ANTIFA and The Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart

By Rubashov

Ever hear of the "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart"?  It was known better as the Berlin Wall.

Today is an anniversary of sorts for the Berlin Wall.  It has been down as long as it was up.  Which tells you something about the perspective of today's Millennials.

The wall was built by the German Democratic Republic in August 1961 and it fell in November 1989, although it wasn't fully demolished until 1992.  The wall was built by self-described "anti-fascist" leftists who feared that their people would "vote with their feet" and leave "paradise" for the "fascist" West.  The wall was designed to keep people in, not out.

140 people died trying to cross the wall, that we know of.  Thousands of others were arrested for making the choice and attempting to leave.  Doubtless, the anti-fascists thought they were torturing them for their own good.

Words bestow a certain righteousness upon those who take them.  Call yourself an "anti-fascist" and there is no end of mischief that you can justify.  And especially so when your memory does not reach back so far as to remember such things as the "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart."

Pop a pussy hat on your head, call yourself the "Women's March," and follow a leader like Linda Sarsour -- who calls for an American "Jihad" -- or praise a cop-killer like Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur), a convicted terrorist.  It's all covered by the words.

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We're the "Women's March" so we're cool.  Hey, look at the words if you don't believe us.  Just like the "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart" -- now what can be wrong with that?  Just look at the words.  Disagreeing with us makes YOU a fascist!

Curiously, the term ANTIFA is a German language acronym.  It stands for Anti-Faschistische Aktion.  The "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart" when translated into the original German is Antifaschistischer Schutzwall.  Read as originally intended the words do have a different punch, don't they?

When we speak or write of ANTIFA and its allies, perhaps we should make it a point from now on to discard the acronym and go with the original German:  Anti-Faschistische Aktion.  It lends a certain understanding of who it is that we're dealing with.

Understand too that the idea of showing up and mobbing a local congressional office is a tactic with a lineage that comes out of a darker time.  Those who are into such performance art are purposefully mimicking the mob-based hysteria whipped up by the wannabe authoritarians of the past.  Not only the Women's March, but groups like Action Together, RISE, Indivisible, The Resistance is Now, and Anti-Faschistische Aktion, have all participated in these mob-actions with the idea of overturning the outcome of democratic elections, held in accordance to agreed upon rules. 

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Democrat Party candidates in CD11, CD07, and CD03 have all particpated in these Anti-Faschistische Aktion inspired mob actions, for the purposes of subverting democratic elections.  These mob actions have attracted the support of some very questionable people -- like Women's March co-chair Linda Sarsour, who called for "Jihad" against the government of the United States.  When did being "the loyal opposition" morph into a "resistance movement" bent on breaking the law and undermining the American government?  And what does this say about the character of Mikie Sherrill, Lisa Mandelblatt, Tom Malinowski, and Andrew Kim?

Know who your "friends" are and what they stand for -- because you will be held responsible for those you willingly cavort with.  And keep clear of the Anti-Faschistische Aktion crowd who, when holding up a mirror to themselves, see only fascists.