Gottheimer is trying to smear veterans/ police as “terrorists”.

By Rubashov

A chicken-hawk is someone who has no problem sending someone else into harm’s way but is very reticent about going there himself. They come in all shapes and sizes, all colors and creeds, and from both major political parties.

America has been in one foreign conflict after another for twenty years. The reason America is broke, in debt, with no money to fund health care in the midst of a pandemic is because our political class is too intent on being the world’s policeman.

President Dwight Eisenhower, a great military leader himself, as President warned against what he called “the military-industrial complex”. Congress did not heed his warning and today is so drunk on the money it takes from corporate PACs and lobbyists that it simply can’t say no.

The media is much the same way. They really don’t like the idea of the “military” per se, but they love corporate money and how it spends. That’s why establishment media is so quick to fire a journalist who questions the latest “foreign adventure” too closely. The New York Times is a cheerleader for war – and when Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges questioned why, they had him out the door as quick as they could.

Like many chicken-hawks in Congress, Josh Gottheimer has taken to promoting the latest Establishment “message” coming from the New York Times. In an article published this week, the Times claims veterans and police are the primary sources of the extremism that resulted in the Capitol riot on January 6th.

This is very convenient for the Times because it can protect its friends in the Military-Industrial Complex, while blaming those who formerly served as cogs in that machine. Gottheimer, in common with other chicken-hawks, was quick to post the attempt by the New York Times to shift the blame from the war machine to its victims.

Gottheimer even scheduled a “messaging” event at Sussex County Community College to advance plans on how to blame America’s political extremism on veterans and police. Like other chicken-hawks, Gottheimer wants to avoid having to blame groups like BLM and Antifa, and especially organizations like Action Together, a group that helped his re-election in 2018.

Remember, it was members of Action Together and Sussex County Democrats who called the VFW a bunch of “old white men” and mocked them. It was a member of Action Together and the Chair of the Sussex County Democrats who mocked a disabled veteran who had lost an eye – calling him a “pirate”.

Action Together has infiltrated the Democrat Party at all levels, while accepting awards from and working with actual TERRORIST organizations banned by our allies overseas. This is problematic for Gottheimer, who cut a recruitment video for Action Together the same year it was cavorting with government-named terrorists.

Why is it that media outlets like the New York Times and chicken-hawk politicians like Josh Gottheimer never even try to understand how people get to where they are? It’s like there is not an ounce of humanity in these “so-certain-they-are-good” Establishment types.

As a politician, a corporate lobbyist/spinmeister, and a Washington DC political staffer Josh Gottheimer has been involved in every scumbag incarnation of the Military-Industrial Complex over the last quarter century. At the same time, deindustrialization, offshoring, and outsourcing by corporate America has made the military the most attractive job opening in much of America. And what happens to those who serve and who suffer, if not from bodily wounds but from what’s left over from being taught to kill? What do they return to? Perhaps Matt Damon put it best…

Remember when mainstream liberals understood that war was bad? He just described why Veterans laugh when chicken-hawks like Josh Gottheimer say, “Thank you for your service.”

But it doesn’t end with veterans. Chicken-hawk politicians are pushing the New York Times’ line that the police are also responsible for violent extremism in America.

Cops and veterans. Two groups of people who are sent by politicians into harm’s way. Why doesn’t the New York Times ever question the buckets of new laws passed each year that expand the job of the police and require more interactions between police officers with guns and citizens who are often emotionally, psychologically, or chemically off-balance?

In one of his most famous essays, columnist George Will argued that this kind of “overcriminalization” was responsible for the death of Eric Garner, a sidewalk merchant who was killed in a confrontation with police trying to crack down on sales tax scofflaws. Will raised the question of how many new laws are created by state legislatures or by Congress in the rush to be seen to be “doing something”.

But that is the way of the chicken-hawk… first, cause the problem, then try to play “hero” by coming up with a solution that makes it worse. Instead of a “problem solvers” caucus in Congress, maybe we need adults who can diagnose how a problem came to be in the first place.

“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”

Frank Zappa

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