Remembering Economist icon, Walter E. Williams

Recommended Reading by Prof. Sabrin, Ph. D

I was deeply saddened and depressed to learn that my old friend Professor Walter E. Williams passed away yesterday morning at the age of 84.  For the past forty years Walter was the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University; one of the greatest libertarian columnists in the world; a fabulously inspiring teacher; one of the best public speakers you would ever encounter on the subjects of economics and libertarianism; and the most popular guest host of the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams

Walter was already at George Mason University when I arrived there as a young assistant professor of economics in 1981, preceding me by a year.  He and I were the two faculty members who taught the large 300+ student sections of principles of economics.  I quickly realized that it would be many years before I could approach Walter’s masterful classroom performances.  (And you do need to be a bit of a performer before such a large audience that can easily be bored to death with such a large crowd and so many distractions).

Walter never pulled his punches, in the classroom or anywhere else.  When he got to the section of the course on labor economics and the economics of discrimination, he shocked his audiences of mostly freshman econ 101 students by reminding them that “discrimination” is not always a bad or negative thing.  For example, he would say, when he was looking for a wife he discriminated against fat women, ugly women, and white women.  That was long before America’s youth were conditioned since kindergarten to swoon over such language, instigate riots, or set fire to campus buildings.

In the early ‘80s the George Mason administration announced that every academic department was to have an “affirmative action officer.”  Naturally, we chose Walter.  His job was to report to the administration once a year on how good a job the department had done in recruiting women and minority faculty.  In his first year with that assignment Walter informed the administration that (paraphrasing) “We tried to hire a tall, statuesque blond from UCLA [true story] but the administration was too cheap to give us enough salary money to compete for her services.”  Boy, did the sanctimonious campus Leftists hate Walter for such talk – a huge badge of honor on his chest.

Back in those days Walter’s office was adorned with a framed picture of his daughter, who he doted over, and a Confederate flag!  When a visitor asked why a black man like himself had a Confederate flag in his office, he said it was to give him the opportunity to explain the virtues of secession to whoever asked about it.  That was some fifteen years before I wrote anything about Lincoln, secession, or the War to Prevent Southern Independence.  It was also one reason why I asked Walter to write the foreword to The Real Lincoln, which he did, with a most eloquent essay.  (To this day, of all the hundreds of critiques of The Real Lincoln, I am unaware that any critic has mentioned Walter’s great foreword).

Shortly after the publication of The Real Lincoln I got a call from Walter at 7 A.M. one morning.  He said that Rush Limbaugh was ill, that he was guest hosting the show, and asked if I would be interested in being on the show for an interview about the book.  I spent an entire hour talking to Rush Limbaugh’s audience about the book and taking questions from callers with Walter.  By that evening my sales ranking was #2.  I sent Walter a hundred dollar bottle of wine as a thank you gift.

Walter was not only a fabulous classroom teacher, public speaker, and columnist; he produced a lot of great scholarship as well.  He was a product of the old UCLA School of Economics, a sort of offshoot of the old Milton Friedman/George Stigler/Gary Becker Chicago School at that time. ( It is a sin that Walter’s UCLA mentor, Armen Alchian, was never awarded the Nobel prize in economics).  Armed with a great UCLA economic education (after being drafted and then kicked out of the U.S. Army — not dishonorably discharged –for being too much of a smartass and independent thinker, another badge of honor!) Walter authored many important journal articles on labor economics and other topics as well as such books as The State Against Blacks; South Africa’s War Against Capitalism [aka Apartheid]; More Liberty Means Less Government; Race and Economics; Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism; and American Contempt for Liberty.  His autobiography is entitled Up from the Projects.

Walter’s two favorite hobbies were cigarette smoking and long-distance biking, one of which probably shortened his life.  He also liked to boast about his alleged basketball prowess.  He never left his beloved family home in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, commuting to Fairfax, Virginia all those years (down on Monday morning, back on Thursday).  He would battle suburban Philadelphia traffic at daybreak on his bike rides, even in the colder Pennsylvania weather.

How the Libertarian Party Can Gain Serious Attention and Influence

By Robert Wenzel

Well, it was another dismal performance for the Libertarian Party in this year's just passed election, especially at the presidential level.

The Libertarian Party presidential candidate, Jo Jorgenson, received approximately 1.8 million votes (roughly 1.2% of the vote).

It was a yawner. There aren't even many post-mortems in the media about the vote. No one cares.

This is a tragedy given the close elections these days between the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates. 

The races are close because internal polls of the major party campaigns have gotten very accurate in determining what candidates should say to voters and thus the vote will tend to be extremely close. 

These close races are a great opportunity for the Libertarian Party because often in key swing states the margin between the loser and the victor can be less than the number that will vote Libertarian. Walter Block's Libertarian Voting Rule, that in states with close races you vote for the major party candidate that is less evil and that in races that aren't close you cast a protest vote for the Libertarian Party candidate, can be applied with a powerful result if it expanded as a Libertarian Party policy.

In 2024, whoever the Libertarian Party candidate is, the candidate should announce to the country that libertarians should only cast protest votes for the Libertarian presidential candidate in states where it is clear who the Republican or Democratic presidential winner will be.

The Libertarian nominee should also announce that in swing states, libertarians should not vote for him but for the lesser of the two evils. The Libertarian Party candidate should also invite on separate nights the Republican nominee and the Democratic nominee for live television discussions with the Libertarian candidate on the topic as to which nominee will advance the most libertarian agenda.

Talk about focus on libertarian thinking!

The outcome of the Libertarian candidate announcing, after the discussions as to who he considers less evil between the two major-party nominees and who he recommends libertarians should vote for in swing states, could determine the winner! 

It would be difficult for the mainstream media to avoid coverage of libertarianism and if the questions are designed properly it would introduce to the general population what libertarianism is all about.

Given this would likely determine the outcome of the election, I would expect the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates to act like Greyhound dogs chasing a mechanical rabbit to get the libertarian vote. It would be very interesting to see how they would approach their general interventionist pledges while still attempting to gain libertarian support.

Of course, there is the possibility that the D and R candidates would not participate in such discussions and in that case the Libertarian Party candidate would examine the public proposals of both candidates and still make a declaration of advice as to who libertarians should vote for in swing states. 

In a very important way, the Libertarian Party would potentially have significant influence over who ends up in the White House and at the same time introducing to the general public libertarian ideas--which should be the most important goal. 

Robert Wenzel is Editor & Publisher of and Target Liberty. He also writes EPJ Daily Alert and is the author of The Fed Flunks: My Speech at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Foundations of Private Property Society Theory: Anarchism for the Civilized Person, and most recently, Problems With Modern Monetary Theory: A Comment on Stephanie Kelton’s "The Deficit Myth".

Follow him on twitter:@wenzeleconomics and on LinkedIn. His youtube series is here: Robert Wenzel Talks Economics. More about Wenzel here.