Goldstein a Democrat first. Supported Eliot Spitzer even after corruption.

By Rubashov

Trenton has a very selective memory. That’s why a blog, run by the “Mastermind” of one of the worst political scandals in memory, can express horror at someone having an opinion not in line with that conjured by Trenton pollsters, and then trot out someone like Steve Goldstein as a corrective.

When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was mired in scandal, the Trenton blog PolitickerNJ (funded by Jared Kushner) trotted out Steve Goldstein to defend the embattled New York Governor. Goldstein lavished praise on Spitzer, reminding readers: “I was Eliot Spitzer’s press secretary in his successful 1998 campaign for New York State Attorney General.” Indeed.

Well, not even the pollsters could save Spitzer. The infamous “Client 9” resigned from office. And despite his Princeton-Harvard background and “Sheriff of Wall Street” reputation (not to mention all that polling) Spitzer could not win a victory and return to public office. Even his wife left him.

Nothing is ever “settled” in politics.

Steve Goldstein is a Democrat operative and the founder of a political lobbying organization called Garden State Equality. GSE has morphed from a group concerned with issues like same-sex marriage into a government vendor that uses political pressure and vendor money to lobby government for even more taxpayer money.

Like so many good ideas that turn into scams, GSE succumbed to mission creep once they achieved the goal of same-sex marriage. The current controversy they’re embroiled in has to do with teaching children a new, unfunded mandate from Trenton, called the LGBTQ+ curriculum. And everyone in New Jersey who pays property taxes is going to foot the bill.

One of the controversies surrounding the new curriculum is how it presents such sensitive issues as anal sex – and to what age groups. Now a clinical presentation, run by a group like the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) would focus, at least in part, on the spread of specific diseases associated with this manner of sexual activity (not to mention the wear and tear on muscles not particularly designed for the purpose).

Unfortunately, Trenton’s political class handed the job to its allies and campaign underwriters – Garden State Equality. This is the corrupt Trenton Establishment all over, isn’t it? Take a serious issue – turn it into a scam for the boys to make money from.

The central question in this debate is who owns your children. Are they part of a million individual social organisms, called families – or does the government own your kids?

Governor Phil and Tammy Murphy certainly act like government owns your children. They don’t hesitate inserting the government between child and parent on the most sensitive of levels.

New Jersey enjoys a great diversity amongst its millions of families. Whether agnostic or Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or any of the thousands of permutations possible, it has been the role of each individual family to pass along its moral values and manners, generation to generation. This, above anything else, preserves the idea of diversity.

Phil and Tammy, who had the opportunity to pass on their moral values and manners to their children, now wish to take that opportunity away from you. They want conformity. On that most personal issue of sexuality, they wish to cut out the parent, and to bring in a lobby group looking for a payday – Garden State Equality.

Hey GSE, it is not our fault that you won and did not have the dignity to declare victory and fold your tent. You became addicted to the money and the power. You will never return to the private sector because of this. You will never mind your own business and seek to live and let live. For you there can only be crisis and turmoil and the endless froth of campaigning… because that is how you are paid.

If Phil and Tammy want to cut out the parent, at least they should be prepared to pick up some of the expenses of raising a child.

Government certainly doesn’t pay for your children. From the child poverty and food insecurity figures in New Jersey, we know that government doesn’t care enough to feed them. From the foreclosure figures, we know that government doesn’t care enough to house them. And we damned well know that government doesn’t give a hang about ensuring they have adequate health care.

So, we suggest a compromise. If government wants to cut out the parents and impart its moral values and manners to the next generation – then government owes the parents of that next generation a tax cut to cover the raising of that generation. The government’s generation. Generation “G”.

Finally, why has Steve Goldstein gone so prudish? Why is it such a big deal to him to call anal sex, anal sex? Or oral sex, oral sex? The legal term for that – and Goldstein can ask Spitzer about it – is “sodomy”.

The legal definition of sodomy includes any sexual penetration aside from vaginal intercourse, including oral and anal sex. Neo-Victorians like Steve Goldstein appear to want to banish such coarse and realistic definitions from our language and replace them with saccharine formulations that make references to “love”.

Love may become part of it. But more generally it flourishes at the end of the process, not at the beginning. Any honest person will acknowledge this.

Be honest, humans are attracted to these practices because we derive pleasure from them. It isn’t so much a case of “love is love” but rather, “pleasure is pleasure”. An attachment may follow, or it may not, or it may and then be broken. These are deep waters that no lobby group-turned government vendor can adequately plumb. Leave it to the families. Preserve diversity.

Douglas Murray Explains The Internal Politics Of The LGBT Community.

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
Eric Hoffer

Before sexualizing children. Why not have a debate?

By Rubashov

Is it the ACLU’s fault?  Or is it the people who fund them who have changed? 

We all remember how the ACLU stood up for Freedom of Speech – even when it meant protecting that freedom for people with whom they had absolutely no sympathy.   It was the ACLU who famously set the parameters of First Amendment protections in the 1970’s, when the organization defended the right of the American Nazi Party to march through Skokie, Illinois, a town chosen by the Nazis for its ethnic and religious make-up.  Placing their loathing of the Nazis aside, the ACLU stood with the American Bill of Rights to argue that the Nazis had the right to transgressive speech – the right to knowingly offend. 

Of course, transgressive speech is the very foundation of comedy, and there was some wisdom in the suggestion that we laugh at the Nazis, their silly uniforms, and that flag.  Better to laugh at them, to tolerate them, than to become them, so the wisdom went. 

But times have changed.

The ACLU is under pressure from the people who fund it, from its donor class, as are politicians from all parties and persuasions.  There is a new public religion and it is in the process of driving out its competition from the public square.

And just as transubstantiation demands that its believers accept that bread and wine is changed into flesh and blood, so in this new religion, a person with a penis can be made woman.  It is mystical, faith-based, beyond debate or reason.  It is religion.

Central to this new religion is a persecution myth.  Just as the early Christians had their martyrs and their festivals of remembrance, this new religion has its Stonewall, its AIDS epidemic, its accounts of martyrdom.  The carnality of it – the sex – is all scrubbed from the accounts.  The public face of this new religion is Neo-Victorian in its use of language – “No Sex, please” – this is all about “Love”.

Proselytizing to children is central to all religions, but especially so to groups who make the oppression of the faith central to their ideology.  This was so with Jim Jones, David Koresh, the “Children of God” cult, and many others.  Did they not all operate under the banner that children be sexualized at the earliest possible moment?  Did they not preach endlessly about “Love”?  That “Love is the Answer”, “Love is Love”? 

Sex is as addictive as tobacco and like the sellers of cigarettes (or narcotics) they like to get them while they’re young.  So they come for the children.  Public libraries host “drag queen story hours” for little children, with readings by folks with names like “Lil Miss Hot Mess”.  Isn’t “hot” an explicitly sexual term?  School curriculums now include such varied activities as “condom races” – in which 10 and 11 year-old girls compete to be the first to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.  All watched by their male classmates.  Magazines like Teen Vogue – specifically marketed to children – argue that prostitution is just a job, work like any other, with no moral or psychological concerns whatsoever. 

This is all part of this new public religion.  So a new law, signed by Governor Phil Murphy, mandates the teaching of people from history based on how their alleged sexual practices conform to one of a series of letters (LGBTQ…).  It’s a rather shallow way to teach, for how can the endless ways in which human beings order their lives really be bound and categorized by a half dozen letters – or indeed, a thousand? 

Within the last few days, a School Trustee in Hackensack had the temerity to express an opinion on the new mandate that failed to conform to the new public religion.  In response, Garden State Equality (GSE) – the “LGBTQ” equivalent of Hezbollah – went all jihadist on the trustee, demanding that she be forced into submission or made to resign and shunned thereafter. 

An email from GSE made it clear that they weren’t stopping with her:  “It’s imperative that each and every education official across New Jersey understands that our curriculum law must be faithfully implemented.”  Each and every.  There is no place for religious dissent. 

A GSE supporter reached out and noted that the trustee in question used the term “repugnant” to describe “the LGBTQ lifestyle.”  The term is generally used when describing something that the user finds “distasteful” or that the user is “incompatible” with.  It must be noted that many of our fellow human beings do find such sexual practices as oral or anal sex “distasteful” and that they are “incompatible” with same. 

We are not speaking here for Phil and Tammy Murphy, or Valerie Vainieri Huttle, or Jim Tedesco, or Gordon Johnson, or Loretta Weinberg, or indeed for the other politicians who have condemned the use of the term “repugnant.”  What they find “tasteful”, what they are “compatible” with, what their appetites bend towards is entirely their business.  And we would defend their endorsement of oral or anal sex as much as we defend the right of others not to enjoy such things.  Whatever floats your boat, as they say. 

But expressing one’s sexual preferences, one’s choice, is not welcome by the new “public” religion.  Blank conformity is what is expected.  Every public statement, written or spoken must conform.  The new religion allows no public expression of older religions.  All must conform… or they will be made to conform. 

Having gained significant cadres amongst elites in government, the media, in education, and with One-Percenters who control the corporate world, the new religion is attempting a top-down takeover of the public square – bullying out older religions, forcing compliance and general conformity of expressed opinion.  They seem to forget that Americans are contrarian by nature.  Nonconformity is the way with us and we will continue to practice it, even while being oppressed and punished for doing so. 

Of course, this is another reason why they want our children.  But then they forget that generations of Soviet indoctrination did not extinguish the seed of traditional faith in Russia or in Eastern Europe. 

This is an interesting topic that should be debated openly and honestly.  Instead, jihadists like Garden State Equality are concerned only with bullying and banning public dissent.  They don’t care if people dishonestly mouth those allowed saccharine platitudes, so long as they mouth them.

Instead of punishing questioning minds, why not debate them?  Before we allow government – in service of the new public religion – to continue to sexualize children, why not have an open and honest debate on the subject? 

Maybe a group like the Center for Garden State Families or the New Jersey Family Policy Council will set up a series of open discussions on the Murphy administration’s sexualization of young children.  Then they can invite folks like Senator Loretta Weinberg and Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle to explain what they like and don’t like – and how they came to embrace the new religion (HINT: Check their campaign finance reports, and you will know why).

Before the Murphy Democrats force one more unfunded mandate on the property taxpayers of New Jersey… have an open and honest debate about their need to sexualize children.

Garden State Equality tries to muzzle concerns about sexualizing children

By Rubashov

Two recent events offer a contrast in different religious outlooks.  On the one hand, we have the Mayor of Hoboken.  On the other, a School Board Trustee in Hackensack.  Both made comments about the beliefs of others.

In April, the Mayor of Hoboken used the phrase “hateful rhetoric” to describe the display of a bible verse at a peaceful demonstration to protest the efforts by self-described “drag queens” to introduce children as young as three to their belief system.  Not to be outdone, the Hudson County Democratic Organization LGBTQ Caucus attacked the Roman Catholic group that organized the protest, calling their beliefs “a hateful and discriminatory ideology.”

Now you can bet that neither the Mayor or the LGBTQ Caucus would have had the guts to attack the verses from a different religious book – say, the Koran – with quite the same viciousness.  And yet, the respective books of Christians, Jews, and Muslims all lay down the same prohibitions in these matters.  They are all “People of the Book”. 

A few years ago, a very few, there was a general consensus about all those marketing categories represented by all those letters.  Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama… they all opposed things like same-sex marriage.  That was until the day before yesterday, when our masters suddenly switched and embraced all that they once opposed.  We are experiencing something like the confusion Rome found itself in when, towards its end, the Emperor decided to ditch the old Roman gods and ordered his people to embrace Christianity.  The old ways were still practiced in private, but in public, it became more and more necessary to conform to the “new” religion.   

Some call this “progress” but others, with a longer historical perspective, can draw parallels that mark it a new paganism.  Whatever it is, it is certainly faith-based, resistant to science and debate. 

Whether this is our new “public” religion, or simply a pseudo-religious cult, all the elements are there.  Proselytizing to children is a part of all religious groups who make the oppression of the cult central to their ideology.  This was so with Jim Jones, David Koresh, the “Children of God” cult, and many others.  Did they not all operate under the banner that children be sexualized at the earliest possible moment?  Did they not preach endlessly about “Love”?  That “Love is the Answer”, “Love is Love”?   

Sex is as addictive as tobacco and like the sellers of cigarettes (or narcotics) they like to get them while they’re young.  So they come for the children.  Public libraries host “drag queen story hours” for little children, with readings by folks with names like “Lil Miss Hot Mess”.  Isn’t “hot” an explicitly sexual term?  School curriculums now include such varied activities as “condom races” – in which 10 and 11 year-old girls compete to be the first to put a condom on a model of an erect adult male penis.  All watched by their male classmates.  Magazines like Teen Vogue – specifically marketed to children – argue that prostitution is just a job, work like any other, with no moral or psychological concerns whatsoever. 

This is all part of our “new” public religion.  So a new law, signed by Democrat Governor Phil Murphy, mandates the teaching of people from history based on how their alleged sexual practices conform to one of a series of letters in the marketing code of our “new” public religion.  It’s a rather shallow way to teach, for how can the endless ways in which human beings order their lives really be bound and categorized by a half dozen letters – or indeed, a thousand? 

Within the last few days, a School Trustee in Hackensack had the temerity to express an opinion on the new mandate that failed to conform to the new public religion.  In response, Garden State Equality (GSE) – the “LGBTQ” equivalent of Hezbollah – went all jihadist on the trustee, demanding that she be forced into submission or made to resign and shunned thereafter. 

An email from GSE made it clear that they weren’t stopping with her:  “It’s imperative that each and every education official across New Jersey understands that our curriculum law must be faithfully implemented.”  Each and every.  There is no place for religious dissent. 

This is the new “public” religion and it allows no public expression of older religions.  All must conform.  Such “conformity” rubs those of us, like your humble scribe Rubashov, the wrong way.  They can stick their conformity. 

If you are interested in standing up for the American Bill of Rights, Free Speech, Religious Liberty… or if you just want to tell our new masters to shove their conformity, you can do so TOMORROW.

GSE has called for an all-out jihad.  On Tuesday, June 25th, at 7:30pm, you can show up to the Hackensack City Council Meeting at Hackensack City Hall, 65 Central Avenue, on the 3rd floor.  Perhaps there will be an honest and open discussion on free speech and the new conformity?  Instead of dishonest conformity – the child of oppression – maybe GSE will embrace the diversity that is not confined by a mere handful of letters?  Will they embrace the common humanity that they share even with those who do not “celebrate” their beliefs?

Maybe… but it will be a snapshot of at what stage we are in the hegemony of our new public religion.  It should make for an interesting spectacle. 

If you want to contact the Hackensack City Council, you can do so by following the links on this page…

Science doesn't back up 'Gender is a social construct'

Dr. Debra Soh is a researcher into human sexuality.  She is science columnist for the Globe & Mail newspaper.

Dr. Soh has written against anti-conversion therapy laws which include both sexual orientation and gender identity, believing that such laws conflate the two and prevent legitimate therapeutic counseling for individuals with gender dysphoria.  She believes that the current societal view to allow for gender transition in childhood is mostly based on homophobia due to studies which show that many transgender children will desist and detransition in adolescent and early adulthood and come out as homosexuals.

In this talk, Dr. Soh makes the point that science doesn't back up the current political dogma on the Left that gender is a social construct.  She details how the politically-mandated teaching of GSE dogma in public schools has led to a “social contagion” of transgenderism among vulnerable children.  The same GSE-influenced establishment that once pushed opioids on society is now pushing a new solution and a new promise of happiness.

Must Reads: Two important columns from Save Jersey…

With the news that the Burlington County GOP has lost yet another Republican office-holder, Dan Cirucci has some useful insights into how New Jersey Republicans can pull themselves out of the rut they are in…

N.J. GOP’ers must discard the moldy, tweedy old cloak of timidity | CIRUCCI

And there’s an important lesson for all those GOP hopefuls who insist on sucking up to Garden State Equality (GSE)… Hey, they don’t like you and never will because they are DEMOCRATS first, LGBTQ activists second…

Op-Ed: Leading N.J. LGBTQ group puts far-left politics ahead of its own community | DE SENO

The week ahead in Trenton (or Brave New World).

This week we start a new feature called “The week ahead in Trenton.”  The name is self-explanatory.  We hope it will give activists and other interested parties a heads up on the nonsense about to happen – some of it shocking, much of it crazy, all of it expensive to taxpayers.

This week we focus on the Assembly Human Services Committee, which will hold a hearing on Saint Valentine’s Day – Thursday, February 14th – at 2pm in Committee Room 16, on the 4th floor of the State House Annex in Trenton.  And remember, all of those in attendance are on the ballot this year in June and November.  Don’t forget them.

Now if ever there was a Christian holiday to excite the “Love is Love” crowd, this should be it.  And for the record, the Democrats do not disappoint in handing out presents to their favorite special interest.  But is it “Love” or Fear???  We’ll let you decide. 

First on Thursday’s Valentine’s Day agenda is AR-146 – a resolution calling on the federal government to recognize what it calls “children of certain LGBTQ parents” as United States citizens.  This is something out of a dystopian novel (we’re thinking Aldous Huxley and his writings, most notably, “Brave New World”) and attempts to create a new path to citizenship. 

From what we can learn, there is a brisk business in the monetization of the wombs of working class and/or economically disadvantaged women.  Rich “gay” men can, for a fee, avail themselves of the wombs of these women in order to do what they cannot do biologically – give birth to a baby.  (And remember, in the coda of today’s woke establishment, it aint a “baby” until it is actually born… and even then not until the mother and her medical provider have had a discussion as to whether or not to kill it). 

The problem occurs when one rich American guy marries a rich guy from another country and they use the sperm of the non-American to impregnate the womb of the woman they have procured for the purpose.  Currently, the State Department can require a DNA test to determine if a child is, in fact, a “blood relationship” to an American citizen.  This messes with the plans of those who travel outside the United States to procure their women for the purposes of their wombs and who opt to use the sperm of a “husband” who is not an American citizen.   

As one can imagine, this dilemma concerns a very, very tiny group of rich men (married to men who are non-citizens) who want to travel outside the United States to obtain a womb at, shall we say, third-world prices.  It will doubtless be examined by the State Department – no bastion of traditional orthodoxy, by the way – and some rule change or accommodation will be forthcoming. 

But that is not good enough for the folks at Garden State Equality (GSE) who apparently wield so much power over the Democrats in Trenton that legislation like A-146 gets pushed to the front of the line and ahead of the more than 90 bills languishing that would address the highest in the nation property taxes… or the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act.  Every week, we hear from the Murphy administration’s own Attorney General about the rise in cases of identified human trafficking in New Jersey… but hey, it’s not about some rich jet-setter looking to buy the womb of some desperate, third-world woman or girl (Itself a case of human trafficking?  We wonder).

Next on Thursday’s agenda is AR-210, a resolution condemning the “Trump Administration’s policies towards transgender individuals.”  Specifically, the Democrat sponsors are pissed because the Department of Defense has sought to ban “transgender people” from serving in the military by proposing a definition of sex that “excludes gender identity”.  Okay, this has been covered a great deal in the national media… but does it really trump the issue of growing child poverty in New Jersey?  Yes, it is on the wish list of a private special interest group that last week bragged about whipping the Legislature into passing 222 pieces of legislation that they desired, but is it really more important and pressing than the opioid crisis?  Apparently so.

Next up is a spending bill that will cost us more in property taxes – but it will be a financial windfall for groups like Garden State Equality, who provide training programs like those mandated in A-4427.  Here is the text of the bill’s description:

“This bill provides that the Commissioner of Human Services or the commissioner’s designee, develop a training program designed to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in the delivery of certain services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex senior citizens in the State.  The bill requires that the training program be developed no later than nine months following the bill’s enactment.

The training program would be designed to increase awareness among, and provide cultural competency to, service providers about the issues encountered by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex seniors in order to ensure equal access to services for senior citizens, and improve the delivery of those services to senior citizens and caregivers in the State.

The bill requires that a provider of services or supports to senior citizens that contracts with, provides services through programs administered by, or receives funding from, the Department of Human Services, any of its divisions, or any Area Agency on Aging must complete the training program no later than six months following the availability of the program. Thereafter, each new service provider would be required to complete the training within one month of commencing the delivery of services or supports.”

Moe money, moe money, moe money for GSE and its allies... mandated higher property taxes for everyone else.

And finally on Thursday’s agenda we have A-4870, a bill that “requires modernization of all state blanks, forms, documents, and applications to incorporate new standards for collection of information about sex, gender, and sexual orientation.”  This is Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker’s personal genuflection to a special interest that he’s indebted to.  It is shocking to see the brazenness of it, but a role for the lobbyist group is specifically spelled out in the actual bill:

“…any questions relating to sex, gender, or sexual orientation are to be posed in a manner that is sensitive to the individual, and that does not infringe upon or threaten the individual’s mental and physical wellbeing; are to allow for non-binary designations; and are to be consistent with relevant best practices, as recognized by Garden State Equality and other relevant organizations that engage in advocacy on behalf of the State’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) communities”.

Hey, does this make the lobbyists over at Garden State Equality government bureaucrats and subject to the state’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA)?  We hope so… for the sake of transparency.  How every form in New Jersey is re-worked and re-worded should be open to public scrutiny.

Garden State Equality should fall under OPRA anyway because they already exercise a disproportionate control over the Legislative agenda in Trenton.  We all remember GSE founder Steve Goldstein’s hissy fit over the Democrats’ failure to pass same-sex marriage in 2009.  Goldstein publicly threatened Senate President Steve Sweeney and the Democrats – telling them that he would withhold “gay” money from their campaigns in future, unless they publicly recanted.  And sure enough, they did, at something resembling a religious revival meeting.

Since then, the Democrats (and some Republicans) have knelt before GSE and the “gay” lobby like attendant concubines, awaiting instructions.  Remember that in 2017, the Legislature passed a bill designed to use the power of government – and your tax dollars – to fund Garden State Equality's lobbying and political efforts.  In effect, the Democrats created a program of government -funded lobbying and political campaign activity -- but only for one side. 

Garden State Equality – a group with a history of threatening elected officials when they don't get their way – is actually three separate organizations.  Garden State Equality Educational Fund, Inc., is a New Jersey non-profit corporation organized under the IRS Code as a 501(c)(3).  Garden State Equality Action Fund, Inc., is a non-profit corporation organized under the IRS Code as a 501(c)(4).    Garden State Equality, LLC, is a Domestic Limited Liability Corporation organized to run a political action committee (see below).

The legislation passed in 2017 (A-4790) specifically funds Garden State Equality, LLC, the political action committee.  Here's what it did:

An Act providing for the issuance of “Equality” license plates and supplementing chapter 3 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes.

   1.    a.  Upon proper application, the Chief Administrator of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission shall issue “Equality” license plates for any motor vehicle owned or leased and registered in this State.  In addition to the registration number and other markings or identification otherwise prescribed by law, the license plate shall display the Garden State Equality, LLC (“Garden State Equality”) emblem, consisting of: an image of a silhouette of the mathematical equivalency sign in the background and the shape of the State of New Jersey in a circle in the foreground.  The chief administrator shall select the design and color scheme, in consultation with Garden State Equality.  The “Equality” license plates shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 3 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes, except as hereinafter otherwise specifically provided.

     b.    Application for issuance of an “Equality” license plate shall be made to the chief administrator on forms and in a manner prescribed by the chief administrator.  In order to be deemed complete, an application shall be accompanied by a fee of $50, payable to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, which shall be in addition to the fees otherwise prescribed by law for the registration of a motor vehicle.  The chief administrator shall collect annually, subsequent to the year of issuance of the “Equality” license plates, a $10 fee for the license plates in addition to the fees otherwise prescribed by law for the registration of a motor vehicle.  The additional fees required by this subsection shall be deposited in the “Equality License Plate Fund” created pursuant to subsection c. of this section.

     c.     There is created in the Department of the Treasury a special non-lapsing fund to be known as the “Equality License Plate Fund.”  There shall be deposited in the fund the amount collected from all license plate fees collected pursuant to subsection b. of this section, less the amounts necessary to reimburse the commission for administrative costs pursuant to subsection d. of this section. Monies deposited in the fund shall be appropriated annually to Garden State Equality and shall be used to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocacy and educational programs in the State.  Monies deposited in the fund shall be held in interest-bearing accounts in public depositories as defined pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1970, c.236 (C.17:9-41), and may be invested or reinvested in securities approved by the State Treasurer.  Interest or other income earned on monies deposited into the fund, and any monies which may be appropriated or otherwise become available for the purposes of the fund, shall be credited to and deposited in the fund for use as set forth...

Apparently the sponsors of A-4790, along with the brain trusts at OLS and the Democrat Assembly Caucus, were so determined to secure this government funding for GSE, that they forget to properly vet Garden State Equality LLC.  If they had, they would have learned that the organization had been revoked by the New Jersey Department of Revenue in 2012 and that in 2015, they had been dissolved and terminated.


At the time, Garden State Equality Action Fund Inc. was also under suspension by the New Jersey Department of Revenue and had been for five years.  The group had filed its last annual report in April 2010 and had been pretty much a scofflaw since.  In 2012, Garden State Equality Action Fund's  status was listed as "revoked" and it was placed on "suspension" in July of that year. 

According to the most recent (at the time) IRS 990 tax statement filed by the Garden State Equality Educational Fund, the organization was in the process of repaying a $47,581.00 loan it received from Steve Goldstein.  The loan was negotiated without a written agreement and is a "loan for operating expenses", according to the information provided to the Internal Revenue Service.  So this is how you make government work for you… and you don't even need to follow the basic rules to do it. 

The Democrats who run the New Jersey Legislature are setting its committee agendas as though it were an auction – legislation likely to fetch a high price (in campaign contributions) is being pushed ahead of the peoples’ business.  In a state where so many are, due to financial hardship, moving out of state and away from their families, one would think that cutting property taxes and creating jobs would be higher on the list than the now ubiquitous “transgendered” this or that.  But as Steve Goldstein knew back in 2009, rich guys always get what they want in the end… whether it’s a womb in a third-world country or the agenda of a legislative committee. 

Trenton Democrats: Nothing on property taxes… but 222 new laws favoring LGBT special interests.

This is from the latest begging letter from Garden State Equality (GSE) – the folks who said that all they wanted was to pass same-sex marriage and they would be satisfied.  Hey, if they ever were “satisfied” there would be no reason for groups like Garden State Equality to exist and they’d all be in fear of losing their payday.  They can’t let that happen… and so they stoke the politics of fear…

“We’ve passed 222 civil rights laws in New Jersey protecting the LGBTQ community. And we’re not slowing down, because there’s more work to do.

In 2019, we’re going to ban the gay and trans panic defense, work to end LGBTQ youth homelessness, fight back against Trump’s transgender military ban, and push to pass the Equality Act. And we’ll continue our existing work for the LGBTQ community to build safe schools, expand healthcare, and support older adult populations.

In the last 12 months, we passed six new pro-equality laws that make our state stronger and safer for LGBTQ people.

Just last week alone: Governor Murphy signed the LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum bill into law—the second of its kind in the entire nation—and the historic Babs Siperstein Law went into effect, allowing transgender New Jerseyans to update their birth certificate without restrictions.

We know this fight means just as much to you as it does to us, and that’s why we need your help. We never would have made this much historic progress without you…”

… And then they hit their donors up for money.

Meanwhile, if those donors pay property taxes… they will continue to get screwed.  And if they own businesses… screwed again.  And when it rains… screwed and screwed again.

See, it isn’t about who you sleep with that brings people together.  That’s kind of personal.  What is universal is the screwing we’re all getting from the Trenton Democrats and their master screw-up-in-charge Governor Phil Murphy.

Groups like Garden State Equality (GSE) are masters at the politics of fear – and masters at using it to get paid.  The professional political class in Trenton appreciates their services because so long as people are focused on stuff like “the transgender military ban” they won’t notice the fact that they are getting poorer, taxed more, regulated more, less free. 

222 new laws… Nothing on property taxes.

Garden State Equality says state's only blind congressional candidate "should go"

Identity politics is a funny thing. 

From the statement issued by Christian Fuscarino, the young and very healthy executive director of Garden State Equality (GSE), if you enjoy sex with members of your own gender (if, indeed, we even recognize such things as gender anymore) you are superior and can apparently pass judgment on every other "identity" on earth.  And you can make such judgments, free from any human consideration  or courtesy -- what in less certain times we called "the benefit of the doubt."

Imagine the hee-haw that would be going on if the state's only gay candidate for Congress was being bullied from an election because someone had accused him of having said someone was "blind as a bat" a dozen years before?

And yet, based on an unproven allegation, by an individual who (as the basis of a law suit brought against the man he accused) has been totally discredited by an actual court of law, young and healthy Christian Fuscarino wants to throw a road block in the way of the state's only blind candidate for congressional office.  We have to ask Christian -- shouldn't we be promoting such candidacies?  Isn't this a victory for everyone concerned about diversity?

Think of the unique perspective that a blind candidate will bring to Congress, if he is fortunate enough to be elected.  Instead of discussing disability in the abstract, there will be someone in the room who actually lived it.  That's a positive thing, isn't it?

Now Christian and his fellows at GSE make much of -- to use a curiously Christian term -- the "crosses" they had to bear while coming of age.  Many say that it is ongoing.  We must be charitable and take their word for it, even though there is a certain subjectivity involved.  But blindness is not subjective, and we wonder how many would trade "crosses" with the human being who they are trying to deny the exercise of his civil rights?

We live in a very vicious time that will be followed by a more vicious time and one more vicious after that.  That is the trajectory.  It is made so because we no longer look into each others' eyes but instead contemplate a screen.  In a way, our society suffers from its own form of blindness, in that we fail to see the human. 

Unlike the blindness suffered by GSE's target, it is correctable, but does Christian Fuscarino wish to correct it?  He is young.  Time will tell.  Time will tell.

In the meantime... try to not be offended so much by everything.  And when you are offended, extend to the fellow human being offending you some charitable consideration.  Presume the best.  Instead of throwing a meaningless name at him, extend to him the benefit of the doubt.  Let the fires of your own hatred and of pride burn low... and perhaps... out.

Please enjoy this video... (lighten up)

Is GSE's Chris Fuscarino the face of modern Fascism?

ernst rohm.jpg

Read the statement below.  It could have been written in the 1930's by a guy named Ernst Rohm. 


Friend, moments ago the Birth Certificate Bill, a bill vetoed multiple times by Governor Chris Christie, passed the Senate!

This is great news for LGBT equality in New Jersey!

One thing is bothering me, though. 7 Senators voted against the bill. Senators Bucco, Conners, Doherty, Holzapfel, Oroho, Pennacchio, and Thompson all decided to stand on the wrong side of history and spat in the face of every LGBT resident in our state.

Together, we are going to take their negativity and turn it into something positive that helps our community.

The bill now needs to pass in the Assembly and then it heads to Governor Murphy's desk for signing!

[Donate] to send a message to any Assembly person that plans to vote against Equality, we get stronger when you stand against us!

Thank you for your support,

GSE Sign.png

Christian Fuscarino
Executive Director
Garden State Equality

"The wrong side of history"???

It was said of Churchill and of all those who counseled resistance to that modern and "inexorable" movement of the last century. 

Did GSE's Fuscarino lift that directly from Mrs. Charles Lindbergh's book, The Wave of the Future, A Confession of Faith?

GSE's Fuscarino suggests that there can be no discussion, no disagreement, that the Golden Ass has replaced the old God and we are now dominated by a cultural paradigm that is both Post-Christian and Post-Western.  Aside from being profoundly juvenile to expect a world in which everyone holds the same opinion, it is starkly authoritarian.  Not content with that, GSE's Fuscarino plays the LGBT storm trooper and goes a step further by threatening those who even consider voting their conscience.

In the July 1941 Issue of Foreign Affairs, The Wave of the Future, was panned for its meek surrender to the bullies of Fascism:

"This is one of the most controversial books to appear in recent years, and one of the most difficult to appraise. In substance, Mrs. Lindbergh's thesis is that the great fact of history, the law of life, is eternal and inexorable change, that we are now in one of the great periods of rapid and profound change, and that it is therefore the better part of wisdom -- for Americans as well as for all other peoples -- to accept this process, whatever it may be, and not to fight against it.

The 'wave of the future,' as it presents itself to Mrs. Lindbergh, is totalitarian, and in her eyes there is no use in our trying, Canute-like, to stem it. The net effect of Mrs. Lindbergh's book, perhaps unintentional, is even more destructive than the mechanistic approach to life expounded by her husband because it furnishes a sort of vade mecum for the defeatists. One of the most disturbing things about this sincere, and in some respects courageous, little volume is its evasion of some of the real issues, particularly the moral ones. It carries the subtitle 'A Confession of Faith,' but it is precisely faith that the author seems to lack."

Of course, Western culture withstood that "Wave of the Future" and prevailed as it would later prevail over Communism -- itself presented as part of the unstoppable march of history. 

The truth is, all these things that appear "new" are in fact "old".  It is just that people like GSE's Chris Fuscarino are so ignorant of history that they don't know it.  Their progress consists of rummaging through the attic of mankind's past, to find clothes that appear exotic, but are in fact relics from the past.  The ignorant do this endlessly in their chase for fashion.

As the writer and philosopher (and liberal Democrat, Hillary Clinton supporter, and openly lesbian) Camille Paglia explains, we have been here before and are simply going through another one of mankind's "Great Re-Learnings."

Fashion.  The honorable members of the New Jersey Legislature should think before succumbing to fashion, no matter how much money they are promised for doing so.  Because rest assured, fashion will change.

Why bully Clifton when you can celebrate with us?

In political fundraising, conflict generates cash.  And if you really want to raise money, find yourself a hate object and create something for which you can be offended.  Even so, we find the "offense" behind Garden State Equality's latest hate object -- the town of Clifton -- a bit of a stretch.  According to the whiney release from Chris Fuscarino, GSE's new executive director, Clifton hasn't flown the rainbow flag and so the sky is falling.  Wow, they haven't flown the German flag either, but that hasn't sent the town's German-American population into the streets screaming.

Screw Clifton if they don't want to party.  Last week, we invited you to come party with us this weekend at Lambertville-New Hope Pride and yes, they will have all the rainbow flags you could ever ask for.  They even have a super-duper rainbow flag that will be a big feature at Saturday's parade.  What more could you ask for?

So here's that invitation again (and we're sending it special to Tim and Reed):

May 11, 2016

Mr. Christian Fuscarino,

Executive Director

Garden State Equality

40 South Fullerton Ave.

Montclair, NJ 07042


Dear Christian,

In ten days, Saturday May 21st, Lambertville and New Hope will be holding their annual Pride Parade.  The event begins at 11:30am in Lambertville and crosses the Delaware River Peace Bridge into New Hope.  About 15,000 are expected to attend.

We would like you to join us in the festivities.  As the event is being held in Assemblyman Reed Gusciora's district, we suggest you invite him and Assemblyman Tim Eustace as well.  It would be a great opportunity to talk person-to-person, without the artifice of politics to obscure things.

Both Assemblymen -- Reed and Tim -- have suggested that they would be supportive of legislation to protect religious freedom, so long as a way can be found to prevent overt discrimination.  And we believe that together we can find a way to provide women and girls with a choice, so that they are not forced to use the same intimate facilities as anatomical males.

But don't worry.  We won't let this get heavy.  This is more about enjoying each other's company, having a few beers, and taking in the festivities.  So hopefully you can spend the time and enjoy the parade with us.


Yours for the First Amendment,

Jersey Conservative

Hey guys, we could have a sing-along!  Just picture it.  A concordat of souls putting aside their policy and political differences to enjoy each other's company, on the level, as human beings.  Maybe we could get our bartender to put on some classic sub-pop and we could do a little Jesse Bernstein.  Now here's a classic...


We are with Garden State Equality on Kelly

Garden State Equality (GSE) sent out an email today that opposes Ocean County politico Jack Kelly getting a $100,000 per year patronage appointment to the State Parole Board.  On Monday, Governor Christie re-nominated Kelly, a long-time Ocean County Freeholder and life-long patronage job holder, who ran for the Republican nomination for Congress in District 3 in 2008.  Kelly's appointment to the Parole Board must be approved by the full Senate.

GSE says they oppose Kelly's appointment for the very narrow reason that they "cannot allow him to be in a position of power to continue to do harm to the LGBT community again."  That's the problem when you see everything through the lens of sexual identity. 

Believe it or not, the term "LGBT" is already outdated.  Real "progressives" use "LGBTQIA" as their designation.  This includes "Queer," "Intersex" and "Asexual." 

Others take it much further and include designations like "Bear," described below:

Bear Community: a part of the queer community composed of queer men similar in looks and interests, most of them big, hairy, friendly and affectionate.  The community aims to provide spaces where one feels wanted, desired, and liked.  It nourishes and values an individual’s process of making friends, of learning self-care and self-love through the unity and support of the community.  Bears, Cubs, Otters, Wolves, Chasers, Admirers and other wildlife comprise what has come to be known as the Brotherhood of Bears and/or the Bear community.  See also: Ursula

(SOURCE:  University of California at Davis, LGBTQIA Resource Center)

These designations owe more to the commercial marketing of products or political marketing for donations that they do our shared human reality.  

Whether or not you are "big and hairy" doesn't change your human needs for food and shelter.  It doesn't mean you breathe differently, bleed a different color, or suffer disease and death differently.  We are all human beings and we share a lot more than groups like GSE want us to think about. 

A jobless economy, high property taxes, foreclosure, and homelessness doesn't give you a pass because you are a member of the "Bear Community."  Here's a news flash for GSE and its "allies" -- just as our common humanity transcends our sexual habits, there are human concerns that have nothing to do with how individuals do or don't achieve orgasms.

One of these human concerns is justice.  Human beings living here in America expect a certain fairness.  Regardless of what we do with our sexual equipment, we don't like the idea of someone getting a $100,000 taxpayer-funded job based on who he knows, not what he knows. 

And this isn't the first time for Jack Kelly, back in 2008, he was slammed by fellow Republicans for earlier patronage scams:

"(Kelly was criticized for his) former employment with the South Jersey Transportation Authority and the payments in lieu of health benefits he received through that job while also receiving tax-payer funded benefits as an Ocean County freeholder... both of the jobs Kelly held while working at Atlantic City International Airport -- airport analyst and airport business manager --were created on the day Kelly was hired and neither job was publicly advertised.  There was no need or justification for those positions, and Jack Kelly did not meet qualifications for either of them... the qualifications listed for the jobs include a college degree and at least five-years of experience in the aviation field. Kelly had neither." 

(SOURCE:  Atlantic City Press, May 2, 2008)

Just how is politician Jack Kelly now qualified to serve on the State Parole Board?  Has he written a book on the subject that we don't know about?

The arguments against Jack Kelly's appointment to the  State Parole Board are stronger because of the common morality that we share as human beings, our shared sense of right and wrong.  GSE screws that all to hell when they make it narrowly about THEM and THEM ALONE.

It makes us ask the question, would GSE be supporting Jack Kelly if he were a Democrat and a member of the LGBTQIA "Bear Community"?  And it certainly doesn't help when they point to the "moral" outrage of career political hacks like Senators Ray "Lord of Ass" Lesniak and Loretta "Mother Roach" Weinberg.  For years, Ray Lesniak (his Lordship to the rest of you) was the poster boy for the corrupt practice of pay-to-play -- while Mother Roach has sat quietly while some of the biggest turds on earth have been appointed to high office.

It is a pity that GSE threw our common shared morality out the window in its pursuit of a narrow-minded, juvenile, narcissistic grievance narrative.  It's like they are telling us that they don't give a crap about anybody not represented by a letter in the LGBTQIA... alphabet.  That's how they are with their so-called bathroom legislation when they say "shut up and do what we tell you to do" to girls and women who don't want to share a toilet with someone sporting a penis.  

GSE has lost its common morality.  It has become like so many others who have put their bullshit before their humanity.