State: Adopt preschool sex agenda or get labeled with “hate”

By Rubashov

“Wave after wave of indoctrination… and to resist it, or even to question it, there are in place bureaucracies that will label you a ‘hater’.”
That was the observation of a New Jersey childcare worker.  Another reported:

“Last year the state inspector came for the yearly inspection and told me everything looked great and passed inspection, however, she wanted to know if I was going to be putting in a transgender/gender fluid bathroom in our facility anytime soon.”
A Morris County preschool owner sent us this YouTube clip of “the recommended book that they (the state) wanted us to read in preschool” along with “a list a books recommended for preschools to incorporate.” 

This has already become part of the standard curriculum in corporate daycare for preschools – and now it is being pushed on every other licensed facility in the state. The GayBCs, is an illustrated hardcover book, written by M. L. Webb. Published in 2019, it is recommended reading for those aged 4 to 8 years old. describes it as “a joyful celebration of LGBTQ+ vocabulary for kids of all ages.”

“A playdate extravaganza transforms into a celebration of friendship, love, and identity as four friends sashay out of all the closets, dress up in a wardrobe fit for kings and queens, and discover the wonder of imagination. From A is for Ally to F is for Family to Q is for Queer, debut author/illustrator M. L. Webb’s bright illustrations and lively, inclusive poems delight in the beauty of embracing one’s truest self. A glossary in the back offers opportunity for further discussion of terms and identities. The GayBCs is perfect for fans of A Is for Activist and Feminist Baby—showing kids and adults alike that every identity is worthy of being celebrated.”

Is your child’s sexuality the business of the State?

Given the lack of competence shown by the State in so many basic areas, is it safe to allow the State access to your child’s sexuality?

Do parents have the RIGHT TO KNOW how their children are being indoctrinated?

There is nothing particularly “wrong” with a book like The GayBCs – we wouldn’t advocate burning it. There is enough of that going around already. Isn’t that so, Dr. Seuss?

The book is rather straightforward propaganda. It is a blunt instrument, crude even. Millions of children in the former Soviet Union were subjected to similar indoctrination and they came through it, successfully shrugging it off.

But here in America – in this country – we are supposed to be a democracy and a centerpiece of that is the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED or, if you will, the Freedom to Choose. Shouldn’t parents be given the option of selecting the type of indoctrination their children will receive?

Of course, to suggest such a thing is to invite being labeled as a “hater” and “anti-LGBTQ+”. It is no longer acceptable to suggest that “you do you” and “I’ll do me”.

Conformity… State-sponsored and enforced conformity, is the order of the day. If you believe in diversity of thought, of opinion, you are a “hater”.

This is the “hate machine”. It starts with a suggested reading list, with State inspectors, comes the social media lynch mob, then the “mainstream” media wags its finger, and finally some bureaucracy like the State Office of Homeland Security labels you a “hater” and puts you on a list. Corporations won’t do business with you and neither will government.

You have been “cancelled” – or, as the Soviets phrased it in the early days of the Revolution – you have been made a “former person”.

To be made a member of the class that became known as “former people” was to become a target for the most severe persecution. In fact, the Soviet NKVD carried out Operation “Former People”, in the course of which during March 1935 over 11,000 “former people” were arrested or deported from Leningrad alone.

During Stalin’s Great Purge, the NKVD claimed “former people” were an enemy within and that it was necessary to make “war” on them. Cleansing the Soviet Union of millions of “former people” was explained by the necessity to eliminate an “insurgence base”. (Operations of the NKVD, 1937-38)

Executive Order 1223 instructed the NKVD to establish detailed bureaucratic procedures for keeping track of “anti-Soviet and socially alien elements”. Nobody argued for sanctuary for the “former people”. They became refugees in their own homeland.

Watch for that term to make its appearance. Socially alien. And remember, no human is illegal… except the socially alien.

Politicians like Congressman Josh Gottheimer have started down the road to empowering a new NKVD. It is a dangerous, undemocratic, and deeply illiberal path. They seek to shore up their own weak political positions by criminalizing the political positions of others.

By claiming a “sharp rise in domestic terror and violent extremism both here in New Jersey and nationwide” Gottheimer is working to expand the PATRIOT Act to refocus its broad powers from enemies abroad to enemies within. Not content with a forever war overseas, Gottheimer is looking to create a forever war within the United States.

And make no mistake, Josh Gottheimer is attempting to rally his audience with a time worn appeal to war: “Extremists (as in people who think the “wrong” thoughts) present a clear and present danger to New Jersey families.” A war against Americans who hold an opinion contrary to Mr. Gottheimer’s.

As the Co-Chairman of some bi-partisan Washington group called “The Problem Solvers Caucus”, we can’t help but wonder what his members, their staffs, the political leadership back home, and their constituents would make of them following such a man, intent on such a dangerous course? In the coming Gottheimer vs. The Bill of Rights, perhaps this battle will be fought in a dozen or more districts? If so, not even $8 million would go that far.

Yes, it is called the “hate machine”. To resist is to be labeled, ostracized, cut-off, and finally destroyed.

“I believe that we can all agree that providing law enforcement and the intelligence community with all the tools necessary to prosecute, financially counter, and defeat these people is of the utmost importance to keep our shared constituents safe.”

Congressman Josh Gottheimer

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

Is Gottheimer pushing Northern Ireland-style “troubles” on America?

By Rubashov

Once upon a time, Joe Cryan would have told you all about it. His father certainly could. A population facing long-term economic decline, courtesy of the empire-building schemes of global imperialists.

Instead of addressing the economic problems, the government labels them “terrorists” and ratchets up the use of authoritarian surveillance measures. They make it illegal to peaceably assemble and to protest. Eventually, they start to arrest and detain – and set up political wings in their prisons.

“The Troubles” plagued Northern Ireland for more than thirty years. What began as government’s over-reaction to what was essentially an economic and civil rights protest movement ended with a power-sharing agreement. How could it not have? It was a matter of demographics. Whether we’re discussing a substantial minority, a plurality, or maybe even an essential majority – no government can jail that many people for long.

But along the way, politicians corrupted the use of law enforcement for political ends. They made frequent use of the show trial. Falsely accusing people to fit their narrative and to reinforce their bigotry.

If you fit the image of the “enemy” in their narrative – pale-skinned, of the wrong ethnicity, wrong religion, wrong economic class, wrong area, wrong education, wrong dialect, wrong politics, wrong cultural allegiances – you were in danger. Just ask the Birmingham Six, the Guildford Four, or the Maguire Seven. Just ask them what it was like to check those “wrong” boxes during “The Troubles”?

“That man… ordered that these people be used as scapegoats by a nation that was baying for blood…

” (Gareth Peirce)

Like they are today.

In a recent missive sent to local elected officials, Congressman Josh Gottheimer issued words that sound as if they were plucked from a British government statement of the 1970s:

“I believe that we can all agree that providing law enforcement and the intelligence community with all the tools necessary to prosecute, financially counter, and defeat these groups is of the utmost importance to keep our shared constituents safe.”

“All the tools necessary”. With such words the British government did away with due process and the rule of law.

Politicians like Josh Gottheimer have started down a dangerous, undemocratic, deeply illiberal path. They seek to shore up their own weak political positions by criminalizing the political positions of others.

During the last campaign, we watched as a panicky Gottheimer made false accusations against private citizens who supported his political opponent, accusing them of the high crime of “domestic terrorism”. But nobody was ever charged with a crime of any kind. Totally unfounded. Undeterred, now he is expanding the accusation of “domestic terrorism” to include large swathes of his own constituency.

In the same missive, Gottheimer attempts to rally his audience with this time worn appeal to war: “Extremists (as in people who think the “wrong” thoughts) present a clear and present danger to New Jersey families.”

He claims there was a “sharp rise in domestic terror and violent extremism both here in New Jersey and nationwide” and, for this reason, he is working to expand the PATRIOT Act to refocus its broad powers from enemies abroad to enemies within. Not content with a forever war overseas, Gottheimer is looking to create a forever war within the United States. America’s version of “The Troubles.”

Politicians use war to seduce entire societies. War makes it easy to lie and create fictions that the public believes. That great man of the Left, author and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, titled his book on the subject: “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning.” In the arid landscape that Josh Gottheimer appears to inhabit, this certainly seems the case.

“Someone has finely said that ‘truth is the first casualty in war’; and never was a greater untruth spoken than that war is waged for the protection of women and homes.

Ethel Annakin Snowdon
Human Rights campaigner

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website. Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions. To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

Gottheimer is trying to smear veterans/ police as “terrorists”.

By Rubashov

A chicken-hawk is someone who has no problem sending someone else into harm’s way but is very reticent about going there himself. They come in all shapes and sizes, all colors and creeds, and from both major political parties.

America has been in one foreign conflict after another for twenty years. The reason America is broke, in debt, with no money to fund health care in the midst of a pandemic is because our political class is too intent on being the world’s policeman.

President Dwight Eisenhower, a great military leader himself, as President warned against what he called “the military-industrial complex”. Congress did not heed his warning and today is so drunk on the money it takes from corporate PACs and lobbyists that it simply can’t say no.

The media is much the same way. They really don’t like the idea of the “military” per se, but they love corporate money and how it spends. That’s why establishment media is so quick to fire a journalist who questions the latest “foreign adventure” too closely. The New York Times is a cheerleader for war – and when Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges questioned why, they had him out the door as quick as they could.

Like many chicken-hawks in Congress, Josh Gottheimer has taken to promoting the latest Establishment “message” coming from the New York Times. In an article published this week, the Times claims veterans and police are the primary sources of the extremism that resulted in the Capitol riot on January 6th.

This is very convenient for the Times because it can protect its friends in the Military-Industrial Complex, while blaming those who formerly served as cogs in that machine. Gottheimer, in common with other chicken-hawks, was quick to post the attempt by the New York Times to shift the blame from the war machine to its victims.

Gottheimer even scheduled a “messaging” event at Sussex County Community College to advance plans on how to blame America’s political extremism on veterans and police. Like other chicken-hawks, Gottheimer wants to avoid having to blame groups like BLM and Antifa, and especially organizations like Action Together, a group that helped his re-election in 2018.

Remember, it was members of Action Together and Sussex County Democrats who called the VFW a bunch of “old white men” and mocked them. It was a member of Action Together and the Chair of the Sussex County Democrats who mocked a disabled veteran who had lost an eye – calling him a “pirate”.

Action Together has infiltrated the Democrat Party at all levels, while accepting awards from and working with actual TERRORIST organizations banned by our allies overseas. This is problematic for Gottheimer, who cut a recruitment video for Action Together the same year it was cavorting with government-named terrorists.

Why is it that media outlets like the New York Times and chicken-hawk politicians like Josh Gottheimer never even try to understand how people get to where they are? It’s like there is not an ounce of humanity in these “so-certain-they-are-good” Establishment types.

As a politician, a corporate lobbyist/spinmeister, and a Washington DC political staffer Josh Gottheimer has been involved in every scumbag incarnation of the Military-Industrial Complex over the last quarter century. At the same time, deindustrialization, offshoring, and outsourcing by corporate America has made the military the most attractive job opening in much of America. And what happens to those who serve and who suffer, if not from bodily wounds but from what’s left over from being taught to kill? What do they return to? Perhaps Matt Damon put it best…

Remember when mainstream liberals understood that war was bad? He just described why Veterans laugh when chicken-hawks like Josh Gottheimer say, “Thank you for your service.”

But it doesn’t end with veterans. Chicken-hawk politicians are pushing the New York Times’ line that the police are also responsible for violent extremism in America.

Cops and veterans. Two groups of people who are sent by politicians into harm’s way. Why doesn’t the New York Times ever question the buckets of new laws passed each year that expand the job of the police and require more interactions between police officers with guns and citizens who are often emotionally, psychologically, or chemically off-balance?

In one of his most famous essays, columnist George Will argued that this kind of “overcriminalization” was responsible for the death of Eric Garner, a sidewalk merchant who was killed in a confrontation with police trying to crack down on sales tax scofflaws. Will raised the question of how many new laws are created by state legislatures or by Congress in the rush to be seen to be “doing something”.

But that is the way of the chicken-hawk… first, cause the problem, then try to play “hero” by coming up with a solution that makes it worse. Instead of a “problem solvers” caucus in Congress, maybe we need adults who can diagnose how a problem came to be in the first place.

“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”

Frank Zappa

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website. Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions. To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

What if the populist wings of both parties started working together?

By Rubashov
In its political usage, the term “dog-whistle” has developed into something quite apart from what it originally meant. Wikipedia defines its use in politics as… “coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition… Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences.”

Wikipedia cites popular writer and etymologist William Safire’s opinion that the term “dog whistle" may have been derived from its use in opinion polling. Safire quotes Richard Morin, director of polling for The Washington Post, as writing in 1988, “subtle changes in question-wording sometimes produce remarkably different results... researchers call this the 'Dog Whistle Effect': Respondents hear something in the question that researchers do not”. Safire’s Political Dictionary (2008) speculates that campaign workers adopted the phrase from political pollsters.

This usage doesn’t quite make sense. Apart from the fact that nearly all dogs can hear standard dog whistles, the idea of it being a secret “code” is fanciful, more a case of anthropomorphism. The dog whistle is a training tool. Period. By the repetitive use of a “dog whistle” (sometimes combined with other inducements) a dog can be trained to respond in a predictable way each time the whistle is used.

This knowledge allows us to see the term “dog whistle” in an entirely new way. For example, the use of the term “racist” may be seen as a “dog whistle” – by the use of which the “dog” can be trained to respond in a predictable and prescribed way. “Homophobe” is likewise a “dog whistle” – a training tool – the use of which will enable the user to obtain a predictable conformity from the “dog”.

This kind of “dog whistling” has long enabled corporate Democrats to prevent the party’s base from working with people of the same economic class. In the manner of an over-bearing mother, the Democrats tell their voters to “stay away” from “those bad people” because they are… (fill in the blank).

All this “dog whistling” about race and gender and sexual preference has divided America into camps based on surface “identity” markers and not on what really matters – economic power, the only “privilege” that matters. The scam goes like this: While most Americans want a future where the billionaire and the working person have an equal say in the process, the “identity” groups (funded by billionaires) distract from this and insist that it is the poor person of a different color or gender or sexuality who is the oppressor and the proper focus of group anger.

Because of this “dog whistling”, America has the least diverse political representation in its history. The lack of diversity with regards to economic class is an under-reported fact of American political life.

In his book, White-Collar Government: The Hidden Role of Class in Economic Policy Making (2013), Duke University Professor Nick Carnes reports on studies showing that while a majority of Americans work in blue-collar employment, only 2% of Congress were blue-collar workers before being elected and only 3% of State Legislators are employed as blue-collar workers. Carnes and others hold that this disparity reflects the economic decisions and priorities of legislative bodies in America – and it is an explanation of the gulf between the rhetoric and reality of legislation like the Cares Act. And it might explain why Governors like Phil Murphy appear so disconnected from the realities of working people, when they issue executive orders that destroy small businesses and jobs without a thought to how people will pay for health insurance and housing.

It is the disparity in economic power that led a Princeton University study (Gilens & Page, 2014) to conclude: "The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." Americans believe in the ideal of democracy but increasingly understand that they do not have it.

The 2016 presidential election saw the rise of populist movements in both major political parties. Journalists like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi extensively reported on Establishment efforts by both parties to contain and dismiss the working class uprisings in their respective voting bases. The election of Donald Trump only confirmed the intensity of the pain being experienced by working Americans of all races, genders, and preferences. That pain has not gone away… it has only grown worse under government’s prescriptions to address the COVID pandemic.

Increasingly, populists on both the Left and Right are coming to understand – despite the designs of those who “dog whistle” identity – that their battle is not with each other, but rather with a political Establishment that screws all of them, while trying to stoke the fires of conflict and hatred between them. Here is a great video by Honest Left commentator and comedian Jimmy Dore…

In the post (from yesterday), Jimmy Dore includes some interesting videos from business owners who are suffering under the rules imposed on them by Democrat governors. He posted a recent article by The Intercept, titled, “The Unemployment Crisis is a True National Emergency: The incompetent criminals ruling the U.S. are about to push millions of Americans off a terrifying financial cliff”.

Another headline posted by Dore: “Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now permanent”.

And another, from TIME magazine: “No Lessons Have Been Learned. Why the Trillion-Dollar Coronavirus Bailout Benefited the Rich.”

Dore notes: “We are turning America into Brazil… You want to know how you fight against fascism? You make sure people have a job.”

In the video, Dore blames Democrats like Tom Malinowski and Josh Gottheimer, who call suffering workers “white extremists” and “terrorists” – while voting for the very policies that cause the pain they are reacting to. Watch the video.

Dore points out that, according to PBS, the Federal Reserve plans to lend an additional $1 trillion a day to large banks. Dore then goes on to compare the support other nations are providing small to mid-sized businesses. He produces a graph from Public Citizen, showing the percentage of wages currently subsidized by governments for businesses closed due to COVID:

Japan – 100% for small Businesses. 80% for larger firms.
Netherlands – Up to 90%.
Norway – Up to 90%.
Germany – Up to 87%.
France – Up to 84%.
Italy – 80%.
United Kingdom – Up to 80%.
Canada – Up to 75%.
United States – 0%.

Dore also notes that billionaires have used the pandemic to increase their wealth by over a trillion dollars. He posts the following numbers:

Amazon profits up 100%.
Walmart profits up 80%.
Target profits up 80%.

All while 50 million Americans are facing food insecurity and 21% of small businesses have already closed permanently. Watch the video to see a list of the bonuses handed out to the CEO’s of major corporations during the COVID pandemic. Dore calls it a “rigged system in action.”

Are we getting closer to the predictions made about "fusion politics" by Ralph Nader, in his book Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State (2014)? Watch the video… Jimmy Dore is priceless!

“The entire business model of the Democratic Party is to avoid dealing with its own populists’ concerns, so they’ve never seen the Sanders wing of the party as anything but a threat to what they do for a living, which is basically take corporate money and then sell themselves as socially progressive. That’s what they do for a living. That’s their business.”

Matt Taibbi
Journalist and author of Hate, Inc. (amongst other books)

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website. Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions. To submit a column for publication, please contact us at