Per Don Norcross: LGBTQ+ propaganda is killing our kids

By Rubashov

Everywhere we look, we see assaults on the identity and health of children – especially girls. Forget prospective legislation, it is now the law in much of our country that schoolgirls must share formerly off-limits, personal facilities with boys who are quite capable of raping them. Even at-risk women in shelters and prisons are subjected to this faith-based, ideological crucible – with two women inmates in New Jersey recently made pregnant by a “female” cellmate. Talk about “cruel and unusual” punishment!
Only barbaric nations imprison women with men. And it isn’t “hate” to say so, it’s hateful to allow it to happen to fellow human beings.
With the decline of many traditional faiths, the LGBTQ+ religion has filled the vacuum. Apparently, mankind has a need to suspend rational thought and replace it with a faith-based discipline that demands the suspension of reality. Hey, a society that once believed wine could be turned into actual blood, will find a new religion that demands you believe that boys can be turned into actual girls somewhat comforting. Religion needs to make such demands, or it isn’t religion.  And just as people in Victorian times switched religions to fit in with the establishment of the day, in this neo-Victorian era they are doing so again.
And so, Don Norcross (He, Him), a Congressman (or must we say Congress-Cisman?) facing re-election was dragooned into putting his name to a column co-authored by Bishop Christian Fuscarino of the new faith (and written by only God knows who). It is the job of any good bishop to keep his flock apart from the general population. Why? Because flocks only reach into their pockets to keep some fear at bay – and Bishop Fuscarino is an accomplished fear monger. Heck, the Bishop raised money off the fear of a so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill that, in fact, doesn’t mention the word “Gay”. Now that is something.
Why all this fear? It’s simple: No fear, no religion, no Bishop Fuscarino. He makes his living off the new religion and his pitch is as irrational and stuffed with emotion as the one served up by Tammy Faye in former times. But remember, they lapped it up then… and they’re lapping it up now.
That great British writer (and former member of Parliament) Matthew Parris once suggested that the personal goal of every “gay” person was to get on with a career that provides satisfaction and then to simply blend in and be left in peace to rub along like any other human being. But that way of thinking is the antithesis of Bishop Fuscarino. The Bishop holds that your career and accomplishments do not define you so much as the sex you had and with whom. It places salaciousness at the center of life. And that’s the mandate he’s demanded the state use to teach kids.
Imagine if a government mandated the “teaching (of) historical contributions of people in schools” based on their religious beliefs?  Would this serve as “a true representation of our nation’s rich history”? Here is a man famous for his engineering feats but the really important thing you need to know about him is that he was an Episcopalian!  And that’s what we are celebrating him for… his religion. The engineering stuff is an afterthought. Well, get ready for a lot of miseducated stupid school kids… but it won’t do the recruitment of Episcopalians any harm will it? And new recruits will keep Bishop Fuscarino in truffles… and maybe that’s the point!
Nothing about the new religion is as bad as its symbiotic relationship with Big Pharma and some of the more reckless elements in the field of reconstructive surgery. It has all the makings of the next opioid scandal and Congressman Don Norcross should be so advised if this is the horse he intends to ride.
Dr. Paul McHugh, former chairperson of the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital, has written: “The idea that one's sex is fluid and a matter open to choice runs unquestioned through our culture and is reflected everywhere in the media, the theater, the classroom, and in many medical clinics. It has taken on cult-like features: its own special lingo, Internet chat rooms providing slick answers to new recruits, and clubs for easy access to dresses and styles supporting the sex change. It is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges.”
Then there is this warning from the National Library of Medicine: “Transsexual issues and sexual reassignment surgery (SRS) are receiving a great deal of attention and support in the media, schools, and government. Given the early age at which youth seek treatment for transsexual attractions (TSA) and gender dysphoria and given the serious risks associated with such treatment, it is essential that family and youth be advised about these risks and alternative treatment options. Physicians and mental-health professionals have a professional responsibility to know and communicate the serious risks, in particular risk of suicide, that are associated with SRS; the spontaneous resolution of TSA in youth; the psychological conflicts that have been identified in such patients and in their parents; the successful treatment of conflicts associated TSA and the regrets of those who have been through SRS.”
Congressman Norcross, you too have a responsibility to acknowledge those risks.  
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health reports that “evidence suggests that children will change their minds as they age: just under three-quarters of pre-pubescent children attending gender identity clinics may not want to change their gender once puberty starts.”
But instead of them being allowed to figure it out naturally, they are being offered a smorgasbord of profit-earning puberty blockers that will short-circuit their natural growth and kill their ability to ever figure it out. Studies suggest that if allowed to follow a natural – as opposed to a pharmaceutical and surgical – course, most of these children will mature to develop same-sex or bi-sexual attractions. This suggests that the first victims of the state’s push to indoctrinate “T” will be sacrificed at the expense of “L” and “G” and “B”.
And despite the Congressman’s protestations, medical studies indicate that his embrace of policies to enforce the new religion isn’t saving lives as much as costing them. If battling “thoughts of suicide” produces a “solution” that causes suicide, what is the point?
The most thorough follow-up study of people who had reassignment surgery extended over 30 years and was conducted in Sweden – a country strongly supportive of the transgendered. The study is full of detail on their lifelong mental instability. Here is the data Congressman Norcross’ new faith would prefer to ignore: 10 to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers. We certainly hope the good Congressman doesn’t continue to embrace this policy of coddle them now, kill them later.
Here’s how the leftwing Guardian newspaper summarized the results of a review of “more than 100 follow-up studies of post-operative transsexuals” by Birmingham University’s Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility:
“The Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility, which conducts reviews of health care treatments for the National Health Service, concludes that none of the studies provides conclusive evidence that gender reassignment is beneficial for patients. It found that most research was poorly designed, which skewed the results in favor of physically changing sex. There was no evaluation of whether other treatments, such as long-term counseling, might help transsexuals, or whether their gender confusion might lessen over time.”
Unfortunately for Bishop Fuscarino, there are a lot of people who prefer rational inquiry to religious bullying. Even Hollywood liberals are rejecting the new religion offered by Bishop Fuscarino. Here is liberal comedian Bill Maher (a skeptic who once donated a million dollars to Barack Obama) presenting polling data to make the point that the LGBTQ+ movement is growing not due to nature (as was their earlier argument) but rather through nurture (fashion, legislation, indoctrination).
The genetic argument has been largely dropped in favor of blunt proselytization – applied by the corporate, media, political, and academic establishment – in service of the new religion. In our schools, the mechanical repetition of LGBTQ+ shibboleths makes for an ubiquitous catechism used to indoctrinate children into the new religion – with drag queens now revered by education authorities as saints were once by Catholic school girls. In place of “live and let live” children are offered the choice between conformity and cancellation. Tolerance is out. Celebration is mandatory. “Pride” is the new Lent.

“If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses.”

Bill Maher (May 2022)

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Did Bob Hugin arbitrarily put NJGOP on the side of LGBTQ+ Curriculum?

By Rubashov
All across America, parents want the right to control the sexual indoctrination of their children. They are trying to re-establish primacy over when and what their children will be exposed to. Until recently, parental primacy over such matters was a given – universally accepted. My house, my rules.
Special interest money – their lobbyists and activists – ran a successful stealth campaign that undermined parental rights. Until the COVID pandemic sent school children home and distance learning exposed their parents to the curriculum they were learning from. The backlash was predictable.
Many in the academic, media, corporate, and political establishment are in hock to the special interest money that looks upon public schools as their house, their rules. Of course, what they forget is that property tax payers pay for most of the public education in New Jersey – and income tax payers pay for the rest. That’s whose house it is. The establishment are really just a group of squatters. Illegal trespassers. Which is why they need to cheat.


If you are a member of one of the world’s traditional religions – and literally billions of people are (billions) – the word “pride” carries a warning with it. Throughout the world’s great faiths, “pride” is something to keep in check. The Buddha warned to “let go of anger, let go of pride.” In Hinduism, pride is a poison that presents an obstacle to one's peace and happiness. Islam warns us that “evil is the abode of pride.”
In the Christian tradition, pride is the original sin. Thomas Aquinas argued that all other sins stem from Pride, making this the root sin and the most important to focus on: “Inordinate self-love is the cause of every sin...the root of pride is found to consist in man not being, in some way, subject to God and His rule.”
In modern America (and elsewhere in the West) we no longer celebrate many of the Christian holidays, but we do celebrate the Advent-long festival of Pride, named after one of the seven deadly sins of the Bible (listed, in order, as “pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth”). What anthropologists of the future will make of it we can only guess?
Who came up with such a name might be their first question? Apparently, it is generally accepted that the term was first used during an act of violence – specifically, a riot, directed at the police. Think of it as if America celebrated the Boston Massacre instead of Independence Day. The Stonewall Riot (“Stonewall” being the name of a bar) took place on June 28, 1969. It has also been called the Stonewall Uprising and the Stonewall Insurrection. The term “Pride” came from the brain of one of the insurrectionists, Brenda Howard, known as the “Mother of Pride”.
Brenda Howard was a Marxist and anti-war activist who became a feminist because she believed the anti-war movement was too dominated by men. According to Wikipedia: “In 1987 Howard helped found the New York Area Bisexual Network to help co-ordinate services to the region's growing Bisexual community. She was also an active member of the early bisexual political activist group BiPAC/Bialogue, a Regional Organizer for BiNet USA, a co-facilitator of the Bisexual S/M Discussion Group and a founder of the nation's first Alcoholics Anonymous chapter for bisexuals. On a national level, Howard's activism included work on both the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights and the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation where she was female co-chair of the leather contingent and Stonewall 25 in 1994. In addition to being openly bisexual, Howard was openly polyamorous and involved in BDSM.”
That said, Brenda Howard’s most profound accomplishment must be her etymological feat of turning what had been every religion’s sin – Pride – into America’s foremost high holy month. A stunning achievement by any measure.


The advance of so much of the “Pride” agenda has been done apart from the democratic process. Public pressure, threats, name-calling, and ostracization have featured heavily in moving the agenda forward. Special interest group lobbying, political contributions, and appointed judiciaries won victories instead of democratic argument and the votes of both legislatures and electorates. America didn’t get it done the way countries like Ireland did, by a democratic vote of the people, and so the winners have never been comfortable in the way that those who win the hearts and minds of actual voters can be.
And so the ceaseless, insecure demands continue. The insistence that more can always be done… must always be done. What should have been a celebration of “live and let live” or “do your own thing” has taken the form of religious proselytization – a replacement religion of a kind America has never had: Standardized, mandatory, practiced everywhere and by everyone… or else, face the consequences.


Democracy requires humility. It requires the wisdom to reject certainty, that one side has all the answers, and the good nature to accept that “this time we lost but there is aways next time”. Religion is not like that. Religion seeks adherence because it believes that there is only one truth and that everyone should accept it. That is how “Pride” resembles a religion – because it leads otherwise honorable people to subvert democratic solutions in favor of “getting the job done, one way or the other”.
And so, we come to the NJGOP and its Chairman, Bob Hugin. Instead of calling for a meeting of the members of the Republican State Committee, to put before them the question of whether they wanted the NJGOP to formally go on the record as celebrating the secular/religious holiday of “Pride Month” (just as they acknowledge and celebrate the secular/religious holiday of Christmas), either Hugin or someone in authority at the NJGOP arbitrarily did so without a vote. The May meeting was cancelled. A June meeting has yet to be held.
Sussex County’s Nick D'Agostino, the newest member of the Republican State Committee, bravely took on the party. Under the “Pride flag” posted on the NJGOP’s website, Nick wrote:
“You don’t speak for all of us in the NJGOP. Many of us believe the American Flag represent ALL of us and refuse to pander to the woke left. Many of us believe God is in control and not cancel culture. Many of us understand that voters choosing between a Democrat and a wannabe Democrat, will choose the actual Democrat… almost every time. Ultimately though, the people are in charge. They are waking up and they are sick of losing elections and their freedoms. Soon, every weak Republican will be replaced with true patriots and principled conservatives. Then, and only then, NJ will turn red!”
Nick D'Agostino spoke up for democratic principles and the consent of the governed. Nick spoke truth to power. That took guts and leadership. Godspeed.

Sussex County Republican State Committeeman Nick D'Agostino and wife Breelagh.

Nick also serves as President of the Sussex-Wantage Regional Board of Education.

Author and civil rights pioneer Lillian Smith gave this sound advice when she accepted the Charles S. Johnson Award for her work:

“It is his millions of relationships that will give man his humanity… It is not our ideological rights that are important but the quality of our relationships with each other, with all men, with knowledge and art and God that count.

The civil rights movement has done a magnificent job but it is now faced with the ancient choice between good and evil, between love for all men and lust for a group’s power.”

“Every group on earth that has put ideology before human relations has failed; always disaster and bitterness and bloodshed have come. This movement, too, may fail. If it does, it will be because it aroused in men more hate than love, more concern for their own group than for all people, more lust for power than compassion for human need.”

“We must avoid the trap of totalism which lures a man into thinking there is only one way, one answer, one option, and that others must be forced into this One Way, and forced into it Now.”