Is Gottheimer pushing Northern Ireland-style “troubles” on America?

By Rubashov

Once upon a time, Joe Cryan would have told you all about it. His father certainly could. A population facing long-term economic decline, courtesy of the empire-building schemes of global imperialists.

Instead of addressing the economic problems, the government labels them “terrorists” and ratchets up the use of authoritarian surveillance measures. They make it illegal to peaceably assemble and to protest. Eventually, they start to arrest and detain – and set up political wings in their prisons.

“The Troubles” plagued Northern Ireland for more than thirty years. What began as government’s over-reaction to what was essentially an economic and civil rights protest movement ended with a power-sharing agreement. How could it not have? It was a matter of demographics. Whether we’re discussing a substantial minority, a plurality, or maybe even an essential majority – no government can jail that many people for long.

But along the way, politicians corrupted the use of law enforcement for political ends. They made frequent use of the show trial. Falsely accusing people to fit their narrative and to reinforce their bigotry.

If you fit the image of the “enemy” in their narrative – pale-skinned, of the wrong ethnicity, wrong religion, wrong economic class, wrong area, wrong education, wrong dialect, wrong politics, wrong cultural allegiances – you were in danger. Just ask the Birmingham Six, the Guildford Four, or the Maguire Seven. Just ask them what it was like to check those “wrong” boxes during “The Troubles”?

“That man… ordered that these people be used as scapegoats by a nation that was baying for blood…

” (Gareth Peirce)

Like they are today.

In a recent missive sent to local elected officials, Congressman Josh Gottheimer issued words that sound as if they were plucked from a British government statement of the 1970s:

“I believe that we can all agree that providing law enforcement and the intelligence community with all the tools necessary to prosecute, financially counter, and defeat these groups is of the utmost importance to keep our shared constituents safe.”

“All the tools necessary”. With such words the British government did away with due process and the rule of law.

Politicians like Josh Gottheimer have started down a dangerous, undemocratic, deeply illiberal path. They seek to shore up their own weak political positions by criminalizing the political positions of others.

During the last campaign, we watched as a panicky Gottheimer made false accusations against private citizens who supported his political opponent, accusing them of the high crime of “domestic terrorism”. But nobody was ever charged with a crime of any kind. Totally unfounded. Undeterred, now he is expanding the accusation of “domestic terrorism” to include large swathes of his own constituency.

In the same missive, Gottheimer attempts to rally his audience with this time worn appeal to war: “Extremists (as in people who think the “wrong” thoughts) present a clear and present danger to New Jersey families.”

He claims there was a “sharp rise in domestic terror and violent extremism both here in New Jersey and nationwide” and, for this reason, he is working to expand the PATRIOT Act to refocus its broad powers from enemies abroad to enemies within. Not content with a forever war overseas, Gottheimer is looking to create a forever war within the United States. America’s version of “The Troubles.”

Politicians use war to seduce entire societies. War makes it easy to lie and create fictions that the public believes. That great man of the Left, author and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, titled his book on the subject: “War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning.” In the arid landscape that Josh Gottheimer appears to inhabit, this certainly seems the case.

“Someone has finely said that ‘truth is the first casualty in war’; and never was a greater untruth spoken than that war is waged for the protection of women and homes.

Ethel Annakin Snowdon
Human Rights campaigner

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website. Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions. To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

John Henry Beat Steam Drill. We Can Beat Facebook

By Spamming Us Every Hour With "Woke" Democrat Propaganda, Facebook Is Giving Us Access To Millions of Swing Voters In Swing States!

By Seth Grossman

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John Henry is a legend and a song of how one man with a hammer beat a machine.  We can beat the Facebook machine if each of us spends just a few hours a week responding to CNN fakenews and other lies posted on our Facebook feeds.   Click here for details at our website.  

  1. We don't like Facebook or Twitter.  However, we need to use them for the next two months.

  2. Facebook and Twitter are interfering with this year's election far more than any Russians ever did before.  Their hourly doses of "woke" Democrat spam are paid advertising worth millions.  Yet none of it is reported or regulated as "contributions" by the Bush-McCain-Feingold  "Campaign Finance Reform" law.  That is because most of their spam is falsely labeled "news" from left-wing "media sites like CNN, ABC, Atlantic, etc., Facebook. Below is screenshot of one example.

Fakebook Facebook fake news.jpg

3. However, notice the good part.  By sending this spam to all Facebook users, Facebook is also giving us access to all of them through "comments" to these posts-- and "replies" to other "comments"!

4.  When you get an unwanted left wing post, please do NOT miss the opportunity to reach and teach thousands of undecided and independent "swing" voters we could never reach before.  Please do NOT block or delete it. Please read and respond to it whenever you can.  

5.  After you read it, then please read the comments section, and post your own “comment”.  Either “comment” to the original post, or “reply” to another comment.  Then also “reply” to as many left wing or independent comments as you can.  (Of course, you should also “like” conservative comments and replies).

6.  Make sure your “reply” is logical, fact- based, and deals with the issue, no matter how ignorant, hateful, or dishonest the comment. Avoid insults.   Avoid inflammatory words or phrases that will get your comment deleted or your Facebook/Twitter privileges suspended.  (Commonly known as “Facebook/Twitter Jail”).  For example, I use “followers of the Prophet” instead of Muslim or Islam.  I use “Holy War” instead of “Jihad”).  Remember that you will never persuade jerks who hate America, hate whites, hate Christians, and hate Trump.  You are instead writing to persuade Facebook "friends" of those jerks who are still be independent or undecided.

7.  Keep your “reply” short. Just 2 or 3 sentences.  If you need more words to explain your position, copy and paste the link to a post or video that deals with that issue.

8.  For ideas on how to respond, please visit our website, our @libertyandprosperity Facebook page or my personal Facebook page at seth.grossman.10

9.  Always try to include somewhere in your "comment" or "reply".  Or better yet, try to copy and paste the link to one of the blogs in our website that deals with that topic.  That will lead people to our website for more details and other important information.  It may even persuade some to donate!

10.  When you make an effective reply, mass produce it! Click your “reply” and then right-click to “select all”.   Then copy your whole “reply” before you send it.    Then paste that “reply” to as many comments as you can. (Only do 5 or 10 in a session.  Otherwise, Facebook will "temporarily suspend" you for doing what they are doing.

11.  If you and every supporter does this an hour a day, several days a week, we can reach and influence hundreds of thousands of “swing voters” in “battleground states” and make a real difference. Can you help?

12.  I have been doing this myself during the past week.  I can honestly say that my posts and links to are getting engagement and support from independent and undecided citizens for the first time since Facebook and Twitter first started “throttling” and “shadow-banning” us last year!

Questions? Contact me at my personal email:   Thanks!

The Case for Optimism

Michael Rozeff has an important piece out at LRC today, The War Against Antifa/BLM, he explains how utterly insane the Antifa/BLM movement is.

He concludes:

The antifa/BLM thinking and agenda are so far out as to appear psychotic or mad, and they are. No one in his right mind who understands what antifa and BLM are aiming for can possibly support them. What is the current society supposed to be replaced by? Communism? An equally bad social democracy? Nonetheless, for various reasons, antifa/BLM is receiving support and backing, and we are in for a war of sorts to suppress their criminal rampages and violations of decent people and decent order.

This is a big challenge, but it will be met because most Americans have the good sense to know that antifa/BLM means them no good whatsoever.

I consider this the optimistic case.

In the land, we are starting to see resistance develop to the madness. Leaders are starting to emerge. Indeed, I highlighted one of them just the other day in Carlos Zapata.

There are others. Indeed, I suspect that some youth that were touched by the Ron Paul presidential campaigns of 2008 and 2012 may emerge soon. Not many, perhaps a half-dozen or maybe a dozen that heard Dr. Paul in their late teens or twenties and have been absorbing libertarian writings ever since and are born leaders. They have absorbed enough to take the next step and it is not a day too soon.

But periods like this are extremely complex and it is not clear how things will turn out.

The economist G.L. S. Shackle used to write about what he called kalidescopic periods. He wrote in Epistemics & Economics: A critique of economic doctrines (1991) P76:

It will be a kaleidic society, interspersing its moments or intervals of order assurance and beauty with sudden disintegration and a cascade into a new pattern. Such an account of the politico-economic process may at various epochs or in the course of various historical ages appear less or more suggestive and illuminating.

We are currently in this type of kalidescopic period. Austrian school economists understand the difficulty of forecasting the future at any time. The economist Walter Block says that economists forecasting the future proves they have a sense of humor.

But sometimes we can get general trends right. I discussed this point with Murray Rothbard once and he agreed but the specifics are impossible.

And when you have a point like the present, it is impossible. There are much too many moving parts. The kaleidoscope is spinning, what the pieces look like when it stops is impossible to tell.

Here is what we could have seen already.

Rozeff quotes the Daily Caller:

From the very start of the Trump administration, far-left actors declared their intention to use massive demonstrations to disrupt the American political process as much as possible.

This should not have come as a surprise. I wrote 48 hours after Trump was elected:

Heading into the election, I felt that for strategic reasons Hillary Clinton was the best alternative for libertarians. Not because she is good on many issues, she is not, but because she would come with a ready-made opposition that would listen to libertarian arguments against her.

It would have been a great opportunity to reach out to Trump supporters and spread the libertarian message. That opportunity is now gone with the Trump victory. Trump supporters are rabid, they will likely follow him down almost any hell hole.

These people are not going to listen to our arguments for smaller government. Their man is in power.

There will be opposition to Trump but it will be coming from the left, not the Trump right.

The left is all about expanding the state. Thus, it will be very difficult to reach out to these people and present state shrinking anti-Trump ideas. They are a perfect target for the socialists.

Indeed, the protest that occurred in New York City last night, where thousands turned out, was launched by a socialist group, the Socialist Alternative. The socialists are going to experience a boom in followers under Trump.

That these radical lefty anarchists are around should also not come as a surprise either, I wrote, 6 years ago, in 2014:

It is instructive to understand, who is taking part in these protests. The overwhelming majority are generally outraged over the police killings. This group includes students from nearby colleges, aging hippies and assorted northern California lefties.

However, there are two other groups that infiltrate these protests, who do not necessarily share the same outrage as the majority of protesters. One group can best be described as opportunists. They mix in with the crowd and appear to have identified in advance stores that they want to loot for the goods in them. They use the crowds as cover to get their dirty work done...

But in addition to these opportunists, there is another group that infiltrates the protests, anarchists.

These are not Rothbardian anarcho-capitalists, who see problems with governments, banksters and the ruling elite, but see no problem with corporations operating in the private sector (who are not part of the elite). These are full-fledged anarchists, who believe the entire structure of society must be torn down, including,corporations who operate in the private sector and have no strong ties to the government.

A friend familiar with their thinking tells me that they believe that once the entire structure is torn down, out of the ashes, phoenix-like, a new wonderful society will emerge. Thus, they see their current role as being one of wreaking havoc to advance the collapse. And Oakland is a hotbed for these anarchists.

I ran these photos in 2014 with the story. It shows the combination of lefty useful idiots in Oakland and those who want to destroy society (Yes, despite the masks these are 2014 photos):

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Here is the problem. The radical Marxists who want to destroy society are very, very sophisticated in terms of strategy and tactics. They have studied Lenin. They know they have to form alliances with useful idiots because their group, in and of itself is too small. 

In addition to older lefties, they pretty much can move the young to advance their goals--after the years of government financing of postmodern and Critical Theory teaching in colleges and universities. The young have been dumbed down to think central planning is the way to go.

The radical Marxists understand this and they are opportunists. 

They are using the death of mostly black thugs at the hands of police to their advantage.

I have discussed in a podcast dread risk fear,  early on having pictures flashed of how COVID-19 was being treated in China and Italy spooked many Americans, it caused the COVID-19 panic in the US. That panic was dread risk fear. It wasn't logical, it was the beaming of the images that did it.

Something of the same has happened with the anti-police movement.

We saw the pictures of the copper with his knee on George Floyd. Those who react on emotion reacted immediately. It was a type of dread risk fear and then the accomplice mainstream press flooded the airwaves of other cop killings without context, solidifying the great copper dread risk fear. 

As Gerd Gigerenzer, former head of the Max Planck Institute, writes it is pretty much impossible to talk logic to those who have been impacted by such fear, only a greater fear will change their minds. 

So maybe the radical left's attack on restaurants and looting will knock some out of their anti-cop trance (which is really an anti-civilization)  but I suspect that this is what the Marxists behind the curtain want. They want the people to be fearful, so that Trump is re-elected to "fix things." The Marxists know a Trump victory will continue the recruiting of socialists to the cause.

Police I am talking to tell me that they are preparing for a straight 30 days of riots if Trump is elected.

With an election victory behind him, Trump would likely declare a national emergency and order the cracking heads on the streets to begin. How that would turn out is anybody's guess. Right now coppers tell me that it is a period like none they have ever seen. They see hate displayed toward them everywhere. "It's visceral," one copper told me. 

The kaleidoscope is turning. How the pieces look when it stops spinning, I have no idea. There is an optimistic scenario that things do get back to normal but there are other potential scenarios where things end up far from good.