Morris County and the Red Rubber Ball of Disillusionment

By Rubashov

Hey Fred, do you know the words to that song? It was written just across the river from Phillipsburg – in Easton, Pennsylvania – and it’s about the disillusion that ends in a break-up. So, it’s a good choice for what is happening to the Morris County GOP.

Fresh on the heels of Friday’s remarkable intervention by the State Democrat Chairman (who also happens to be the Essex County Democrat Chairman) comes yet another intervention – this time by a blog controlled by a prominent Essex County Democrat. The Republicans who the Democrats are coming to the aid of are the Morris County Board of Commissioners, in particular, Commissioner John Krickus.

In this case, the Essex Democrats are backing the Morris Republicans' decision not to go on record in opposition to abortion up to the time of birth, something that most Democrats don’t support but that is nevertheless being pushed by a few radicals under the clever title of “The Reproductive Freedom Act.”

According to Fred Snowflack at InsiderNJ, Krickus made a reference to a red ball at a recent public meeting of the Commissioners: “We are a red ball that has held up.”

Krickus used his red ball analogy to dismiss pleas from a contingent of Pro-Life conservatives, along with activists involved in the fight against human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children (which is horrifically affected by the Reproductive Freedom Act). Snowflack noted:

“The board had just been urged by some members of the public to oppose state legislation regarding reproductive rights.

Supporters say the bill would protect rights granted to women under Roe v. Wade; opponents say it would essentially sanction genocide.

The board declined to act, suggesting the issue was not in its lane.

Krickus, who is seeking reelection this year, said the only way to get conservative ideas and bills passed is to elect Republicans.”

But wait… if an all-Republican Board won’t oppose something as unpopular as abortion up to the time of birth what good is it? Why have it? Why go to the expense?

If Krickus and company lack the balls to take a stand on something as grotesque as abortion up to the time of birth just which “conservative ideas” will he grow a set for? So, here we go again – the Hugin 2018 model – disillusioning and suppressing the Republican/ conservative base…

I should have known

you'd bid me farewell

There's a lesson to be learned from this

and I learned it very well

Why should anyone vote for a Republican if there is no expectation that, once in office, the Republican you voted for is going to behave like a Republican? Better to leave a position with such a Republican blank rather than fill it with an interloper.

Now I know you're not the only

starfish in the sea

If I never hear your name again

it's all the same to me

While telling Fred Snowflack that “if Republicans don’t win elections, nothing will change,” Krickus is proving just the opposite. Or perhaps the change that Krickus is referring to has more to do with contracts, vendors, and patronage? Same policies… but the money will be going into different pockets.

Ignoring the Republican policies he refused to act on, Krickus said: “We need to keep this red ball in place, so we can continue enacting Republican policies.” The man is a fool to himself.

Always runnin', never carin', that's

the life you live

Stolen minutes of your time were

all you had to give

This is the same Board of Commissioners that all but endorsed Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s LGBTQ+ mandatory curriculum for school districts. You know, the one that teaches anal sex to grade school children.

The story's in the past

with nothing to recall

I've got my life to live

and I don't need you at all

The roller-coaster ride we took

Is nearly at an end

I bought my ticket with my tears,

that's all I'm gonna spend

And I think it's gonna be alright
Yeah, the worst is over now

The morning sun is shining like a

red rubber ball

Commissioner Krickus should exchange his "red ball" analogy for an actual set of working balls.

“If it were 1860, the Democrats would be bragging about their first transgendered slave-owner.”

Jimmy Dore

(and Republicans like Commissioner Krickus would be too afraid to call them on it)