GSI Poll: 44% of New Jersey residents planning to leave. Is NJ the new East Germany?

Yesterday was a voting session in the New Jersey Legislature. Regina Egea of the Garden State Initiative (GSI), a think tank that closely monitors the various home-grown diseases that beset the state’s economy, sent around fresh data from a poll conducted for GSI by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s School of Public & Global Affairs. Ms. Egea had this to report:

According to the survey, 44% of New Jersey residents are planning to leave the state in the not so distant future with more than 1 in 4 (28%) planning to depart the Garden State within 5 years. Unsurprisingly, Property Taxes and the overall Cost of Living were cited as the main drivers. The results also debunk two issues frequently cited in anecdotal accounts of outmigration, weather and public transportation, as they ranked 8th and 10th respectively, out of 11 factors offered.

These results should alarm every elected official and policymaker in New Jersey. We have a crisis of confidence in the ability of our leaders to address property taxes and the cost of living whether at the start of their career, in prime earning years, or repositioning for retirement, New Jersey residents see greener pastures in other states. This crisis presents a profound challenge to our state as we are faced with a generation of young residents looking elsewhere to build their careers, establish families and make investments like homeownership.

This out-migration of people should come as no surprise to anyone who has kept track of how and where former New Jersey elected officials spend their retirement. After lifetimes spent raising people’s property taxes, voting for all manner of other taxes and spending – while building up pensions and other benefits for themselves – they move to states less liberal with money, with markedly lower taxes. They escape the taxes they are responsible for, the failing economy they are responsible for. There are actual colonies of former New Jersey elected and appointed officials popping up in states like Florida and North Carolina – all being mailed pension checks from New Jersey!

So how did the New Jersey Legislature spend the voting session on the day the poll was released that showed nearly half the inmates of the garden spot they’re running were planning their escape? In the words of Republican Assemblyman Hal Wirths, the Democrats who control the Legislature decided to make it “criminal appreciation day”.

Yep, the Democrats gave the vote to convicted criminals and also provided them with education funding – just months after they gave millions in education funding to illegal immigrants – while slashing education funding to the children of property tax payers across the state. Of course they did, that’s how they roll.

The Democrats in New Jersey have gone crazy. Everybody can see how this story is going to end. The only thing that can change that ending are Republicans. Elect a Republican as Governor, change the make-up of the Legislature by adding more and more Republicans – and you will give anxious movers-to-be the breathing space to reconsider and give the state a second (or third or fourth) chance.

Democrat Senate President Steve Sweeney has spent a lot of time and energy trying to convince New Jersey’s business community that he is for them. They even backed his guys in District 1 (and lost).

But Sweeney’s promises and plans are not really “bi-partisan” or “pro-business” or “pro-jobs” at all. He showed this when he specifically targeted Republican-voting school districts for his education funding cuts. And again, during the campaign, when he allowed top staffer Mark Magyar’s newspapers to trash even friendly Republicans. And after the campaign, with a $9 million pay-back to abortionist Planned Parenthood for supporting Democrat candidates. And again, when Sweeney proposed S-4204, which will crush working mothers and drive businesses out of the state.

Steve Sweeney always returns to what he is. He is reminiscent of those lines from one of Kipling’s poems:

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

These Democrats – all of them, in one way or another – are a form of slow motion disaster. Post-election, they have merely increased the speed. All the evidence suggests that with these Democrats, in the end, the only good Republican is one who no longer holds office (just as the only good business or good worker is one who pledges fealty to the corrupt machine). Those 44 percent of New Jerseyans who are so desperate for leadership they are willing to move to seek it elsewhere, will not be assuaged by “bi-partisan” cohabitation. More dramatic measures are in order – clear, unambiguous Republican measures.

Dem. hypocrite criticizes Space & Wirths for opposing Gov. Murphy’s RAIN TAX.

If you don’t think you pay enough in property taxes already – and if you really believe you need to pay more – then do we have the candidates for you…

Democrats Deana Lykins and Dan Smith.

These two Democrats are running for Assembly against Republicans Parker Space and Hal Wirths.  On July 5th, Democrat Lykins posted a video on YouTube in which she criticized Parker Space and Hal Wirths for voting against Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s controversial RAIN TAX.

Governor Murphy’s RAIN TAX scheme allows government to establish new local bureaucracies with taxing power.  Once established, these “stormwater utilities” would impose a new property tax on local taxpayers based on an estimate of the water run-off coming from their “impermeable surfaces” such as roofs and driveways.  Do you feel the need to pay an extra $100 or so each year in property taxes?  Does that sound good to you?  Because it does to Deana Lykins.

Deana Lykins claims that we need to pay more in property taxes.  Lykins says we need Murphy’s RAIN TAX now to prevent things like the recent algae bloom that closed down Lake Hopatcong to swimmers.  Actually, 15 years ago the Democrats told us the Highlands Act was going to solve the problem and make sure that things like the algae bloom weren’t going to happen.

The Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act was signed into law by Democrat Governor Jim McGreevey on August 10, 2004 – just days before he held a press conference to announce his resignation.  Of that press conference, many people still only remember how McGreevey successfully diverted attention from his legal issues, by raising his sexual “identity”.  Many forget that among the host of corruption investigations into McGreevey at the time was one related to land use.  Wikipedia explains… 

David D'Amiano, a key McGreevey fund-raiser, was ultimately sentenced to two years in prison for extorting $40,000 from a farmer, Mark Halper, a Middlesex County landowner cooperating with investigators. In the 47-page indictment, there are repeated references to the involvement of "State Official 1," later revealed to be McGreevey. In a conversation with Halper, McGreevey used the word "Machiavelli," the code arranged by D'Amiano intended to assure the farmer that his $40,000 campaign contribution would get him preferential treatment in a dispute over his land.

The Highlands Act put 859,000 acres – one ninth of the entire state – under the supervision of the state Department of Environmental Protection.  The Act specifically dealt with the issue of stormwater run-off.  In return for 880,000 residents in Sussex, Warren, Morris, Passaic, and Hunterdon counties surrendering their property rights and losing the use and value of their property, issues like algae bloom on Lake Hopatcong were supposed to be resolved.  But the Democrats LIED… as they always do.

Now it is 15 years later and Democrats like Phil Murphy and Deana Lykins claim they need a new PROPERTY TAX (the RAIN TAX) to solve the problem we paid for (in the loss of property use and value) a decade and a half ago!    

Even more disturbing are the lies Deana Lykins tells in her video.  She talks about going to “the lake” as a child… but leaves out that she isn’t from Sussex County and that “the lake” wasn’t Lake Hopatcong.  Deana Lykins is from Kentucky. 

Lykins got a degree in journalism from the University of Kentucky in 1993.  Then she went to work for the New York City Housing Authority – that state’s local version of COAH.  Lykins worked for the Senate Democrats in New Jersey when they rammed through the Highlands Act and sent it to Governor McGreevey for his signature.  Lykins was a legislative staffer in Trenton who assisted in locking up our property use and killing our property values… and for what?  Now she’s back 15 years later to tell us we need to pay more in property taxes to fix what her bosses promised they would fix with the Highlands Act!   

Once she got enough experience from government she joined that never-ending “revolving door” between government and special interests.  Deana Lykins cashed-in and became a lobbyist, first for the pharmaceutical industry and then for the insurance industry.   Lykins was National Policy Manager for Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals at a time when the drugs giant was being accused by regulators (and the New York Times) of making “payoffs to doctors for prescribing the company’s pharmaceutical products.”  She is associated with some of the insurance industry’s worst practices (but that is for another day).

The hypocrisy of this politician is incredible.  Deana Lykins’ embrace of Governor Murphy’s RAIN TAX is yet another reminder of the Democrats’ contempt for, and their malevolence towards, taxpayers.