Is Tim Pino auditioning for the role of Sheriff Kumbaya?

Tim Pino is undoubtedly a “nice” guy.  But is “nice” a policy platform – and especially for someone who wants to be elected to the top law enforcement job in Somerset County?

Things are changing in law enforcement.  “Woke” is replacing “Tough” as a watchword.  You need only look at Philadelphia, where a George Soros backed Democrat won the race for District Attorney.  One year in and his office has all but stopped prosecuting – and this in the midst of a rising murder rate.  The “nice” DA has even dropped his opposition to yet another appeal by convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, leaving some to wonder if the widow of the murdered police officer will ever see justice.

Outgoing Somerset County Sheriff Frank Provenzano is “tough”.  In the business of law enforcement, “tough” is the first step to being competent.  It is a para-military organization, after all.  Sheriff’s officers wear uniforms and carry guns.  This para-military aspect is somewhat mitigated by the presence of a labor union to argue for better pay, shorter hours, more perks, and leniency in the face of discipline.  There are no unions in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or the Coast Guard. 

Sheriff Frank Provenzano took a clear stand on issues like liberal Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State” – a place where state and local law enforcement ignores federal law in favor of people who are in our country illegally.  A policy that turns New Jersey’s sworn officers into little more than scofflaws.

Yes, scofflaws… defined as people who flout the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.  Democrat Phil Murphy wants to make the Somerset County deputy sheriffs into scofflaws… something like a collection of parking ticket deadbeats.  They should have more pride than to let that happen.   

We know that Sheriff Provenzano won’t allow it, but what about Tim Pino?  As a media personality, lobbyist, community activist, and candidate for office, Tim Pino has been very careful not to comment on the Murphy Democrats’ plans to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State”.  Pino aint talking.

What Pino is doing is playing it “nice”.  Like he’s auditioning for a role in Kumbaya… the Musical!

Instead of taking on the question of illegal immigration and the Democrats’ attempts to foster it through the expenditure of millions in taxpayers’ money, Tim Pino is talking about the need for law enforcement to get on the diversity bandwagon.  Of course, anyone who has ever seen the symbol of Justice knows that the law is supposed to ignore such surface details as race, ethnicity, and religion.  That is why Justice is always represented as blindfolded. 

We all know what happens when law enforcement puts ideas like diversity ahead of enforcing the law in a fair way, regardless of someone’s cultural differences.  We have many sad examples of how law enforcement lets down victims when it decides to walk along the egg-shelled strewn path of cultural diversity. 

Perhaps the most egregious example is the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal involving an estimated 1,400 children who were sexually abused between 1997 and 2013.  Investigations uncovered that law enforcement failed to act because of “fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; and the (political) reluctance to challenge an ethnic minority voting bloc.”

You can read the whole sad story and failure of law enforcement to address it at Wikipedia:

Rotherham is what happens when law enforcement makes “nice” a priority and “diversity” its watchword.  It is what happens when law enforcement forget that crime is crime, rape is rape, sexual exploitation of children is the exploitation of children… no matter who does it. 

As a candidate for public office, Tim Pino has engaged in the kind of politically correct virtue signaling that leads him to fixate on creating solutions to problems that aren’t really there.  Pino’s campaign website ignores issues like the opioid epidemic, the threats of human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, and the rise of MS-13 gangs in New Jersey.  Instead, there is a whole page (including a video and links to articles) on the threat of “white supremacy” in Somerset County. 

Candidate Pino makes much of a report showing instances of people handing out between one and thirty “fliers” – yes, leaflets or literature – that are considered to be “white supremist”.  While obnoxious and stupid, this still is protected speech under the First Amendment to our nation’s Bill of Rights. 

On the other hand, Tim Pino completely fails to mention a recent New Jersey State Commission of Investigation report on MS-13 criminal gang activity in New Jersey or that neighboring Union County is a hotbed of MS-13 activity.  Pino fails to note that the SCI report links tough immigration enforcement to keeping MS-13 from spreading deeply into places like Somerset County. 

MS-13 doesn’t hand out stupid leaflets.  MS-13 is into the trafficking of illegal drugs.  What should get the priority? 

In candidate Tim Pino’s world, the fear that an idiot kid will hand out a leaflet touting his ignorance is worthy of greater attention and resources than an organized criminal drug gang.  This is cloud cuckoo land or the rainbow fantasy world of the winged unicorn of delusion.  It isn’t law enforcement. should be fined for not reporting an in-kind for Murphy

We have reported before on the Newhouse media empire and its anti-worker, anti-union, anti-middle class practices.  A book was written about the Newhouse family, their media business, and how they roll.  It is a hoot, unless you lived through it, and it details how they crushed union activity, kept organizers from workers, paid people crap, but then offered them personal loans to keep them in debt and supplicant.  Real pricks.

Well, the pricks are at it again.  They want to crank it up the collective ass of every blue-collar worker in the state by suppressing their wages and breaking their ability to collectively organize for their rights as workers.  This is an old story with the Newhouse boys, who have made a career of taking good paying jobs with benefits and turning them into shit.

The Newhouse plan is to turn New Jersey -- the whole state -- into a "Sanctuary State."  What this means was outlined recently in a letter to concerned taxpayers:

"A 'sanctuary state' will mean a huge influx of people who will need the social services safety net more than average.  The Democrat gubernatorial ticket has promised to impose a so-called 'millionaire's tax' that will chase away those who currently fund the state's social safety net.  Those who are left... the middle class who can't leave because of a job, or because they can't sell their home for what they paid for it, or because their child wants to finish school -- they will have to make up for the shortfall in higher taxes.

That won't be easy, because at 26.1% of income, the cost of living in New Jersey is, according to Bloomberg, by far the most expensive in the nation.  Meanwhile, state household income is nearly seven percent lower than it was in 2008 and has only grown by a little more than one percent since then. 

Those coming to the new 'Sanctuary State' of New Jersey will enter the workforce of the gray economy, where the minimum wage doesn't apply.  But for everyone else it does -- which will leave trade union workers, manufacturing, medical care and health workers, service industry workers, and mothers with part-time jobs all at a disadvantage when competing for a job.  It will be bad news for people trying to pay their mortgage, their property taxes, those hoping to avoid foreclosure. 

And just where will all these newcomers to the 'Sanctuary State of New Jersey' reside?  Why in subsidized sanctuary housing -- courtesy of COAH and its plan to build tens of thousands of new subsidized no-questions-asked units throughout New Jersey. 

This will require massive infrastructure investment by taxpayers -- and an increase in property tax collections.  To pay for it, the Democrats intend to scrap the 2-percent cap on local government spending.  Under the Democrats property taxes rose an average of 6.1 percent a year -- triple the rate of inflation.  Since the cap, property taxes have gone up an average of just 2.1 percent a year."

In the furtherance of their scheme, the Newhouse media empire has directed one of their un-named operatives at the Star-Ledger/ to write a column that accuses those who wish to avoid the fate outlined above of... you guessed it, racism.  The accusation of "racism" is now the last refuge of those incompetent writers who simply can't make an argument.  So the column begins:

guadagno nj article.jpg

Actually, he was.  That is what making New Jersey a "sanctuary state" will do. 

Look it up, that is the traditional role of sanctuary.  It does not discriminate based on whether you have been accused of a crime or not.  Any place offering "sanctuary" worthy of the name, covers those accused of criminal wrongdoing.

If you are not going to go down this path, then don't use the word.  And words are important, as this scene from the film "Conspiracy" illustrates so well:

Words matter.  The scene above recounts a true event in the somewhat recent past.  It takes place in a country that had recently been a western democracy -- with an elected president, legislative chamber, and independent judiciary.  But in this country the law was used to drive out opposition voices and piece by piece replace the institutions of representative democracy with one-party, one point-of-view authoritarianism.  This country had grand ideas about its destiny and, to that end, committed itself to a program of foreign meddling.  So the country was soon at war.

The setting is a beautiful house on a lake, in a suburb outside the capital.  The house had been seized from its owners, by the government for its use, through a form of eminent domain.  And in the middle of winter, 15 bureaucrats and politicians met there.  Most were lawyers, others were prominent members of the civil service, many had impressive academic credentials.  Over fine wine they lunched (it calls to mind one of those Planned Parenthood videos) and for two hours twisted and contorted language and emerged with a euphemism -- "the final solution" -- that consigned millions to unimaginable horror and death.

If you watch the entire film, pay close attention to how everything they planned had to be "based in law."  And by-the-way, the uniforms are not military uniforms.  They are political party uniforms.  These bastards were not soldiers, they were attorneys. 

We should not allow Phil Murphy and the Newhouse media empire to use the word "sanctuary" as a means to drive down the cost of labor.  It is not "sanctuary" that they seek but union busting, cheap labor, and the continued decline of the middle class.  Don't let them dishonor the word "sanctuary" by turning it into a euphemism for their anti-worker schemes.

Words matter.  Politically correct euphemism is the enemy of truth. 

The first transgendered terrorist?

A few days after Islamic terrorists slaughtered 130 mainly young people at a rock concert in Paris, a few days before Islamic terrorists murdered 14 people at a Christmas party in California, Democrat Speaker Vinnie Prieto put out a press release in support of the process by which refugees from war torn Syria come to the United States.  That process places the United Nations in charge of determining refugee status and then whether or not someone should be placed in another country -- including the United States.

Ignoring how one of the Paris terrorists used the Syrian refugee crisis to slip into Europe, the Speaker claimed that most of those coming to the United States were "orphans", while other Democrats used the term "women and children".  Both are mischaracterizations.  Federal resettlement figures of Syrian refugees indicate that a majority are adult and a plurality are adult males. Besides which, after last week's massacre in California, it should be clear that a woman can be as deadly a terrorist as a man.

Since September 11, 2001, millions of Americans have directly or indirectly suffered the effects of terrorism.  Thousands have been directly killed at the hands of terrorists.  Much has been made by President Obama and other Democrats about how they intend to keep Americans safe AND open to populations coming to America from regions of Islamic conflict.  These Democrats say that the "vetting" process is effective, but a look at the case of the woman who took part in murdering 14 Americans in California makes that argument meaningless.

First, her name.  Tashfeen Malik is the name of a man.  Tashfeen is a male Arabic name meaning "sympathetic" or "compassionate."  Malik is a name common in the Black Muslim community here in America.  It means "king."  So why didn't the Department of State notice this when they issued her a fiancé visa? 

But wait, it gets more explicit.  In history, Tashfeen Malik was a famous Islamic Jihadist who, twenty years after William the Conqueror invaded England, fought the Battle of Sagrajas in Spain that defeated the Christian king and maintained Islam in Europe.  The Spanish Christians were outnumbered three to one, so Tashfeen Malik offered them three choices: Convert to Islam, pay tribute, or death.  The Christians chose to fight and were slaughtered.  The battle in Arabic is called  Zallaqa or "slippery ground" because the soldiers were slipping all over the ground due to the amount of blood.

A woman with a man's name that is also the name of a famous Islamic Jihadist.  So how did those responsible for "vetting" miss that?    

Maybe they are just like Speaker Prieto and the Democrats in New Jersey, who recently passed legislation that allows any man to claim that he is a woman or woman to claim that she is a man, simply by deciding to be so.  No sex reassignment surgery is necessary.  You just think it so and that makes it so. 

Perhaps this way of thinking has infected the State Department?  That would explain how a woman carrying a man's name got a fiancé visa without any objection being raised.

Apparently, State Department officials were so frightened to question the established "politically correct" line on these things that nobody even took a second look at the name -- which absolutely screamed Jihad.  Whatever the reason, 14 Americans will not be spending the holidays with their families.  Instead, their families are burying them.