Is Politico extremist? Wikipedia seems to think so.

By Rubashov

Corporate extremism. Violent corporate extremism.

Each year, every day, corporations across the globe commit acts of violence against individuals and communities. War is an act of violence. Those corporations engaged in the furtherance of endless wars, endless occupations, profit from violence. Incarcerating human beings for profit is an act of corporate violence. The opioid epidemic that has cost the lives of so many and damaged the lives of so many more, their families, and communities, is an act of corporate violence. So is the burning of forests. Human trafficking and its corporate use as a source of labor is an act of violence. So is the destruction of American jobs through the use of slave or near-slave labor. As is the violence used against workers who attempt to organize.

These are all acts of violence, often illegal, always unethical, for the purposes of greed. The media, dependent on advertising revenue from violent corporate extremists, are left with hard choices to make. Increasingly, violent corporate extremists have come to own media outlets directly.

We were thinking on this when we came across a salutary column by one Matt Freidman, formerly of David Wildstein’s PoliticsNJ. Friedman argues that it is “time for New Jersey politicians — even some considered moderate — to take stock of the extremism they have allowed to fester.” Indeed.

Friedman is very quick to use terms like “extremist” to label the exercise of free assembly and free speech of anyone with whom he disagrees. He seems very worried that, in the past, some politically “extremist” groups “tied” to the Capitol riot were permitted to speak on public ground at events attended by “mainstream politicians”.

We wonder. Does Friedman consider Bridgegate to be an act of political “extremism”?

Is shutting down a bridge and damning the people on it – including all those “children of Buono voters” riding those school buses – an act of violent extremism? If a group of knuckleheads with Trump flags had shut down that bridge and damned those “children of Buono voters” – would that have been an act of violent extremism?

Isn’t Friedman “tied” to the “mastermind” of that enterprise?

Friedman then details some of the other instances when he feels the First Amendment should not have applied:

“In 2012, Republicans in Morris County invited birther conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi to speak. Corsi later helped perpetuate the voter fraud lie. Fast forward to late 2020, when Morris County surrogate Heather Darling organized a rally in support of small business where a man flying a confederate flag looked perfectly welcome. In 2018, Republicans in South Jersey not only tolerated but in some cases helped the congressional candidacy of Seth Grossman — who’s quoted as an Oath Keepers apologist in the Inquirer piece — despite years of racist and anti-Muslim social media posts. And even Republican U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, in office 40 years and never known as a firebrand, aired demonstrably false conspiracy theories that Antifa was behind the Capitol riot, and has since deleted his Twitter account…”

But is Friedman really in a position to exercise such moral judgment? According to Wikipedia, the publication he writes for has its own failings…

Politico Magazine published an article in April 2017 purporting to show long-term links among U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch. The article was widely condemned, with the head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, saying that it ‘evokes age-old myths about Jews’.”

“In March 2019 Politico was accused again of anti-Semitism when an article depicting imagery of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders next to money trees was published. Sanders, one of two Jewish candidates for the 2020 US presidential election, was targeted for the amount of wealth he accumulated over his lifetime. Politico staff writer Michael Kruse wrote the article detailing the senator's wealth, writing that Sanders ‘might still be cheap’, according to one of the senator's friends, ‘but he's sure not poor’, which was criticized as combining two anti-Semitic tropes (Jews are cheap; Jews are rich). Politico's official Twitter account used the quote to share the story; the tweet was later deleted.”

Would it be fair to label Politico a neo-Nazi publication… or just “moderately” anti-Semitic?

Like Jerome Corsi, Politico has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories and of lying. Friedman appears perfectly comfortable writing for a publication that pushes anti-Semitic “tropes”. While accusing Seth Grossman of being an anti-Muslim apologist for the “Oath Keepers”, Friedman seems to forget that he writes for an anti-Semitic group who are apologists for “age-old myths about Jews”. And finally, like Congressman Smith, Politico deletes its Twitter account.

Is it time to ban Politico from polite society?

How about anybody that had anything to do with Bridgegate? Why would any righteous politician ever send them a press release… ever! And hey, Matt Friedman, that’s who taught you. That makes you “tied” to it. That means you need to go too. Right?

Friedman continues:

“Occasionally, Democrats go down the path of conspiracy theories and extremism, and yes, there exist left-wing radicals who commit violence. But let’s resist the temptation to ‘both sides’ this issue, because there are few if any mainstream Democrats coddling it.”

Really? Did someone take a dump in Matt’s brain and forget to flush it? Or was he on sabbatical in some monastery when all that violence and arson and carnage happened last summer? We seem to remember a certain Democrat Governor marching in support of it and the Democrats in Trenton passing a resolution in support of it. Why lie to your readers like that?

Well… follow the money. Matt’s boss at Politico has a long history of donating large sums to Democrat candidates and causes and served under former President Bill Clinton. He’s an investment banker named Patrick Steel. Yep, an investment banker. Wonder what violent corporate extremism he’s got up to?

Before spending 16 years at the investment firm FBR Capital Markets & Co. (more on this later), Steel served eight years in the Clinton administration, including a stint as the special assistant to former President Bill Clinton. He’s probably arsehole buddies with Josh Gottheimer.

According to the Media Research Center, when Steel joined Politico as CEO in 2017, he had donated $64,850 to Democrats, and nothing to Republicans. Among those he gave to were Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer.

So now you know the rest of the story.

Matt Friedman is clearly compromised – but not just in the way you might think. Matt writes the way he does because he is so certain of his own personal goodness. Because of this, he can look down at others, see bad, and seek to cast them out of society – question their very humanity. What Matt doesn’t seem to understand is that he is not good. He is bad, just as bad, we all are.

Here are some wise words for Matt, and for all of us, to consider. Maybe, when we are less censorious, we will find a way to be better – not good, and certainly not perfect – human beings. Maybe, probably not, but maybe…

“We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves”

— Eric Hoffer

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

Obama Lied When He Attacked Republican Hispanics

Obama Attacked And Lied About Hispanics. He Knows They Left Democrats Because So Many Hispanics Recognize The Same False Promises Made By Socialists Who Took Over And Ruined Their Home Countries.

After last November’s election, former President Obama, attacked and lied about Hispanics who voted for Trump. Without Evidence, Former President Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters Of Bigotry (

Obama calmly and casually said one outrageous lie after another as if they were undisputed facts. Obama falsely claimed evangelical (Protestant) Hispanics caused Democrat losses in Texas and Florida. He said they voted for Trump “who says racist things about Mexican or puts undocumented workers in cages” because “he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion”.

If Facebook “factcheckers” did to Democrats what they do to us, they would have blocked that post. Trump’s remarks about criminal gangs from Mexico were true facts, not racist. And it was Obama, not Trump, who put “kids in cages” when those gangs used kidnapped children as passports to illegally enter the United States. Also, most Hispanics supported Trump for political, not religious reasons. Many had been fooled into supporting socialists in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, and were not about to be fooled by "Democratic Socialists" again.

However, Obama’s obscession with Hispanics who #walkaway from Democrats suggests how we can win over other groups of Democrats to save America.

First, we must consider the possibility that Biden won last November because most American voters now support Democrats. The key to winning in the future is to bet more blacks, women and students to #walkaway from Democrats and do what so many Hispanics did. Click here for "Can We Talk About The Possibility That Trump Did Not Win Those Five States?"


1. Most American blacks still vote solidly for Democrats, even though it is against their interests. Most problems faced by black Americans today are caused by Democrats who run almost every city where they live as one party, corrupt, failed socialist, mini-states. They are not caused by a handful of “white supremacists” or “right wing extremists" living miles away. Unsustainable legal and illegal immigration has already raised crime and taxes and lowered wages and job opportunities in their communities.

2. Poll after poll shows that most women believe there is a widespread "gender wage gap" in America. Yet those same polls show that very few women notice gender discrimination in their own workplace. This is yet another example of the "Ideological Subversion" former Russian propaganda expert Yuri Bezmenov described in his iconic 1985 video. He called it a "great brainwashing technique" used "to change the perception of reality by every American to such an extent that in spite of an abundance of information, nobody is able to come to sensible conclusions in defending themselves, their families, their communities and their country". If you haven't seen this video within the past year, please click here to view it again. Then please share the video with everyone you know. Thanks.

3. College students are the fourth biggest block of Democrat voters. Virtually every class in every subject is saturated with "Ideological Subversion". Perhaps the first step have them doubt their professors and what they are being to taught is to ask this simple question: "Why are you expected to pay for your college education with mortgage sized loans that will take a lifetime to repay, when your grandparents could pay for a year of college with a summer of work?"

Have you seen our latest posts on the January 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol in Washington. Since almost all of our posts are now blocked by Facebook and Twitter, please visit our website to see them, along with our videos. Thanks.

Click here for link to: "Charlie Chaplin 1936 Movie Shows How Media Can Use One Jerk To Ruin Any Event."

Click here for link to: "Hundred Thousand Peaceful & Pleasant Outside Had No Idea What Handful of Crazies Were Doing Inside Capitol."

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Because of ballot errors last November, there will be a court ordered special election on April 20 to fill the seat of District 3 Commissioner (formerly Freeholder) in Atlantic County. Republican Andrew “Drew” Parker, of Egg Harbor Township in Atlantic County is running against Thelma Witherspoon. District 3 (shown in yellow above) includes most of Egg Harbor Township and 7 voting districts in Hamilton Township (Mays Landing). Drew Parker and his family have shown great courage in promoting traditional American values and principles within the black community.

Alex Newman.jpg

Every February, we have a fundraiser that pays for more than half of our expenses for the year. Our speaker this year is Alex Newman, author of "Deep State -- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes".

Alex Newman will make a video presentation on a large screen at Sal’s Coal Fired Pizza Banquet Room, 501 New Road in Somers Point, NJ at 10AM. Because of Wuhan Coronavirus restrictions, in-person seating is limited to 20. Tickets are $100 and include brunch. The program will be carried online through Webex. A special Meeting Number and Password will be supplied to anyone who makes a donation in 2021. If you have not yet donated, a $50 contribution for this year’s event is suggested. Thanks!

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Hope For Best. Prepare for Worst

Voting Ends Tonight.  Next Battle Begins Tomorrow.

Seth Grossman

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Last April, South Korea held its national elections during worst part of coronavirus. All voting was in person. There were no mail-in ballots. Sick and disabled voters were brought to regular polling places after regular voting hours. Voter turnout was higher than in previous elections. All parts of the voting and counting process were carefully observed by all parties and took place in one day. The winners were announced that night. There were no reports of any additional Covid19 cases because of this in-person voting process.

We rely on email, Facebook, Twitter, and our website to deliver our messages to you. We use Mailchimp to deliver our emails. We use Wordpress to post blogs on our website.

During the past month, Facebook, Twitter, Mailchimp and Wordpress all warned us that they changed their policies so they can censor our content. All four warned that they will terminate our account if we attempt to send messages that they think are "false or misleading. . . in their sole discretion".

So far, Twitter and Facebook specifically advised us that they considered our posts blaming arson and cyclical dry weather (not "climate change") for Australian and California fires to be "false". They also said that our opinions how to contain Covid19 and the risk of fraud for mail-in ballots were "misleading".

It is therefore possible that Facebook, Twitter, Mailchimp, and Wordpress may block our messages about tonight's election results. If you find that you are not getting our emails, or seeing new posts from us on, Facebook or Twitter posts, please try to reach us or get our messages in the following alternate ways:

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Thank you.

Dem national vice-chair pushes ANTIFA training manual

Congressman Keith Ellison, the Vice Chairman of the Democrat National Committee, hyped the ANTIFA training manual in a tweet to followers yesterday, saying that it would "strike fear in the heart" of the elected American government led by President Donald Trump.

(Twitter/Keith Ellison) Wednesday, 03 Jan 2018 06:14 PM

(Twitter/Keith Ellison) Wednesday, 03 Jan 2018 06:14 PM

You can view Congressman Ellison's tweet here:

Ellison is a convert to the Muslim faith who nevertheless entertains some rather anti-religious (not to mention, anti-American) ideas.  As a for-instance, allow us to recommend this controversy noted by Wikipedia on the Congressman's page:

"On July 8, 2007, Ellison discussed the power of the executive branch in a speech before the organization Atheists for Human Rights.  He stated that Dick Cheney said it was 'beneath his dignity in order for him to answer any questions from the citizens of the United States.  That is the very definition of totalitarianism, authoritarianism and dictatorship.'   He went on to say, 'It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that.  After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it and it put the leader of that country, Hitler, in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted.  The fact is that I'm not saying September 11 was a U.S. plan or anything like that because, you know, that's how they put you in the nut-ball box — dismiss you.'"

Yep, the Vice-Chair of the DNC is a first class nutjob -- and it was the Women's March/ANTIFA wing of the Democrat Party that insisted on him getting the job.

ANTIFA is an authoritarian far-left organization that supports the idea of "necessary violence" to combat what it perceives as right-wing authoritarianism.  The book being pushed by the DNC's Ellison was written by Mark Bray, an Occupy Wall Street organizer and Dartmouth professor who in remarks to NBC News' Meet The Press last August defended violence against those whose ideas he opposes.

That's right, unlike most sane people who want nothing to do with either Hitler or Stalin, Bray and Ellison want to play Stalin to attack those they perceive as Hitler.  Like we said... first class nutjobs.

After Bray's gig on Meet the Press, Dartmouth President Philip Hanlon released a statement saying "we condemn anything but civil discourse in the exchange of opinions and ideas."

ANTIFA is merely the latest incarnation of the old anarchist-communist movement.  As the Wall Street Journal reported (08/28/17), " Antifa activists also search for and publicize damaging information on their targets or opponents, or launch campaigns pressuring their bosses or companies to fire those opponents."

We saw the ANTIFA playbook in action last year, when Sussex County Democrat Party officials attempted to drive a 90-years-old Sussex County business out of existence and leave dozens of working families without the means to live.  Here is more from the Wall Street Journal report:

Antifa activists believe in censorship and don’t rule out violence, as they showed again Sunday.

...They’re mostly anarchists and anarcho-communists, and they often refer to fellow protesters as “comrades.” Adherents typically despise the government and corporate America alike, seeing police as defenders of both and thus also legitimate targets.

The anti-fascist anarchist website recently summarized its philosophy: “In this state of affairs, there is no such thing as nonviolence—the closest we can hope to come is to negate the harm or threat posed by the proponents of top-down violence . . . so instead of asking whether an action is violent, we might do better to ask simply: does it counteract power disparities, or reinforce them?”

Antifa’s activists use the Orwellian-sounding notion of “anticipatory self-defense” to justify direct confrontation. That can include violence, vandalism and other unlawful tactics. Many draw a false moral distinction between damaging private property and “corporate” property.

Antifa activists have also developed their own moral justification for suppressing free speech and assembly. As anarchists, they don’t want state censorship. But they do believe it’s the role of a healthy civil society to make sure some ideas don’t gain currency.

So they heartily approve of the heckler’s veto, seeking to shut down speeches and rallies that they see as abhorrent. Antifa activists also search for and publicize damaging information on their targets or opponents, or launch campaigns pressuring their bosses or companies to fire those opponents.

Words don’t constitute violence, despite what Antifa activists believe. But there are dangerous ideas and practices, and the radical left has embraced several of them. Democracies solve conflict through debate, not fisticuffs. But Antifa’s protesters believe that some ideas are better fought with force, and that some people are incapable of reason.

Implicit in this view is that Antifa alone has the right to define who is racist, fascist or Nazi. It’s a guerilla twist on the culture wars, when a microaggression must be met with a macroaggression.

To read the entire Wall Street Journal report and view an interesting video on the subject, visit:

CNN has an excellent report called "Unmasking ANTIFA".  You can access it here:

The DNC's Ellison is certainly free to push the reading material he chooses to push, as long as he understands that those who take his support and money are going to be asked about it.  That includes YOU Congressman Gottheimer.  So get your excuses ready.

Murphy should denounce ANTIFA tactics against Space family

Democrat State Committee member Ben Silva is using ANTIFA tactics in an attempt to damage the Space family farm and business.  Silva, who identifies himself as the campaign manager for Democrat candidates Kate Matteson & Gina Trish, has been part of an effort to give Space Farms negative reviews on Facebook. 

There have also been harassing calls made to family members and people who work there.  These have included threats of violence. 

Even the animals have been threatened... over their names.

One Matteson-Trish activist who admitted to calling and harassing employees actually compared Assemblyman Parker Space to Charles Manson. 

All this over a photograph from a tailgate party at a Hank Williams Jr. concert, in which a photograph was taken of the Assemblyman and his wife in front of a Hank Williams Jr. band banner called "The Hank Williams Jr. Rebel Flag."

What is happening to the Space family is happening all over America right now.  It's the most recent face of the old anarchist-communist movement -- now calling itself ANTIFA.  As the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, " Antifa activists also search for and publicize damaging information on their targets or opponents, or launch campaigns pressuring their bosses or companies to fire those opponents."

What Democrat Party officials like Ben Silva are doing to the Space Family and their farm business is right out of the ANTIFA playbook.  Here is more from Monday's Wall Street Journal report:

Antifa activists believe in censorship and don’t rule out violence, as they showed again Sunday. 

...They’re mostly anarchists and anarcho-communists, and they often refer to fellow protesters as “comrades.” Adherents typically despise the government and corporate America alike, seeing police as defenders of both and thus also legitimate targets.

The anti-fascist anarchist website recently summarized its philosophy: “In this state of affairs, there is no such thing as nonviolence—the closest we can hope to come is to negate the harm or threat posed by the proponents of top-down violence . . . so instead of asking whether an action is violent, we might do better to ask simply: does it counteract power disparities, or reinforce them?”

Antifa’s activists use the Orwellian-sounding notion of “anticipatory self-defense” to justify direct confrontation. That can include violence, vandalism and other unlawful tactics. Many draw a false moral distinction between damaging private property and “corporate” property.

Antifa activists have also developed their own moral justification for suppressing free speech and assembly. As anarchists, they don’t want state censorship. But they do believe it’s the role of a healthy civil society to make sure some ideas don’t gain currency.

So they heartily approve of the heckler’s veto, seeking to shut down speeches and rallies that they see as abhorrent. Antifa activists also search for and publicize damaging information on their targets or opponents, or launch campaigns pressuring their bosses or companies to fire those opponents.

Words don’t constitute violence, despite what Antifa activists believe. But there are dangerous ideas and practices, and the radical left has embraced several of them. Democracies solve conflict through debate, not fisticuffs. But Antifa’s protesters believe that some ideas are better fought with force, and that some people are incapable of reason.

Implicit in this view is that Antifa alone has the right to define who is racist, fascist or Nazi. It’s a guerilla twist on the culture wars, when a microaggression must be met with a macroaggression.

To read the entire Wall Street Journal report and view an interesting video on the subject, visit:

CNN has an excellent report called "Unmasking ANTIFA".  You can access it here:

Democrat gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy should distance himself from these tactics.  His failure to do so counts as an endorsement of them.