State: Adopt preschool sex agenda or get labeled with “hate”

By Rubashov

“Wave after wave of indoctrination… and to resist it, or even to question it, there are in place bureaucracies that will label you a ‘hater’.”
That was the observation of a New Jersey childcare worker.  Another reported:

“Last year the state inspector came for the yearly inspection and told me everything looked great and passed inspection, however, she wanted to know if I was going to be putting in a transgender/gender fluid bathroom in our facility anytime soon.”
A Morris County preschool owner sent us this YouTube clip of “the recommended book that they (the state) wanted us to read in preschool” along with “a list a books recommended for preschools to incorporate.” 

This has already become part of the standard curriculum in corporate daycare for preschools – and now it is being pushed on every other licensed facility in the state. The GayBCs, is an illustrated hardcover book, written by M. L. Webb. Published in 2019, it is recommended reading for those aged 4 to 8 years old. describes it as “a joyful celebration of LGBTQ+ vocabulary for kids of all ages.”

“A playdate extravaganza transforms into a celebration of friendship, love, and identity as four friends sashay out of all the closets, dress up in a wardrobe fit for kings and queens, and discover the wonder of imagination. From A is for Ally to F is for Family to Q is for Queer, debut author/illustrator M. L. Webb’s bright illustrations and lively, inclusive poems delight in the beauty of embracing one’s truest self. A glossary in the back offers opportunity for further discussion of terms and identities. The GayBCs is perfect for fans of A Is for Activist and Feminist Baby—showing kids and adults alike that every identity is worthy of being celebrated.”

Is your child’s sexuality the business of the State?

Given the lack of competence shown by the State in so many basic areas, is it safe to allow the State access to your child’s sexuality?

Do parents have the RIGHT TO KNOW how their children are being indoctrinated?

There is nothing particularly “wrong” with a book like The GayBCs – we wouldn’t advocate burning it. There is enough of that going around already. Isn’t that so, Dr. Seuss?

The book is rather straightforward propaganda. It is a blunt instrument, crude even. Millions of children in the former Soviet Union were subjected to similar indoctrination and they came through it, successfully shrugging it off.

But here in America – in this country – we are supposed to be a democracy and a centerpiece of that is the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED or, if you will, the Freedom to Choose. Shouldn’t parents be given the option of selecting the type of indoctrination their children will receive?

Of course, to suggest such a thing is to invite being labeled as a “hater” and “anti-LGBTQ+”. It is no longer acceptable to suggest that “you do you” and “I’ll do me”.

Conformity… State-sponsored and enforced conformity, is the order of the day. If you believe in diversity of thought, of opinion, you are a “hater”.

This is the “hate machine”. It starts with a suggested reading list, with State inspectors, comes the social media lynch mob, then the “mainstream” media wags its finger, and finally some bureaucracy like the State Office of Homeland Security labels you a “hater” and puts you on a list. Corporations won’t do business with you and neither will government.

You have been “cancelled” – or, as the Soviets phrased it in the early days of the Revolution – you have been made a “former person”.

To be made a member of the class that became known as “former people” was to become a target for the most severe persecution. In fact, the Soviet NKVD carried out Operation “Former People”, in the course of which during March 1935 over 11,000 “former people” were arrested or deported from Leningrad alone.

During Stalin’s Great Purge, the NKVD claimed “former people” were an enemy within and that it was necessary to make “war” on them. Cleansing the Soviet Union of millions of “former people” was explained by the necessity to eliminate an “insurgence base”. (Operations of the NKVD, 1937-38)

Executive Order 1223 instructed the NKVD to establish detailed bureaucratic procedures for keeping track of “anti-Soviet and socially alien elements”. Nobody argued for sanctuary for the “former people”. They became refugees in their own homeland.

Watch for that term to make its appearance. Socially alien. And remember, no human is illegal… except the socially alien.

Politicians like Congressman Josh Gottheimer have started down the road to empowering a new NKVD. It is a dangerous, undemocratic, and deeply illiberal path. They seek to shore up their own weak political positions by criminalizing the political positions of others.

By claiming a “sharp rise in domestic terror and violent extremism both here in New Jersey and nationwide” Gottheimer is working to expand the PATRIOT Act to refocus its broad powers from enemies abroad to enemies within. Not content with a forever war overseas, Gottheimer is looking to create a forever war within the United States.

And make no mistake, Josh Gottheimer is attempting to rally his audience with a time worn appeal to war: “Extremists (as in people who think the “wrong” thoughts) present a clear and present danger to New Jersey families.” A war against Americans who hold an opinion contrary to Mr. Gottheimer’s.

As the Co-Chairman of some bi-partisan Washington group called “The Problem Solvers Caucus”, we can’t help but wonder what his members, their staffs, the political leadership back home, and their constituents would make of them following such a man, intent on such a dangerous course? In the coming Gottheimer vs. The Bill of Rights, perhaps this battle will be fought in a dozen or more districts? If so, not even $8 million would go that far.

Yes, it is called the “hate machine”. To resist is to be labeled, ostracized, cut-off, and finally destroyed.

“I believe that we can all agree that providing law enforcement and the intelligence community with all the tools necessary to prosecute, financially counter, and defeat these people is of the utmost importance to keep our shared constituents safe.”

Congressman Josh Gottheimer

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

Wednesday's Top Suggested Reading

by: Murray Sabrin, Ph.D

Biden, The GOP And What’s In Store For The Future

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Joe Biden’s vapid inaugural address sounded like it was written for an eighth grader by another eighth-grader. Many sentences had no more than a few words in it, there were no inspiring words or vision for America’s future and contained a list of grievances that sounded like we were living in a nation still clinging to Jim Crow laws. Given Biden’s cognitive challenges his speechwriters did not want him to try to articulate compound sentences for fear they would highlight his frailties.

The truth of the matter is America is one of the least “racist” societies in the world. We have the most sweeping antidiscrimination laws that have been on the books for more than five decades. The American people elected an African-American candidate for president not once but twice. Affirmative action policies have been in place for decades but have been criticized as a form of ”reverse racism,” because it takes people’s race and other characteristics into account in hiring and government contracts

More on Covid and Vitamin B1

By Bill Sardi

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No more tubes forced down the throat (intubation). No more liquid feeding tubes. No more damage to the lung from positive pressure ventilators. Patients able to communicate freely, drink through a straw and eat solid food with assistance (spoon feeding). I’ve said it many times, we ought to go back to the iron lung if we are going to end up with scarred lungs from positive pressure ventilators.

Once the autonomic nervous system fails and patients have to consciously breathe, they can’t go to sleep (unconscious) and still breathe at the same time. This breathlessness is what results in death that is mistakenly attributed to COVID-19. This EXOVENT device times the breathing for the patient.

A setback for the liberty movement.

by Robert Wenzell

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Well, it is over.

Four long years of turmoil and absurdity have passed. As Donald Trump flys to Mar-a-Lago, he leaves the country a mess. The radical left treated the buffoon as a perfect foil. And he was.

The socialists used each of the 1,461 days of the Reign of Trump as an ultimate recruiting period. Lenin never had it so easy.

The Left thrived during the Trump presidency. Cancel culture, identity politics and calls for equity stink up the country. The kids are all socialists now, thinking Trump represents capitalism.

Is Politico extremist? Wikipedia seems to think so.

By Rubashov

Corporate extremism. Violent corporate extremism.

Each year, every day, corporations across the globe commit acts of violence against individuals and communities. War is an act of violence. Those corporations engaged in the furtherance of endless wars, endless occupations, profit from violence. Incarcerating human beings for profit is an act of corporate violence. The opioid epidemic that has cost the lives of so many and damaged the lives of so many more, their families, and communities, is an act of corporate violence. So is the burning of forests. Human trafficking and its corporate use as a source of labor is an act of violence. So is the destruction of American jobs through the use of slave or near-slave labor. As is the violence used against workers who attempt to organize.

These are all acts of violence, often illegal, always unethical, for the purposes of greed. The media, dependent on advertising revenue from violent corporate extremists, are left with hard choices to make. Increasingly, violent corporate extremists have come to own media outlets directly.

We were thinking on this when we came across a salutary column by one Matt Freidman, formerly of David Wildstein’s PoliticsNJ. Friedman argues that it is “time for New Jersey politicians — even some considered moderate — to take stock of the extremism they have allowed to fester.” Indeed.

Friedman is very quick to use terms like “extremist” to label the exercise of free assembly and free speech of anyone with whom he disagrees. He seems very worried that, in the past, some politically “extremist” groups “tied” to the Capitol riot were permitted to speak on public ground at events attended by “mainstream politicians”.

We wonder. Does Friedman consider Bridgegate to be an act of political “extremism”?

Is shutting down a bridge and damning the people on it – including all those “children of Buono voters” riding those school buses – an act of violent extremism? If a group of knuckleheads with Trump flags had shut down that bridge and damned those “children of Buono voters” – would that have been an act of violent extremism?

Isn’t Friedman “tied” to the “mastermind” of that enterprise?

Friedman then details some of the other instances when he feels the First Amendment should not have applied:

“In 2012, Republicans in Morris County invited birther conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi to speak. Corsi later helped perpetuate the voter fraud lie. Fast forward to late 2020, when Morris County surrogate Heather Darling organized a rally in support of small business where a man flying a confederate flag looked perfectly welcome. In 2018, Republicans in South Jersey not only tolerated but in some cases helped the congressional candidacy of Seth Grossman — who’s quoted as an Oath Keepers apologist in the Inquirer piece — despite years of racist and anti-Muslim social media posts. And even Republican U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, in office 40 years and never known as a firebrand, aired demonstrably false conspiracy theories that Antifa was behind the Capitol riot, and has since deleted his Twitter account…”

But is Friedman really in a position to exercise such moral judgment? According to Wikipedia, the publication he writes for has its own failings…

Politico Magazine published an article in April 2017 purporting to show long-term links among U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch. The article was widely condemned, with the head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, saying that it ‘evokes age-old myths about Jews’.”

“In March 2019 Politico was accused again of anti-Semitism when an article depicting imagery of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders next to money trees was published. Sanders, one of two Jewish candidates for the 2020 US presidential election, was targeted for the amount of wealth he accumulated over his lifetime. Politico staff writer Michael Kruse wrote the article detailing the senator's wealth, writing that Sanders ‘might still be cheap’, according to one of the senator's friends, ‘but he's sure not poor’, which was criticized as combining two anti-Semitic tropes (Jews are cheap; Jews are rich). Politico's official Twitter account used the quote to share the story; the tweet was later deleted.”

Would it be fair to label Politico a neo-Nazi publication… or just “moderately” anti-Semitic?

Like Jerome Corsi, Politico has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories and of lying. Friedman appears perfectly comfortable writing for a publication that pushes anti-Semitic “tropes”. While accusing Seth Grossman of being an anti-Muslim apologist for the “Oath Keepers”, Friedman seems to forget that he writes for an anti-Semitic group who are apologists for “age-old myths about Jews”. And finally, like Congressman Smith, Politico deletes its Twitter account.

Is it time to ban Politico from polite society?

How about anybody that had anything to do with Bridgegate? Why would any righteous politician ever send them a press release… ever! And hey, Matt Friedman, that’s who taught you. That makes you “tied” to it. That means you need to go too. Right?

Friedman continues:

“Occasionally, Democrats go down the path of conspiracy theories and extremism, and yes, there exist left-wing radicals who commit violence. But let’s resist the temptation to ‘both sides’ this issue, because there are few if any mainstream Democrats coddling it.”

Really? Did someone take a dump in Matt’s brain and forget to flush it? Or was he on sabbatical in some monastery when all that violence and arson and carnage happened last summer? We seem to remember a certain Democrat Governor marching in support of it and the Democrats in Trenton passing a resolution in support of it. Why lie to your readers like that?

Well… follow the money. Matt’s boss at Politico has a long history of donating large sums to Democrat candidates and causes and served under former President Bill Clinton. He’s an investment banker named Patrick Steel. Yep, an investment banker. Wonder what violent corporate extremism he’s got up to?

Before spending 16 years at the investment firm FBR Capital Markets & Co. (more on this later), Steel served eight years in the Clinton administration, including a stint as the special assistant to former President Bill Clinton. He’s probably arsehole buddies with Josh Gottheimer.

According to the Media Research Center, when Steel joined Politico as CEO in 2017, he had donated $64,850 to Democrats, and nothing to Republicans. Among those he gave to were Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer.

So now you know the rest of the story.

Matt Friedman is clearly compromised – but not just in the way you might think. Matt writes the way he does because he is so certain of his own personal goodness. Because of this, he can look down at others, see bad, and seek to cast them out of society – question their very humanity. What Matt doesn’t seem to understand is that he is not good. He is bad, just as bad, we all are.

Here are some wise words for Matt, and for all of us, to consider. Maybe, when we are less censorious, we will find a way to be better – not good, and certainly not perfect – human beings. Maybe, probably not, but maybe…

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves”

— Eric Hoffer

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

Why Did They Erase Richard Somers from Our National Memory? Was It Any of These Eleven Inconvenient Truths?


Left to Right: Treasurer Bruce Barkoff, Director Paul Klepacki, Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew, Director Mike Smith, Republican Somers Point Councilman Michael Owen, and member Alan Stearne.  Photo taken shortly after event.  Atlantic County Surrogate Jim Curcio, a Republican, and roughly three dozen others also attended the outdoor, socially distanced event on September 4, 2020.

One September 4, 1804, 26 year old Richard Somers and all twelve of his crew were killed instantly, when their “fireship” Intrepid exploded in the harbor of Tripoli, North Africa.  Their goal was to destroy the last of the “Turkish flotilla” and bring a three year war to an end.  Earlier this month, we held a ceremony in his boyhood home of Somers Point, New Jersey on that same day 216 years later.

2004-0904-vandrew-somers-resolution-600x800.jpg and the Somers Point Historical Society have been holding events to remember Richard Somers ever since 2004, the 200th year of his death in Tripoli.  In 2004 and 2006 both Jeff Van Drew (then Democrat) and Jack Gibson (Republican), then the two Assembly Members representing Somers Point, obtained resolutions from the entire NJ State Assembly recognizing the importance of Richard Somers in New Jersey and American history.  Both resolutions are displayed in our Somers Point office.

We were joined by Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who presented us with a Proclamation to recognize the event.  We were also joined by Republican Surrogate Jim Curcio who represented Atlantic County.  Republican Councilman Michael Owen represented the City of Somers Point.

Several local radio hosts promoted the event.  They included Harry Hurley and John DeMasi of 95.5 FM, and Dan Klein, Ann Baker, and Don Williams of 1400AM.


Two weeks earlier, Sally Hastings and the Somers Point Historical Society opened a new maritime exhibit in their nearby Historical Museum.  That museum explains the remarkable story of the people who settled in this area 350 years ago, and how they achieved exceptional success.  More particularly, it explains our traditions of sailing and shipbuilding that inspired and prepared Richard Somers for his historic mission.  Click here for details on that story.

However, we were disappointed by the community leaders, organizations and institutions who ignored the event.  There was no publicity in area daily or weekly newspapers or any of the Philadelphia TV stations.   There was no participation by Stockton University or any local public schools.  Not a single library in the area had a program, lecture, or exhibit about Richard Somers.  Why?

Richard Somers was not guilty of any of the “sins” that caused other historical figures like Christopher Columbus to be “cancelled”. 


Neither Richard Somers, nor any members of his family owned or traded in slaves.  On the contrary, they were Quakers.  They were among the first Americans to aggressively and systematically work to end slavery in this country, and to help freed slaves live independent, productive lives.  They created comfortable lives for themselves by supplementing their farm income with other businesses.  Richard Somers great-grandfather John Somers started a ferry to connect the New York road with the Cape May stagecoach road.


Another relative, James Somers built a dam and road (now known as Central Avenue) across the Patcong Creek which now separates Linwood and Egg Harbor Township.  The water current from that dam powered two mills.  A grist mill on the Linwood side of the creek was used to grind grain into flour. The other was a sawmill, used to make lumber for buildings and ships.


William Penns’s treaty with Native Americans in Pennsylvania, 1680s.

William Penn controlled all land titles in South Jersey (then called West Jersey) as well as in Pennsylvania.  He did not approve any land titles without proof that no Native Americans claimed that land, and that all sales of land by Native Americans were fair and voluntary.

Neither Richard Somers, nor any members of his family killed or mistreated Indians, now called Native Americans.  South Jersey was settled by Quakers under the leadership of William Penn.  Penn gave strict orders not to occupy any land claimed by Native Americans, unless that land was sold freely and voluntarily for a fair price.   Those orders were carried out.   Although the Leni Lenape Indians (also called the Delaware) often fished, gathered berries, and harvested claims in and around South Jersey, they had few permanent settlements here. That all became known in 1995, when the mayor of the beach resort of Wildwood spent years in court trying to get approvals allowing a Leni Lenape casino there.

There were no laws preventing women from voting, owning property, or holding public office in New Jersey when Richard Somers was alive here.

So why was Richard Somers cancelled?   Was it any of these eleven “inconvenient truths” that don’t support the narrative of today’s “woke” socialists and communists?

  1.  Richard Somers,  like most young men of his day, finished eight years of formal schooling by age 16.  At that time, he had better knowledge of reading, writing, history, literature, science, and mathematics than most college graduates today.

  2. Richard Somers, like most young men of his day, mastered a useful skill or trade by age 17.   Richard Somers mastered sailing and navigation. By age 17, he was in charge of “coasters”, sailing ships that carried cargo between New York and Philadelphia.

  3. When Richard Somers finished school, America was such a peaceful nation, that we had an army of only 5,200 men, and no navy at all.

  4. America only started to build a navy in 1796, thirteen years after we won our independence.  That was when Americans got tired of paying bribes and tribute to Islamic “Barbary Pirates” in the Mediterranean and French pirates in the Caribbean.  Under international law at the time, the “Barbary Pirates” were not criminal “pirates” like the French.  They could be executed when captured.  The “Barbary Pirates were instead “corsairs” or “privateers” for Islamic nations legally at war with non-Muslim nations that did not pay them tribute.

  5. When Richard Somers was 20 years old, he gave up a promising career as a private ship captain, to join our new navy in Annapolis at age 20.

  6. In 1801, President Thomas Jefferson sent our new navy to fight the “Barbary Pirates”.  He put 23 year old Richard Somers in command of the Nautilus, a 160 ton warship with 20 cannons and a crew of 100 men.  Richard Somers sailed that ship, without incident, across the Atlantic Ocean, to Spain, and then the Mediterranean.  Most other ship commanders of the U.S. Navy at that time were the same age as Richard Somers.

  7. America was the only nation to fight the “Barbary Pirates” of North Africa.  England, France, Spain, and Portugal, the major sea powers found it cheaper to pay tribute than fight them.  Only Americans said “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute”.

  8. For three years, young Americans like Richard Somers won the admiration of the world by defeating the Islamic “pirates” in battle after battle.  After one battle, Pope Pius VII publicly declared, “The American commander, with a small force, and in a short space of time, has done more for the cause of Christianity than the most powerful nations of Christendom have done for ages”.

  9. Although Richard Somers failed in his attempt to destroy “the Turkish flotilla” in Tripoli on September 4, 1804, he inspired other Americans to continue the fight, and win a decisive battle “on the shores of Tripoli” one year later.

  10. The Islamic kingdoms of North Africa that ordered their “pirates” to attack American ships were also part of a massive slave industry.   Their “pirates” also captured and enslaved thousands of white Europeans and tens of thousands of black Africans each year and either put them to work  themselves, or sold them throughout the Arab world.  The most brutal slave work was being chained to the oars which powered the warships of the “Barbary Pirates” when there was not enough wind.

  11. When America defeated the Barbary Pirates in 1805, and again in 1815, we effectively ended the African slave trade.  This also made many Americans aware of the horrors of slavery, and intensified efforts to end slavery in America.

This story of Richard Somers is a key to understanding the story of America, when America was great.  It is there inconvenient to those who hate America, and want to divide us and tear us apart.

And, of course, Richard Somers was a white, Christian male.  During the past thirty years, our schools, colleges, media, and Hollywood pop culture have falsely blamed white, Christian men for almost every problem in the world today.

Many candidates for public office in this year’s election are winning votes by just by being of a  different race or gender.  Teaching young people about white, Christian, male heroes like Richard Somers does not promote that political agenda.

Click here for more details of the Richard Somers story.

  • We are a group of 150 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we have made mistakes. If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.

  • Seth Grossman, Executive Director



  • (609) 927-7333