From the Debate: Murphy is allowing “drunk drivers” over the border

By Rubashov

At Tuesday night’s gubernatorial debate, Governor Phil Murphy compared those who choose to remain unvaccinated to “drunk drivers” who not only endanger themselves but endanger others as well. Fair enough, except that “drunk drivers” do not endanger everyone equally – as Governor Murphy suggested they do.

The threat that “drunk drivers” pose to the general population is relative and depends on a number of risk factors. For example, “drunk drivers” pose a greater risk to people in automobiles and on highways than they do to people in buildings.

The Governor should also consider that a law to prevent someone from putting too much of a controlled substance into their body – in this case alcohol – is very different from a law that forces someone to put a controlled substance into their body, like a pharmaceutical product. At Tuesday night’s debate, Murphy actually mocked that heretofore sacred phrase, “my body my choice”.

And then there’s this recent warning from the administration of President Joe Biden – in the person of the Secretary of Homeland Security – who explained that 20 percent of the folks who illegally come across the border are sick with an “unidentified illness”. In Governor Murphy’s parlance, that’s a whole heck of a lot of potential “drunk drivers”. Except that Murphy doesn’t have a plan to find out what ails them – to make sure they don’t spread it to the communities he’s responsible for protecting. In fact, the Governor plans to hand them a subsidized driver’s license to help put them on the road to spread it around.

Here is a very interesting segment from Tucker Carlson. The entire video is worth your time, but if your time is somewhat constrained, go to the 8:50 point of the video and hear the words of President Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security.

Towards, the end of the video, Carlson plays a clip of Murphy’s “drunk drivers” analogy and invites the Governor on his show to explain the logic behind it. Don’t hold your breath.

“We are confronted with a population of people that as a general matter have a rate of illness of approximately twenty percent.” United States Secretary of Homeland Security - Alejandro Mayorkas

Wow. That’s a lot of “drunk drivers”.

Given this… is Murphy’s “drunk drivers” analogy just more of his bullshit? Does he really believe his own words?

Or is he applying to each and every individual community in the state, the same logic he applied to each and every nursing home? Does Governor Phil Murphy intend to bring people into New Jersey – without testing them for COVID and knowing that 20 percent are sick (according to the Biden administration) – and inject them into the mainstream of our communities the same way he did with our nursing homes?

Maybe we should think of it as the placement of thousands of “halfway houses for drunk drivers” in each of our communities – except that these are secret, hidden, not subject to OPRA. Meanwhile, Governor Murphy promises to make life miserable for all those suspected “drunk drivers” he has in plain view. The same lips that demand clemency for some, drip with contempt for others.