Randolph School board begins targeting Judeo Christian Holidays for secular humanism



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We have seen the catastrophic results for not participating in our school boards and holding those elected in the local schools throughout New Jersey accountable. Local school boards allowed various “religions” to be added on the school calendar all for the sake of inclusivity.

One example is the addition, of what the Board of Ed, chose to identify WIcca as a religion. They considered this a viable enough “religion”, it was included as part of the scholastic holiday calendar.

Now, a particular high school board in Morris County, Randolph High School decided to remove all Holidays from their scholastic calendar in an attempt to avoid “hurt feelings”. Traditional Holiday’s like Christmas and Thanksgiving will now be identified as “DAYS OFF”.

Senator Bucco attended the school board meeting opposing this decision emphasizing Columbus Day should be honored and recognized.

Why does a school board believe they are sole proprietary to modifying curriculum or calendars against the will of the people? How can they attain so much power to remove a well know holiday many celebrate, recognize and respect locally and nationally?

They have attained that power because we the parents have left it in their hands thinking they know better. They don’t. Parents have the right to speak as well as hold these elected Board of Ed accountable for violating their religious freedoms, because that is the heart of this “hurt feelings' facade.

These enamored, elected BOE selected by Murphy is simply doing Murphy’s bidding. Destroy our Constitution from within. All for the sake of equity. I must emphasize the word “equity” is simply another term for “segregation”. It is a discriminatory word to discriminate- be it via socio economic status, to skin color and to faith. One question to ask is why aren’t the other religious groups, outside of Christianity and Judaism, outraged by this?

While the other religions may have expressed their concerns about having their own religious removed from the school calendar, even they understand this nation was founded and birthed out of the Judeo -Christian doctrine.

Photo credit: Randolph High School

Photo credit: Randolph High School

Randolph’s Board of Ed attempted to call this fair, is incorrect. This was not in the name of fairness. That is the facade the Board of Education, the Democrats and all liberal who wish to hide behind what their real agenda is. This is strictly a discriminatory tactic to remove anything relating to Judeo Christian principles.

They know they can not come out and say it, so they use the back alley illustrative fear tactic ( the same way they used the same tired and old lie that women are now “fearing for their lives” because the Supreme Court is contemplating on Roe vs Wade.

More on that later.

This idea of removing the hoildays acknowledges the following: it recognizes that the secular humanism religion (where marxism and communism was birthed) is attempting to dominate through verbal coercion.

Back in 2002, then Hugo Chavez, dictator of Venezuela, (although many called him President) created a “Day of the Indigenous Day” . This according to Article 1 of their Constitution for the sake of recognizing and re-vindicating indigenous towns supporting the myriad of cultures such as African, Asian and European all for the sake of dialogue of peace and justice.

This was in Venezuelan. What happened afterwards was an embittered war between two classes. Those who were for the government (Chavez’s promotional “I love poor people, I can get you out of poverty by working for me”) with those who defend their Constitution because it they acknowledged this was endowed by their Creator.

Eerily similar, correct? We see today and interestingly enough, we have a new federal holiday, titled Juneteeth. How apropo that this “holiday”, which is nothing more than an insult to African Americans making them believe they need a separate holiday, because segregation is good? Right?

Absolutely not. It is a sinister democratic ploy where they are creating a message to African Americans that their place and their only place is being “dependent and dependent only to the Democratic party”. The party of true slavery.

If you check out the holiday school calendars in New Jersey, you see something different. It says “Holmdel public school new jersey calendar, but instead of taking you to a local calendar list, the calendars are global. Interesting how the schools were able to have this created in the same timeframe where the “Juneteeth holiday” would be enacted.

Now back to Randolph High School. The Board of Education and the democratic party decided to target Italian Americans, who in general ascribe to the Judeo -Christian principles and doctrine.

For the sake of “hurt feelings” the Board of Ed now gets to decide for the public what is deemed a holiday or not.

Take a look at what the recently, elected-governor, Jack Ciattarelli says about the removal of all “holiday”s :

This is not about restitution. This is not about reparations. This is not about Equity. We must make it clear, again, equity is a racist terminology used for the sake of segregating. This is about the Democratic party realizing they do not have the votes to win on mostly anything and they need to use this to ensure they gain control.

BUT GOD. BUT WE THE PEOPLE. We must never forget, this is the only country in the world where anyone can be anything they want and is only attainable here in the United States of America. That is the message that must resonate in this time, especially for all who have been bound in modern slavery of the democratic party for over 40 plus years.

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property." —James Madison, 1792.