Taking Pride in Genocide?

Mass-Murder in the Name of "Equality:" Taking "Pride" in GLBT-ocide
7 Tammuz, 5781 °° Parshas Chukas °° June 17, '21
by Binyomin Feinberg

There is no question about the medical reality: "Pride Month's" mass-celebration of the act of sodomy - a cardinal sin (Lev. 18:22, 20:13) - help encourage the very activity that spreads deadly diseases, including - but not limited to - AIDS. These diseases have killed tens of millions worldwide, since the outbreak of AIDS about four decades ago. However, the diseases would have been largely contained if not for the insistence of the LGBT Lobby on treating the AIDS pandemic as a civil rights (rites?) issue, rather than a medical catastrophe waiting to happen (or, in this case, waiting to be perpetrated). Readers are referred to the CDC on the topic of the health hazards of sodomy, as well as to the materials offered by Mass Resistance on related topics.

None of this stops the LGBT mafia community from promoting their deadly agenda, via legislation (e.g. HR 5), buying elections, indoctrination of innocent children via schools and the public library system, and public celebration of sodomy, especially during June, which, since 2019, enjoys the bipartisan coronation as a pretext for all manner of flagrant rebellion against G-d and His Moral Code.

To highlight the current societal, corporate, and governmental hypocrisy, simply replace "Corona" with AIDS - AND replace AIDS with Corona - and see what you get. Will Pink-Corporate America finance Corona-plague-spreading Pride Parades? Will Capital One Bank post signs "Covid-Pride Is Powerful" and "Powered by Corona-Pride," as a recently-protested Boro Park branch just did for sodomy? Will Libraries host Corona-spreading Drag Queen Reading Hours to propagandize impressionable children about the need to share Corona with their families and friends? Why aren't the U.S. governors who have been so zealous about Corona restrictions similarly concerned about actively promoting unsafe behaviour that's killing millions, especially within the LGBTQ identifying community?

I think we all know the answer, at least in part. But don't wait for too many ostensibly profamily fundraising professionals to rush to talk about this.

For futher related insights, see this older post, especially (regarding Amalek) item 22 & further, timely to current Educational Indoctrination efforts in the US, Israel & beyond.

Let’s Talk Pride Shall We?

Educational molestation of children…..

While addressing the omnipresent threat of state-sponsored - often bipartisan - educational molestation of children, we copy below an excerpt from a recent email of a prominent profamily organization, unafraid to confront LGBT Mafia victimization of children:

"California Leads Nation in Systemic Sexualization of Children
Linda Harvey, Mission America
Harvey Milk had open relationships with teen boys in California...
Sure, let’s make it easier for adults to homosexually molest young teens. This makes lots of sense.
And ignores thousands of years in the track record of child corruption.

Why are we even talking about this? There are sound reasons why adults who have same sex attractions have historically been barred from access to children, and we ignore the time-honored rationale at our peril.

California, on a track to become the most self-destructive state in the union (not counting Oregon, Washington and New York) just passed a bill that weakens penalties for adults having homosexual sex with minors. Senate Bill 145* is ready for Governor Gavin Newsome to sign and by the time you read this, it may be law....

{* Perhaps noteworthy for those interested in numerical allusions is that the number of that molestational bill, 145, is just one off of 144, which is 12 squared - 12 corresponding to the numerical value 12 - aforementioned in paragraph #1 and #26 as the same number identifying Gog in the context of the End-of-Days evils that will befall Jews when we stray from G-d, and the number of the (12th) blessing praying for relief from the threat of the Epikorsim. BF }

Relative to childhood innocence and sexual integrity, there are roughly 4 categories of adults with same sex attractions:

1. A small group, mostly males, has a sexual interest in prepubescent same sex children (even as these men engage in same sex relations with adults). They violate a child’s innocence with no qualms.

2. A larger group is interested in same sex contact with pubescent/preteen children. Again, a conscience doesn’t interfere with obsessive desires.

[ARTICLE continues on Mission America site...]


Regarding the NYC elections:


Subject: Comptroller Candidate Corey Johnson previously opposed giving money for Yeshivas because we are against sodomy and the LGBTQ agenda. Such a person will want to interfere in religious education in Yeshivos et. al.


"City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and her colleagues pushed through an “unprecedented” bill December 7 to have city government pick up yet another function of private and religious schools — security — allocating almost $20 million in taxpayer funds outside the normal budget process for “safety officers” in any school with more than 300 students that wants one.

"Intro 65-A was vigorously opposed by out LGBT Councilmembers Daniel Dromm of Jackson Heights, a former public school teacher and head of the Education Committee, and Rosie Mendez of the Lower East Side, who said in a joint statement, “Yeshivas, private schools, and parochial schools — unlike public schools — are not subject to Council oversight or much of the NYC Human Rights Law. Too often their leaders embrace homophobia, transphobia, and other horrific ideologies, and subject our young people to them on a daily basis in the classroom. It is our duty to protect LGBTQ students in every school. We must not bankroll hate with tax dollars. Lamentably there is no mechanism in this legislation to prevent such a thing from happening.”

"Out Councilmember Corey Johnson of Chelsea also voted against it as did Inez Barron of Brooklyn, a staunch advocate for public education, but it passed 43-4 with the support of all three citywide elected officials — Mayor Bill de Blasio, Comptroller Scott Stringer, and Public Advocate Letitia James — as well as otherwise liberal officials such as Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer."

## Fair Use ##

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law -- the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

-- Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)