Is AFP even a conservative organization anymore?

Can we get serious?

In America, there is a consensus, a generally accepted agreement as to what the word “conservative” means.  Take a poll.  Ask the average voter what the word means.  The four pillars of modern American conservatism are pretty easy to remember:

(1) The Right to Life.  Conservatives, real conservatives, Reagan conservatives, we oppose abortion.  Full stop.  

(2) The Second Amendment.  Hey, how many court rulings do you need before you finally get that the government has no duty to protect you?  In a Republic, that is on you.  Conservatives oppose the anarchy of crime.  We support gun rights, local police, and laws that are tough on crime – especially violent crime.

(3) Less Government/ Lower Taxes.  Conservatives know that smaller government and less government regulation leads to less spending and debt, which enables governments to cut taxes.  Conservatives also know that crony capitalism is a form of political corruption and as such is itself a tax on the goods and services used by ordinary citizens.

(4) Illegal Immigration.  Conservatives like America and American culture.  We welcome anyone from anywhere who wants to come here and join us and become an American.  We don’t want to be colonized by foreign cultures with authoritarian or anti-democratic traditions.  We don’t want to be told that we need to change to accommodate those who gate-crash the laws of our country. 

In order to call yourself a conservative in America, you pretty much need to be all four of the above.  Maybe you can get away with being a little mushy on one and still be considered a “soft” conservative.  But if you are bad on more than one, you need to think about why you are a Republican.  (Hey, haven’t these people ever read the PLATFORM of the party they claim membership of?)

That’s not to say that anybody is a “bad” person.  It’s just saying that you’re not a conservative.  See, the word “conservative” actually does mean something.  It’s not just a term of praise used in the proper setting to describe people we happen to like… or want to suck-up to. 

“Conservative” doesn’t mean “libertarian”.  It is per se a traditionalist point-of-view.  Conservatives want to C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E the traditions and values of our American Republic.  Unlike our libertarian brethren, we don’t want to replace Mom and Apple Pie with the Orgasmatron and the Orb.

That’s not to say that conservatives and libertarians (or anyone else for that matter) can’t agree on certain issues and work together.  But having a conservative point of view on this or that issue doesn’t make one a conservative.  Heck, Bill Clinton called himself a “fiscal conservative” – that didn’t make him a conservative.  It made him a liberal who saw the political advantages of conservative policy on issues like welfare reform.  He was still a liberal. 

And so we come to the especially Jersey-style, end of year crap that recently went spewing itself all over the Internet.  For years now, New  Jersey has been working very hard at being the place words go to lose their meaning.  Reading “The Right 40 Women to Watch in 2019” (written by AFP’s head honcho in New Jersey) it’s now clear that this trend has reached new depths of meaninglessness – with many of those mentioned being members of the “Right” only in the way that Hillary Clinton can be considered being to the “Right” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

AFP – Americans for Prosperity – is the group formed by the super-rich Koch brothers as the political and lobbying arm of their business empire.  Anyone who knows anything about the Koch brothers knows that they come out of the Libertarian Party – in fact, one of the brothers actually ran against Republican Ronald Reagan on the Libertarian Party ticket in 1980.  Yes… THAT Ronald Reagan. 

And what a ticket that was… it supported everything from the decriminalization of narcotics and prostitution to America’s standing down as a world power.  If that crew had been elected, we’d still have the Soviet Union (and maybe they would have won).  But happily, Reagan won and the Koch operation was forced to rebrand itself as fake “conservative” – a move that started the process of unwinding the meaning of the word. 

Over the last decade or more, the Koch operation has done much to corrupt the conservative movement in America – in an effort to remake it in their own crony capitalist image.  Now they’ve come full circle and are back to advocating a soft-on-crime approach while pushing to flood the open market with recreational marijuana… this, in the midst of an opioid epidemic that is killing upwards of 50,000 people each year.

In fact, AFP in New Jersey has become so crony capitalist, so establishment, so anti-conservative values, that it has taken to shilling for far-Left politicians like U.S. Senator Cory Booker.  Just before Christmas, AFP paid for a mailing that lauded Senator Gropicus (a great moniker, courtesy of SaveJersey’s Matt Rooney) for a soft-on-crime package of feel good “reforms” that miss the problem entirely, but make for good media ads for his 2020 run against President Donald Trump.  Why the heck would AFP do something like that?  The Democrats don’t need the resources – they already have George Soros – now they have the Koch operation’s millions too? 

Among those women on “the Right” we were asked to “celebrate” were a half dozen who made the list because of their service on the just completed campaign of Bob Hugin for United States Senate.  Now maybe the writer didn’t get the memo, but Bob Hugin didn’t run from “the Right” and his campaign did all it could to distance itself from said “Right” – starting with millions in advertising assuring the electorate that he was a “different kind of Republican” who explicitly rejected at least one of the four pillars of modern American conservatism.  So WTF?

And since when did the legalization and sale of marijuana become a conservative issue?  Hasn’t anyone read about the vaping problem in our schools?  And this is with nicotine… imagine what it will be with marijuana?  And edibles?  How will policing the use of chocolate bars, peanut butter cups, and cookies work?  Candy for children… So how the heck did the “co-founder and executive director of the New Jersey Cannabis Industry Association” make a list of “women on the Right”???

Get out of your offices and talk to average people sometime!  Ask them if they think legalizing and selling an entry level drug in the midst of an opioid epidemic is a conservative political position?  Average voters will think you have lost your mind.  But there she is, on the list for being “at the helm” in her quest to “unleash a new industry within the State.”  What’s next?  Narcotics?  The legalization of human trafficking?  Prostitution?  Body parts?   Wait… it will come.

Rosemary Becchi made the list too.  She’s the president of a “new grassroots advocacy organization” formed in 2018 “to fight Jersey’s high taxes and propose policy solutions to the state’s complex financial problems.”  Except that she hasn’t.  Ms. Becchi is a DC lobbyist who has donated to the Democrats.  Hey, we get that lobbyists do that kind of thing, but let’s not call it conservative

Nobody has seen Ms. Becchi testifying in Trenton, or providing information to legislators, or even returning telephone calls from those interested in finding out more about her “organization”.  Cynics would say that it is nothing more than a front – a cover for her personal ambition to run for Congress.  This is something she openly explored against incumbent Congressman Leonard Lance (R-07) a year ago, with her “grassroots” organization forming a kind of parentheses between that and her expected formal announcement for 2020.

But as far as labeling her a “conservative” – we don’t really know where she stands on big government and taxes, leaving aside her unknown positions on abortion, the Second Amendment, and illegal immigration.  So who is trying to fool who here?

Finally, AFP’s list is memorable because of the genuine conservatives – four pillar conservatives – that it leaves out.  Champions like Marie Tasy and Christine Flaherty and Rev. Mandy Leverett… they are fighting to maintain the value of human life, to recognize the threshold of fetal pain, to end the trafficking of human beings and the sexual exploitation of women and children.  Of course, in today’s cash register world of “new industries” like pot and such, none of that matters – except that it does matter to conservatives, and there are a great many of us.

Also dissed were Freeholder Deborah Smith of Morris County – a great advocate for the Second Amendment – and incoming Sussex County Freeholder Dawn Fantasia who took down an incumbent Freeholder by winning 63% of the vote!  Nobody who made AFP’s list ever beat an incumbent.  Why are conservative winners ignored and pot pushers lauded as “conservatives”?   And how about an operative like Kelly Hart, the executive director of the Sussex County Republican Committee.  A four pillar conservative who actually won for Bob Hugin by more than was expected – outperforming everywhere but receiving scant recognition for it.  Obviously, there is a “cool girls” table, just as in high school, and some are not part of it… no matter how much they actually WIN elections. 

So in future, be a bit more judicious in who you label “conservative.”  Be honest with voters.  Stop telling them that you are something you’re not. 

Yes, we expect to hear arguments from pro-abortion, mushy on illegal immigration, soft-on-the-Second Amendment types who claim that they “feel” they are conservative.  But isn’t that just the times we live in?  We’ve all heard of gender-fluidity… well, these people are ideologically fluid.  And just as our chromosomes determine whether we are male or female, how we stand on the four pillars make us conservative – or something else.

Hey, don’t worry.  Not being conservative doesn’t make you a “bad” person.  And it doesn’t mean that you don’t hold conservative points of view on this issue or that.  You can still work with conservatives.  It just means that you recognize that you don’t come from the same ideological place that conservatives do.  And in your heart, you already know that, so let’s cut the bull and get honest with the voters.  Restoring their faith in the labels politicians apply to themselves will perhaps restore some measure of trust… for when the very words people use to describe themselves have no integrity, what confidence can voters have in anything?

Is Media Matters’ depiction of Seth Grossman anti-Semitic?

By Rubashov

Eric Hananoki is a DC-based, DC-educated opposition researcher and writer for Media Matters – a leftwing organization that supplements the Democrat Party with attacks on its Republican opponents.  Mr. Hananoki is a good writer – very readable, entertaining, biased in the extreme, but you expect that from an outfit like Media Matters.  He serves his masters, which can be a compromise on his art.  It’s an old story well detailed by Cyril Connelly in his “Enemies of Promise.”

So much for the writer, who posted a rather crushing story today on the campaign of Seth Grossman.  A Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s 2nd District.  A longtime Libertarian from Atlantic City, Grossman was an eccentric member when he served in county and local government. 

Seth Grossman can be described as the Kinky Friedman of New Jersey – sometimes a strict constitutionalist, at others espousing a hippy individualism.  Grossman has argued for legal drugs and prostitution, said the State should default on its debt, and has given speeches in which he’s fondly recalled the days when the mob ran his home town.  Grossman has that kind of shoot-from-the-hip, radical honesty you almost never find in politics.

Yes my comrades, people love to be lied to – especially liberals – who lack that shitty exterior many conservatives develop.  “That’s not piss… it’s dew,” they advise us, as they skip from rationalized disappointment to the dawn of new and more hopeful disappointments. 

But honesty can be entertaining.  It can even be art.  Maybe a transgressive form, but still art, and we think a writer like Eric Hananoki – one day, when he’s ditched his current paymasters – one day, will get that about Kinky Grossman.

Not so the editor for Media Matters who selected the photo of Grossman for the story.  Whoever choose that picture read the name “Grossman” and went right for caricature.  He or she has the same ham-fisted touch as those propagandists who did “The Eternal Jew” for Joseph Goebbels in 1940 – and who made it too over-the-top for even him.

So careful now Mr. Hananoki.  You don’t want to get mixed up with a group of anti-Semites.  We thought we were done with them after they put out the last fire in Berlin, but who would have thought they’d be back – and so many, Left and Right.  Perhaps we’re too liberal in our expectations?  A conservative would have expected mankind to neglect the past, to unlearn it and forget.  Stupid, stupid, stupid, but we always do… until the times comes and there’s a great re-learning thrust upon us.

Take care now, Mr. Hananoki.  Mind the company you keep.

Libertarian Seth Grossman endorses Jack Ciattarelli

Our friend Seth Grossman, President of the citizens' group Liberty & Prosperity and one of the founders of AFP in New Jersey, has made his choice for Governor.  He sent this letter out earlier today:

This year, I am supporting Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli.   In my opinion, Ciattarelli is the only Republican running a serious statewide campaign against Christie’s hand-picked Lieutenant Governor (and accomplice) Kim Guadagno.

I  believe  Ciattarelli is the only candidate willing and able to fix the damage done to Atlantic City and the rest of Atlantic County by Christie during the past eight years.

Christie began his mismanagement of Atlantic City in 2010 during his first month in office.   Christie made a deal with Sweeney Democrats to bail out the failed Revel Casino project with big state tax breaks and $400 million in state government loans.

Christie then worked with Democrats to strip Atlantic City voters of their right to petition for a public vote to block local government loans and tax breaks for the project.

In October 2010, Christie’s state officials took over the finances of Atlantic City government.   They sued Atlantic City for spending more than it collected in violation of the state’s Local Budget Law.  But when the state took over, Christie’s state officials let Atlantic City spend roughly $80 million more than it took in for each of the next seven years.  The state gave this city of 38,000 roughly $600 million of debt.

Things got so bad that by 2016, even casinos could no longer afford the taxes needed for this.    Last year, Christie made another deal with Democrats to give the casinos ten years of tax breaks.   That was on top of the 110 outlet shops and restaurants and 3,500 “affordable” housing units that already paid PILOT (Locals call this "Peanuts In Lieu of Taxes").  Now, everyone else in Atlantic County is facing big tax hikes to make up the difference.

While Kim Guadagno quietly stood by Christie, Jack Ciattarelli stood up and did everything he could to stop Christie.   As an Assemblyman, he spoke up and helped persuade nearly a dozen other Assembly members to vote against this dirty deal supported by bosses of both parties.

Ciattarelli is the only candidate for Governor who spoke in favor of a municipal bankruptcy for Atlantic City.   As an MBA/CPA and incredibly successful business owner, Ciattarelli knows bankruptcy is the only legal way to cut unsustainable debt and taxes.  It is the only way to get an impartial judge to force everyone, including Wall Street investors and casinos to equally share the sacrifice.

We locals know that what happens to New Jersey happens to Atlantic City first.   The same pay-to-play political culture that ruined Atlantic City for all but a handful of insiders,  is causing the same problems all over the New Jersey.

During the next few weeks, I will do everything I can to explain with facts and details why Jack Ciattarelli is the only candidate for Governor with the ability and willingness to address the issues that affect us the most.

The Primary Election is Tuesday, June 6.   Any voter who is either registered as a Republican or who has not yet voted in a June Primary election is qualified to vote for Jack Ciattarelli.  Please email me at or call me (609) 927-7333 if you live near Atlantic City and want to work with me.

Otherwise, please contact Jack Ciattarelli's campaign directly at, through the Jack Ciatterlli for Governor Facebook page, or at (908) 842-2100.

If you were one of the 18,033 (8%) who voted for me against Christie in the June Primary four years ago, I thank you again.  I also invite you to compare how close Jack Ciattarelli and I are on the issues that affect us the most.   Please visit my old campaign website from four years ago at and compare it to what you see on Jack's website today.  I also invite you to visit and "like" my Seth Grossman Facebook page.   Thanks!

Paid for by Seth Grossman, Attorney

as a private citizen not on behalf of any organization.

453 Shore Road

Somers Point, NJ  08244

(609) 927-7333