Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade, The Jews, and Abortion in Israel
15 Shvat, 5781 °° Parshas BeShalach °° January 28, '21
by Binyomin Feinberg

On occasion on the anniversary of Roe. v. Wade, we briefly note he impact of that counter-Constitutional SCOTUS decision on "Jewish Population Control." It's impact has been simply devastating. Roe resulted in over 800,000 Jewish babies being killed in America. This is not even discussing the indoctrination of untold numbers of Jews by Planned Parenthood dogma taught in schools, or the impact of the trafficking industry, which is routinely enabled by abortion providers.

And even worse statistics are coming out of Israel. Abortion has been perpetrated in Israel to the extent of an estimated two million Jewish babies - killed by "fellow Jews" and their enablers. The world-renowned Rav Avigdor Miller, OB"M, sounded the alarm over 40 years ago, when the Israeli body-count had already surpassed one million. IF there is indeed any "decrease" in the Israeli abortion rate, it's likely because traditional families are growing in number, thus the statistics can be manipulated to convey the appearance that Israeli society is making strides in regard to abortion.

Given the increase in secularization of many Israelis, that optimistic view of Israeli abortion seems skewed, likely jaundiced by a political agenda to put on a good face for Christian Zionists, who generally oppose, at least in theory, the radically pro-abortion policies of secularist Israeli governments.

Additionally, birth control options are becoming more available, including in the Israeli Army itself.. So it's not appropriate to rejoice over Israeli abortion trends, except for those nostalgic for "the good old days" in 1939-45, R"L, when Jewish abortion saw numbers competitive with the current Israeli "accomplishments."

One of the primary perpetrators of the continued abortion holocaust in Israel is the Israeli Army. The Army is not just for national security, but to serve as a cultural melting pot for Israeli society. And melting down society it does - and how. Jewish women, who - for thousands of years - would never think of rampant promiscuity, premarital relationships, birth control or abortion are now routinely introduced to the moral depravity of modern secularist military life at a young age, thanks to the Israeli female military draft. Consequently, many, many girls and women succumb, under the immense pressures of military life and zero tolerance for dissent from military brass policies.

One way to push back against abortion in Israel is to campaign against the female draft, and perhaps against the military draft altogether. Israel doesn't have a military justification to draft women. They have enough men, if not a surplus.

They have enough of a technological edge to reduce manpower needs. To be frank, the secularist dominated Israeli Army drafts women and girls for the men of the Army, not for the People of Israel. And the more diabolical among them have intentions even more nefarious - to debase the moral fiber of the Jewish People, to mold the next generation to fit the godless hedonistic paradigm for which the Israeli elite have become infamous.

Their agenda to draft girls by nature includes expanding the draft to more traditional and religious families, especially in recent years. Those involved in providing assistance to individual girls see a methodic escalation in the drafting of traditional and religious girls over the past several years, and even over the past half a year. This is a crisis that will only worsen until properly and relentlessly exposed.


This week's Human-Trafficking Watch: Spotlight on Ethiopian Jewish women being persecuted by IDF Military Draft Officials:

Reported Israeli Army Persecution of an Epileptic Religious Ethiopian Girl - Tadalah bas Mantjavush:

13 Shvat, 5780 °° Parshas Besalach °° Jan. 26, '21

Precedent Reported in Pro- Israel Media:
