The New Jersey Coast

by Fred Willis

The underlying assumption of the Murphy Energy Plan is if New Jersey residents impoverish themselves by living in a pre-industrial, green society the sea level and temperature rise will stop, (climate change) and the joys of Camelot will return.  Believe what you want, reality will do what it wants and humans will adapt or disappear.

The following two articles briefly touch on the rising seas but is mainly financial, it describes an attempted financial grab to maintain the Jersey coast for some people. You may or may not agree with the author’s observations and conclusions but he brings up some interesting points on who and how to pay to maintain the New Jersey coast line.

Read through the article’s comments, they provide many additional facts and differing opinions. The author provides answers to several questions and observations, you may or may not agree, but it is not the usual narrative response which is just agree. (Click on image to direct you to the page).

Primary Awareness

After Labor Day,  “Vote, Vote, Vote !!!” is loudly proclaimed from the rooftops. But where is all this excitement  about voting in the Primary elections? Real democracy happens in Primary Season – starting in January and ending not long after Memorial Day.

Talk to your friends, family, and social clubs starting in January. Don’t accept the idea that anyone is a “shoe in” or “can’t win”. Find out which candidates line up best with your concerns. That’s the time to ask the tough questions. The primary is the people’s opportunity to reject the establishment’s choice in favor of another candidate.

Make sure you vote in the primary! Your vote counts for more than it does in the November election because fewer people vote in the primary. “Primary Awareness” is the realization that the primary elections are where we the people have real choices and a greater voice.
