Crucial Race in Republican Primary for the Assembly in Lakewood, NJ

by Binyomin FeinbergBS"D

16 Sivan, 5781 °° May 27, '21 °° Parshas Beha'aloscha

For NJ Republican Primary voters, we urge support for Alter Eliezer Richter, of Lakewood, running for the State Assembly seat of Assemblyman Sean Kean. Much to the chagrin of the informed value-voters of his Lakewood base, Kean has unfortunately frequently voted for pro-LGBT legislation. Some of his worst offenses were voting for indoctrinational pro-LGBT legislation, masquerading as Education bills. Sample offenses include:

Alter Eliezer Richter is running in the Republican primary for the State Assembly in the 30th district. (Photo courtesy of Alter Eliezer Richter)

Alter Eliezer Richter is running in the Republican primary for the State Assembly in the 30th district. (Photo courtesy of Alter Eliezer Richter)

° S1569: On May 17, 2018, Kean voted Yes to include LGBT in NJ Public School Education. This law requires the NJ Board of Education to include "instruction" on "the political, economic, and social contributions* of ... and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, in an appropriate place" in the curriculum of middle school and high school.

* [The aforementioned "contributions" apparently do not include the millions of LGBT-identifying people, in addition to countless others, killed by preventable diseases [AIDS et. al] - spread through politically-correct infection tolerance policies of ostensibly pro-LGBT political and activist leaders. Those deadly medical policies stand as diametrically opposed to the current Establishment stance towards the similarly deadly Corona plague.]

° S3067: On June 29, 2017, Kean voted Yes to require the Commissioner of Education "to develop guidelines for school districts regarding transgender students.” This antireligious edict ("Gezaira al HaDas") includes LGBT indoctrinational books in school libraries, transgenders in school bathrooms and locker rooms & LGBT clubs.

° S705: On May 24, 2018, Kean voted Yes to establish a "Transgender Equality Task Force" - to suggest new LGBT laws.

° S478: On May 24, 2018, he voted Yes to allow the incorrect sex on NJ birth certificates (indicating just how ingrained this abject nonsense is, treating human will (or lust) as dominant over undeniable biological reality).

° LGBT Recidivism: After an earlier pro-LGBT vote, Kean promised not to similarly strike against morality again, but indeed did it again, multiple times.

Kean, and his fellow travellers in the GOP, and their "conservative" enablers, need to understand something. The LGBT advocacy movement (the core of which TIME magazine has previously dubbed the "Gay Mafia") poses an existential threat to American society, and to our religious communities in particular. That's because their goal is the eradication of sincere adherents of Torah morality, starting with Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 (but by no means ending there). If we don't ensure that Republican LGBT collaborationists in government find alternative employment, we lose. When the war is waged against our very existence as religious communities, defeat cannot be an option. If we continue to vote in the lesser evil, we'll secure our ultimate defeat. In that sense, it's often better to allow an anti-morality Democrat to win, if thereby at least we'll retain a fighting chance to elect a pro-morality next candidate next election.

It's important to understand that Mr. Richter is running on morality, period - whatever his views are on other issues. A vote for Richter is a vote for morality, and a vote for Kean is definitively not.

It's crucial that we send the GOP a message, and now: your collaboration with the LGBT agenda is killing us. And, from the perspective of those aware of all of the relevant medical science* regarding the tens of millions worldwide killed by AIDS and similarly preventable diseases, that's not in the slightest an exaggeration.


* We refer the reader to the valuable, authoritative resources of "Mass Resistance." That organization is based in Massachusetts, but active worldwide. They offer a book with with powerful documentation regarding those aforementioned medical facts.

° For more perspective on another pro-LGBT bill, against which substantial lobbying was unable to extract more than a mere abstention from Kean, see:

"10th of Teves Alert: Making LGBT Exploitation Legal [Again] in NJ", posted on Asara B'Teves, '81 / Dec. 25, '20 (

For more relevant perspective, also see these resources:

° (actually an early version on that article).


Six GOP idiots only complicate Malinowski’s role in sex-offender bill

By Rubashov

Isn’t it humorous when politicians try to weasel out of something instead of an honest and forthright defense?  Congressman Tom Malinowski is currently playing the weasel – and it is entirely his own doing.
Reporting on a “controversial television ad saying that Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-Ringoes) lobbied on behalf of sex offenders,” David Wildstein of the New Jersey Globe writes: 

The ad alleges that Malinowski opposed a section of the 2006 crime bill creating a national sex offender registry while heading the Washington office of Human Rights Watch.   Malinowski has vehemently denied any role and one of his colleagues corroborated that…
In testimony prepared for Congress, Human Rights Watch suggesting that while sex offender registration was warranted, there was “no legitimate community safety justification for the provisions in this legislation that require offenders to register for the rest of their lives, regardless of whether they have lived offense free for decades.”

In a New Jersey Globe debate with his Republican opponent, Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean, Jr. on Sunday, Malinowski insisted that he had nothing to do with the crime bill when it came up fourteen years ago.

“I did not play any such role,” Malinowski said.
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney General Jennifer Daskal, who worked at Human Right Watch in 2006, told the New Jersey Globe in August that she handled the crime bill and Malinowski did not attended any meetings on the legislation.

This mirrors the b.s. served up by Janet Rosenzweig, Chris Christie’s nominee to head the NJ Department of Children and Families.  Rosenzweig tried the “I knew nothing” scam too when confronted about her former job as executive director of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.  In the end, the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee didn’t buy it and she didn’t get the job.
In Tom Malinowski’s case, the guy has often bragged about how much he saved the world when he was at Human Rights Watch.  Now Tom is doing a Sgt. Schultz.

But a quick check of the group’s website during 2006 clearly lists him as the head of advocacy at the Washington, DC office. 
Kenneth Roth, Executive Director 
Carroll Bogert, Associate Director 
Nicolette Boehland, Associate
Matthew Collins-Gibson, Executive Assistant & Board Liaison
Camille Hawit, Senior Assistant
Peggy Hicks, Global Advocacy Director (on leave)
Wolfgang Buettner, Administrative Assistant
Tanya Cox, Associate
Steve Crawshaw, London Director
Loubna Freih, Geneva Director (on leave)
Mariette Grange, Geneva Advocacy Director
Marianne Heuwagen, Berlin Director
Lotte Leicht, EU Advocacy Director
Allison Lombardo, Associate
Tom Malinowski, Washington Advocacy Director
Anna Richmond, Associate
Rania Suidan, Associate
Tom Malinowski was one of the top dogs at Human Rights Watch, the 15th name on a long list of the organization’s staffers.  Jennifer Daskal, who is obligingly taking the fall for her elected friend, is mentioned all the way down the list as the 151st name listed.  Does Tom really want us to think that he, the Washington Advocacy Director, had nothing to do with one of the group’s top issues in Washington, DC?  Was he incompetent?  Just a pretty face?
Looking at the circa 2006 website of the organization of which Tom Malinowski was a part, we see sentiments like these…
“Banishment is not the answer (regarding a four-time sex offender)… Communities will be safer when sex offenders are able to re-integrate, receive support for behavior change, establish new adult relationships… (sex offender) registries become vehicles for the vicious ostracism and pointless torment of the men and women identified on them.”
“Some crimes—like the recent highly publicized cases of children murdered by registered sex offenders—test our capacity to envision clear-headed and effective responses. But these are exactly the kinds of responses we need. Stripping offenders of their dignity and casting them out might make us feel better, but it diverts us from developing policies that would make our children safer.”
There are dozens and dozens and dozens more like them.
So how can Tom Malinowski now claim to have missed the fact that his organization had serious issues with sex offender registries like those in Megan’s Law?  Was he unfamiliar with his group’s own website?  Was Malinowski, as the group’s top lobbyist in Washington, oblivious to its point of view as expressed in everything from press releases to policy papers?  It doesn’t seem likely.
Now for the six GOP idiots who have tried to virtue-signal their way into the limelight.  They issued a statement, reported in the New Jersey Globe, that was sickening in its saccharine insincerity:
“…the ad plays into and amplifies a dangerous current of fear in our politics, which is turning Americans against one another and distracting us from the real challenges our country faces… there should be agreement that the debate should be based on facts and focus on issues. We want to hear where the candidates stand and how they differ on important issues like the economy, health care, the environment, public safety, and national security.”
Wow, these Republican fools sound very much like the website (circa 2006) of the group Tom Malinowski worked for…

“Public officials and the public they serve should focus more on promoting programs that make sex offenders accountable to their communities instead of pandering to fear and public hysteria by pushing them into dangerous margins.”
Did these Republican donkeys forget that our political process mirrors our legal process in that it is adversarial?  There’s a lawyer or two among those six.  And since when is Megan’s Law and protecting children from sexual assault and murder not an “important issue”?  Are any of these fools contemplating re-election?      
Even worse for these Republican office holders is that right in big bold letters on that group’s annual report is the name of the man who funded such sentiments… George Soros.  And it’s almost funny when you consider that some of these jackasses actually used the same issue against their opponents when they were candidates and actually expanded upon it when they got into office…
The township moved closer to restricting convicted sex offenders from living near schools and parks when it re-introduced an ordinance that would expand the provisions set by Megan’s Law… The ordinance would make it illegal for any Tier 2 and Tier 3 sex offender to live within 2,500 feet of any school or public park.  Tier 2 and 3 sex offenders are those determined by the state to pose a moderate or relatively high risk of re-offense respectively… The new ordinance identifies by name the restricted areas including all township schools, parks, and the Board of Education administration building. The proposed restrictions also apply to recreation areas in private developments... The proposed ordinance builds on the state and federal law, which only requires that communities be made aware of the presence of convicted sex offenders.
Tom Malinowski’s group would not be in favor of this, no way.
While Malinowski hides from his past and his Republican donkeys piss down their own legs, Tom Moran of the Star-Ledger attempted to examine the issue itself in detail.  Of course, he did get a bit too emotional about it, a bit too personal, for some reason.  We certainly don’t think Tom Moran really believes that Human Rights Watch favors sex offender registries, because they don’t.
And that’s okay.     
Lots of people on both the Left and the Right have honest philosophical reservations about sex offender registries.  Scott Garrett, as a member of the New Jersey Legislature, voted against provisions of Megan’s Law because he had philosophical misgivings about it. 
Nobody needs to run from having an intelligent discussion about sex offender registries.  Nobody needs to call anyone a liar for raising the issue or, as those six Republican jackasses did, suggest that it is not a proper subject for discussion. 
An honest defense by Malinowski of his group’s philosophical position would have actually advanced the public’s understanding of the policy.  At their best, that’s what political campaigns are supposed to do.  And that’s what the media is supposed to assist them in doing.  But instead, we have ducking and hiding, and hysterics and screaming and stupidity.  What a pity.    
And finally, Tom Moran calls Human Rights Watch “a globally respected organization that won the Nobel Peace Prize”.  Well, Aung San Suu Kyi – Malinowski’s gal – was once “globally respected”.  That was before she became known as the “handmaiden to genocide.”  Bernie Madoff was “globally respected” once-upon-a-time.  Harvey Weinstein was a "globally respected" film producer who was awarded a CBE from Queen Elizabeth II.  The terrorist Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.  Murdered a great many people, won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Fritz Haber, the inventor of that wartime favorite – chlorine gas – also picked up a Nobel Prize.  Thousands died, many blinded, but he got a prize.  Even Adolf Hitler was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and he was Time Magazine's "Man of the Year".  No kidding. 

Ideas and reputations either withstand scrutiny or they do not.  Pointing to credentials instead of arguing your point is the last refuge of the incompetent.

(with apologies to Isaac Asimov)