Sussex County Democrats shill for anti-Semitic Leftists

Well it looks like the crazy brigade has targeted Sussex County again.  The Sussex County Democrats are planning to show up tonight at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College in support of four members of Congress who not only have sponsored the socialist Green New Deal, but who have embraced an explicitly anti-Semitic agenda of racial and religious hatred against Jews. 

If anyone is wondering why there has been a spike in anti-Jewish incidents in Sussex County, maybe this is a place to start?

Look, most registered Democrats are good average people who have been as shocked and horrified as everyone else over what’s become of their party.  Once the party of the unionized American working class, it is now subsidized by rich, fashionable “Leftists” who want more and more illegal immigrants to fuel a gray economy that pays near-slave wages – so that American workers and legal immigrants are forced down.

Once the Democrat Party stood in solidarity with Israel – first, against National Socialism, then, against the nations that sought to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, in war, after war, after war.  Now, they openly embrace those who support the destruction of Israel. 

What is most shocking though is that the leadership of the Democrat Party of a county like Sussex should attack their neighbors – Jews and non-Jews alike – in the furtherance of the cause of racialist politicians like Rashida Harbi Tlaib and Ilhan Abdullahi Omar. 


And while Congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (D-Minnesota) mockingly refers to Jews as “Benjamins” and claims they are a “problem”, sounding like something out of Mein Kampf, Congresswoman Rashida Harbi Tlaib (D-Michigan) holds rallies under the banners of the PLO – a terrorist group!


The question is, who do the people showing up at tonight’s meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College really speak for?  Certainly not for the average Democrat in Sussex County!

The average Sussex County Democrat is not an anti-Semite.  The average Sussex County Democrat does not believe in the fantasy of the Green New Deal.

Who elected these so-called “leaders” of the Sussex County Democrat Party?  If there was a county-wide vote by every registered Democrat, we missed it.   

The people who come before the Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College tonight are frauds and interlopers, hand-picked by Governor Phil Murphy, who didn’t win a single town in Sussex County.  They hold fake titles granted to them by an unpopular Governor in Trenton, not by a democratic vote in Sussex County.

The Board of Trustees of the Sussex County Community College should take what they say accordingly.

The people behind the New Democrats are radical and anti-Jewish

A fresh survey just out from Rasmussen reports on voters’ perceptions of the growing anti-Jewish chorus within the Democrat Party:

“Voters rate anti-Semitism as an increasingly serious problem in America today and see it on the rise among Democrats. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters think anti-Semitism is a growing problem in the Democratic Party. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree, but nearly one-out-of-four voters (23%) are not sure.”  

“Seventy-six percent (76%) consider anti-Semitism a serious problem in America today, with 36% who say it’s Very Serious. That’s a noticeable increase from 65% and 24% respectively two years ago. Just 18% consider anti-Semitism a not very or Not At All Serious problem. Among voters who consider anti-Semitism a Very Serious problem in this country, 52% say it is a growing problem in the Democratic Party.”

This video explains who is behind the NEW DEMOCRATS (aka Democrat Socialists) who are leading this new, anti-Jewish charge within the Democrat Party…

Wow… a fusion between National Socialism and Communism.  What more can you say?

Here in New Jersey, the Democrat Party continues to embrace anti-Jewish hate, as these photographs from rallies attended by Democrat office holders show…


Tom Malinowski caught trying to capitalize on John McCain’s death?

Democrat candidate for Congress Tom Malinowski is using Senator John McCain’s death for political gain… so says the executive director of a major national Jewish organization. 

 Apparently Malinowski’s campaign has launched a commercial that makes use of some “kind words” that the late Senator had for Malinowski after President Barack Obama nominated him for a post at the State Department.  Along with this, the Malinowski fundraising machine has launched another appeal for more money (it seems the Washington, DC, political team responsible for the commercial want to be paid).

 Senator McCain did have some “kind words” for Tom Malinowski, but that was after Malinowski told those at the hearing that his lovely mother was present.  It is kind of hard to be tough on someone who has brought his mom… 

 Regarding the Malinowski commercial that trades on the late Senator, Matt Brooks of the RJC issued the following statement:

 “For Tom Malinowski to use Senator John McCain’s kind words in a political advertisement to imply support for Malinowski in his race against Congressman Leonard Lance is wrong, and he should immediately take the commercial down. John McCain would have voted for Leonard Lance if he lived in New Jersey’s 7th district. John McCain would have quickly pointed out that Tom Malinowski is dead wrong on Israel, taxes, and a host of other important issues. John McCain’s strong support of Israel flew in the face of Malinowski’s lobbying against supplying Israel’s military with American weapons and his support for the Iran nuclear deal. To wait until the passing of Senator McCain to release a political ad featuring his kind words, and implying support for Malinowski, a claim that McCain is no longer here to refute, is disgusting. Tom Malinowski must take this disgraceful commercial down."

 Of course, we all know that Tom Malinowski has a long record of Israel-bashing and that his campaign has allied itself with groups like the Women’s March, led by “friend of Louis Farrakhan” Linda Sarsour – who last year called for Jihad against the elected government of the United States of America.  And Tom Malinowski is a close political ally of this guy…


Calling for the end to the border wall and other fortifications that protect Israel against terrorists is like calling for a second Holocaust.  It is not enough that Cory Booker’s international allies have driven Jews out of every country they control, now he wants to tear down Israel’s protective barrier and allow them to march in to commence a pogrom of terror, torture, rape, and murder.

And to make matters worse, thanks to the Philadelphia Inquirer, now we know that Booker's fellow Democrat - Bob Menendez - is allowing his campaign to be run by a lobbyist for the foreign government of Qatar, one of the worse anti-Jewish culprits in the world and a government criticized by the United Nations and Amnesty International for its relaxed attitude towards modern slavery - human trafficking and the exploitation of children. 

 So why has Tom Malinowski used the image of a staunchly pro-Israel Senator in his campaign?  Is it because he knows that now that Senator McCain is dead and buried the Senator won’t be able to correct Malinowski’s misinterpretation of him? 

 Senator John McCain would never have time for a Louis Farrakhan or a Linda Sarsour or a Cory Booker holding a stupid anti-Israel sign like that or the antics of a Bob Menendez.  But Malinowski’s use of McCain’s death isn’t the only thing wrong with his campaign commercial.  He brags about standing up to dictators.  He sucked at standing up to dictators.  Hey Tom, occupying an office that is supposed to stand up to dictators, but sucks, isn’t the same as standing up to dictators.

 Just like Tom sucked at standing up to human traffickers.  Especially after his boss, Barack Obama, wanted to pass the union-screwing, working class eviscerating, job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP).  Malinowski’s State Department willfully ignored the deplorable records on modern slavery of a number of nations and simply said that they were okay to compete with American working men and women.  It was shameful. 

That’s Tom Malinowski… shameless (but pretty).