(Giyus Banos update referenced in) Rabbi's Roundup - Week of Parshas Beshalach, 5781

Our latest press release deplores a "classically Antisemitic" attack on a Biden appointee. Besides the importance of doing so from a moral perspective and to combat all forms of Antisemitism, this also leaves those who previously tried to portray the CJV as politically partisan looking for a new line of attack. We are here to promote Jewish values, and remain hopeful that we will have many reasons to praise the Biden Administration, rather than criticize it as we also did this week.

I am also pleased to share with you our annual report, concisely highlighting our most prominent efforts and successes during the 2020 calendar year. It also hints to what you will see us doing in the not so distant future. As our efforts are magnified by rabbinic, practical and financial support, we sincerely appreciate your participation in bringing us to this point.

Also, due to support for Congresswoman Mary Miller, her office reached out to us to invite our rabbis and "members of the Jewish community" to a (Zoom) meeting on Monday. While space is limited, those who would like to participate -- especially Illinois residents -- should please email our office at office@cjvalues.org.

CJV News & Opinion

News from Other Organizations:

Articles of Interest:

Kol tuv to all,

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer

Chairman, CJ Rabbinic Circle
