Crucial Race in Republican Primary for the Assembly in Lakewood, NJ

by Binyomin FeinbergBS"D

16 Sivan, 5781 °° May 27, '21 °° Parshas Beha'aloscha

For NJ Republican Primary voters, we urge support for Alter Eliezer Richter, of Lakewood, running for the State Assembly seat of Assemblyman Sean Kean. Much to the chagrin of the informed value-voters of his Lakewood base, Kean has unfortunately frequently voted for pro-LGBT legislation. Some of his worst offenses were voting for indoctrinational pro-LGBT legislation, masquerading as Education bills. Sample offenses include:

Alter Eliezer Richter is running in the Republican primary for the State Assembly in the 30th district. (Photo courtesy of Alter Eliezer Richter)

Alter Eliezer Richter is running in the Republican primary for the State Assembly in the 30th district. (Photo courtesy of Alter Eliezer Richter)

° S1569: On May 17, 2018, Kean voted Yes to include LGBT in NJ Public School Education. This law requires the NJ Board of Education to include "instruction" on "the political, economic, and social contributions* of ... and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, in an appropriate place" in the curriculum of middle school and high school.

* [The aforementioned "contributions" apparently do not include the millions of LGBT-identifying people, in addition to countless others, killed by preventable diseases [AIDS et. al] - spread through politically-correct infection tolerance policies of ostensibly pro-LGBT political and activist leaders. Those deadly medical policies stand as diametrically opposed to the current Establishment stance towards the similarly deadly Corona plague.]

° S3067: On June 29, 2017, Kean voted Yes to require the Commissioner of Education "to develop guidelines for school districts regarding transgender students.” This antireligious edict ("Gezaira al HaDas") includes LGBT indoctrinational books in school libraries, transgenders in school bathrooms and locker rooms & LGBT clubs.

° S705: On May 24, 2018, Kean voted Yes to establish a "Transgender Equality Task Force" - to suggest new LGBT laws.

° S478: On May 24, 2018, he voted Yes to allow the incorrect sex on NJ birth certificates (indicating just how ingrained this abject nonsense is, treating human will (or lust) as dominant over undeniable biological reality).

° LGBT Recidivism: After an earlier pro-LGBT vote, Kean promised not to similarly strike against morality again, but indeed did it again, multiple times.

Kean, and his fellow travellers in the GOP, and their "conservative" enablers, need to understand something. The LGBT advocacy movement (the core of which TIME magazine has previously dubbed the "Gay Mafia") poses an existential threat to American society, and to our religious communities in particular. That's because their goal is the eradication of sincere adherents of Torah morality, starting with Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 (but by no means ending there). If we don't ensure that Republican LGBT collaborationists in government find alternative employment, we lose. When the war is waged against our very existence as religious communities, defeat cannot be an option. If we continue to vote in the lesser evil, we'll secure our ultimate defeat. In that sense, it's often better to allow an anti-morality Democrat to win, if thereby at least we'll retain a fighting chance to elect a pro-morality next candidate next election.

It's important to understand that Mr. Richter is running on morality, period - whatever his views are on other issues. A vote for Richter is a vote for morality, and a vote for Kean is definitively not.

It's crucial that we send the GOP a message, and now: your collaboration with the LGBT agenda is killing us. And, from the perspective of those aware of all of the relevant medical science* regarding the tens of millions worldwide killed by AIDS and similarly preventable diseases, that's not in the slightest an exaggeration.


* We refer the reader to the valuable, authoritative resources of "Mass Resistance." That organization is based in Massachusetts, but active worldwide. They offer a book with with powerful documentation regarding those aforementioned medical facts.

° For more perspective on another pro-LGBT bill, against which substantial lobbying was unable to extract more than a mere abstention from Kean, see:

"10th of Teves Alert: Making LGBT Exploitation Legal [Again] in NJ", posted on Asara B'Teves, '81 / Dec. 25, '20 (

For more relevant perspective, also see these resources:

° (actually an early version on that article).


Thursday's Top Stories on Covid & Violation of Rights


Suggested readings by Murray Sabin, PhD

The state idol has always despised competitors–“How can you place your faith in God when I’ll take care of you cradle to grave?!”–and COVID is another convenient pretense to intensify attacks. Hymnals banned in Spain. Irish Catholics having to go to Northern Ireland to more freely practice their faith (according to Steyn, anyway). Brief comment on Pastor Artur Pawlowski booting Calgary police out of his church.

246 ‘fully vaccinated’ Michigan residents get COVID-19, three die: report

As many as 246 Michigan residents who were “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 later tested positive for the deadly bug — including three who have died, according to a new report.

The group — whose cases were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31 — tested positive at least two weeks after receiving the last dose of the inoculation, a health official told the Detroit News.

Michigan flag.png

An email from a friend who had Covid

How many lives could have been saved if nonconventional protocols had been used during the past year?

“I had Covid in late December – mid/late January. I was swabbed on 12/24 and immediately started Hydrozychloroquine + Zpac therapy. My positive test result came back 5 days later. I was nearly finished with Hydroxy before the test result came back.


Rev. Gregory Quinlan

William V. Roeder, Executive Director

NJ State Board of Medical Examiners P.O. Box 183
Trenton, NJ 08625-0183

March 5, 2021

Dear William V. Roeder and the NJ State Board of Medical Examiners,

Regarding PRN 2021-002, Surgery, Special Procedures, and Anesthesia Services Performed in an Office Setting.

I am writing you on behalf of our 11,000 direct constituents In the Garden State.

I am a retired Registered Nurse. I entered the allied health field in 1978 as a Licensed Practical Nurse and received my Associate Degree in Applied Science Nursing In 1990.

During my 40-year career, I worked in long-term care, medical-surgical unit in hospitals, and in cardiovascular intensive care units. I officially retired in 2007 but continue to volunteer where I can in not-for-profit charitable health clinics.

I volunteered, both as an LPN and RN to my friends and acquaintances who were dying of AIDS.

The Center for Garden State Families is a Christian family advocacy organization. We understand that you have been instructed by Gov. Phil Murphy and his wife Tammy to lower the standard of care and allow non-surgically qualified, non-medical doctors to perform abortion procedures. This is a political move. This is to satisfy a certain sector of the left who gives tremendous donations to Phil Murphy and his party.

There are no reasonable medical or scientific explanations for lowering the standard of care to perform abortions or any other invasive surgical procedure other than a political motive.

Lowering the standards as you have been asked to do by the Governor, who appointed you to your position, is to endorse unethical and potentially dangerous consequences to women who are statistically of racial minorities.

To accept and implement the PRN 2021-002, Surgery, Special Procedures and Anesthesia Services Performed in an Office Setting is to kill more black and brown babies. This is racist on its face. This is to satisfy political donors like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and an industry that harvests and traffics in fetal tissue. The legislation proposed by Sen. Loretta Weinberg and Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle, is meeting serious opposition in their own caucuses and is not likely to get a hearing in committee of either chamber. So, in order to skirt the will of the people who find lowering the standards, making standards unsafe, putting minority women in danger, the Governor has come to you to implement this unethical and dangerous policy.

Please do the right thing. Please do not do the political thing. Do not accept these standards that Governor Philip Murphy demands that you do.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Gregory Quinlan RN (retired)
The Center for Garden State Families
1719 Route 10, Suite 309
Parsippany, NJ 07054
office (973) 658-4310

Is Politico extremist? Wikipedia seems to think so.

By Rubashov

Corporate extremism. Violent corporate extremism.

Each year, every day, corporations across the globe commit acts of violence against individuals and communities. War is an act of violence. Those corporations engaged in the furtherance of endless wars, endless occupations, profit from violence. Incarcerating human beings for profit is an act of corporate violence. The opioid epidemic that has cost the lives of so many and damaged the lives of so many more, their families, and communities, is an act of corporate violence. So is the burning of forests. Human trafficking and its corporate use as a source of labor is an act of violence. So is the destruction of American jobs through the use of slave or near-slave labor. As is the violence used against workers who attempt to organize.

These are all acts of violence, often illegal, always unethical, for the purposes of greed. The media, dependent on advertising revenue from violent corporate extremists, are left with hard choices to make. Increasingly, violent corporate extremists have come to own media outlets directly.

We were thinking on this when we came across a salutary column by one Matt Freidman, formerly of David Wildstein’s PoliticsNJ. Friedman argues that it is “time for New Jersey politicians — even some considered moderate — to take stock of the extremism they have allowed to fester.” Indeed.

Friedman is very quick to use terms like “extremist” to label the exercise of free assembly and free speech of anyone with whom he disagrees. He seems very worried that, in the past, some politically “extremist” groups “tied” to the Capitol riot were permitted to speak on public ground at events attended by “mainstream politicians”.

We wonder. Does Friedman consider Bridgegate to be an act of political “extremism”?

Is shutting down a bridge and damning the people on it – including all those “children of Buono voters” riding those school buses – an act of violent extremism? If a group of knuckleheads with Trump flags had shut down that bridge and damned those “children of Buono voters” – would that have been an act of violent extremism?

Isn’t Friedman “tied” to the “mastermind” of that enterprise?

Friedman then details some of the other instances when he feels the First Amendment should not have applied:

“In 2012, Republicans in Morris County invited birther conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi to speak. Corsi later helped perpetuate the voter fraud lie. Fast forward to late 2020, when Morris County surrogate Heather Darling organized a rally in support of small business where a man flying a confederate flag looked perfectly welcome. In 2018, Republicans in South Jersey not only tolerated but in some cases helped the congressional candidacy of Seth Grossman — who’s quoted as an Oath Keepers apologist in the Inquirer piece — despite years of racist and anti-Muslim social media posts. And even Republican U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, in office 40 years and never known as a firebrand, aired demonstrably false conspiracy theories that Antifa was behind the Capitol riot, and has since deleted his Twitter account…”

But is Friedman really in a position to exercise such moral judgment? According to Wikipedia, the publication he writes for has its own failings…

Politico Magazine published an article in April 2017 purporting to show long-term links among U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch. The article was widely condemned, with the head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, saying that it ‘evokes age-old myths about Jews’.”

“In March 2019 Politico was accused again of anti-Semitism when an article depicting imagery of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders next to money trees was published. Sanders, one of two Jewish candidates for the 2020 US presidential election, was targeted for the amount of wealth he accumulated over his lifetime. Politico staff writer Michael Kruse wrote the article detailing the senator's wealth, writing that Sanders ‘might still be cheap’, according to one of the senator's friends, ‘but he's sure not poor’, which was criticized as combining two anti-Semitic tropes (Jews are cheap; Jews are rich). Politico's official Twitter account used the quote to share the story; the tweet was later deleted.”

Would it be fair to label Politico a neo-Nazi publication… or just “moderately” anti-Semitic?

Like Jerome Corsi, Politico has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories and of lying. Friedman appears perfectly comfortable writing for a publication that pushes anti-Semitic “tropes”. While accusing Seth Grossman of being an anti-Muslim apologist for the “Oath Keepers”, Friedman seems to forget that he writes for an anti-Semitic group who are apologists for “age-old myths about Jews”. And finally, like Congressman Smith, Politico deletes its Twitter account.

Is it time to ban Politico from polite society?

How about anybody that had anything to do with Bridgegate? Why would any righteous politician ever send them a press release… ever! And hey, Matt Friedman, that’s who taught you. That makes you “tied” to it. That means you need to go too. Right?

Friedman continues:

“Occasionally, Democrats go down the path of conspiracy theories and extremism, and yes, there exist left-wing radicals who commit violence. But let’s resist the temptation to ‘both sides’ this issue, because there are few if any mainstream Democrats coddling it.”

Really? Did someone take a dump in Matt’s brain and forget to flush it? Or was he on sabbatical in some monastery when all that violence and arson and carnage happened last summer? We seem to remember a certain Democrat Governor marching in support of it and the Democrats in Trenton passing a resolution in support of it. Why lie to your readers like that?

Well… follow the money. Matt’s boss at Politico has a long history of donating large sums to Democrat candidates and causes and served under former President Bill Clinton. He’s an investment banker named Patrick Steel. Yep, an investment banker. Wonder what violent corporate extremism he’s got up to?

Before spending 16 years at the investment firm FBR Capital Markets & Co. (more on this later), Steel served eight years in the Clinton administration, including a stint as the special assistant to former President Bill Clinton. He’s probably arsehole buddies with Josh Gottheimer.

According to the Media Research Center, when Steel joined Politico as CEO in 2017, he had donated $64,850 to Democrats, and nothing to Republicans. Among those he gave to were Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer.

So now you know the rest of the story.

Matt Friedman is clearly compromised – but not just in the way you might think. Matt writes the way he does because he is so certain of his own personal goodness. Because of this, he can look down at others, see bad, and seek to cast them out of society – question their very humanity. What Matt doesn’t seem to understand is that he is not good. He is bad, just as bad, we all are.

Here are some wise words for Matt, and for all of us, to consider. Maybe, when we are less censorious, we will find a way to be better – not good, and certainly not perfect – human beings. Maybe, probably not, but maybe…

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves”

— Eric Hoffer

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

Center for Garden State Families encourages many to confront the “Education Molestation Act”, A4454/S2781

For Immediate Release
Gregory Quinlan |


“There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biologic etiology for homosexuality.” American Psychiatric Association. There is not a shred of scientific evidence showing anyone is born gay. All things LGBTQ-XYZ is a faith-based assumption. The New Jersey legislature continues to molest the minds of schoolchildren with a religion of homosexuality. In fact, LGBTQ – XYZ is the endorsed and established religion of New Jersey.

A4454/S2781is another propaganda indoctrination bill demonstrating the obsession which the New Jersey legislature particularly those of the Democrat Party has for advancing the LGBTQ – XYZ religion.

Dr. Francis Collins who headed The National Genome Project at the direction of Pres. Bill Clinton concluded at the end of the study, “Homosexuality is not hard wired.” All things LGBTQ – XYZ is a developmental gender identity disorder: a disorder that Sen. Dick Cody and Assemblywoman Carol Murphy are pushing and encouraging on unsuspecting five-year-olds. This is child abuse and the molestation of little minds. In addition, LGBTQ – XYZ identity is developed not innate, acquired not in-born. This is the goal of most Democrats in the New Jersey legislature to advance this faith-based assumption. They take the money of and do the bidding of the gay politic.

In August 2019 a worldwide study using 477,000 human genomes concluded: “There is no single gay gene.” The study was conducted by MIT, Harvard, Queensland University, Australia. “You cannot find what does not exist.” said Gregory Quinlan, Ex-Gay and past President of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex Gays and Gays).

A4454/S2781 is a travesty and vicious attack on children, on parents and on families! A vote for this bill is not a vote for diversity not a vote for inclusion but a vote to molest the minds of children. This legislation must be defeated and all the laws that go with it must be challenged in court and at the ballot box.



Biden's medications? Where are the media investigations?

The Democrats Have Their Wish in a Mental Wreck Named Joe Biden

People joke about Joe Biden’s mental state and his ridiculous gaffes, but it isn’t funny when he could become the next president of the United States.

Democrats have been saying they would vote for anyone except Trump. Well, they have their anyone now.

Biden says he’s running against George Bush. At one point he seems to be saying he’s running for the senate. Then he utters a mouthful of indecipherable mush.

It says something about the Democrat Party—they are running a disabled old man with severe mental and motor deficits for the highest office in the land.

Is Joe taking this?

Election Day is November 3rd 2020

New Jersey Voter Guide available

October 7, 2020

Click on the picture above to see the current research on the candidates.

What you need to know about voting November 3, 2020:

Register to VOTE. You have until October 13th, 2020 to register to vote for the November 3, 2020 election.

Absentee ballots do not exist in NJ. You cannot vote by absentee ballot.

Notices Regarding the November 3rd General Election

Governor Murphy’s Executive Orders #177 and #179

Governor Murphy’s Executive Order #177, signed on August 14th, mandates significant changes to the November 3rd General Election because of COVID-19 public health concerns. Executive Order #179, signed August 25th, contains several revisions to Executive Order #177.

General Election to Be Conducted Primarily by Mail-In Ballot

Instructions on How to Vote by Mail

Mail-in Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters no later than October 5th. Please read these instructions on how to vote by mail and ensure that your vote is counted.

Click on the Picture above to find your county Board of Elections

The Center for Garden State Families strongly suggests that when you get your mail-in ballot you follow the directions to the letter and take your completed ballot to a Board of Election drop box where available. Contact you county Board of Elections by clicking on the picture above titled "New Jersey Votes- Safe, Simple, Secure."

If you choose to vote in person on Election Day, you will be provided a provisional paper ballot. Call your County Board of Elections to see if your polling place is open.

All active registered voters will receive their ballots in the mail, at the address where the voter is registered. Marked ballots must be returned to County Board of Elections by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.