Sen. Gopal proposes new bill to undo the curriculum law he co-sponsored.

By Rev. Greg Quinlan

Are Phil Murphy and the Democrat Party grooming your children?
The Center for Garden State Families continues to be inundated with calls from parents and concerned teachers from all over the state about the extreme comprehensive sex education materials being mandated in New Jersey government schools.
Since the beginning of the Murphy administration, there has been a move within government agencies and the New Jersey Legislature to change the culture in New Jersey. That culture includes grooming your children.
You may have heard of the term “grooming.” We are not referring to grooming your hair or how you style your clothing. According to the website Out of the Fog, “Grooming is an insidious predatory tactic, utilized by abusers. Grooming is practiced by Narcissists, Antisocial predators, con-artists and sexual aggressors, who target and manipulate vulnerable people for exploitation. Child grooming is the deliberate act of establishing an emotional bond with a child, to lower the child's resistance.”
Every citizen of the state has an obligation to guard and protect the most vulnerable among us. This is especially true of our children. The medical Dictionary defines child grooming as, “The constellation of psychological manipulations and actions taken by a predatory adult, meant to reduce a child’s fears and inhibitions, as a prelude to sexual abuse or exploitation by the predator or his/her associates.” This thoroughly describes the new comprehensive sex education curricula and education standards devised by Gov. Phil and his wife Tammy Murphy.
These Department of Education standards as developed will clearly desensitize and sexualize children. Parents are asking:  Why is it necessary to introduce sexually explicit, graphic sex acts to minor children? Why is it the responsibility of government schools to teach sex acts, with whom to have sex, and the mechanics of sex to any student? Frankly, it is not.
While Phil Murphy and the Democrat legislators (with the help of a few woke Republicans) are sexually exploiting our children, education standards and outcomes are plummeting. Post-Covid the damage to children emotionally, mentally, and educationally is a train wreck. But the Murphy Administration is not addressing helping children heal from the lockdowns and recover two years of lost diminished education. According to a research article that appeared in PNAS, “Learning loss due to school closures during the Covid 19 pandemic”, the preliminary indications are that the lockdown in the short-term did in fact contribute to learning loss. The study did indicate that the suspension of face-to-face instruction in schools during the Covid 19 pandemic has led to concerns and visible consequences to students learning. The Center for Garden State Families has observed in multiple school board meetings that parents have testified to the learning loss and significant psychological, emotional and education deficits in their children since the pandemic. The overwhelming concern from parents, teachers and the community is why hasn’t this obvious learning loss issue been addressed? Why is the Murphy administration and the New Jersey General Assembly focusing on sexually explicit, age-inappropriate and political indoctrinating material including LGBTQIA – XYZ for New Jersey government schools?
Within the last week, we’ve seen multiple news articles from national sources as well as inside the Garden State showing the panic of Senator Vin Gopal (Democrat, LD-11), Chairman of the State Senate Education Committee. Sen. Gopal begged Gov. Phil Murphy to suspend the controversial education gender identity standards for 1st and 2nd graders. Gov. Murphy agreed to pause the education standards to six and seven-year-olds until a study could be done to determine their age appropriateness. Let it be clear, this is not a suspension or an erasure of this inappropriate policy which causes children to question their sexuality before they know what sex is. This is a pause, only a pause. Senator Gopal’s panic is from a law that he eagerly co-sponsored and lobbied his fellow legislators to pass prior to his very slim reelection in 2021 while his two Democrat seatmates lost.
Now Senator Gopal is scrambling to reverse course and spin away the mess he made. He’s trying to claim that political operatives and politicians are causing parents to be fearful of the curriculum he mandated – so he’s proposing a new bill (“Transparency in Health & Sex Education Curriculum”) that he claims will undo the law he co-sponsored. It was Gopal and his fellow “woke” politicians who teamed up with the political operatives at Garden State Equality that came up with these intrusive curriculum “standards” in the first place. Now he’s embarrassed and afraid so he’s running away and blaming everybody but the face in the mirror.
The Center for Garden State Families opposes ALL of the new 2020 Comprehensive Sex Education Standards and the advancement and normalization of the developmental gender identity disorders of LGBTQ. The science is clear, “There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biologic etiology for homosexuality.” American Psychiatric Association. Large-scale GWAS reveals insights to the genetic architecture of same sex-behavior concluded “There is no single gay gene.” Since the real replicated scientific research concludes that homosexuality is not genetic, why are we as a society grooming children to accept the fallacy of alternate sexual identities?

Dr. Michelle Cretella, a pediatrician and executive director of The American College of Pediatricians explains how leftist activist groups infiltrate schools, libraries, and even medical societies with transgender propaganda targeted at children.

She then explains the irreversible sterilization and long-term medical risks that can come from puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery.

Democrats make it legal to knowingly infect someone with AIDS.

By Rubashov

The Democrat who runs the Senate Health Committee is Joe Vitale. Next Tuesday, March 9th, he will be introducing new legislation – Senate Bill 3492 – which repeals the law criminalizing the “act of a person knowing they are infected with venereal disease or HIV, committing sexual penetration without informed consent of other person.

Vitale’s committee, officially the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, will be taking testimony on S-3492 at 1pm on the 9th.

Due to the public health emergency, the State House Annex remains closed to visitors. The public may not attend the meeting in person, but may view and participate in the meeting via the New Jersey Legislature home page:

The Committee will take oral testimony by phone and video. If you are interested in registering your position with the Committee, please fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading.

For those individuals who wish to testify, please check the box "Do you wish to testify?" on the Registration Form. Instructions for testifying before the Committee will be forwarded to you after you submit your registration form.

The form must be submitted by 3:00 PM on March 8, 2021.

The public may also submit written testimony electronically in lieu of oral testimony. Written testimony will be included in the Committee record and distributed to all the Committee members. Written testimony should be submitted to

Democrats always claim to follow “the science” when, in fact, they merely use science when it fits their agenda. That’s why the loud insistence that we follow “the science” tapers off when the discussion turns to transgender activism and the science of chromosomes. It seems that, ideologically, “the science” and science are two different things.

President Joe Biden tells us that we should wear a mask to protect others, while Democrat Joe Vitale says it’s okay to skip the condom and forget to tell your partner that you’ll be leaving them with a “gift” that they, in turn, can pass along to some other unsuspecting victim.

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As Chairman of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee, Joe Vitale has been anything but a gentleman – or even a human being – when lording over his committee.  We vividly remember him in committee arguing with a citizen over Senate Bill 1195 – then legislation, now law – which allows people to alter their birth certificates to whatever gender they wish, without undergoing sexual reassignment surgery.  Yes, in New Jersey, people with penises can legally be women and people with vaginas can legally be men.  Science anyone?
Senator Vitale, was the main sponsor of Senate Bill 1195 and his exchange with this citizen exercising the right to speak before the New Jersey Legislature was anything but respectful.  There was something of the sociopath in the Senator's behavior -- one moment he was dripping sensitivity, only to turn vicious the next.  There's no remorse – he doesn't appear to care how he treats people who don't agree right down the line with him.  Does he lack a conscience?  We wonder. 
We recall the way in which Vitale utterly dismissed the reputation of a scholar whose words were entered into the record by the citizen.  Senator Vitale appeared to have no intellectual curiosity at all.  Here is that exchange:
The Senator:  "...You are citing some medical director, obviously he's a former medical director, probably for good reason."
The Citizen:  "Because he retired."
The Senator:  "Um, right, good thing."
Now someone with Vitale’s level of certainty must have some credentials to back up such a coarse dismissal.  So, we wondered if the Senator was a doctor or a professor, after all, he is the Chairman of the committee through which passes all health care legislation in New Jersey.  We looked up his biography and found out that he managed to make it through the 12th grade.  Yep, born in 1954, went from high school to the family business, drifted into the muck of Woodbridge politics, became one of the boys, was selected by the boys as their Senator when Jim McGreevey ran for Governor.
And what about that "medical director" the one the Senator said was "obviously... a former medical director, probably for good reason" and that it was a "good thing" he was no longer working?
Well, that guy was born in 1931 and is a psychiatrist, researcher, and educator.  He is University Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the author, co-author, or editor of seven books within his field.  He was the son of a high school teacher and a homemaker.  He graduated from Harvard College in 1952 and from Harvard Medical School in 1956.  He was accepted into the neurology and neuropathology residency program at the Massachusetts General Hospital where he studied for three years under the chief of the Neurology Department. 

From Massachusetts General, he went to the Institute of Psychiatry in London (where he studied under Sir Aubrey Lewis and was supervised by James Gibbons and Gerald Russell). Following London, he went to the Division of Neuropsychiatry at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.  He has held various academic and administrative positions, including, Professor of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College (where he founded the Bourne Behavioral Research Laboratory), Clinical Director and Director of Residency Education at the New York Presbyterian Hospital Westchester Division and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oregon. 

From 1975 until 2001, he was the Henry Phipps Professor of Psychiatry and the director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at the Johns Hopkins University.  At the same time, he was psychiatrist-in-chief at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.  He is currently University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. His own research has focused on the neuroscientific foundations of motivated behaviors, psychiatric genetics, epidemiology, and neuropsychiatry.  During the 1960s, he co-authored papers on hydrocephalus, depression and suicide, and amygdaloid stimulation. 

In 1975, he co-authored a paper entitled "Mini-Mental State: A Practical Method for Grading the Cognitive State of Patients for the Clinician." This paper details the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), an exam consisting of just eleven questions, that quickly and accurately assesses patients for signs of dementia and other states of cognitive impairment. It is one of the most widely used tests in the mental health field.  In 1979, in his capacity as chair of the Department of Psychiatry, he ended gender assignment surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.  In 1983, he co-authored The Perspectives of Psychiatry, which presents the Johns Hopkins approach to psychiatry.

The book "seeks to systematically apply the best work of behaviorists, psychotherapists, social scientists and other specialists long viewed as at odds with each other."  A second edition was published in 1998.  He also treated author Tom Wolfe for depression suffered following coronary bypass surgery. Wolfe dedicated his 1998 novel, A Man in Full to him, "whose brilliance, comradeship and unfailing kindness saved the day." He is a registered Democrat who describes himself as a "political liberal".
And you Senator... you made it through the 12th grade.
Maybe read one of the guy's books before dismissing him out of hand?  Or don't. Perhaps this is why health care is what it is in New Jersey?  Maybe New Jersey is in the shapSee it is in because of the lack of humility and unwillingness to learn exhibited by politicians who set policies – guys like Joseph Vitale.  Maybe a Committee Chairman too stupid to learn does result in substandard government and people being made to suffer? 
Given the greater threat to women posed by the heterosexual transmission of HIV/ AIDS from male to female partners, we hope Senator Vitale keeps an open mind at next week’s hearing.  Maybe learn something? 


“Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.”


N.B. We welcome a conversation on this and all topics raised on this website.  Jersey Conservative is entirely open to your ideas and opinions.  To submit a column for publication, please contact Marianna at

88 women “leaders” silent about Menendez and the girls who were trafficked

Last week, the New Jersey Democrat State Committee rounded up 88 women operatives and put them in harness to aid Bob Menendez’ comeback bid.  Yep, after his brush with political mortality last year, the Democrat is banking on faux outrage by the barking Machiavellians of a feminist fringe to obscure his brutal treatment of women. 

Federal documents in 2015 revisited “uncharged allegations of underage prostitution that kicked off the federal probe.”

According to U.S. News & World Report (August 24, 2015) prosecutors did not “explicitly say the underage prostitution investigation came up empty.”  On the contrary, the probe is described as having turned up “corroborating evidence.”  The federal prosecutors’ filing states:

“While those allegations have not resulted in any criminal charges, there can be no question that the Government has an obligation to take such allegations regarding potential harm to minors very seriously, regardless of who the alleged perpetrators may be.”

“Presented with specific, corroborated allegations that defendants Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic, the Government responsibly and dutifully investigated those serious allegations… The indictment here, of course, charges only corruption and does not include any allegations of soliciting underage prostitution.”

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Prosecutors twice say there was “corroborating evidence” to support the initial sex crime allegations, for which Senator Menendez and his convicted friend, Dr. Solomon Melgen, face no charges. In the first instance, they write:

"The defendants present their case as exceptional because the allegations of underage prostitution are 'such easily disprovable allegations about something that would hardly be a federal crime even had it been true.' Id. As an initial matter, it is most certainly a federal crime to leave the country for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act with a minor, and the defendants’ suggestion to the contrary is unsettling. See 18 U.S.C. §§ 1952, 1591(a)(1), & 2421. Furthermore, the defendants’ dismissive treatment of these allegations is troubling. Allegations of human trafficking and underage prostitution must be taken seriously and cannot be dismissed merely because the alleged perpetrator is a United States Senator. Given the nature and seriousness of the allegations, in addition to the corroborating evidence, it would have been irresponsible not to investigate."

Then, recounting the initial stages of the investigation and apparently corroborating evidence, prosecutors write:

"As would be done in the normal course, the Government took responsible steps to investigate these serious criminal allegations, which were not so 'easily disprovable,' as the defendants suggest. Some eyewitnesses described a party attended by defendant Melgen in Casa de Campo—where defendant Melgen has a home and where defendant Menendez often visited—involving prostitutes. See Ex. 2 at 2; Ex. 3 at 1-2.. Furthermore, defendant Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican Republic. Many of these young women receive substantial financial support from defendant Melgen. For example, defendant Melgen flew two young women—whom he met while they were performing at a South Florida 'Gentlemen’s' Club, see Ex. 4 at 1-2—on his private jet to his villa in Casa de Campo the day after paying one young woman $1,000 and the other young woman $2,000. See Ex. 5. Indeed, one of defendant Melgen’s pilots described 'young girls' who 'look[ed] like escorts' traveling at various times on defendant Melgen’s private jet. Ex. 6 at 9:7-16. Some young women who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time. Moreover, when the allegations were first reported, defendant Menendez defended himself with public statements that are easily disprovable. Specifically, he repeated several times that he had only flown on defendant Melgen’s private jet on three occasions. That representation is demonstrably false. Confronted with corroborating evidence of such serious crimes, it would have been an inexcusable abdication of responsibility not to investigate these allegations."

While Menendez denies these allegations, did the 88 Democrat women operatives ever stop to ask him about them?  Did they satisfy their own consciences (if indeed, they possess anything like a conscience) that no woman or girls were sexually abused or enslaved during the period covered by the filings?

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Did anyone of them have anything to say when the New York Post filed this story…

Getting these beauties visas was high on Menendez’s to-do list: aide

By Kaja Whitehouse

September 11, 2017 | 7:42pm | Updated

Svitlana Buchyk, Bob Menendez and Juliana Lopes Leite.

Svitlana Buchyk, Bob Menendez and Juliana Lopes Leite.

They all need to be reminded of their silence next time they face the voters:

Afsheen Shamsi, Steering Committee Member, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Alison Arne, Atlantic County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amie Maria, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Amy DeGise, Chair, Hudson County Democratic Organization

Analilia Mejia, Executive Director, New Jersey Working Families Alliance

Andrea Smith, Cape May County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela Bardoe, Cumberland/Salem County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Angela McKnight, Assemblymember

Angelica Jimenez, Assemblymember

Annette Quijano, Assemblymember

Anita Esteve, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Ann Twomey, President, Health Professionals and Allied Employees

Anna Maria Tejada, Past President, Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey

Anna Wong, Northeast Regional Director, Action Together New Jersey

Arlene Quinones Perez, Chair, Hunterdon County Democratic Committee

Ashley Henderson, President, Princeton Marching Forward

Barbra Casbar Siperstein, Gender Rights Advocacy Association of NJ

Caitlin Sherman, Hudson County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Careen DeAndrea Lazarus, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Carmen Salavarrieta, Angels in Action

Cathy Brienza, JOLT USA

Caty Polanco, Latin American Democratic Association

Cheryl Marciano, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Christina Zuk, Vice President, New Jersey Young Democrats

Christine Clarke, Environmental Director, Action Together New Jersey

Christine Elias, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Deb Huber, President, NOW-NJ

Devon Mazza, Ocean County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Donna M Chiera, President, AFTNJ

Dr. Hetal Gor, Advisory Board, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi, Professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Edina Brown, Councilmember, Old Bridge

Elizabeth Cano, Union County Latina Activist

Elizabeth Meyer, Founder, NJ Women’s March

Erin Chung, President and Founder, Women for Progress

Estina Baker, CWA District 1

Gail Black, Statewide Jewish Women’s Advocate

Hetty Rosenstein, CWA

Iris Perrot, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jaci Jones, President, Middlesex County Federation of Democratic Women

Jackie Low, Bergen County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jeanne Fox, Esq., Former BPU President

Jeanne Jordan, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Jill Rhodes, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Jacobsen, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Joan Quigley, Former President of the State Junior Women’s Clubs

Joann Downey, Assemblymember

Kellie Davidson, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Kelly Shea, Warren County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Laurel Brennan, Secretary-Treasurer, New Jersey State AFL-CIO

Lauren Nicosia, Women’s Health Advocate

Lenace Edwards, SEIU 32BJ

Leslie Huhn, Chair, Sussex County Democratic Committee

Linda Sloan Locke, CNM,LSW

Lindsay Campbell, President, Sussex County NOW

Lisa Anderson, Sussex County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lisa Bonanno, Gloucester County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Vice Chair, New Jersey State Democratic Committee

Marcia Marley, BlueWave NJ

Margaret Weinberger, President, Somerset County Federation of Democratic Women

Megan Coyne, President, College Democrats of New Jersey

Mildred Scott, Sheriff, Middlesex County

Nancy Pinkin, Assemblywoman

Nedia Morsy, Make the Road Action

Pamela Brug, Union County Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Pamela Renee, Councilwoman, Neptune City

Pat Perkins Auguste, Councilwoman, Elizabeth

Patricia Campos, LUPE PAC

Patricia Soteropoulos, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Patricia Teffenhart, Gender Equity Advocate

Patti Douglass, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Peg Schaffer, Chair, Somerset County Democratic Committee

Phyllis Salowe-Kay

Rachel Barry, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Regina Keelan, Democratic Municipal Chair, Atlantic Highlands

Nadia Hussain, Passaic County Director, NJDSC South Asian American Caucus

Safanya Searcy, Labor Leader and Community Activist

Saily M. Avelenda, Esq., Attorney and Activist

Sara Cullinane, Make the Road Action

Shanel Robinson, Deputy Mayor, Franklin Township

Shanti Narra, Middlesex County Freeholder

Shelly Morningstar, Morris County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Stephanie Silvera, Passaic County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Susan Lavine Coleman, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Tammi Bathke, Burlington County Co-Chair, Action Together New Jersey

Verlina Reynolds-Jackson, Assemblywoman

Winn Khuong, Executive Director, Action Together New Jersey

Yvonne Lopez, Assemblymember


Senator Beck should drop support for trans-men in girls' toilets bill

If we are to avoid another performance like 2015, the Republican legislative caucuses of both chambers should use 2016 to prepare for 2017.  The most important thing is to do yourself no harm. 

We've detailed before how bills like S-283 have no base of support and how they could do enormous damage -- not only to the prospect of turning out our base -- but with any voters who believe in privacy between the sexes and with protecting vulnerable women and girls.  Polling shows large majorities in favor of traditional privacy no matter how the question is posed. 

Such a poll was recently conducted in the Eleventh Legislative District in Monmouth County.  More on that later.

Suffice it to say that modesty might draw barbed mockery from some, but in a district in which 48 percent of all registered Republicans are aged 60 or over and 66 percent of Republican super voters (3 of 4 or above) are aged 60 or over, it is a safe bet that it still counts for something.  And we can't wait to find out.

When educated as to the number of convicted male sex offenders who could use a law like S-283 to gain access to girls and women for their self-gratification, the response is off-the-charts.  Republicans, Democrats, Independents -- it doesn't matter.  Many in the LGBT community break ranks with their lobbyist class and oppose S-283 on the grounds that it leaves too many people vulnerable to sexual abuse, rape, and even murder.

We understand from a highly placed source in the Legislature that S-283 will be making an appearance again.  This source also confirmed that S-283 will have GOP support. Prominent among those GOP supporters is Senator Jennifer Beck, a co-sponsor of S-283.

We didn't expect such a betrayal of the Republican base in an election cycle as rebellious as 2016-17 is turning out to be.  Of course, Senator Beck is making a lot of noise on other issues in an attempt to get conservative voters to forget who she really is, and her decades-long record as a lobbyist and legislator devoted to the liberal causes dear to the heart of the political and corporate establishment.     

If passed into law, Beck's legislation allows a man, with a penis, to become a legal "woman", simply by saying that he is seeing a therapist and then re-submitting his birth certificate to reflect his "new sex".  No surgery required. 

And it won't be recorded as an "amended" birth certificate.  It will be filed as the original.  The government will pretend that it can go back in time to correct the "perception" of the doctors and nurses who saw a child with a penis and checked "male".  The government will, in fact, lie and pretend that the attending physician checked "female" when, of course, he did not.    

What S-283 will do is endanger the lives of women and girls in New Jersey.  And come election time every legislator who supports S-283, regardless of their party, is going to have to answer some tough questions from average constituents about why you had to do this and not something important, like lowering property taxes, ending the tax on retirement income, or fixing the Transportation Trust Fund. 

Watch the video below and see if you are ready to answer those questions:

Transsexual rape in LGBT toilet

The threat to women and girls by men with access to their toilet facilities was brutally made clear over the weekend when a "transgender woman" (that is, a man who "presents" as a woman or a woman who "presents" as a man) was allegedly raped while using a public toilet.  The crime occurred inside the famous Stonewall Inn -- an LGBT landmark where the "gay rights" movement began back in the 1970's.  The New York Post reported on the incident yesterday:

A transgender woman says she was raped in a unisex bathroom at the Stonewall Inn — and police are searching for the suspect who they say regularly frequents the landmark gay bar.

Video surveillance clearly shows the woman entering the single-occupancy bathroom late Saturday, soon followed by a man believed to be in his 30s, police sources say.

They remained in the bathroom for about eight minutes. That’s when the alleged rape took place, sources said. The suspect exited the bathroom, then walked back in.

The woman, who was believed to be heavily impaired by alcohol and possibly prescription pills, alerted friends and called 911 a short time later, sources said. She was taken to Lenox Hill Hospital for treatment.

Sources said the suspect regularly patronizes the Christopher Street bar on Saturday nights and may have been dealing drugs there.

“People inside the Stonewall know him,” Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said. “We hope to have him identified in the next coming days.”

Stonewall Inn, site of the Stonewall riots of 1969, is famed as the birthplace of the modern gay rights movement.

“It’s a very disturbing incident taking place in a site that’s very important historically, where something good happened in terms of creating more opportunity for people to live their lives,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “and to see a violent incident like this is very troubling.”

The Stonewall Inn is a sacred icon to the LGBT community.  This is like a rape occurring in Independence Hall -- except that the people who run Independence Hall probably would have banned the alleged rapist, who also allegedly deals drugs, from the premises.  But this points up the danger when staff, who are after all more concerned with serving alcoholic beverages, fail to monitor who is being followed into toilet facilities.  Imagine what will happen when fully functioning males, with penises, have the LEGAL RIGHT to follow any woman or girl they want to?  And it will make no difference at all if the man who believes himself to be a woman has a criminal conviction for violent sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, rape, or murder.  It will be his right.

Any piece of legislation (like S-283) that proposes such an eventuality, places women and girls at risk of becoming victims of sex crimes.  Such legislation should include a mandate that every public toilet in the state have a panic button installed at every stall and that armed security be present at all facilities of a certain number of stalls or more.  The cost for such should be borne by increased taxes on very rich people like Donald Edward Newhouse (estimated net worth: $10.5 billion), the 2nd richest resident of New Jersey and the 56th richest person in the United States.  Revenue could also be found by taxing corporations like Advance Publications, the 4th largest private company in the NY area and the 44th largest private company in the United States.

Remember, if we prevent just one woman or girl from suffering a criminal sexual assault the increased taxation on these very rich people and corporations will have been worth it.