No democracy in Sweeney’s Senate. Democrats block Veterans, Law Enforcement from testifying.

Well, at least they didn’t beat up any women at today’s Senate hearing. But who can forget what these fascist thugs ordered the state police to do just a few weeks ago…

These are the same Democrats who are attempting to make it impossible for working moms to have a livelihood in New Jersey. The same Democrats responsible for slashing education funding for New Jersey’s children. The same people who copy the excesses of genocidal regimes (such as Myanmar) in denying education to children based on their religious beliefs. The same Democrats who want to fuel the foreclosure crisis in New Jersey by taking away the property tax cap and allowing property tax rates to rocket. Do they really hate women, children, and families this much?

At today’s Senate Transportation Committee hearing, a hand-picked body of Sweeney Democrats blocked the testimony of dozens of American citizens and legal immigrants who opposed Senate bill S-3229, legislation that creates a special driver’s license for illegals at $18 dollars, while raising the price of driver’s licenses for everyone else from $24 to $29. Many of those blocked were United States military veterans and members of the law enforcement community.

American citizens were blocked from giving testimony. Legal immigrants were blocked from giving testimony. Veterans were blocked from giving testimony. Law enforcement was blocked from giving testimony. And this was done so that FOREIGN NATIONALS, resident in New Jersey illegally, could repetitively parrot the talking points they were provided by their Democrat handlers. It was such an anti-democratic, fascistic display, they even wore uniforms.

It was quite a display. And a reminder that New Jersey has the least democratic Legislature in America. But hey, let’s count our blessings. At least they didn’t beat up any women at this Senate committee hearing. Stay tuned…