, like those who publish his newspaper, and for all those who are made comfortable and secure by government and the largesse of the taxpayers.  These include the crony capitalists, pay-to-play government vendors, the Wall Street operators (like Moran’s heroes Jon Corzine and Phil Murphy), and the legions of lobbyists and senior bureaucrats who might as well be interchangeable.  It includes too, those well-off academics, like Brigid Harrison of Montclair State University.  A failed Democrat candidate, Harrison was provided a second life as an Establishment propagandist whose work has been pushed as required reading.    

The permanent Establishment Party straddles both established political parties in America – where our political choices are limited to faux chocolate and faux vanilla – and where propagandists like Tom Moran direct members of the working class to battle each other over race, ethnicity, and gender.  Using the last, they are now in the process of endlessly expanding the opportunities for internal division amongst the 99 percent. 

Candidates like Mikie Sherrill are the face of this “Resistance” to working class pain – to those same voters who bet on Barack Obama to rescue them in 2008, and who, in their pain, reached for Donald Trump in 2016.  A wealthy, expensively trained, representative of the Elite – whose career path was to “check the boxes” on the way to being given “power” as a safe pair-of-hands for those who actually wield it.

The means to Sherrill’s rise to celebrity are notorious.  Along with her Antifa-inspired thugs, she stalked and hounded the aged Congressman and Vietnam War Vet, Rodney Frelinghuysen.  They spat insults at him and lied about his record – acting as if this most bi-partisan and gentlemanly of public servants was akin to David Duke.  In this, they are not so different from Tom Moran and the NJ.com editorial board who over the weekend used words like “fraud” and “fanatical” to describe those who oppose their nurtured-by-hand celebrity, Mikie Sherrill.  If anything, they are using others as a mirror to reflect back what they see in themselves… frauds and fanatics.

Over the next two weeks and beyond – until they get their way and the result from the 2016 presidential election that they believe they are entitled to – Tom Moran and company will continue to behave the way they have been, calling names, spitting hatred, urinating down their own trousers.  They are like beings possessed, confirmed in their certainties, their righteousness and indignation.  They can not think outside of it… just ask Jonathan Salant. 

The people who teach our children are shilling for a human trafficker. Yes, the world is a bad place.

Throughout the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, we heard a lot from the Democrats and their allies – from newcomers like Antifa and the Women’s March to usual suspects like NOW and the NJEA.  We heard them shout in unison about “accusations” and “FBI investigations” – and how these things are enough to block someone from high office.  Well, there were enough allegations against Senator Bob Menendez, for President Obama’s Justice Department to indict him on federal corruption charges and to take him to trial.  It ended in a mistrial.  Out of that came a formal admonishment by the Senate Ethics Committee in April of this year.

What came out of the FBI investigation was that Senator Menendez was helping to bring young women into the United States for his friend and donor, Salomon Melgen to use as sexual objects.  It is our opinion that these women were being trafficked for sexual purposes and the FBI investigation appears to have led to the same conclusion. 

As was reported in the national and New York media, the FBI investigation came up with “corroborating evidence” concerning uncharged allegations of underage prostitution.  Specifically, prosecutors claim that the Senator and his donor friend traveled to the Dominican Republic to have sex with prostitutes, some of whom would have been underaged. 

If, in the era of #MeTooism, allegations are enough – as we were endlessly told by the Democrats and their Antifa allies – then why are Democrats and groups like the NJEA supporting Bob Menendez?  Why are they allowing RealPolitik to trump #MeTooism?

There is a lot more evidence of #MeTooism with Senator Menendez than ever existed in the case of Brett Kavanaugh.  And yet we still hear the self-serving dribble from the likes of Democrat congressional candidates Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim.  Not to mention Senator Cory Booker – who wants to turn Israel, or what would remain of it after he removed their defensive wall, into a vast Yugoslav-style rape camp.  Does anyone doubt what would happen to the Israeli population – particularly its women and children – if they were ever turned over to the tender mercies of Hamas, Hezbollah, or even the garden variety governments of its “neighbors”?

In addition to their hypocritical support of Menendez and opposition to Kavanaugh, the indictments against these three candidates are as follows:

Mikie Sherrill worked with far-left radical elements allied with Antifa and the Jihadist Linda Sarsour (a racist allied with Louis Farrakhan) to drive out a moderate, bi-partisan member of Congress, who had served in-country during the Vietnam War.  They knew he was elderly and in failing health, but they worked on him until he had to give up.

Tom Malinowski turned a career as a human rights advocate on its head when he joined Obama’s Clinton-Kerry State Department and promptly became an apologist for those who use slave labor and who engage in human trafficking and the exploitation of women and children.  Far from standing up to dictators and authoritarian governments, he made excuses for them.

Andy Kim is one of the founders of “The Resistance.”  And he has lied about his record from the first – at one point even describing himself or allowing himself to be described as a “veteran” when he has never served in the military.  Now he’s running on a ticket that includes – not only Senator Menendez – but a Freeholder candidate who has been arrested for domestic violence and who had stalking complaints filed against him. 

These candidates are not pro-women or pro-anything, they are Democrat Party politicians looking for votes, and they will do anything or say anything to get them.  They are committed to getting power so that they can take away YOUR freedom.

So now we know how far they’ll go.  What are we going to do to stop them?  How determined are we?  Are we determined enough to tell our neighbors about their hypocrisy?  Are we determined enough to stand up after the church social and put it out there?  Are we determined enough to let everyone we know on Facebook where we stand and what the stakes are?  Or are we too pussy to do any of that?

Republicans who want to stay pussies are not going to make this fight any easier.

Don’t be pussies.  There’s too much at stake.  At the very least, think of those young women – the trafficked and the sexually exploited – those women the NJEA and Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim conveniently forgot about.

Now go to it and motivate your friends, family, and neighbors to vote for reform.  Go to it like you really mean it… and don’t be afraid if the coddlers of human traffickers and sexual exploitation call you names.  Suck it up.  Embrace it.

Sign the petition to stop Murphy’s Sanctuary State plan.

Our porous borders will only get worse…

The importation of illegal narcotics and opioids…

And illegal firearms…

The modern slavery of human trafficking…

And the sexual exploitation of women and children…

Will only get worse.  Unless you do something about it. 

Some people think securing our border is just about protecting American jobs.   

But a secure border is about more than just jobs.  Secure borders help prevent human trafficking and the exploitation of children.  Secure borders fight modern day slavery.

The United Nations has issued reports showing human trafficking is the fastest growing organized criminal activity on earth.  A porous border not only facilitates the trafficking of illegal narcotics, opioids, and illegal firearms – it is a boon to modern day slavery – the trafficking and sale of human beings, especially children.

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Some have adopted dangerously naïve views about border security.  In their hatred for President Trump, they have embraced calls to abolish ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) – even though it was funded and operated under the administrations of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.  The abolition of ICE would open the doors to a nightmarish wild west scenario.  Without ICE, who will be around to prevent the living horror of modern slavery? 

The statements made by Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez, and congressional candidates Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, and Jeff Van Drew have been shocking.  We’re not condemning a party here, or its members, but only those who have taken leave of their senses in a mindless quest for votes. 

Many are following the worst path when it comes to border security.  In an effort to elevate the plight of the undocumented immigrant here illegally, their irrational demands for change will open the floodgates to all manner of terrible consequences – to lawlessness, violence, and slavery.

What Booker and Menendez, Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, and Jeff Van Drew are advocating for will make our borders more porous – allowing thousands more victims (mainly women and children) to be shipped and sold like cattle, welcoming more dangerous illegal drugs into our communities, and providing illegal firearms for organized criminal gangs.

There have been many responsible voices from both parties, but they have been drowned out by the media’s attention on emotional and irrational ideas like that of Governor Phil Murphy, who has made it his mission to turn New Jersey into a Sanctuary State and to instruct state and local law enforcement not to cooperate with federal agencies.  Whatever good intentions Murphy has in this are undone by the consequences of weakening border security in the midst of an illegal narcotic and opioid crisis and a growing problem with human trafficking and child exploitation (as his own Attorney General has said).

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We need to clearly instruct our county and local law enforcement to work with federal agencies to strengthen border security and the interdiction of illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, and human trafficking networks that exploit women and children sexually. 

Our law enforcement community does not like the idea of being strong-armed by the Governor into violating federal law.  They are standing up to those who foolishly want to sever cooperation between local law enforcement and federal agencies.  We need to stand with them.

Alongside law enforcement, we will fight Governor Murphy and his administration on this.  We will fight the Trenton bureaucrats and the professional lobbyists on this.


A petition drive is being launched – county by county – asking the Freeholders of each county to place a public question on the ballot in their county.  These ballot questions will ask voters to instruct their Sheriff or local law enforcement in fully cooperating with federal agencies and ignore all orders from the Murphy administration to the contrary.   

American law is our law.  Governor Murphy can no more ignore American law than Governor Wallace of Alabama once tried to do.  We are one country, one people, not a multi-state league of nations.

We are also working to pass the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, which despite having strong bi-partisan support, is being prevented from moving forward by the singular efforts of the staff of the Democrat Majority Leader in the Senate – Senator Loretta Weinberg.  That is correct.  Her staff is anti-woman and anti-child.  While she attempts to associate herself with the #MeToo movement, her staff is blocking legislation that would break the infrastructure through which young women and children are lured, raped, and sold into prostitution and the illegal porn trade.

So now it is up to YOU…

Now it is up to YOU…

Will you help?   

Or will you sit on your hands, complain, and do nothing?

Click here to start a petition in your county. 

Click here to start a group to circulate a petition in your county. 

Click here to sign a petition for your county.

To find out more about the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, click here.

To find out what you can do to combat the scourge of modern slavery, human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, click here.

Democrats who oppose Brett Kavanaugh are hypocrites if they support Bob Menendez.

For the past weeks, we’ve been hearing from Democrats about “accusations” and “FBI investigations” – and how these things are enough to block someone from high office.  Well, there were enough allegations against Senator Bob Menendez, one of those who will be voting on Brett Kavanaugh, for President Obama’s Justice Department to indict him on federal corruption charges and to take him to trial.  It ended in a mistrial.  Out of that came a formal admonishment by the Senate Ethics Committee in April of this year.

What came out of the FBI investigation was that Senator Menendez was helping to bring young women into the United States for his friend and donor, Salomon Melgen to use as sexual objects.  It is our opinion that these women were being trafficked for sexual purposes and the FBI investigation appears to have led to the same conclusion. 

As was reported in the national and New York media, the FBI investigation came up with “corroborating evidence” concerning uncharged allegations of underage prostitution.  Specifically, prosecutors claim that the Senator and his donor friend traveled to the Dominican Republic to have sex with prostitutes, some of whom would have been underaged. 

So there is a lot more evidence of #MeTooism with Senator Menendez than ever existed in the case of Brett Kavanaugh.

And yet we still hear the self-serving dribble from the likes of Democrat congressional candidates Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim.  Not to mention Senator Cory Booker – who wants to turn Israel, or what would remain of it after he removed their defensive wall, into a vast Yugoslav-style rape camp.  Does anyone doubt what would happen to the Israeli population – particularly its women and children – if they were ever turned over to the tender mercies of Hamas, Hezbollah, or even the garden variety governments of its “neighbors”?

In addition to their hypocritical support of Menendez and opposition to Kavanaugh, the indictments against these three candidates are as follows:

Mikie Sherrill worked with far-left radical elements allied with Antifa and the Jihadist Linda Sarsour (a racist allied with Louis Farrakhan) to drive out a moderate, bi-partisan member of Congress, who had served in-country during the Vietnam War.  They knew he was elderly and in failing health, but they worked on him until he had to give up.

Tom Malinowski turned a career as a human rights advocate on its head when he joined Obama’s Clinton-Kerry State Department and promptly became an apologist for those who use slave labor and who engage in human trafficking and the exploitation of women and children.  Far from standing up to dictators and authoritarian governments, he made excuses for them.

Andy Kim has lied about his record from the first – at one point even describing himself or allowing himself to be described as a “veteran” when he has never served in the military.  Now he’s running on a ticket that includes – not only Senator Menendez – but a Freeholder candidate who has been arrested for domestic violence and who had stalking complaints filed against him.

These candidates are not pro-women or pro-anything, they are Democrat Party politicians looking for votes, and they will do anything or say anything to get them.

Gov. Murphy puts convicted felon in charge at Education. Malinowski, Kim, Sherrill silent.

Marcellus Jackson is a corrupt politician.  A crook.  He took a $26,000 bribe, was caught by the FBI, and was sentenced to prison and fined. 

That should have been an end to his time on the public payroll.  But Marcellus Jackson is a Democrat.  A politically-connected Democrat who worked on Governor Phil Murphy’s 2017 campaign. 

And now he’s been rewarded… with our tax dollars.  Over the summer, Marcellus Jackson was handed a $70,000-a-year-job as a “special assistant” in the New Jersey Department of Education.  He’ll be running the Education Department’s Office of Civic & Social Engagement. 

The education of children?  Civic and social engagement?  A corrupt politician  who took bribes?

Governor Murphy claims that Jackson is “a good example” that he “hopes we see a lot more of.”

What does he mean by that?

More convicted criminals getting taxpayer-funded jobs? 

More corrupt politicians getting back on the gravy train?

More criminals involved in the education of our children?

Has recreational marijuana been decriminalized early in some places?

This is the radical program of Democratic Socialism on display.  Murphy is one of its national adherents.

Which brings us to congressional candidate Tom Malinowski.  He links to a Democratic Socialist group right on his campaign website.  A few weeks back, Tom Malinowski went on national media to make the claim that his party – the Democrats – were the party of “law & order”. 

No kidding.  He really said that about his party.  The party of abolish ICE.  Sanctuary States.  Resist the elected government of the United States.  Give convicted criminals top taxpayer-funded jobs.  Law & Order????

Of course, Tom Malinowski has had nothing to say about the appointment of Marcellus Jackson.  Crickets, as they say.

That goes for congressional candidate Andy Kim too.  Crickets.

And congressional candidate Mikie Sherrill.  Crickets.

To check out the original news story that outed the hiring of Marcellus Jackson, follow this link…


Meet some of the victims of the Sanctuary State movement…

The Democratic Socialist movement that includes the Women’s March, Antifa, Rise Stronger, Indivisible, Action Together… and who support candidates like Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill have all lined up behind Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to make New Jersey a Sanctuary State.  Yes, the whole state.

In doing so – wittingly or unwittingly – they have become allies of modern day slavery, the traffickers in human beings and especially those who deal in the trafficking of women and children for America’s booming (and often illegal) sex industry.  The porous border that Kim, Malinowski, and Sherrill advocate serves the needs of criminal traffickers of illegal narcotics and opioids – and illegal firearms – as well.

This isn’t a victimless position to take.  You aren’t helping people when you help those who kidnap them and bring them to America to sell.  A United Nations study estimated that the criminal cartels who control the trafficking of human beings and illegal narcotics into the United States collect $6.6 billion annually. 

And who is being trafficked?  Here, meet some of the victims…

Now let’s ask Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill… do you feel better about your movement… or do you feel worse?

Do voters prefer to be lied to? Is it the fault of PC and LGBT speech codes?

Ever wonder why candidates are so afraid to tell it to you straight?  Maybe it’s because they’re afraid of the extreme reactions that being honest produces?  So in an effort to avoid those extreme reactions – and to prevent being branded an “extremist” themselves – politicians resort to bullshit.  And voters – especially the snowflake variety – suck up the bullshit and condemn anything that even smells like the truth. 

That would explain the two years of non-stop ANTIFA inspired rants by candidates like Obama bureaucrat Mikie Sherrill, Obama bureaucrat Tom Malinowski, and Obama bureaucrat Andy Kim… and it would explain why those Democrats are now looking for a way to move their followers and activists to the center. 

Well, he’s at it again…

Did you enjoy that?  What?  Too much? 

Yeah, it certainly is shock therapy.  But then, you needed it, didn’t you?

About Jonathan Pie (from Wikipedia)… Jonathan Pie is a fictitious British news reporter, created and played by British actor and comedian Tom Walker.  Pie appears in a series of video clips where he rants about the state of politics in the United Kingdom, and the United States presented as if he is a real reporter speaking his personal opinions to camera before or after filming a regular news segment.

The first spoof news report featuring Pie, released just after the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party, was responding to mainstream media reports that gave particular weight to Corbyn's past relationship with Diane Abbott. Walker was soon approached by several media companies, including RT UK, the Russian government-funded television channel, which offered him complete creative control. He worked with RT for several months, before leaving in July 2016, just prior to his appearance at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August.

The character received international coverage after the 2016 US election, when his report on Donald Trump's victory went viral, becoming a YouTube trending video. PJ Media did not recognise Jonathan Pie as a fictitious character, presenting him instead as a real-life, professional "British lefty reporter".

Sen. Cory Booker is “inconsistently” anti-Semitic… but enough to worry us.

New Jersey’s junior United States Senator is breaking the rules of the Senate for the purposes of partisan politics.  Releasing confidential documents in the manner of a Chelsea Manning – except that he knows that he won’t be prosecuted for it because he is a powerful politician.  Which kinda makes him a pussy.

No amount of media ass-licking is going to change that.  No, Senator Booker is no “Spartacus” like in the movies or on cable TV.  That Spartacus was a slave, not a Roman Senator.  That said, he might be trying to fashion his own “Spartacus” movement.  Who and what was the Spartacus movement?


Officially called the Spartacus League, it was founded during the First World War by a group of Marxist revolutionaries.  They dropped the charade in 1919 and formally changed their name to the Communist Party of Germany.  Through violent street demonstrations (note the blood in the illustration above) they helped to bring down the Social Democrats and Centrists of the Weimar Republic and pave the way for the National Socialists of you know who…

Which brings us to one of the great inconsistencies of Senator Cory Booker.  That being, when he is in front of a Jewish audience, he couldn’t be more sympathetic and, in appearance, pro-Israel… but with anyone else, a different mask appears and you get antics like this…


Calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker's fellow Democrat - Bob Menendez - is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitude towards modern slavery - human trafficking and the exploitation of children. 

So why are Democrat congressional candidates Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim silent on this?  Is their silence an indication that they fear offending leftwing anti-Semites like Linda Sarsour of the Women's March?  All three have posted positively about Sarsour, who has embraced the radicalism of Islamic extremists like Louis Farrakhan and Siraj Wahaj.  Sherrill, Malinowski, and Kim were silent too last year, when Linda Sarsour called  for "Jihad" against the elected government of the United States of America. 

Mikie Sherrill is running for Congress in District 11 (against Republican Jay Webber). 

Tom Malinowski is running in District 7 (against Republican Leonard Lance). 

Andy Kim is running in District 3 (against Republican Tom MacArthur).

We need to pay as much attention to what Sherrill, Malinowski, and Kim refuse to talk about as we do to what they talk about. 

As for Senator Booker.  The best way to understand him is to remember Jack Nicholson’s answer to this question…

Stay tuned...

Anti-Law Enforcement group backs Mikie Sherrill

According to a press release put out by the anti-law enforcement group, United We Dream, on July 19, 2018, the SEIU organization representing its members in Florida joined with the following hodgepodge of socialists, social justice warriors, and just plain aiders and abetters of criminals to protest the work of American border control law enforcement officers charged with preventing the illegal transportation into America of illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, human trafficking (modern slavery) and the trafficking of women and children for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

seiu abolish ice.jpg

The list of groups (taken directly from their press release) were… “United We Dream, the Florida Immigrant Coalition, Circle of Protection of Miramar, Women Working Together USA, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Miami Workers Center, Friends of Miami Dade Detainees, SEIU, Power U, Dream Defenders, Women’s March, We Count, Miami DSA, FLSPN, Socialista, SWER and New Florida Majority.”

Their message was loud and clear (the headline of their press release): “Shut It Down! Abolish ICE! Immigrants & Allies Take Over Street For Eight Hours Outside Miramar ICE Facility.”

Fast forward to today and we have the organization that represents those same SEIU members in Florida issue a formal endorsement of Mikie Sherrill.  A Democrat who rose to power on the shoulders of the Antifa activists who hounded Vietnam Vet Rodney Frelinghuysen out of office, knowing that he was old and unwell, they cranked up the invective until the old gentleman had to leave if he wanted to avoid a stroke.  Such is the viciousness of these people.

32-BJ SEIU announced that it was supporting Mikie Sherill, because she “will uphold progressive values” like porous borders through which illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, human trafficking (modern slavery) and the trafficking of women and children for the purposes of sexual exploitation will continue to flow.  Their goal is to do away with law enforcement.

No wonder so many labor unions representing working class Americans look on the SEIU as a group of crazy renegades, long infiltrated and corrupted by liberal poseurs and their Wall Street paymasters.  The people who run groups like SEIU try to turn that great truism on its head:  That “there is nobody more law-abiding than those who earn their bread as the organized members of an honest trade… and nothing so corrupt as Wall Street and those who serve them.”

We hope that the 163,000 members of 32-BJ SEIU in ten northeastern states, Washington, D.C., and Florida will resist the efforts of the interlopers who have seized control over their organization to comply with the wishes of Wall Street and turn them all into wage slaves competing in a gray economy.  We hope that they will stand with all people of good will – for a safe secure border and against the modern slavery of human trafficking, the sexual exploitation of women and children, the importation of illegal narcotics, opioids, and firearms. 

Talk sense to those who hold power on loan from you.  Resist.

Are all Hollywood “makers of our culture” rapists and molesters?

Liberal Hollywood runs on money.  The “art” of imagining what will hook both investors and consumers.  Hollywood is what makes our culture – has made our culture – for nearly a century.  This November we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of the what was built on hard work and “manifest destiny” and the beginning of the culture of modern make-believe. 

It is no surprise that Hollywood is liberal.  That the “entertainment” industry and its media sidekicks are the Democrat Party’s most consistent donors. 

From that perfectly “sincere” smile to his well-manicured toenails, Senator Cory Booker is a media darling.  Hollywood sees nothing wrong in the importation of women (“for a friend”) or in exchanging luxuries for “help” (“for a friend”)… and so Hollywood sees nothing wrong with Senator Bob Menendez.

And Hollywood just adores that weasel class of ex-bureaucrats with Hollywood manufactured “back stories” who now menace New Jersey’s voters… Andy “winner of the hot cross bun, with bar” Kim, Tommy (him pretty) Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill.  BTW, “Mikie” is Hollywood for “Rebecca Michelle”.  Aside from the ubiquitous “AKAs” employed by the criminal class, apparently the two careers for which a change of name is accepted practice are Hollywood and politics. 

weinstein clinton paltrow.jpg

Among the latest Hollywood icons felled by the #MeToo movement is one of its prominent feminist leaders (who is alleged to have seduced a teenaged boy).  No, it wasn’t her student and she isn’t a member of the NEA. 

Then there are the two LGBT activists who drugged and raped another man.  Prior to this they were famous for having been “married” by no less than far-Left U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  According to the New York media, the rape was “violent”.  One of those names came up as a contributor to our old pal Andy Kim, a candidate for Congress in South Jersey.  You need to check it out Andy and make sure it’s not the guy accused of rape.  See buddy, we’re giving you a heads-up (that’s the kind of sob’s we are). 

We kid with Andy about him winning the “hot cross bun, with bar” because he got a civilian award from a famous general.  No, it wasn’t as important an award as the one the general’s mistress got… or as big a deal as the one the general gave to his other gal pal.  But hey, that shit probably wasn’t worth it anyway, so we’re just happy you got your handshake and photograph.  It’s all cool.

As the list of fat donors to the Democrat Party and its candidates felled by the #MeToo movement has rotted and eaten through the Democrats’ hegemony in Hollywood, their sidekicks in the media have largely looked the other way.  The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran has, once again yesterday, used his newspaper’s editorial pages as an in-kind contribution to Democrats on the ballot this year. 


“Impeach, condemn, then execute” seems to be Tom Moran’s and the Star-Ledger’s message – for both the President and congressional Republicans – but that’s not how it used to be.  We remember finding stuff like this in the Ledger…

Kenneth Starr, meat-ax in hand, is entering the critical and, let's hope, final stages of his rugged surgery to transform Bill Clinton's image from cut-up to criminal. He must also change the country's mind-set from so-what shrugs to gasps of begone. It may take some doing.”


Most members of Congress from New Jersey would like to hear more facts and less speculation in judging the allegations facing President Clinton, but U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) said he's heard enough. Lautenberg, the state's senior Democrat, said he was satisfied with Clinton's denials… ‘I believe him,’ he said.”

Ah, now that was journalism.  Not what you get today…

“Dramatic, split-screen findings of criminality by President Trump's ex-lawyer and his former campaign chair this week… Both will probably go to prison, and testimony also implicates Trump in a serious crime… two women who said they had affairs with Trump… it's a felony, a final insult from a man who rose to power on a promise to drain the swamp, but instead gave it over to even bigger gang of grifters, including himself.”

“Robert Mueller, whose job it is to sort through all this stink, is pursuing his own investigation of potential collusion by the Trump administration in Russia's hacking of our 2016 election… But if the president committed election fraud, it rises to the level of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’ and is therefore an impeachable offense.”

“Once again, the focus turns to our own squirming GOP representatives, and we hear crickets. None would say on Wednesday what they will do to ensure that Congress investigates this; not even two newcomers running for office… Not only have they done absolutely nothing to curb Trump's swampy behavior, as he brazenly profits off his public office and invites serious conflicts of interest; all five -- including three seeking re-election -- helped to cover up any crimes…”


Wow… Trump is a criminal, all Republicans are criminals… even the ones not yet in office!

This is certainly a change in tune for a newspaper that defended Hillary Clinton’s monetization of the Office of the Secretary of State, or that never asked how Bill Clinton, who entered national office a rather economically challenged man, left office decidedly well-off and who has gone on to amass a fortune worth more than $100 million.  Grifters?  Conflicts of interest?  Crickets, Mr. Moran… crickets?

In fairness to Tom Moran, this editorial came out after a particularly eventful lunch (one with which his very white gut couldn’t cope) leading to a three hour long stream of consciousness, during which his screed was composed.  In future, remember this, and don’t fault the man.  Fault his bowels.

To close on an up-note, the Star-Ledger suggested we look to the leadership of the great and the good… that godfather of a family of saints – priests even – the incorruptible Pascrells.  So what did godfather, Congressman Bill Pascrell, have to tell us about President Trump?  That his family was part of the swamp?  Too close to bad people?  Conflicted?  A crook?  “I’m the face of Democrat Party reform,” says the godfather.  Indeed.  A monograph is long overdue, charting that family’s financial progress, as godfather made his way up the greasy pole of political advancement.  The face of sweetness and light.  Indeed.

We appreciated him more when he was a little less full of shit, considering the fate of President Clinton…

“Democrat Bill Pascrell Jr. said Clinton's admissions were ‘painful to all of us,’ and added he hoped ‘we can soon put this behind us.’  But he said he could not second guess what Starr would eventually report to Congress. ‘I'll keep an open mind if I'm called to make a decision in my official capacity.’”

Yes, “an open mind” – good idea.  You do that.  Keep an open mind.

Rasmussen poll: Voters Don’t Like ‘Antifa’ Protesters.

Memo to Cory Booker, Bob Menendez, Phil Murphy, Madame de La Murphy, Mikie Sherrill, Tommy Malinowski, and Andy Kim… all that hanging with the Linda Sarsour crowd and the bourgeois suburban offspring who make-up Antifa ‘aint helping your image. 

Rasmussen polling reported today that most normal people think Antifa is right up there with dogshit… and their numbers have got worse since September 2017. 

Rasmussen reports:  “Voters are even more critical of the so-called “antifa” protesters who surfaced again this past weekend in Charlottesville and Washington, DC and continue to think they’re chiefly interested in causing trouble.”

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 18% of Likely U.S. Voters share a favorable opinion of the Antifa protesters, with six percent (6%) who view them Very Favorably.  That compares to 24% and eight percent (8%) respectively last September.

Fifty-four percent (54%) have an unfavorable opinion of these protesters, including 39% with a Very Unfavorable one.  Twenty-eight percent (28%) are undecided.  See the survey question wording below:

National Survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters

Conducted August 14-15, 2018
By Rasmussen Reports

1* Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of the so-called “antifa” protestors?

2* Which is closer to your point of view – The antifa protestors are primarily a valid protest movement representing the concerns of many Americans, or the antifa protestors are primarily troublemakers looking to cause a public disturbance?

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence

You can access more from Rasmussen here:  www.rasmussenreports.com

Rasmussen Reports invites you to be a part of our first-ever Citizen-Sourced National Midterm Election Polling Project. Learn more about how you can contribute

Tom Moran is trying to fool you. He’s a partisan warrior.

Remember when ObamaCare was going to make health care less expensive?

How is that working out for you?  Are you paying less for health insurance than you were in 2008 and getting more coverage?  Or is it costing you more for less?

Sure, it’s been a deal for some.  But for most?

Ehealth, which calls itself the country’s “largest private online health insurance exchange”, issued a report in 2017 claiming that average individual health insurance premiums increased 99% under ObamaCare, with family premiums increasing by 140%. 

Are these self-serving corporate statistics?  Perhaps.  But they certainly jive with what everyone’s been hearing from friends, neighbors, and family.  Health care didn’t get any cheaper for most Americans under the regime of President Barack Obama. 

Of course, if you are a key corporate man with a fat paycheck and a benefits plan to die for, you don’t notice these things.  Enter the Newark Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran. 

The newspaper Tom Moran works for is one of many that belongs to a family of billionaires.  Health care is not one of their personal worries.  And because he has followed their lead and done their bidding, it’s not one of Tom Moran’s personal worries either.  He’s covered.

In return, they get the use of his pen when it comes time to defend outrages like the Abbott Decision, which forces poor families in rural New Jersey to subsidize the property taxes of rich corporations and wealthy professionals living in places like Hoboken and Jersey City.  A city like Newark has enough wealth from the rich corporations and law firms that reside there to fully pay for the education of the children of their community – but because of the Courts are able to shirk that responsibility and off-load it onto the shoulders of over-taxed suburban seniors.

The rich guys who own the Star Ledger appreciate Moran’s defense of their tax dodge, as they have long had property in places covered under the Abbott Decision.  And Moran writes it in a way that them not paying their fair share is a virtue – something worthy of moral approbation.  Though he hates the Roman Catholic Church, he’s still the alter boy with his eyes set on becoming a priest, holier than thou, the holiest guy in the room – the “saint” who, under cover of darkness, you find eating worms in the sacristy basement, preparing to howl at the moon.

Tom Moran has made it is his business to attack anyone who questions the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama.  It’s religion with Tom Moran.  Having rejected the religious idealism of his youth, he needed to replace it with something.  That something became Barack Obama.  For Tom Moran, he is a Christ figure.  So naturally Tom Moran gets very emotional if someone questions why Obama got that Nobel Prize for doing nothing more than being Obama.  And that’s why Tom Moran is so angry and twisted in his attacks on anyone who questions ObamaCare (or should we call it the “sacrament” of ObamaCare?).

Unfortunately for Tom Moran, his new-found idealism is misplaced.  ObamaCare wasn’t fashioned in Nirvana but rather in the backrooms and lobbyists offices in the swamp that is Washington, DC.  There was something downright carnal about the undemocratic, top-down, vote-for-it-before-reading-it way in which it was done.  It had more to do with a whore-house than a church.  But you can’t convince Tom Moran of that.  He thinks it’s pure and, like some especially delusional Don Quixote, Tom Moran anxiously defends his whore’s honor.

The blinders necessary to accomplish this makes it impossible to see the realities of the evil of a man like Senator Bob Menendez – who helped his pal import at least two young women into the United States.  Or men like Senator Cory Booker whose childishness and wish to please has led him into the arms of people who want to finish-off every Jew in the Middle East.


Calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker’s fellow Democrat – Bob Menendez – is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitudes towards modern slavery – human trafficking and the exploitation of children.

So why is Tom Moran silent about this?  What’s wrong, anti-Semite got your tongue?

Ditto for the three moe-moes Mikie Sherrill , Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim.  The anti-Semites must have their tongues too.

And Tom Moran will keep on writing his apologia.

Democrat Cory Booker demands an end to the Jewish State


Calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker’s fellow Democrat – Bob Menendez – is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitudes towards modern slavery – human trafficking and the exploitation of children.

So why are wannabe Democrat politicians like Mikie Sherrill, Tom Malinowski, and Andy Kim hanging out with Booker and Menendez?  Andy follows Menendez around so closely that if the Senator stopped suddenly, he would find Andy’s head lodged firmly up his bunghole.  Tom and Mikie are that way with Booker too.  So what’s up with the hero worship of these cretins?

Over the last couple days, both the New York Times and its little sister, the Newark Star Ledger, have been openly advocating on behalf of congressional candidate Mikie Sherrill.  They are shilling for her, spinning for her, claiming that if she were to attend a rally of the Ku Klux Klan, she (and only she, mind you) would be doing so strictly as an observer.  One could not conclude that she was in simpatico with the Klan, even if she asked for their votes – so the New York Times and Newark Star Ledger argue – unless she actually put a torch to the cross and set it on fire.  That’s what these newspapers are arguing.  As their special pet, they claim that Mikie Sherrill should be treated like a journalist looking for copy instead of a politician looking for votes.

So if a Republican attended a far-right rally, the newspapers claim the right to link him to the far-right and then to call for his resignation.  But when a Democrat (especially their special pet, Mikie Sherrill) attended a far-left rally, and asked for their votes, the newspapers claim it is a “lie” to say that she supports them and they support her.  Of course, the old double-standard at work again.

If anyone tries to tell you that the New York Times isn’t biased, remind them of this one important FACT:  The last time the New York Times endorsed a Republican for President was in 1956.  Anyone who voted in that election would be at least 83 years old today.  Any American under 83 has never seen a New York Times endorsement of a Republican.  That’s pretty damned biased.

Like Andy Kim and Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill is a former Obama administration bureaucrat who responded to the election of a new American President by becoming part of a “resistance” movement.  So much for democracy, the rule of law, the Republic… and so much for humility. 

This is a generation raised on make-believe.  So instead of grappling with reality, they made pretend they were living in France, circa 1940, during its occupation by the Wehrmacht – and that they are the brave boys and girls of the French Resistance. 

Mikie Sherrill, who never ceases to remind us that she flew a helicopter for the Navy, seems to want to forget how she got this far… She knew that Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, a Veteran of the Vietnam War, was getting up there in age and that his health was in decline.  She also knew that he was one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress… known for his mild, gentlemanly demeanor, respected by both parties, willing to work with all sides to find solutions.

But Mikie Sherrill didn’t care.  She set her Antifa hoodlums on this elderly Vietnam Veteran.

They screamed and shouted down old Congressman Frelinghuysen – spat insults at him, called him vicious names, trashed his name and all the good works that he stood for.  Just as Rodney Frelinghuysen was about to secure mass transit service for Sussex County… Mikie Sherrill’s loudmouths tortured the old fellow, drove up his blood pressure, rattled his nerves, to the point that he quietly exited the stage.

Good job, jackasses.

You lost New Jersey one of its most powerful advocates in Congress – no, not with press releases, but in his quiet way, he knew how to get things done in Congress. He secured the post of Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in 2017.  In this powerful position, Rodney Frelinghuysen would have been able to accomplish so much for our state.  Now that’s all gone.  You killed the guy who was in the best position to serve our state and don’t think for one moment that some wet-behind-the-ears freshman is going to make a patch on Rodney’s arse.

What got us to thinking about this was candidate Mikie Sherrill’s recent cable advertisement in which she poses in front of a helicopter that wasn’t in Vietnam and talks about how she wants to be a “bi-partisan” force for good.  That’s bullshit.  You just killed off the most effective “bi-partisan” force for good in the state. 

Meanwhile, her fellow “resistance” movement people target a mixed-race couple having breakfast at a café in Philadelphia because they happen to hold free-market ideas on economics and somebody recognized them.  Enlightened members of the “resistance” smashed up a United States Marine Corps recruiting office and attacked police for the same reasons they went after Vietnam Vet Rodney Frelinghuysen… and the same reason they scream “abolish ICE” and protest enforcing the law.   They’re on planet make-believe… and Mikie Sherrill is there with them.  In full embrace.  She owns it.

Mikey Puzio joins Mikie Sherrill and the Democrats in a time of Antifa

What an asswipe!

No, we take that back… a festered asswipe!

Mikey Puzio, who somehow got over on the voters of Rockaway Township and passed himself off as a member of the GOP, was an elected member of the Rockaway Council.  He agreed to sell out to the Democrat Party of Governor Phil Murphy and Bob “I didn’t traffick those girls” Menendez. 

The reason he gave is rich.  

Puzio said:  “Our community needs a leader with a proven record of working with people from both parties.”  Yeah, well you had one, his name was Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen. 

Yep, you had one until Mikie Sherrill set her “Resistance” pals on Rodney.  They screamed and shouted down old Congressman Frelinghuysen – spat insults at him, called him vicious names, trashed his name and all the good works that he stood for.  Just as Rodney Frelinghuysen was about to secure mass transit service for Sussex County… Mikie Sherrill’s loudmouths tortured the old fellow, drove up his blood pressure, rattled his nerves, to the point that he quietly exited the stage.

Mikie Sherrill knew that Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen was getting up there in age and that his health was in decline.  She also knew that he was one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress… known for his mild, gentlemanly demeanor, respected by both parties, willing to work with all sides to find solutions.

This was the man Mikie Sherrill set her Antifa hoodlums on.

Mikie Sherrill lost New Jersey one of its most powerful advocates in Congress – no, not with press releases, but in his quiet way, he knew how to get things done in Congress. He secured the post of Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in 2017.  In this powerful position, Rodney Frelinghuysen would have been able to accomplish so much for our state.  Now that’s all gone.  You killed the guy who was in the best position to serve our state and don’t think for one moment that some wet-behind-the-ears freshman is going to make a patch on Rodney’s arse.

Standing with his new far-Left friends, Puzio signed a press release that read more like a hostage letter:  “The partisanship that plagues Congress hurts Rockaway, and prevents New Jersey from moving forward.  I’m endorsing Mikie Sherrill because I know the letter that comes after my name is less important to Mikie than the fact that I am a resident of this community.”

Sure.  The “Resistance” is just sooooo bi-partisan.  How did anybody miss that?  Yep, we are all just supposed to forget where Mikie Sherrill came from.  The radical crowd she hung out with. 

That’s what Mikey Puzio wants us to do.  He wants us to forget who Mikie Sherrill really is and the radical soil she has sprung from.  He wants us to forget what Sherrill’s radical followers did to a genuinely bi-partisan leader – Rodney Frelinghuysen – and how they trashed his good name and good works.

No way, handjob… we will not forget.

Shame on Mikie Sherrill for trashing a Vietnam Vet

Is Mikie Sherrill full of shit or what?

She knew that Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen was getting up there in age and that his health was in decline.  She also knew that he was one of the most bi-partisan members of Congress… known for his mild, gentlemanly demeanor, respected by both parties, willing to work with all sides to find solutions.  

This was the man Mikie Sherrill set her Antifa hoodlums on.


They screamed and shouted down old Congressman Frelinghuysen – spat insults at him, called him vicious names, trashed his name and all the good works that he stood for.  Just as Rodney Frelinghuysen was about to secure mass transit service for Sussex County… Mikie Sherrill’s loudmouths tortured the old fellow, drove up his blood pressure, rattled his nerves, to the point that he quietly exited the stage. 

Good job, dirtbags. 

You lost New Jersey one of its most powerful advocates in Congress – no, not with press releases, but in his quiet way, he knew how to get things done in Congress. He secured the post of Chairman of the Appropriations Committee in 2017. In this powerful position, Rodney Frelinghuysen would have been able to accomplish so much for our state.  Now that’s all gone.  You killed the guy who was in the best position to serve our state and don’t think for one moment that some wet-behind-the-ears freshman is going to make a patch on Rodney’s arse. 

What got us to thinking about this was candidate Mikie Sherrill’s bullshit cable advertisement in which she poses in front of a helicopter that wasn’t in Vietnam and talks about how she wants to be a “bi-partisan” force for good. That’s bullshit.  You just killed off the most effective “bi-partisan” force for good in the state.   

These are just words to Mikie Sherrill.  She thinks she’ll get credit for saying them, even though her actions have rendered them meaningless.  She reminds us of the  clueless schoolgirl in that send-up from the 80’s. 

In her campaign advertisement, Mikie Sherrill spouts off some more bromides like this… “For decades the people of New Jersey have been footing the bill and paying the price of Congress’ inability to work in a bipartisan manner with input from both parties… That’s why I’m running for Congress.  We need new leadership in Congress and leaders who will put partisan politics aside to get the job done for families and the communities they serve – especially here in New Jersey.”  

Wow, Mikie Sherrill has certainly strung a lot of meaningless platitudes together for that one.   

How can anyone who plays at being a member of the French Resistance while pretending that 2018 America is 1942 France under Nazi occupation even bring up the word “bi-partisan” and keep a straight face?  Mikie Sherrill and her ilk are living in a historical action video game come to life… and they are acting it out.

Some are worse than others. A mixed-race couple having breakfast at a café were set upon in Philadelphia because they happen to hold free-market ideas on economics and somebody recognized them.  Racial epithets were shouted at them by enlightened members of the “Resistance”.  

The Antifa “resistance” smashed up a United States Marine Corps recruiting office and attacked police because… heck, who needs a reason these days?  Because it is there?   

Same reason they went after Vietnam Vet Rodney Frelinghuysen… because he was there, in the way, somebody wanted the cool title or somebody wanted to do the job it took him twenty years to be in a position to do… but that’s all over now.  Freshmen congresspersons don’t get to chair the Appropriations Committee.  That’s all over now, for New Jersey, our loss… because Mikie wanted a cool title. 
