Help Us Teach The Truth To Defend 'Christian America'

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Several weeks ago, the Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece entitled "The ferocious last gasps of the religion of Christian America". It was widely printed in other newspapers, including the Press of Atlantic City. The piece is based on the false premise that America in the past embraced a “corrupted” version of Christianity that promoted intolerance, violence, and “white, male, heterosexual dominance.” It falsely claims that this corrupted “American Christianity” caused the violence at the Capitol and is an evil and dangerous force that is not dying fast enough.

There is nothing new about that ignorant and hateful description of American Christianity. Those lies have been embedded in Hollywood and TV entertainment, and the curriculum of most colleges and public schools (including Stockton University, and Mainland and Egg Harbor Township high schools) since the 1960s.

Click here to read full article as posted in "American Thinker", a national blog. Then please do more than use the buttons at the bottom to "share" it on Facebook and Twitter. Please also copy and paste the link into the "comments" windows of as many "mainstream" online news sites as you can. Thanks!

"It is very similar to the ignorant and hateful descriptions of “International Jewry” that saturated the newspapers, movies, and schools of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. In fact, the The Press of Atlantic City made that similarity even more striking. Along with a reprint of that “Christian America” piece, it ran a cartoon depicting a Christian preacher as a grotesque, less than human creature exactly as Jews were depicted in “Stürmer” cartoons. Der Stürmer (The Stormtrooper) was a popular Nazi newspaper in the 1930s. . . "

Most older Americans like me know that these are lies.  That is because we, and often our parents and grandparents, grew up and lived in that Christian America.

For roughly 350 years, that Christian America was by far the greatest country in the world. We knew it was never perfect. We are humans, not angels. All races, nations, and people have done evil in the past, when judged by today’s standards. However, America did far less evil and far more good than most. Christian America was much quicker to recognize and correct injustice.

One of the biggest problems of Christian America was too many people trying to get in. Not too many people trying to get out.

I am Jewish. However, I and most Americans until the 1960s were immersed in the culture of Christian America since childhood. I am very grateful that we were.

I recited the Lords’ Prayer and heard Bible readings every morning in the Atlantic City public schools. I sang “We Gather Together” in assemblies before Thanksgiving, and carols before Christmas.

Like most Americans, I was also taught Christian values in public school. I assumed “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you” were American values. And they were. These fundamental Christian beliefs guided America since our founding.

Slavery ended in most of Christian Europe a thousand years ago. However, it was widespread and normal in the rest of the world. It expanded with Islamic, not Christian, conquests in Africa and Asia. Slaves bought there were tragically brought to parts of America in the 1600s.

However, most Christians found slavery in America offensive. They fought hard to end it long before the Civil War. 
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