Obama Lied When He Attacked Republican Hispanics

Obama Attacked And Lied About Hispanics. He Knows They Left Democrats Because So Many Hispanics Recognize The Same False Promises Made By Socialists Who Took Over And Ruined Their Home Countries.

After last November’s election, former President Obama, attacked and lied about Hispanics who voted for Trump. Without Evidence, Former President Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters Of Bigotry (thefederalist.com)

Obama calmly and casually said one outrageous lie after another as if they were undisputed facts. Obama falsely claimed evangelical (Protestant) Hispanics caused Democrat losses in Texas and Florida. He said they voted for Trump “who says racist things about Mexican or puts undocumented workers in cages” because “he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion”.

If Facebook “factcheckers” did to Democrats what they do to us, they would have blocked that post. Trump’s remarks about criminal gangs from Mexico were true facts, not racist. And it was Obama, not Trump, who put “kids in cages” when those gangs used kidnapped children as passports to illegally enter the United States. Also, most Hispanics supported Trump for political, not religious reasons. Many had been fooled into supporting socialists in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, and were not about to be fooled by "Democratic Socialists" again.

However, Obama’s obscession with Hispanics who #walkaway from Democrats suggests how we can win over other groups of Democrats to save America.

First, we must consider the possibility that Biden won last November because most American voters now support Democrats. The key to winning in the future is to bet more blacks, women and students to #walkaway from Democrats and do what so many Hispanics did. Click here for "Can We Talk About The Possibility That Trump Did Not Win Those Five States?"


1. Most American blacks still vote solidly for Democrats, even though it is against their interests. Most problems faced by black Americans today are caused by Democrats who run almost every city where they live as one party, corrupt, failed socialist, mini-states. They are not caused by a handful of “white supremacists” or “right wing extremists" living miles away. Unsustainable legal and illegal immigration has already raised crime and taxes and lowered wages and job opportunities in their communities.

2. Poll after poll shows that most women believe there is a widespread "gender wage gap" in America. Yet those same polls show that very few women notice gender discrimination in their own workplace. This is yet another example of the "Ideological Subversion" former Russian propaganda expert Yuri Bezmenov described in his iconic 1985 video. He called it a "great brainwashing technique" used "to change the perception of reality by every American to such an extent that in spite of an abundance of information, nobody is able to come to sensible conclusions in defending themselves, their families, their communities and their country". If you haven't seen this video within the past year, please click here to view it again. Then please share the video with everyone you know. Thanks.

3. College students are the fourth biggest block of Democrat voters. Virtually every class in every subject is saturated with "Ideological Subversion". Perhaps the first step have them doubt their professors and what they are being to taught is to ask this simple question: "Why are you expected to pay for your college education with mortgage sized loans that will take a lifetime to repay, when your grandparents could pay for a year of college with a summer of work?"

Have you seen our latest posts on the January 6 "insurrection" at the Capitol in Washington. Since almost all of our posts are now blocked by Facebook and Twitter, please visit our LibertyAndProsperity.com website to see them, along with our videos. Thanks.

Click here for link to: "Charlie Chaplin 1936 Movie Shows How Media Can Use One Jerk To Ruin Any Event."

Click here for link to: "Hundred Thousand Peaceful & Pleasant Outside Had No Idea What Handful of Crazies Were Doing Inside Capitol."

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Because of ballot errors last November, there will be a court ordered special election on April 20 to fill the seat of District 3 Commissioner (formerly Freeholder) in Atlantic County. Republican Andrew “Drew” Parker, of Egg Harbor Township in Atlantic County is running against Thelma Witherspoon. District 3 (shown in yellow above) includes most of Egg Harbor Township and 7 voting districts in Hamilton Township (Mays Landing). Drew Parker and his family have shown great courage in promoting traditional American values and principles within the black community.

Alex Newman.jpg

Every February, we have a fundraiser that pays for more than half of our expenses for the year. Our speaker this year is Alex Newman, author of "Deep State -- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes".

Alex Newman will make a video presentation on a large screen at Sal’s Coal Fired Pizza Banquet Room, 501 New Road in Somers Point, NJ at 10AM. Because of Wuhan Coronavirus restrictions, in-person seating is limited to 20. Tickets are $100 and include brunch. The program will be carried online through Webex. A special Meeting Number and Password will be supplied to anyone who makes a donation in 2021. If you have not yet donated, a $50 contribution for this year’s event is suggested. Thanks!

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Video from Symantec on how to hack a voting machine

By Rubashov

We are constantly bombarded by the Media with assurances that our voting process is the best in the world. One can practically hear a chorus of “U.S.A… U.S.A…” as it is done. But if you do a little reading of court records and industry testimony, you find there is a great deal out there that is unsettling.

To demonstrate how vulnerable some of our digital election infrastructure really is, the cyber security experts at Symantec (which is part of the same organization that owns Norton and Broadcom cyber security brands) examined two voting machines. They were last used in State and Federal elections in 2012 and 2013.

In the video below, Symantec performed a cursory review of the vulnerabilities and found numerous deficiencies and ways in for hackers. Symantec claims that “elections are under assault across the globe” and states: “Well-resourced malicious cyber actors have tampered with our elections, whether it’s hacking voting machines or waging information warfare through social media.”

According to the state website, New Jersey uses the controversial Dominion Voting Systems:

Voting Systems Certified by the State of New Jersey

AVANTE International Technology, Inc.
70 Washington Road Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
(609) 799-8896

Dominion Voting Systems
717 17th St., Ste 310 Denver, CO 80202
(416)762-1775; Ext 271

Elections Systems & Software
11208 John Galt Blvd Omaha, NE 68137
(800) 247-8683

Hart InterCivic
15500 Wells Port Drive Austin, TX 78728
(512) 252-6400
Last Updated: 04/28/20


The Legislature has a duty to do its job and not continue to allow one-man rule by the Governor. It needs to closely examine the election process and its machinery to ensure the system’s integrity.

To date, the Democrat majority has been too lazy to do the job it was elected to do (they still take full perks and pay, however). The most recent example was its party-line vote to table A-4147, legislation that would require the Governor to work with the elected Legislature by limiting his executive power to 14-day increments.

New Jersey voters now face the bizarre reality that the Governors of other states have input into the decision process that affects the economic and physical landscape of their state. And that these elected officials from other states have far more input than the men and women New Jersey voters elect to representative them in the Legislature.

It begs the question of just what the Legislature is for? Through the connivance of Governor Murphy and the Democrat Leadership, the Legislature is being turned into little more than a mid-level holding pen for Democrat patronage appointees waiting for the really big plums. Proving themselves by doing what they’re told.

This is a story that the Media should be reporting. But, as Professor Noam Chomsky wrote in Manufacturing Consent, that might not be something they do anymore…

Summary of Chomsky's analyses on how the corporate media functions. Excerpt from the documentary "Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media" (1992). ...

“Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever.”

Noam Chomsky

N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at Marianna@JerseyConservative.org.

Election fraud in New Jersey's 11th Congressional District

We have always known that mail -in ballot elections would end up in a catastrophic mess. It is the antithesis of what our Constitution stands for. As we wait to hear the final electoral count, numerous fraudulent mail-in ballot incidents continue to rise in New Jersey.

While this concern may have been at the forefront of a few of the New Jersey GOP leaders, the question remains what will the leaders of the defenders of the Constitution do now that substantial evidence is present.

Below is a poll watcher’s account who witnessed the fraudulent interference.

courtesy of NTD