Democrats, the ruling party in NJ, need to stand up for police

By Rubashov

Police officers are wage-earning, blue-collar members of the working class.  They enforce the laws made by the Legislature, signed into law by the Governor, and upheld by the Judiciary.  The Legislature and the Governor are elected by the people.
Unfortunately, in New Jersey as elsewhere, wealthy elites who have the money to influence public policy have corrupted our elections.  Some elites, like Governors Corzine and Murphy, have used their vast wealth to get their hands directly on the levers of power.  The result of this corruption is summed up by that famous Princeton University Study into whether our nation was still of democracy.  It concluded… 

“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”

For more on this, we suggest you watch this short video from the reform group, Represent.Us:

 The wealthy elites who dominate this country are not content with simply owning everything and getting their way… they want to tell YOU how to live too.  And  because they always get their way, their censoriousness results in new laws to promote the things they like and ban things they don’t like.  

This results in hypocrisies like Tammy Murphy’s advocacy for a so-called “green” energy plan that will raise costs for working people while allowing her comrades at Goldman-Sachs to pocket billions. 

 Like Phil Murphy’s quarantine of fellow Americans who live in states he feels have too many cases of COVID-19, while adopting a no-questions-asked “Sanctuary State” policy for people coming from foreign countries with not only high levels of COVID but high levels of TB, which kills 1.5 million people worldwide each year (including 200,000 children).

In one of his most famous essays, writer George Will argued that political "overcriminalization" by a state legislature was responsible for the death of Eric Garner, a sidewalk merchant killed in a confrontation with police ordered to enforce a new law on sales tax scofflaws.

 Will raised the question of how many new laws are created by state legislatures and by Congress in the rush to be seen to be "doing something"?  Will's brilliant column is a must read for legislators thinking about proposing their next round of ideas that will end up being enforced by men with guns.  Will, a Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist at The Washington Post, wrote his column before governors like Phil Murphy were sending police to break up church services and to arrest the owners of gyms and diners.  In his column, Will writes:
“Harvey Silverglate, a civil-liberties attorney, titled his 2009 book Three Felonies a Day to indicate how easily we can fall afoul of America’s metastasizing body of criminal laws. Professor Douglas Husak of Rutgers University says that approximately 70 percent of American adults have, usually unwittingly, committed a crime for which they could be imprisoned.
In his 2008 book, Overcriminalization: The Limits of the Criminal Law, Husak says that more than half of the 3,000 federal crimes — itself a dismaying number — are found not in the Federal Criminal Code but in numerous other statutes. And, by one estimate, at least 300,000 federal regulations can be enforced by agencies wielding criminal punishments. Citing Husak, Professor Stephen L. Carter of the Yale Law School, like a hammer driving a nail head flush to a board, forcefully underscores the moral of this story:
Society needs laws; therefore it needs law enforcement. But ‘overcriminalization matters’ because ‘making an offense criminal also means that the police will go armed to enforce it.’ The job of the police ‘is to carry out the legislative will.’ But today’s political system takes ‘bizarre delight in creating new crimes’ for enforcement. And ‘every act of enforcement includes the possibility of violence.’
It’s unlikely that the New York Legislature, in creating the crime of selling untaxed cigarettes, imagined that anyone would die for violating it. But a wise legislator would give the matter some thought before creating a crime. Officials who fail to take into account the obvious fact that the laws they’re so eager to pass will be enforced at the point of a gun cannot fairly be described as public servants.”
Law enforcement actions will inevitably go wrong.  You can never mix men with guns – charged by the political class with preventing some form of human behavior – and humans under the influence or suffering from substance abuse or mental issues, without the possibility of something going wrong.  And every time some law enforcement interaction goes wrong, we can always count on the very same people who sent the police in the first place – the political class – to turn on them and “blame the police.”
The blue-collar police always get blamed – not the white-collar legislators or the governors who make the law and then send the police to enforce it.  The kick in the balls is that it’s some of those white-collar legislators who made the law who end up leading the protests against the police for enforcing the law they made.

In this moment of BLM/Antifa madness, many Democrat politicians are actively blaming the police who enforce the laws they made.  They are providing moral and legal support to those who target police officers and their families with acts up to and including terrorism.  Their friends in the economic elite are providing financial support to those who bear some measure of responsibility for incidents of  terror against the families of police officers, like the one below…

Police officers come in all races, creeds, and genders.  It is the best job available to folks of their class in a job market that has grown increasingly thinner (courtesy of the politicians and their paymasters).  If the politicians could find a way to outsource the work, they would... and maybe, they will, someday.  But for now, our police are our neighbors, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, moms and dads.  For now, they are just ordinary members of our communities called upon to do some very important and often unpleasant work.  Blue-collar work at blue-collar pay. 
How many of Phil Murphy's One-Percenter neighbors would perform CPR on a homeless man if he needed it?  A cop will. 

"Every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell
(Eric Arthur Blair)

No democracy in Sweeney’s Senate. Democrats block Veterans, Law Enforcement from testifying.

Well, at least they didn’t beat up any women at today’s Senate hearing. But who can forget what these fascist thugs ordered the state police to do just a few weeks ago…

These are the same Democrats who are attempting to make it impossible for working moms to have a livelihood in New Jersey. The same Democrats responsible for slashing education funding for New Jersey’s children. The same people who copy the excesses of genocidal regimes (such as Myanmar) in denying education to children based on their religious beliefs. The same Democrats who want to fuel the foreclosure crisis in New Jersey by taking away the property tax cap and allowing property tax rates to rocket. Do they really hate women, children, and families this much?

At today’s Senate Transportation Committee hearing, a hand-picked body of Sweeney Democrats blocked the testimony of dozens of American citizens and legal immigrants who opposed Senate bill S-3229, legislation that creates a special driver’s license for illegals at $18 dollars, while raising the price of driver’s licenses for everyone else from $24 to $29. Many of those blocked were United States military veterans and members of the law enforcement community.

American citizens were blocked from giving testimony. Legal immigrants were blocked from giving testimony. Veterans were blocked from giving testimony. Law enforcement was blocked from giving testimony. And this was done so that FOREIGN NATIONALS, resident in New Jersey illegally, could repetitively parrot the talking points they were provided by their Democrat handlers. It was such an anti-democratic, fascistic display, they even wore uniforms.

It was quite a display. And a reminder that New Jersey has the least democratic Legislature in America. But hey, let’s count our blessings. At least they didn’t beat up any women at this Senate committee hearing. Stay tuned…

New Murphy administration LGBTQ+ Directive tells Sheriffs to confine men & women together

It looks like the Murphy administration is at it again. Punishing democratic institutions with centralized overreach, unfunded mandates, and higher property taxes. At this rate, county and municipal governments will have less power and influence in New Jersey than they had in the former Soviet Union.

To cover this, we would like to introduce a news blog called “The Informed Conservative”. You can access it here:

This column was posted on “The Informed Conservative” just minutes ago…

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The New Jersey Attorney General releases LGBTQ Equality Directive.
November 20, 2019

New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal released the LGBT Equality Directive instructing the state’s 38,000 law enforcement officers on how to deal with the LGTB community. The directive’s provisions include law enforcement cannot ask a person’s anatomy unless it’s necessary to an investigation, must use people’s chosen names even if that name does not appear on official documents, cannot question or detain someone for using a restroom “consistent with that person’s gender identity or expression” or conduct “invasive search procedures to determine a person’s genitals or assign gender”. Wouldn’t you or I be arrested for giving police a false name or information?

According to the Attorney General’s Directive it addresses law enforcement interactions with transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals. It states that “law enforcement’s overriding goal must be to treat individuals in a manner that is appropriate to their gender identity or expression, which may be different from the gender they were assigned at birth or the gender that is listed on their official identification”.

The Directive goes on to state:

Law enforcement officers therefore shall:

A. Address individuals using their chosen names that reflect their gender identity—even if the name is not the one that is recognized on official legal records and even if that name changes over time—as well as their chosen pronouns;

B. Include chosen names and chosen pronouns in all relevant documentation.
The Attorney General directs law enforcement that “whenever the action that an officer takes depends at least in part on an individual’s gender, then that action shall be performed in accordance with the individual’s gender identity, regardless of the gender that individual was assigned at birth and/or their anatomical characteristics”. It continues In other words, officers must treat a transgender woman as they would treat any other woman, and they must treat a transgender man as they would treat any other man”.

Not taking officer safety or comfort into consideration the Directive instructs:

For the purpose of conducting a search, officers shall treat a transgender woman as they would treat any other woman, and officers shall treat a transgender man as they would treat any other man, regardless of the gender that individual was assigned at birth and/or their anatomical characteristics.

But certain searches exist for which cross-gender searches are prohibited (e.g.,
non-exigent custodial strip searches) and where the gender of the person being
searched thus matters. In those cases, where only a female officer can search a cisgender woman and only a male officer can search a cisgender man, then it is also the case that only a female officer can search a transgender woman and
only a male officer can search a transgender man.

Not taking into consideration the safety or comfort of other prisoners the directive instructs:

If detained individuals are held in areas that are segregated on the basis of gender, law enforcement shall:

A. House, place, or otherwise detain individuals in line with their gender identity
or expression, regardless of the gender that individual was assigned at birth
and/or their anatomical characteristics unless they request otherwise. In other words, a transgender woman shall be housed with other women, unless she requests otherwise and a transgender man shall be housed with other men, unless he requests otherwise.

B. Permit individuals to use restrooms consistent with their gender identity or
expression, regardless of the gender.

Because the Attorney General apparently believes that New Jersey law enforcement officers do not have more important priorities he further instructs:

To ensure that law enforcement fully understands the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and continues to build relationships with the LGBTQ+ community, the following training and community engagement steps shall be taken:

A. The Division of Criminal Justice shall, by March 1, 2020, develop a training program to explain the requirements of the Directive. This program shall be available through the NJ Learn System or by other electronic means. All state, county, and local law enforcement agencies shall provide training to all officers regarding the provisions of this Directive before June 1, 2020.

B. Further, the Division of Criminal Justice shall, by June 1, 2020, and in consultation with groups representing the LGBTQ+ community, create a broader training on LGBTQ+ rights that shall be available through the NJ CLEAR System. That training shall include information about the basics of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and intersex status; issues affecting the transgender community; and issues relating to implicit bias and cultural humility.

C. Each County Prosecutor shall, in collaboration with the Division of Criminal Justice, undertake efforts to educate the public about the provisions of this Directive, with a specific focus on strengthening trust between law enforcement and LGBTQ+ individuals. By December 31, 2020, each County Prosecutor shall report to the Attorney General on those public education efforts.

D. All law enforcement agencies shall seek to establish relationships with organizations focused on LGBTQ+ issues, and other community leaders, to maintain a dialogue about issues affecting LGBTQ+ individuals.

Much like the Attorney General’s Immigrant Trust Directive his LGBT Equality Directive is ridiculous, over reaching and puts people in danger. First, if you or I were to give law enforcement fraudulent information such as an incorrect name we’d be subject to arrest. By saying that we “identify” as someone else we are free to go out and commit crimes then give false information to police?

By saying that a man who believes he’s a woman or a woman who believes she is a man can be housed with inmates who are the sex the person “identifies with” the Attorney General is putting all of the prisoners, including the “transgendered” prisoner in danger.

By forcing a female officer to conduct a search of a male prisoner who “identifies” as a female or a male officer to conduct a search female prisoner who “identifies” as a male the Attorney General is not taking the comfort of officers into consideration and potentially putting officers in danger.

Forcing law enforcement to take LGBTQ based training and requiring law enforcement agencies to establish relationships with “organizations focused on LGBTQ+ issues” the Attorney General is wasting law enforcement resources that can be used to fight crime.

A man who thinks he is a woman or a woman who thinks she is a man is mentally ill. Rather than enable people with mental health challenges and potentially put law enforcement officers in danger we should be focused on getting these people the help that they need. Like his Immigrant Trust Directive this Directive ignores the rights of the majority of New Jersyeans and puts people’s safety at risk.

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Is Tim Pino auditioning for the role of Sheriff Kumbaya?

Tim Pino is undoubtedly a “nice” guy.  But is “nice” a policy platform – and especially for someone who wants to be elected to the top law enforcement job in Somerset County?

Things are changing in law enforcement.  “Woke” is replacing “Tough” as a watchword.  You need only look at Philadelphia, where a George Soros backed Democrat won the race for District Attorney.  One year in and his office has all but stopped prosecuting – and this in the midst of a rising murder rate.  The “nice” DA has even dropped his opposition to yet another appeal by convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, leaving some to wonder if the widow of the murdered police officer will ever see justice.

Outgoing Somerset County Sheriff Frank Provenzano is “tough”.  In the business of law enforcement, “tough” is the first step to being competent.  It is a para-military organization, after all.  Sheriff’s officers wear uniforms and carry guns.  This para-military aspect is somewhat mitigated by the presence of a labor union to argue for better pay, shorter hours, more perks, and leniency in the face of discipline.  There are no unions in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or the Coast Guard. 

Sheriff Frank Provenzano took a clear stand on issues like liberal Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State” – a place where state and local law enforcement ignores federal law in favor of people who are in our country illegally.  A policy that turns New Jersey’s sworn officers into little more than scofflaws.

Yes, scofflaws… defined as people who flout the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.  Democrat Phil Murphy wants to make the Somerset County deputy sheriffs into scofflaws… something like a collection of parking ticket deadbeats.  They should have more pride than to let that happen.   

We know that Sheriff Provenzano won’t allow it, but what about Tim Pino?  As a media personality, lobbyist, community activist, and candidate for office, Tim Pino has been very careful not to comment on the Murphy Democrats’ plans to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State”.  Pino aint talking.

What Pino is doing is playing it “nice”.  Like he’s auditioning for a role in Kumbaya… the Musical!

Instead of taking on the question of illegal immigration and the Democrats’ attempts to foster it through the expenditure of millions in taxpayers’ money, Tim Pino is talking about the need for law enforcement to get on the diversity bandwagon.  Of course, anyone who has ever seen the symbol of Justice knows that the law is supposed to ignore such surface details as race, ethnicity, and religion.  That is why Justice is always represented as blindfolded. 

We all know what happens when law enforcement puts ideas like diversity ahead of enforcing the law in a fair way, regardless of someone’s cultural differences.  We have many sad examples of how law enforcement lets down victims when it decides to walk along the egg-shelled strewn path of cultural diversity. 

Perhaps the most egregious example is the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal involving an estimated 1,400 children who were sexually abused between 1997 and 2013.  Investigations uncovered that law enforcement failed to act because of “fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; and the (political) reluctance to challenge an ethnic minority voting bloc.”

You can read the whole sad story and failure of law enforcement to address it at Wikipedia:

Rotherham is what happens when law enforcement makes “nice” a priority and “diversity” its watchword.  It is what happens when law enforcement forget that crime is crime, rape is rape, sexual exploitation of children is the exploitation of children… no matter who does it. 

As a candidate for public office, Tim Pino has engaged in the kind of politically correct virtue signaling that leads him to fixate on creating solutions to problems that aren’t really there.  Pino’s campaign website ignores issues like the opioid epidemic, the threats of human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, and the rise of MS-13 gangs in New Jersey.  Instead, there is a whole page (including a video and links to articles) on the threat of “white supremacy” in Somerset County. 

Candidate Pino makes much of a report showing instances of people handing out between one and thirty “fliers” – yes, leaflets or literature – that are considered to be “white supremist”.  While obnoxious and stupid, this still is protected speech under the First Amendment to our nation’s Bill of Rights. 

On the other hand, Tim Pino completely fails to mention a recent New Jersey State Commission of Investigation report on MS-13 criminal gang activity in New Jersey or that neighboring Union County is a hotbed of MS-13 activity.  Pino fails to note that the SCI report links tough immigration enforcement to keeping MS-13 from spreading deeply into places like Somerset County. 

MS-13 doesn’t hand out stupid leaflets.  MS-13 is into the trafficking of illegal drugs.  What should get the priority? 

In candidate Tim Pino’s world, the fear that an idiot kid will hand out a leaflet touting his ignorance is worthy of greater attention and resources than an organized criminal drug gang.  This is cloud cuckoo land or the rainbow fantasy world of the winged unicorn of delusion.  It isn’t law enforcement.

Sign the petition to stop Murphy’s Sanctuary State plan.

Our porous borders will only get worse…

The importation of illegal narcotics and opioids…

And illegal firearms…

The modern slavery of human trafficking…

And the sexual exploitation of women and children…

Will only get worse.  Unless you do something about it. 

Some people think securing our border is just about protecting American jobs.   

But a secure border is about more than just jobs.  Secure borders help prevent human trafficking and the exploitation of children.  Secure borders fight modern day slavery.

The United Nations has issued reports showing human trafficking is the fastest growing organized criminal activity on earth.  A porous border not only facilitates the trafficking of illegal narcotics, opioids, and illegal firearms – it is a boon to modern day slavery – the trafficking and sale of human beings, especially children.

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Some have adopted dangerously naïve views about border security.  In their hatred for President Trump, they have embraced calls to abolish ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) – even though it was funded and operated under the administrations of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.  The abolition of ICE would open the doors to a nightmarish wild west scenario.  Without ICE, who will be around to prevent the living horror of modern slavery? 

The statements made by Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menendez, and congressional candidates Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, and Jeff Van Drew have been shocking.  We’re not condemning a party here, or its members, but only those who have taken leave of their senses in a mindless quest for votes. 

Many are following the worst path when it comes to border security.  In an effort to elevate the plight of the undocumented immigrant here illegally, their irrational demands for change will open the floodgates to all manner of terrible consequences – to lawlessness, violence, and slavery.

What Booker and Menendez, Andy Kim, Tom Malinowski, Mikie Sherrill, and Jeff Van Drew are advocating for will make our borders more porous – allowing thousands more victims (mainly women and children) to be shipped and sold like cattle, welcoming more dangerous illegal drugs into our communities, and providing illegal firearms for organized criminal gangs.

There have been many responsible voices from both parties, but they have been drowned out by the media’s attention on emotional and irrational ideas like that of Governor Phil Murphy, who has made it his mission to turn New Jersey into a Sanctuary State and to instruct state and local law enforcement not to cooperate with federal agencies.  Whatever good intentions Murphy has in this are undone by the consequences of weakening border security in the midst of an illegal narcotic and opioid crisis and a growing problem with human trafficking and child exploitation (as his own Attorney General has said).

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We need to clearly instruct our county and local law enforcement to work with federal agencies to strengthen border security and the interdiction of illegal narcotics, opioids, illegal firearms, and human trafficking networks that exploit women and children sexually. 

Our law enforcement community does not like the idea of being strong-armed by the Governor into violating federal law.  They are standing up to those who foolishly want to sever cooperation between local law enforcement and federal agencies.  We need to stand with them.

Alongside law enforcement, we will fight Governor Murphy and his administration on this.  We will fight the Trenton bureaucrats and the professional lobbyists on this.


A petition drive is being launched – county by county – asking the Freeholders of each county to place a public question on the ballot in their county.  These ballot questions will ask voters to instruct their Sheriff or local law enforcement in fully cooperating with federal agencies and ignore all orders from the Murphy administration to the contrary.   

American law is our law.  Governor Murphy can no more ignore American law than Governor Wallace of Alabama once tried to do.  We are one country, one people, not a multi-state league of nations.

We are also working to pass the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, which despite having strong bi-partisan support, is being prevented from moving forward by the singular efforts of the staff of the Democrat Majority Leader in the Senate – Senator Loretta Weinberg.  That is correct.  Her staff is anti-woman and anti-child.  While she attempts to associate herself with the #MeToo movement, her staff is blocking legislation that would break the infrastructure through which young women and children are lured, raped, and sold into prostitution and the illegal porn trade.

So now it is up to YOU…

Now it is up to YOU…

Will you help?   

Or will you sit on your hands, complain, and do nothing?

Click here to start a petition in your county. 

Click here to start a group to circulate a petition in your county. 

Click here to sign a petition for your county.

To find out more about the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act, click here.

To find out what you can do to combat the scourge of modern slavery, human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, click here.

McCann lies again. No he's not pro-second amendment

John McCann tried sweet-talking a speaking spot out of the organizers of yesterday's Pro-Second Amendment rally in Trenton.  The rally, which was hosted by the NRA and its state affiliates, was well-attended and featured a number of prominent speakers with solid Pro-Second Amendment records, including Senator Steve Oroho, NRA National Board member Scott Bach, Assemblyman Parker Space, Assemblyman Hal Wirths, former Mayor Steve Lonegan, and former Assemblywoman Donna Simon.

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John McCann did not end up speaking.  According to several sources familiar with the event, McCann was asked to fill out an NRA questionnaire to determine where he stood on the issues and McCann refused to do so.  Like another candidate associated with Passaic County machine boss Peter Murphy, he won't say.

But McCann is a resilient bullshit artist.  His campaign rolled out an often-repeated story claiming that his father had been the victim of a terrorist attack by the Weatherman organization, a radical group of 1960's leftists.  But McCann's story keeps on changing with regards to this incident.  And the official records of law enforcement and the judiciary do not match McCann's claims.  More on this later.

In any case, McCann uses this exaggerated tale to claim that he is Pro-Second Amendment when his actions indicate that he is simply spinning us.  Any man, worthy of the name, should have the balls to tell us where he stands on the issues. 

We suggest that candidate John McCann grow a pair and fill out the questionnaire.  The voters deserve to know who and what they are voting for.

McCann trashed law enforcement officers. Read their stories.

The Bergen Record has identified McCann as the "right hand man" to Democrat Sheriff Michael Saudino.  It was Saudino's feud with the Republican County Executive that undermined and ultimately lost Republicans control of Bergen County.  The coup de grace came when Saudino, a one-time Republican, joined Hillary Clinton and Josh Gottheimer on a ticket that crushed Republicans in Bergen County. 

John McCann remained Sheriff Saudino's consigliore through all of this and ran for Congress (as a Republican) with Saudino's blessing and while still on the Democrat's payroll.  Sheriff Saudino has formally endorsed fellow Democrat Josh Gottheimer for re-election this year. 

The media has recently reported on 22 Bergen County officers who claimed they were wrongly terminated or mistreated.  In a class action suit, the officers accuse Sheriff Saudino of demoting or firing qualified officers out of spite or for political retaliation.  Saudino, who supported Gottheimer for his stance on LGBT issues, is accused of allowing the "despicable and dehumanizing treatment" of a gay police officer.

A federal lawsuit filed last year contains the personal testimony of dozens of veteran law enforcement officers who fell victim to a power play by the Democrat Sheriff of Bergen County.  Here are a few of their stories:

"In 2014 my wife and I decided to have our 2nd child even though there were talks of merging The Bergen County Police with the Sheriff's Department.  we both agreed that we could afford to make this life changing decision based on the fact that the merger specifically stated there would be no layoffs, and no decrease in pay.

We had purchased a smaller home, which needed improvements... We are not going to be able to make these improvements or expand our home due to the impending layoff or pay decrease.  In fact we may lose our home if these changes take place.

My wife and I were discussing the possibility of having a third child as recently as February of this year.  However this will not happen now because of these layoffs."


"In 2015, I got engaged.  In 2016, I got married and purchased a home.  In 2017, I welcomed another child into my family... I have a wife and two children, ages 6 and 3 months.  Now with the threat of a potential layoff, not only will my life be affected, but my family will be negatively affected as well."


"I have been employed by Bergen County as a Police Officer since July, 2004.  I have recently re-financed my 30 year mortgage to a 15 year mortgage due to the promise that the Sheriff, County Executive, and Freeholder Board made that my job was safe when they merged us.  I am also the caregiver to my elderly parents... If I am demoted, I will not be able to afford the extra payments that a 15 year mortgage brings as well as care for my parents in a way that they deserve."


"I can personally say the moral and pride I had as a County Police Officer has been stripped away and this entire process has affected me personally.  I never knew what it was like to go to work and be unhappy.  I've always loved my career and the organization I worked for.  There are often times I get sick to my stomach thinking of how the politicians have destroyed this place and everything it represented.  My mind is consumed with thoughts of whether or not I will be able to retire..."


"I am a single father of two children.  I have full custody of my children... I had financial plans in place to send my oldest daughter who is currently in high school to attend specific colleges she had picked out.  With this demotion I will no longer be able to pay for my daughter's college education..."


"In August of 1996 I joined what I believed was a dedicated profession and well known department... I joined the United States Marine Corps Reserve in 1982... I was activated in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm... I retired with 20 years of service in 2003.

...I have made many life choices on the promises and assurance my family and I would be able to live without the threat of losing our home or not being able to afford the basic simple lifestyle we have had in our lives.  Upon the assurance of the County of Bergen, the politicians and the Bergen County Sheriff my family committed to providing an education for my son that now involves the payment of an incredible amount of education loans."


"I am currently a Police Officer with the Bergen County Sheriff's Department... I am also a United States Disabled Combat Veteran.  I served four and a half years with the 82nd Airborne Division, with a fifteen-month deployment to Iraq as an Infantryman... With the promise of job security, I continued my life as any other reasonable person would have.  I recently purchased a home and have plans to marry my longtime girlfriend, whom this layoff also affects tremendously..."


It's no wonder then that candidate John McCann is so agitated by questions regarding the cummulation of power by Democrat politicians (and the concurrent loss of power of local elected Republicans).