The True Face of LGBT "Equality" : The True Face of LGBT Barbarism

by Binyomin Feinberg

15 Shvat, 5781 °° Parshas BeShalach °° January 28, '2

A recent federal Executive Order entitled “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation,” requires federally funded schools to allow male students who purport to be girls to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms (and to compete on women’s sports teams). This is a rebellion against G-d, and His Torah, which holds the immutable male and female facets of the Creation as foundational principles.

To posit that will or hormone treatments can trump biological or spiritual ontology is totally incorrect, utterly immoral, and extremely dangerous. This new policy is an attack on lucidity itself, as well as student safety, religious rights, and fundamental privacy. This edict will invariably lead to molestation of innocent youth.

In addition, a relatively recent Torah sage once observed that "English is the language of the political lie." This Executive Order posits that “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.”

Now, children — especially girls — will have worry about being denied proper access to all of the above, inasmuch as that they cannot privately and safely use their own bathrooms or locker rooms, and will be expected to undress in the presence of members of the opposite sex. When the Left (of whichever party) seeks to legitimize an evil policy, it generally cloaks it in the language of "protection" (of some group) from that very iniquity they seek to advance.

"It is a sad day indeed when the new administration, which entered office with the promise to unite, has commenced its activities by offending basic principles of privacy and decency, by endorsing the use of women's changing rooms by biological males who claim to be females,” said Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer (CJV). “This Executive Order threatens the safety of all Americans, especially women and girls.” (source: Coalition for Jewish Values email)

G-d willing, this anti-Torah edict will soon be rescinded in full. It is literally a child-victimization time bomb. It demonstrates for all the ruthlessness that LGBT activists will employ. This is not equality -- it's sheer barbarism.