The medical procedures Gopal’s “transparency” bill is covering up.

By Rubashov

Much of the language used in the legislation coming out of Trenton confuses rather than clarifies. But the politicians behind it know what their intentions are, what they are trying to bring about. They use language to hide a reality they’d rather not discuss.

At the Wannsee Conference, Hitler’s men planned the mass murder of six million human beings. But they never said that they were killing anyone. They used the term “evacuation”. They were “evacuating” them. Very big and terrible things often start with the official use of language to obscure reality.

S-2481 is before the Legislature this week. It is a dangerous, anti-child bill designed to cover-up the Murphy administration’s controversial LGBTQ+ sexual indoctrination curriculum.
In response to the outrage expressed by parents across New Jersey, Senate Education Chairman Vin Gopal introduced S-2481 (the “Transparency in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Curriculum Act”). In theory, Gopal’s bill would require public schools to solicit meaningful parental input on health and physical education curriculum. In fact, the language in the bill does the opposite. The wording of the bill reiterates and reinforces the standards set for curriculum delivery in all subject areas.
Senator Gopal was a co-sponsor of the legislation responsible for the mandatory curriculum his new bill is designed to address. He introduced this new bill last month amid a great degree of secrecy. Gopal held hearings on his bill the same day it was introduced, before the Senate Education Committee, which he chairs.
The public had not the opportunity to read or comment on the bill before it was introduced, and a committee hearing held to refer it to the entire Legislature. Parents who traveled across the state to Trenton to attend the hearing wondered how they could testify on a bill that had not seen or read? Vin Gopal’s so-called “transparency bill” was nevertheless passed out of committee without any transparency.
Among the many points made and questions asked about the legislation they had just seen, were these:
Section 3. a. of Gopal’s bill reads: “A board of education or the board of trustees of a charter school or renaissance school project shall ensure that curriculum and instruction are designed and delivered in such a way that all students are able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills specified by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.”
Gopal’s committee was asked if he meant that fifth graders must be able to demonstrate the knowledge of skill of masturbation? Parents got no answers.
It was also pointed out that Gopal’s so-called “transparency” bill actually codified the “questionable and highly sexually exploitative” sex education standards into law. Gopal’s response was: “We have to pass this bill quickly so that there is time for parents to look at the standards and curriculum.” Gopal never addressed that point made that his bill actually codifies the objectionable sex ed standards.
Here is a sample what parents have found objectionable in Gopal’s bill:

  • Gender identity issues to first and second graders.

  • Masturbation, and multiple options for pregnancy, including abortion and gestational surrogacy taught to fifth-graders.

  • Oral, vaginal, and anal sex taught to eighth-graders, which the Governor’s wife, Tammy Murphy, openly and publicly lobbied The New Jersey State Board of Education to insert into the new sex-education standards.

Does Senator Gopal intend to fully legalize these standards into law in his hastily un-transparent “Transparency bill?” Do any of these elected officials really understand what medical procedures they are advocating when they push the “T” in LGBTQ+? Especially on children. Do they understand that “Transitioning” children has become a big business in America?
Watch this interview and then ask yourself: Shouldn’t state government’s endorsement of medical procedures like these come with a warning? Aren’t they opening themselves (and the taxpayers they represent) up to a lawsuit if they don’t issue a warning? 

Do Vin Gopal and the Democrats know the dangers of "transitioning" for children? Do they care about children or special interest pressure groups?

Sen. Gopal proposes new bill to undo the curriculum law he co-sponsored.

By Rev. Greg Quinlan

Are Phil Murphy and the Democrat Party grooming your children?
The Center for Garden State Families continues to be inundated with calls from parents and concerned teachers from all over the state about the extreme comprehensive sex education materials being mandated in New Jersey government schools.
Since the beginning of the Murphy administration, there has been a move within government agencies and the New Jersey Legislature to change the culture in New Jersey. That culture includes grooming your children.
You may have heard of the term “grooming.” We are not referring to grooming your hair or how you style your clothing. According to the website Out of the Fog, “Grooming is an insidious predatory tactic, utilized by abusers. Grooming is practiced by Narcissists, Antisocial predators, con-artists and sexual aggressors, who target and manipulate vulnerable people for exploitation. Child grooming is the deliberate act of establishing an emotional bond with a child, to lower the child's resistance.”
Every citizen of the state has an obligation to guard and protect the most vulnerable among us. This is especially true of our children. The medical Dictionary defines child grooming as, “The constellation of psychological manipulations and actions taken by a predatory adult, meant to reduce a child’s fears and inhibitions, as a prelude to sexual abuse or exploitation by the predator or his/her associates.” This thoroughly describes the new comprehensive sex education curricula and education standards devised by Gov. Phil and his wife Tammy Murphy.
These Department of Education standards as developed will clearly desensitize and sexualize children. Parents are asking:  Why is it necessary to introduce sexually explicit, graphic sex acts to minor children? Why is it the responsibility of government schools to teach sex acts, with whom to have sex, and the mechanics of sex to any student? Frankly, it is not.
While Phil Murphy and the Democrat legislators (with the help of a few woke Republicans) are sexually exploiting our children, education standards and outcomes are plummeting. Post-Covid the damage to children emotionally, mentally, and educationally is a train wreck. But the Murphy Administration is not addressing helping children heal from the lockdowns and recover two years of lost diminished education. According to a research article that appeared in PNAS, “Learning loss due to school closures during the Covid 19 pandemic”, the preliminary indications are that the lockdown in the short-term did in fact contribute to learning loss. The study did indicate that the suspension of face-to-face instruction in schools during the Covid 19 pandemic has led to concerns and visible consequences to students learning. The Center for Garden State Families has observed in multiple school board meetings that parents have testified to the learning loss and significant psychological, emotional and education deficits in their children since the pandemic. The overwhelming concern from parents, teachers and the community is why hasn’t this obvious learning loss issue been addressed? Why is the Murphy administration and the New Jersey General Assembly focusing on sexually explicit, age-inappropriate and political indoctrinating material including LGBTQIA – XYZ for New Jersey government schools?
Within the last week, we’ve seen multiple news articles from national sources as well as inside the Garden State showing the panic of Senator Vin Gopal (Democrat, LD-11), Chairman of the State Senate Education Committee. Sen. Gopal begged Gov. Phil Murphy to suspend the controversial education gender identity standards for 1st and 2nd graders. Gov. Murphy agreed to pause the education standards to six and seven-year-olds until a study could be done to determine their age appropriateness. Let it be clear, this is not a suspension or an erasure of this inappropriate policy which causes children to question their sexuality before they know what sex is. This is a pause, only a pause. Senator Gopal’s panic is from a law that he eagerly co-sponsored and lobbied his fellow legislators to pass prior to his very slim reelection in 2021 while his two Democrat seatmates lost.
Now Senator Gopal is scrambling to reverse course and spin away the mess he made. He’s trying to claim that political operatives and politicians are causing parents to be fearful of the curriculum he mandated – so he’s proposing a new bill (“Transparency in Health & Sex Education Curriculum”) that he claims will undo the law he co-sponsored. It was Gopal and his fellow “woke” politicians who teamed up with the political operatives at Garden State Equality that came up with these intrusive curriculum “standards” in the first place. Now he’s embarrassed and afraid so he’s running away and blaming everybody but the face in the mirror.
The Center for Garden State Families opposes ALL of the new 2020 Comprehensive Sex Education Standards and the advancement and normalization of the developmental gender identity disorders of LGBTQ. The science is clear, “There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biologic etiology for homosexuality.” American Psychiatric Association. Large-scale GWAS reveals insights to the genetic architecture of same sex-behavior concluded “There is no single gay gene.” Since the real replicated scientific research concludes that homosexuality is not genetic, why are we as a society grooming children to accept the fallacy of alternate sexual identities?

Dr. Michelle Cretella, a pediatrician and executive director of The American College of Pediatricians explains how leftist activist groups infiltrate schools, libraries, and even medical societies with transgender propaganda targeted at children.

She then explains the irreversible sterilization and long-term medical risks that can come from puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery.