Matt Rooney calls out the Democrats on their hypocrisy

This is a must read from Matt Rooney – one of New Jersey brightest Republican stars (and, hopefully, a future candidate for public office).  Rooney is a South Jersey attorney and editor of the Save Jersey news website.  He often teams up with NJ 101.5’s Bill Spadea both on radio and on Fox’s Chasing News program.

Rooney’s latest column is titled, As rich white guys battle for control, N.J. Democrats’ rhetoric doesn’t match their reality.  In it, Rooney makes these important points:  

For all the progressive/woke/social justice warrior BS we hear from New Jersey Democrats these days, their party’s power structure is remarkably simple and boils down to two mega rich white guys (Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive and Norcross, a labor leader turned insurance industry titan) battling over the Garden State’s Iron Throne.

Power, money, tax credits, crony capitalism, special legislation… even loyalty oaths.

…My issue here is one of intellectual integrity. The public sector unions are powerful, you bet, but the NJEA couldn’t touch Steve Sweeney (the Senate President and the Norcross-led machine’s top elected asset) in the 2017 election.

Diversity gets a lot of lip service from the Left in this state, but New Jersey’s most powerful Democrat decision-makers (Murphy, Sweeney, Norcross, Assembly Speaker Coughlin) are all older white dudes. We hear a lot about the “working class” from Trenton, but each and every policy and budget are designed to put the screws to taxpayers in favor of keeping these rich guys and their power structures chugging right along.

What I’m saying is that Democrats’ lofty rhetoric doesn’t match their reality. On either side of this fight. New Jersey’s true form of government is a blend of socialism and oligarchy (with a sprinkle of kleptocracy for good measure).

They may disagree with one another on tax credits and a small handful of other issues, but Leftist economic policies supported by both sides of the Murphy-Norcross divide haven’t helped the Middle Class in this state. New Jersey’s women, minority communities, and millennials are being left out of the economic BOOM sweeping the rest of the country as a direct result of the aforementioned bad decision and sometimes self-serving business decisions of the Democrat power elite which has dominated the legislature (and therefore Trenton) for almost two full decades.

Helping the Middle Class = lowering property taxes. None of these guys are talking about that. Ever wonder why?

Yes, why indeed?

You can read Matt Rooney’s entire column here…

Is gun control just political theatre for Trenton Dems?

Trenton Democrats have an opportunity to show they are more than just b.s. artists when it comes to gun control.  They can follow the lead of many of New Jersey’s new Democrats in Congress and pass a resolution to condemn Washington’s radicalism that wants to make it easier to put guns into the hands of illegals in America.

Led by Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-05), most of New Jersey’s freshman Democrats in Congress opposed the Democrat majority in Congress – run by Speaker Nancy Pelosi – who opposed common sense gun safety legislation that required ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement – to be notified when an illegal immigrant is trying to purchase a firearm.  Congressman Gottheimer and a number of other Democrats joined with Republicans to support this legislation, which is designed to prevent illegals with violent criminal records in their home countries – and recruits to violent gangs like MS-13 – from obtaining a handgun or semi-automatic rifle.  

Democrats like Tom Malinowski (D-07) stood with Speaker Pelosi in opposing this common sense gun safety legislation.   Malinowski and Pelosi say that Americans should undergo background checks when they seek to purchase a gun to protect their home homes and families, but not illegals.  Malinowski and Pelosi support giving new recruits to groups like MS-13 the means to make their mark on American society.

As the former campaign manager for Malinowski’s campaign in Morris County, Democrat Assembly candidate Darcy Draeger should be asked what she thinks about her Congressman’s bad vote on this common sense gun safety legislation. Draeger should be asked to step up and do something about it – at the very least to issue a statement from the (Lisa) Bhimani – (Darcy) Draeger for Assembly campaign that opposes Malinowski’s position in opposition to this common sense gun safety legislation.

In voting against this common sense gun safety legislation, Malinowski joined with professional gun-criminal coddler Congresswoman Bonnie Watson-Coleman (D-12) whose own sons were convicted of gun-crime – the armed hold-up of a toy store in central New Jersey.  It is disgraceful for Malinowski to endanger the lives of his constituents and their families in this way. 

As State GOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt of Warren County said:  “Tom Malinowski is way out of step with the people of North Jersey” and is “perpetuating a prioritization of coddling illegal immigrants rather than supporting taxpayers and keeping our communities safe.” 

Steinhardt added: “This was obvious and important enough to earn the support of New Jersey Congressional Democrats Van Drew (D-02), Kim (D-03), Gottheimer (D-05), and Sherrill (D-11), and, of course, Republican Chris Smith (R-04).”  Now the question is for Trenton Democrats like Senate President Steve Sweeney and Speaker Craig Coughlin to step up and show that all their “gun control” talk isn’t just political theatre and that they mean it, by adding their voices in support of this common sense gun safety legislation.

Pass a resolution to condemn Tom Malinowski and the other members of Congress who opposed this common sense gun safety measure, thereby putting all New Jerseyeans and their families at risk.

New bill helps rich LGBT One Percenters at the expense of the poor and working class

To illustrate how silly things have become, in the not-too-distant future someone will need to channel comedian Will Franken when seeking government assistance in New Jersey: “Who do I need to (sleep with) to get some help (in New Jersey)?”

Don’t know Will Franken?  He’s a regular at the Edinburgh Fringe, someone on the cutting edge of comedy.  In 2015, Franken went transgender and spent seven months living as Sarah Franken.  Franken told The Guardian, he had lived as a woman years earlier, for a few months, while a 20-something in San Francisco.  Franken is known for taking on multiple characters during his stand-up routines.  Franken, who has now “transitioned” back to being Will again, has been compared to Andy Kaufman and Firesign Theatre…

But we digress…

So why will validation of sexual preference (via a sex act???) be the new means test in the New Jersey that Phil Murphy is in the process of designing? 

ANSWER:  Because of new laws that are being passed by New Jersey’s Legislature (and then signed into law by Governor Moe-Moe). 

Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin was recently praised by a group calling itself the “New Jersey LGBTQ Democratic Caucus”:

“On behalf of our members and our community the New Jersey LGBTQ Democratic Caucus would like to extend our gratitude and praise to the Assembly and Speaker Coughlin on passing A3162, which would create certain assistance programs for businesses owned by lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender persons, by persons with a disability, and by veterans. With the passage of A3162 the Assembly has sent a clear message that all businesses are welcome and that New Jersey rewards hard work.”

Get a load of that last line of b.s.  New Jersey is the worst state in America to start a business – with the worst business climate in America.  Are we to believe that A-3162 is really the best way to send “a clear message that all businesses are welcome and that New Jersey rewards hard work”?  How about cutting property taxes and addressing regulation???

All that A-3162 really does is to reward someone based on who they select for a sex partner.  That’s it.  Sex-based affirmative action. 

To make the legislation more palatable, the honorables engaged in the dishonorable practice of using “persons with a disability” and “veterans” as a cover.  Nobody wants to vote against something for them… and with good reason.  But we have news for Speaker Coughlin and his Assembly Democrats… bi-sexuality is not a disability and serving in the military is not a sex act.

The fact that the Democrats had to mix apples and oranges in order to get this legislation passed is an admission that the LGBTQ cause is not a popular one – certainly not popular enough for even the majority Democrats to pass it on its own merits.  We have news for the  “New Jersey LGBTQ Democratic Caucus” – selling out is not a victory.  It is an open and public demonstration of your weakness and lack of popular support.

Hiding behind “persons with a disability” and “veterans” to advance your sex-based agenda is no different than a terrorist using children and other noncombatants as a shield, to hold them hostage, to coerce an action from those legislators who would otherwise vote differently.It is cowardice and you should learn from your betters…

We blame Speaker Coughlin, when too often it really isn’t the name on the marquee that is the problem.  It’s the same reason that National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month has been ignored by the New Jersey Legislature and the Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation Prevention Act can’t get a committee hearing. 

The majority Democrats in the Legislature have allowed January to pass by without formally recognizing it as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month – an idea that President Barack Obama came up with in 2010.  In every other state in America it’s been recognized… but not in New Jersey!  This despite the fact that the United Nations, the U.S. State Department, and groups like Amnesty International, have recognized human trafficking as the fastest growing organized criminal activity on earth.  The state’s Attorney General has pointed to plenty of instances of it going on in New Jersey, but the Legislature is ignoring it.  Why? 

ANSWER:  Because some staffer in Democrat Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg’s office thinks the effort to combat human trafficking will get in the way of his sexual gratification.  So it doesn’t get a committee hearing.

It’s time start naming names and unpacking the people who whisper into the ears of those in power, who steer them.  Some legislators, Senator Tom Kean Jr. among them, have argued that staff should be outside the bounds of polite discourse – that they are somehow not political.  President Ronald Reagan disagreed.  Reagan held that “people are policy” and that who hold these positions do more to craft the politics of the day than do those who actually hold elected office. 

So it is time to take a hard look at the likes of Mickey Quinn, who appears responsible for taking the hostages for A-3162.  Not Speaker Coughlin… Mickey Quinn.

Stay tuned…