Radical Left Democrats Can't Believe We're Still Around

Seth Grossman

They Can't Believe We're Still Around.  And that Trump Got More Than 73 million Votes.

Since the mid 1990s, leftists have controlled almost every radio and TV news network and daily newspaper in America. They control Microsoft, Yahoo and most other online news sites that we are forced to look at every time we turn on our computers. They control Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Wikipedia. They control what is taught to our children and grandchildren in almost every college and public school.

Leftists control most labor unions, including the NJEA and CWA which represent 103,000 public school teachers and 40,000 state government employees in New Jersey.
Leftists now run some of America's biggest private organizations and charities such as the Sierra Club, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
Leftists receive massive funding and support from our biggest corporations such as Comcast, Verizon, Walmart and Target.
Leftist changed our immigration laws so that more than a million legal immigrants from communist, socialist, and hate-America countries move to our country every year. Many of them are encouraged to vote, even when they are not yet citizens.
During the past year, all of these institutions lied about Trump and lied about us to just about every voter in America. Meanwhile, they denied us the opportunity to express our views and defend ourselves to all but a fraction of the people we reached in previous years.
The left was certain that this would cause Democrats to sweep this year's election for President and Congress in a landslide. Yet President Trump got 73 million votes, and Republicans held the Senate and picked up seats in the House of Representatives.
Mail-in voting was so suspect to fraud that we may never know for sure if Democrat Biden got more legal votes than that.
What next?

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Click Here for:  "Honest Conversations About Race In America Essential But Forbidden"

TRUTH:  Differences in culture, not race, explain most of the disparities between blacks and whites in America today since the 1960’s.   This was best explained by University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax in this 2017 opinion piece published in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

“The American Dream was built on a ‘bourgeois culture’.  That culture laid out the script we all were supposed to follow: Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime.”


Click here for: "Why Scrap 12 Procedures That Kept Elections Honest for 100 Years?"


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Seth Grossman, Executive Director
453 Shore Road
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(609) 927-7333
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The Education of Joe Biden

“We are witnessing the failure of Reagan to keep his 1980 campaign promise to abolish the Dept. of Education--and the Dept. of Energy. In other words, Republicans talk a good game of limited government but have preserved the status quo--that's why they are conservatives and not radicals for liberty.

If Reagan or any of his GOP presidential successors had an ounce of limited government principles, one of them would have abolished the DOE, and there would be no angst over who would be the next Education Secretary. “

- Prof. Sabrin, Ph. D

Suggested reading:

Is he really going to nominate the head of a teachers union for his cabinet?

by William McGurn

Joe Biden at his election-night party in Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4. PHOTO:STEFANI REYNOLDS/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Joe Biden at his election-night party in Wilmington, Del., Nov. 4.


You might not know it today, but for much of his life Joe Biden was friendly to real, if modest, education reform. As a senator, he supported holding states and schools accountable for their students’ performance, expanding public-school choice and increasing federal funding for charter schools and their facilities. In 1997, he even gave a floor speech in which he said that the plight of children “presently caught in a failed public school” was leading him to reconsider his votes against private-school vouchers. As Barack Obama’s vice president, he loyally promoted an agenda that pushed teacher evaluations and charters.

All that went out the window when Mr. Biden entered the 2020 race. During his campaign, he promised to appoint a teacher as education secretary. Now the talk is that Mr. Biden will appoint not only a teacher but the head of a teachers union. The two names most often mentioned are American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and former National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen García. 

Everyone has understood that a Biden Education Department would mark a change of direction from the past four years. But to elevate to education secretary someone whose career has been spent fighting any reform aimed at relaxing the teachers unions’ stranglehold on the public schools would be an astonishingly bleak admission about whose interests come first.