Is Tim Pino auditioning for the role of Sheriff Kumbaya?

Tim Pino is undoubtedly a “nice” guy.  But is “nice” a policy platform – and especially for someone who wants to be elected to the top law enforcement job in Somerset County?

Things are changing in law enforcement.  “Woke” is replacing “Tough” as a watchword.  You need only look at Philadelphia, where a George Soros backed Democrat won the race for District Attorney.  One year in and his office has all but stopped prosecuting – and this in the midst of a rising murder rate.  The “nice” DA has even dropped his opposition to yet another appeal by convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, leaving some to wonder if the widow of the murdered police officer will ever see justice.

Outgoing Somerset County Sheriff Frank Provenzano is “tough”.  In the business of law enforcement, “tough” is the first step to being competent.  It is a para-military organization, after all.  Sheriff’s officers wear uniforms and carry guns.  This para-military aspect is somewhat mitigated by the presence of a labor union to argue for better pay, shorter hours, more perks, and leniency in the face of discipline.  There are no unions in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or the Coast Guard. 

Sheriff Frank Provenzano took a clear stand on issues like liberal Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State” – a place where state and local law enforcement ignores federal law in favor of people who are in our country illegally.  A policy that turns New Jersey’s sworn officers into little more than scofflaws.

Yes, scofflaws… defined as people who flout the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.  Democrat Phil Murphy wants to make the Somerset County deputy sheriffs into scofflaws… something like a collection of parking ticket deadbeats.  They should have more pride than to let that happen.   

We know that Sheriff Provenzano won’t allow it, but what about Tim Pino?  As a media personality, lobbyist, community activist, and candidate for office, Tim Pino has been very careful not to comment on the Murphy Democrats’ plans to turn New Jersey into a so-called “Sanctuary State”.  Pino aint talking.

What Pino is doing is playing it “nice”.  Like he’s auditioning for a role in Kumbaya… the Musical!

Instead of taking on the question of illegal immigration and the Democrats’ attempts to foster it through the expenditure of millions in taxpayers’ money, Tim Pino is talking about the need for law enforcement to get on the diversity bandwagon.  Of course, anyone who has ever seen the symbol of Justice knows that the law is supposed to ignore such surface details as race, ethnicity, and religion.  That is why Justice is always represented as blindfolded. 

We all know what happens when law enforcement puts ideas like diversity ahead of enforcing the law in a fair way, regardless of someone’s cultural differences.  We have many sad examples of how law enforcement lets down victims when it decides to walk along the egg-shelled strewn path of cultural diversity. 

Perhaps the most egregious example is the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal involving an estimated 1,400 children who were sexually abused between 1997 and 2013.  Investigations uncovered that law enforcement failed to act because of “fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism and damage community relations; and the (political) reluctance to challenge an ethnic minority voting bloc.”

You can read the whole sad story and failure of law enforcement to address it at Wikipedia:

Rotherham is what happens when law enforcement makes “nice” a priority and “diversity” its watchword.  It is what happens when law enforcement forget that crime is crime, rape is rape, sexual exploitation of children is the exploitation of children… no matter who does it. 

As a candidate for public office, Tim Pino has engaged in the kind of politically correct virtue signaling that leads him to fixate on creating solutions to problems that aren’t really there.  Pino’s campaign website ignores issues like the opioid epidemic, the threats of human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women and children, and the rise of MS-13 gangs in New Jersey.  Instead, there is a whole page (including a video and links to articles) on the threat of “white supremacy” in Somerset County. 

Candidate Pino makes much of a report showing instances of people handing out between one and thirty “fliers” – yes, leaflets or literature – that are considered to be “white supremist”.  While obnoxious and stupid, this still is protected speech under the First Amendment to our nation’s Bill of Rights. 

On the other hand, Tim Pino completely fails to mention a recent New Jersey State Commission of Investigation report on MS-13 criminal gang activity in New Jersey or that neighboring Union County is a hotbed of MS-13 activity.  Pino fails to note that the SCI report links tough immigration enforcement to keeping MS-13 from spreading deeply into places like Somerset County. 

MS-13 doesn’t hand out stupid leaflets.  MS-13 is into the trafficking of illegal drugs.  What should get the priority? 

In candidate Tim Pino’s world, the fear that an idiot kid will hand out a leaflet touting his ignorance is worthy of greater attention and resources than an organized criminal drug gang.  This is cloud cuckoo land or the rainbow fantasy world of the winged unicorn of delusion.  It isn’t law enforcement.

Is gun control just political theatre for Trenton Dems?

Trenton Democrats have an opportunity to show they are more than just b.s. artists when it comes to gun control.  They can follow the lead of many of New Jersey’s new Democrats in Congress and pass a resolution to condemn Washington’s radicalism that wants to make it easier to put guns into the hands of illegals in America.

Led by Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-05), most of New Jersey’s freshman Democrats in Congress opposed the Democrat majority in Congress – run by Speaker Nancy Pelosi – who opposed common sense gun safety legislation that required ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement – to be notified when an illegal immigrant is trying to purchase a firearm.  Congressman Gottheimer and a number of other Democrats joined with Republicans to support this legislation, which is designed to prevent illegals with violent criminal records in their home countries – and recruits to violent gangs like MS-13 – from obtaining a handgun or semi-automatic rifle.  

Democrats like Tom Malinowski (D-07) stood with Speaker Pelosi in opposing this common sense gun safety legislation.   Malinowski and Pelosi say that Americans should undergo background checks when they seek to purchase a gun to protect their home homes and families, but not illegals.  Malinowski and Pelosi support giving new recruits to groups like MS-13 the means to make their mark on American society.

As the former campaign manager for Malinowski’s campaign in Morris County, Democrat Assembly candidate Darcy Draeger should be asked what she thinks about her Congressman’s bad vote on this common sense gun safety legislation. Draeger should be asked to step up and do something about it – at the very least to issue a statement from the (Lisa) Bhimani – (Darcy) Draeger for Assembly campaign that opposes Malinowski’s position in opposition to this common sense gun safety legislation.

In voting against this common sense gun safety legislation, Malinowski joined with professional gun-criminal coddler Congresswoman Bonnie Watson-Coleman (D-12) whose own sons were convicted of gun-crime – the armed hold-up of a toy store in central New Jersey.  It is disgraceful for Malinowski to endanger the lives of his constituents and their families in this way. 

As State GOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt of Warren County said:  “Tom Malinowski is way out of step with the people of North Jersey” and is “perpetuating a prioritization of coddling illegal immigrants rather than supporting taxpayers and keeping our communities safe.” 

Steinhardt added: “This was obvious and important enough to earn the support of New Jersey Congressional Democrats Van Drew (D-02), Kim (D-03), Gottheimer (D-05), and Sherrill (D-11), and, of course, Republican Chris Smith (R-04).”  Now the question is for Trenton Democrats like Senate President Steve Sweeney and Speaker Craig Coughlin to step up and show that all their “gun control” talk isn’t just political theatre and that they mean it, by adding their voices in support of this common sense gun safety legislation.

Pass a resolution to condemn Tom Malinowski and the other members of Congress who opposed this common sense gun safety measure, thereby putting all New Jerseyeans and their families at risk.