Wednesday's Top Suggested Reading

by: Murray Sabrin, Ph.D

Biden, The GOP And What’s In Store For The Future

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Joe Biden’s vapid inaugural address sounded like it was written for an eighth grader by another eighth-grader. Many sentences had no more than a few words in it, there were no inspiring words or vision for America’s future and contained a list of grievances that sounded like we were living in a nation still clinging to Jim Crow laws. Given Biden’s cognitive challenges his speechwriters did not want him to try to articulate compound sentences for fear they would highlight his frailties.

The truth of the matter is America is one of the least “racist” societies in the world. We have the most sweeping antidiscrimination laws that have been on the books for more than five decades. The American people elected an African-American candidate for president not once but twice. Affirmative action policies have been in place for decades but have been criticized as a form of ”reverse racism,” because it takes people’s race and other characteristics into account in hiring and government contracts

More on Covid and Vitamin B1

By Bill Sardi

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No more tubes forced down the throat (intubation). No more liquid feeding tubes. No more damage to the lung from positive pressure ventilators. Patients able to communicate freely, drink through a straw and eat solid food with assistance (spoon feeding). I’ve said it many times, we ought to go back to the iron lung if we are going to end up with scarred lungs from positive pressure ventilators.

Once the autonomic nervous system fails and patients have to consciously breathe, they can’t go to sleep (unconscious) and still breathe at the same time. This breathlessness is what results in death that is mistakenly attributed to COVID-19. This EXOVENT device times the breathing for the patient.

A setback for the liberty movement.

by Robert Wenzell

a setback for the liberty movement.png

Well, it is over.

Four long years of turmoil and absurdity have passed. As Donald Trump flys to Mar-a-Lago, he leaves the country a mess. The radical left treated the buffoon as a perfect foil. And he was.

The socialists used each of the 1,461 days of the Reign of Trump as an ultimate recruiting period. Lenin never had it so easy.

The Left thrived during the Trump presidency. Cancel culture, identity politics and calls for equity stink up the country. The kids are all socialists now, thinking Trump represents capitalism.

What if the populist wings of both parties started working together?

By Rubashov
In its political usage, the term “dog-whistle” has developed into something quite apart from what it originally meant. Wikipedia defines its use in politics as… “coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition… Dog whistles use language which appears normal to the majority, but which communicate specific things to intended audiences.”

Wikipedia cites popular writer and etymologist William Safire’s opinion that the term “dog whistle" may have been derived from its use in opinion polling. Safire quotes Richard Morin, director of polling for The Washington Post, as writing in 1988, “subtle changes in question-wording sometimes produce remarkably different results... researchers call this the 'Dog Whistle Effect': Respondents hear something in the question that researchers do not”. Safire’s Political Dictionary (2008) speculates that campaign workers adopted the phrase from political pollsters.

This usage doesn’t quite make sense. Apart from the fact that nearly all dogs can hear standard dog whistles, the idea of it being a secret “code” is fanciful, more a case of anthropomorphism. The dog whistle is a training tool. Period. By the repetitive use of a “dog whistle” (sometimes combined with other inducements) a dog can be trained to respond in a predictable way each time the whistle is used.

This knowledge allows us to see the term “dog whistle” in an entirely new way. For example, the use of the term “racist” may be seen as a “dog whistle” – by the use of which the “dog” can be trained to respond in a predictable and prescribed way. “Homophobe” is likewise a “dog whistle” – a training tool – the use of which will enable the user to obtain a predictable conformity from the “dog”.

This kind of “dog whistling” has long enabled corporate Democrats to prevent the party’s base from working with people of the same economic class. In the manner of an over-bearing mother, the Democrats tell their voters to “stay away” from “those bad people” because they are… (fill in the blank).

All this “dog whistling” about race and gender and sexual preference has divided America into camps based on surface “identity” markers and not on what really matters – economic power, the only “privilege” that matters. The scam goes like this: While most Americans want a future where the billionaire and the working person have an equal say in the process, the “identity” groups (funded by billionaires) distract from this and insist that it is the poor person of a different color or gender or sexuality who is the oppressor and the proper focus of group anger.

Because of this “dog whistling”, America has the least diverse political representation in its history. The lack of diversity with regards to economic class is an under-reported fact of American political life.

In his book, White-Collar Government: The Hidden Role of Class in Economic Policy Making (2013), Duke University Professor Nick Carnes reports on studies showing that while a majority of Americans work in blue-collar employment, only 2% of Congress were blue-collar workers before being elected and only 3% of State Legislators are employed as blue-collar workers. Carnes and others hold that this disparity reflects the economic decisions and priorities of legislative bodies in America – and it is an explanation of the gulf between the rhetoric and reality of legislation like the Cares Act. And it might explain why Governors like Phil Murphy appear so disconnected from the realities of working people, when they issue executive orders that destroy small businesses and jobs without a thought to how people will pay for health insurance and housing.

It is the disparity in economic power that led a Princeton University study (Gilens & Page, 2014) to conclude: "The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." Americans believe in the ideal of democracy but increasingly understand that they do not have it.

The 2016 presidential election saw the rise of populist movements in both major political parties. Journalists like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi extensively reported on Establishment efforts by both parties to contain and dismiss the working class uprisings in their respective voting bases. The election of Donald Trump only confirmed the intensity of the pain being experienced by working Americans of all races, genders, and preferences. That pain has not gone away… it has only grown worse under government’s prescriptions to address the COVID pandemic.

Increasingly, populists on both the Left and Right are coming to understand – despite the designs of those who “dog whistle” identity – that their battle is not with each other, but rather with a political Establishment that screws all of them, while trying to stoke the fires of conflict and hatred between them. Here is a great video by Honest Left commentator and comedian Jimmy Dore…

In the post (from yesterday), Jimmy Dore includes some interesting videos from business owners who are suffering under the rules imposed on them by Democrat governors. He posted a recent article by The Intercept, titled, “The Unemployment Crisis is a True National Emergency: The incompetent criminals ruling the U.S. are about to push millions of Americans off a terrifying financial cliff”.

Another headline posted by Dore: “Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now permanent”.

And another, from TIME magazine: “No Lessons Have Been Learned. Why the Trillion-Dollar Coronavirus Bailout Benefited the Rich.”

Dore notes: “We are turning America into Brazil… You want to know how you fight against fascism? You make sure people have a job.”

In the video, Dore blames Democrats like Tom Malinowski and Josh Gottheimer, who call suffering workers “white extremists” and “terrorists” – while voting for the very policies that cause the pain they are reacting to. Watch the video.

Dore points out that, according to PBS, the Federal Reserve plans to lend an additional $1 trillion a day to large banks. Dore then goes on to compare the support other nations are providing small to mid-sized businesses. He produces a graph from Public Citizen, showing the percentage of wages currently subsidized by governments for businesses closed due to COVID:

Japan – 100% for small Businesses. 80% for larger firms.
Netherlands – Up to 90%.
Norway – Up to 90%.
Germany – Up to 87%.
France – Up to 84%.
Italy – 80%.
United Kingdom – Up to 80%.
Canada – Up to 75%.
United States – 0%.

Dore also notes that billionaires have used the pandemic to increase their wealth by over a trillion dollars. He posts the following numbers:

Amazon profits up 100%.
Walmart profits up 80%.
Target profits up 80%.

All while 50 million Americans are facing food insecurity and 21% of small businesses have already closed permanently. Watch the video to see a list of the bonuses handed out to the CEO’s of major corporations during the COVID pandemic. Dore calls it a “rigged system in action.”

Are we getting closer to the predictions made about "fusion politics" by Ralph Nader, in his book Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State (2014)? Watch the video… Jimmy Dore is priceless!

“The entire business model of the Democratic Party is to avoid dealing with its own populists’ concerns, so they’ve never seen the Sanders wing of the party as anything but a threat to what they do for a living, which is basically take corporate money and then sell themselves as socially progressive. That’s what they do for a living. That’s their business.”

Matt Taibbi
Journalist and author of Hate, Inc. (amongst other books)

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website. Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions. To submit a column for publication, please contact us at

How To Recognize And Stop Vote Fraud.

By Seth Grossman. Seth Grossman has been an attorney in Atlantic City since 1975. He represented himself and others in in court challenges and recounts for many elections. Grossman was elected to Atlantic City’s City Council in 1986, after first losing two years earlier by three votes. In 1988, Grossman won a Primary Election by one vote to become an Atlantic County Freeholder (now Commissioner).


In 2009, Iran’s “Swamp” dictators kept their power even though their candidate, Ahmadinejad got only about 8 million votes while outsider Mousavi won roughly 16 million votes. Observers said the government announced election results “pulled out of a hat”. One reporter wrote “People who stood in long lines and knew well who they voted for were utterly surprised by the magicians working at the television and radio broadcasting”. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians went out in the streets to protest. Hundreds, if not thousands were beaten, killed or arrested. Iranian protests often displayed signs in English begging the United States and other Western nations to help them. However, U.S. President Barack Obama instead sided with the dictators. In 2016, Obama gave the Iranian regime at least $50 billion in “usable liquid assets” including $400 million of unmarked cash by Executive Order without approval from Congress.

Massive vote Fraud Is Often Successful. It has changed the course of history. Many top political organizers in today’s Democratic Party have close ties to regimes in Iran and Venezuela that did it on a national level, as well as to “ballot harvesters” who do it routinely in local elections.

a.  In 1948, future Democratic President Lyndon Johnson “won” an Election to U.S. Senate he had lost by 20,000 votes.  Click here for details in New York Times 1990 book review on “The Years of Lyndon Johnson – Means of Ascent” by Robert A. Caro.

b.  In 2009, Iran’s dictators announced election results “pulled out of a hat”.  Most citizens quickly recognized and protested against the fraud.  Besides contradicting their own conversations with others, “the announced results came in blocks of millions of votes with very little difference between the blocks in the percentage of each candidate” rather than by province.  The announced results also “contradicted all precedent in Iranian candidates” with candidates doing equally well or poorly in their home towns and distant provinces.  Click here for details in the Wikipedia article “Results of the 2009 Iranian Presidential Election” at:

c.  Venezuela was a prosperous, sophisticated country that used electronic voting machines for its 2017 national elections.  According to this Reuters report, the company that supplied those voting machines estimated that the government’s announced vote totals added “at lease 1 million votes.” to the true total.  The regime reported that 8.1 million people had voted.  Documents from the machines confirmed that only 3.7 million people had voted by 5:30pm.  Voting ended at 7pm.  Election experts said that doubling the vote in just 90 minutes was “unlikely”.  Click here for details at


            2.  Universal Mail-In Voting Enables And Rewards Use of “Extra” Ballots For Ineligible Voters.  It has No Safeguards to Stop It.  It is almost impossible to detect or punish anyone who fills out an “Extra” Ballot and drops it in a mailbox or drop-box.


a.  From the 1920’s to the  1990’s, almost every major city in America used a “lever mechanical voting machine”.  Most were made by Shoup or Myers.  These machines could not be “hacked” electronically and it was almost impossible to add votes to them after polls closed.  Each vote was recorded on both a mechanical counter, and a register tape which were read by voting officials and challengers of both parties and made available for easy public inspection afterwards.  The number of votes on each machine had to match up to the number of signatures on the voting register each voter had to sign before being permitted to vote.

  b.  It is possible to add fake votes when paper ballots are used for in-person voting.  However, it is difficult and risky.  Corrupt voting officials in one party districts would have to let someone bring fake ballots into locked ballot boxes in secured rooms.  Someone would also have to write fake signatures into the voting registers which were also in secured rooms.  

c.  Universal mail-in ballots make the addition of fake ballots easy, and have absolutely no safeguards to stop  it.  Each state routinely mails out tens of thousands of ballots to the addresses of people who are not qualified to vote.   Many died or moved years ago.  Duplicate ballots are also mailed to people who register to vote under different names.  This is common.  It happens when women marry and take the names of their husbands.  It happens when people register to vote under one name, and then are automatically registered again when they apply for a driver’s license or registration under a slightly different name.  I personally know many people who have gotten duplicate mail-in ballots or ballots for people who died or no longer lived at their address.   These people told me they simply destroyed, threw  out, or returned the invalid ballots.   I have also seen many mail-in ballots left in the mail rooms of apartment buildings, when the mail carrier doesn’t know the apartment number of the voter, or if the voter has died or moved.

Clink above image or here for link to James O’Keefe’s undercover videos that expose and explain how quickly and easily legal (but horrible) “ballot harvesting” morphs into illegal fraud. Project Veritas deserves the financial support of all of us.

d.  It is well known and documented that “ballot harvesters” often pay for these “extra” ballots.  Here in New Jersey, the going rate is $30 to $50.  Videos from Minnesota indicate that the going rate there is $100.

e.   “Ballot harvesters” can easily complete and drop off as many “extra” ballots as they can find or buy.  Unlike with in-person voting, he or she does not have to sign the certification flap in front of an election official.  The completed ballot can then be dropped off at any mailbox in the country, or any drop-box in the State at any hour of day or night.  There is absolutely zero risk of being caught or punished for completing or voting voting an “extra” ballots.

                   3.  “Ballot harvesters” are likely to “drop off” or “dump” their ballots in the mail or a drop box at the last possible moment.  That minimizes or avoids the chance of an alert local election worker noticing that a ballot is coming from somebody who moved, died, or already complained that he or she did not receive a mail-in ballot.

                   4.  “Ballot harvesters” can easily drop off “extra ballots” or even completely fake ballots if they are needed after votes have been counted.  In many battleground states, mail-in ballots are received and opened in large centralized centers, rather than small polling places where representatives of both parties are present.   Videos show large numbers of ballots being dropped off in unmarked sacks and boxes, with no bi-partisan inspection, accountability or verification as to where or how those ballots were dropped off, or on what day time.  It appears that there were no efforts to close or end receipt of mail-in ballots at drop-off boxes at 8pm on November 3 as required by law.  It appears that many post offices failed to mark the day or time of mail-in ballots to confirm that they were received by 8pm on November 3 as required by law.  In New Jersey, Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy “ordered” that Boards of Election accept ballots “without postmarks” if the post office delivers them “by 8pm Thursday!”  This is in complete violation of New Jersey Election Law!

    5.  It is not logical for late votes in battleground states to be lopsided for Biden and Democrats.

a.  Democrats urged their supporters to vote early as soon as ballots were mailed out in September.  Most Republicans and Trump supporters were suspicious of mail in voting.  Even when urged to vote early, many were determined to vote or deliver their vote on Election Day “to make sure my vote counts”.   Is logical that the first votes to be sorted, opened and counted were mostly Democrat votes for Biden.  It is logical that more last minute, Election Day votes were for Republicans and Trump.   This was in fact the pattern until vote counting in key battleground states suddenly stopped at about .  It is NOT logical for the latest votes in battleground states to be lopsided for Biden and Democrats.

b.  President Trump’s support was low when early and mail-in voting began, but high during the two weeks before Election Day.  According to Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s poll numbers dropped to as low as 44% in early October after the First Debate.  That was when early and mail-in voting began.  However, Trump did better in second debate and Town Hall.  Trump also benefitted from his quick recovery from COVID and the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.  Trump was running between 48% and 52% during the last two weeks before Election Day.  It is not logical for the latest ballots in arriving in battleground states to be more in favor of Biden and Democrats than ballots that arrived when Trump was less popular.

c.  Trump received historically large support from blacks and Hispanics in Democratic majority areas.  According to The Washington Post, Edison Research national exit polling found that 55 percent of white women, 18 percent of black males, 8 percent of black women, 36 percent of Hispanic/Latino men, 28 percent of Hispanic/Latina women and 37 percent of all other voters cast their ballots for President Trump.  It is not logical for late ballots in battleground states, even in mostly Democrat black and Hispanic majority voting districts to show little or no support for Trump when earlier arriving ballots show significant support for Trump.

6.  There is no excuse for large numbers of “provisional ballots” on Election Day.  These ballots were created for people who attempt to vote in person on Election Day, but who are not on the voter registration books.  Usually, there is a valid reason for this.  Often the person has moved without filing a change of address, is on parole for a criminal conviction, or is not a citizen.  In the past, courts were closed for all business other than Election Matters  on Election Day.  If a voter was denied the ability to vote because his or her name was not on the books, he or she had to testify under oath before a judge to qualify.   These situations were very rare.   Provisional ballots were designed to avoid the need for these unusual court appearances.   The challenged voter would complete a “provisional ballot”.  Provisional ballots would be examined only if they were enough to change the outcome.  If so, these ballots were to be examined  the way a judge previously examined.  Routinely counting thousands of “provisional ballots” for people whose names did not appear on registration books, and who in the past would have to testify before a judge is NOT normal.  Atlantic County is “expecting more than 10,000 provisional ballots”.   The whole purpose of voter registration in advance is to let candidates know who is eligible to vote three weeks before the election so that candidates can meet them and try to win their votes.   And to make sure they are real people.  This cannot happen when 10,000 new people, not on the books, suddenly show up and are able to vote.

7.  What can we do?

          a.  All Republicans who lose by a narrow margin should Immediately file legal challenges where late mail-in and provisional ballots massively favored Democrats and Joe Biden and changed the outcome.

          b.  Immediately investigate every late mail-in and provisional ballot and document whether or not that ballot is a duplicate, and whether or not that person voted in the last five elections.

Immediately check addresses on late mail-in ballots against current addresses for each voter.

          c.  When necessary, send volunteers to the the addresses listed on questionable ballots to find out whether or not that voter lives at the address listed on his or her mail-in ballot.

  • We are a group of roughly 150 ordinary citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we have made mistakes. If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible.

  • If you agree with this post, please share it as much as you can. Please simply click the Twitter or Facebook icons below. Or better yet, please copy the link, or all or part of the content for this post, and paste it in the “comments” section of your local newspaper, your local “micro-newspaper” like, or in any of the unwanted articles from CNN or other “mainstream” spammed into your Facebook feed before an election.

Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333


1a. “How Lyndon Johnson Won 1948 Election He’d Lost by 20,000 Votes”:  (From New York Times Book Review of “The Years of Lyndon Johnson.  Means of Ascent”.  Feb 11, 1990)

1b.    Results of the 2009 Iranian presidential election

The 2009 Iranian presidential election was characterized by huge candidate rallies in Iranian cities,[1] and very high turnout reported to be over 80 percent.[2] Iran holds a run-off election when no candidate receives a majority of votes, and this would have been held on 19 June 2009.[1] At the closing of election polls, both leading candidates, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Mir-Hossein Mousavi, claimed victory, with both candidates telling the press that their sources have them at 58–60% of the total vote.[3] Early reports had claimed a turnout of 32 million votes cast although the actual figure could not be determined until all of the votes were counted.[4][5] Mousavi warned the Iranian people of possible vote fraud.[6]

According to Reuters, several noted political analysts contested the results immediately.[7] The website announced that Mousavi in fact was the person that received the majority of the voting and that his name was replaced by Ahmadinejad’s.[8] Mousavi urged his supporters to reject what he saw as “blatant violations” of democracy and its replacement by “the rule of authoritarianism and tyranny.” He declared on Friday:

“The results announced for the 10th presidential elections are astonishing. People who stood in long lines and knew well who they voted for were utterly surprised by the magicians working at the television and radio broadcasting”.[2]

Allegations of fraud[edit]

Farideh Farhi, professor at University of Hawaii, says the result was “pulled out of a hat.” Among several anomalies that she addresses, she points at the “secret” Iranian government polls reported by Newsweek on June 5 estimated that Mousavi would win 16 to 18 million votes, and Ahmadinejad just 6 to 8 million and the final “official” figures, that gave Ahmadinejad 24.5 million votes, and Mousavi 13.2 million.[10]

Mohtashami, former interior minister of Iran, who was in the election monitoring committee of Mousavi’s campaign claimed that according to official censuses, the number of counted votes in 70 municipalities are more than total population of people who could vote in those regions. In all those cities Ahmadinejad won by 80% to 90%[11] On June 17, Tabnak, the news agency close to defeated candidate Mohsen Rezaei who got only 678,240 votes in the election stated that “Mohsen Rezaei, until yesterday afternoon, found evidence that proves at least 900,000 Iranians , based on their national ID cards, voted for [him].”[12]

BBC Iranian affairs analyst Sadeq Saba found abnormalities in the way results were announced. Instead of results by province, the “results came in blocks of millions of votes,” with very little difference between the blocks in the percentages going to each candidate. This suggested that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did equally well in rural and urban areas, while his three opponents did equally badly in their home regions and provinces as in the rest of the country. This contradicted “all precedent in Iranian politics”, where Ahmadinejad had been very popular in rural areas and unpopular in the big cities, where ethnic minorities had favored anti-establishment candidates, and where candidates had tended to carry their home provinces.[13] Another anomaly, according to British-based researcher Ali Alizadeh, is that a large turnout did not favor the opposition, since in elections, both in Iran and abroad, “those who usually don’t vote, i.e. the silent majority, only come out when they want to change the status quo.”[14] Historically, low turnout has always favored conservatives in Iranian elections, while high turnout favors reformers. That’s because Iran’s most reliable voters are those who believe in the system; those who are critical tend to be reluctant to participate.[15] According to modern Middle Eastern and South Asian historian Juan Cole, there were several anomalies in the election results. Official reports gave Ahmadinejad 50% of the vote in the city of Tabriz despite the fact that this was the capital of Mousavi’s home province, Eastern Azerbaijan, where Mousavi’s rallies were well attended and which has traditionally given good turnouts for even “minor presidential candidates” who came from the province. Ahmadinejad also won Tehran by over 50%, even though his popularity in larger cities is considered to be low. Meanwhile, Karroubi, who received 17 percent in the first round of the 2005 presidential elections, got less than one percent of the vote this time,[16] and lost even his own province of birth, despite the tendency for Iranian voting to follow ethnic lines.[17] A survey of votes by a London-based think tank Chatham House found that in a third of all provinces, the official results would require that Ahmadinejad had received “not only all former conservative voters, all former centrist voters and all new voters but also up to 44 percent of former reformist voters — despite a decade of conflict between these two groups.”.[18][19]

1c. Venezuela Vote Fraud.  Reuters, AUGUST 2, 201710:47 AM

Venezuela stands by election count despite fraud allegation

By Hugh BronsteinCassandra Garrison

CARACAS/LONDON (Reuters) – Venezuela’s president rejected accusations on Wednesday that his government inflated turnout figures from its constituent assembly election, branding them part of an effort to stain what he called a clean and transparent vote.

The company that provides the country’s voting machines said that the government’s claim that 8.1 million votes were cast in Sunday’s poll overestimated the tally by least 1 million.

President Nicolas Maduro also criticized the accuracy of a story reported by Reuters that only 3.7 million people had voted by 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, according to internal electoral council documents, compared with the total 8.1 million ballots counted by authorities.

The documents, which break the data down into Venezuela’s 14,515 polling centers, show that 3,720,465 people had voted by 5.30 p.m. Voting ended at 7 p.m. and election experts said doubling the vote in the last hour and a half would be unlikely.

“We stand by our story,” Reuters global communications chief Abbe Serphos said in an email.

Maduro was defiant.