Space County: Former “disgrace” now anointed successor.

On Thursday, Senator Steve Oroho and Assemblyman Hal Wirths made it official: They want to turn over the keys to Sussex County to Jill and Parker Space. Sussex County just got a whole lot weirder.
This is a big deal and a bigger turnaround for Senator Oroho, who for most of the last decade had preached a sermon that Jill and Parker shouldn’t – “under no circumstances” – be placed into the positions of power that Parker Space becoming a Senator would give the husband-wife duo. Oroho’s apparent flip-flop on Jill and Parker Space provides a public glimpse into this seemingly stable man’s often dark instability – since 2013 he has repeatedly made threats to commit political suicide and resign, when internal discussions turned to subjects he didn’t wish to discuss (like his coziness with Senate President Steve Sweeney).
As for Hal Wirths – well, he wasn’t even on speaking terms with Parker Space after Jill and Parker tried to force his wife off the Board of Elections – so, his change of mood is remarkable indeed. Why Jill and Parker would target Parker’s running mate’s wife was inexplicable. But it's just something they do – and now that they run the place, something we expect we’ll be seeing more of.
Four signatures are needed to re-appoint a member of the County Board of Elections: The County Party Chairman, First Vice Chairman or woman, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman. At the time, Jill Space held two of those positions (First Vice Chair and State Committee) and Parker held one (State Committee, in addition to being the Assemblyman). The Space duo has always favored holding multiple positions, liking titles and believing nobody is better qualified to have them.
It took an enormous amount of pleading and lobbying to convince Jill and Parker to relent. The powers that be even asked the guy who ran Parker’s campaigns for Freeholder and Assembly to intercede on behalf of Wirths’ wife. What will happen next time… now that Jill and Parker are the powers that be?
Well, it looks like things are going to get even more batshit crazy in Sussex County (the soon-to-be “Space County” in all but name). Parker Space will be sitting in the top chair in the county – picking judges (President Judge Mike Garafolo?). Jill Space will be Director of the Board of Commissioners – picking winners and losers. Maybe she’ll pick Steve Oroho to come back as County Administrator? Something like it has happened before. Of course, the Democrats will be waiting for things to get so nuts that maybe the voters will finally break down and vote for them.
With the New Jersey Herald all but gone, local political coverage of what county insiders get up to has never been more important. After all, people’s hard-earned tax dollars are at stake as well as the services they depend on. Anyone who listened to the anguished pleas of the President of the CWA local that represents most county workers knows the plight they face.
That’s why we campaigned for – and won – COVID bonuses for those workers. We had to break the balls of a lot of politicians to get those people paid and were hated for it, but that’s okay, because full time county workers shouldn’t need food stamps and the food pantry to feed their children. The insiders are fat and need to share some of the vittles.   
Bloggers are filling the places once filled by reporters. That’s what the Courts have said too. The Courts have held that bloggers are a new kind of reporter, especially as journalism altogether has become a whole lot more opinionated and perspective oriented.
Today, all across America, government and political parties are seeking to suppress citizen journalists from uncovering the inner workings of public life. The politicians want governance to happen in the dark. Politicians accuse citizen journalists who disagree with them of being partisan – and instruct their robotic supporters to delete, ignore, or even burn what is being written. We’ve seen witch hunts like these before – Erdogan’s Turkey being just one example.
Politicians are at war with journalism. Take a look at how Democrat politicians – members of Congress – treated the two journalists responsible for uncovering the bizarre and dangerous links between the security state and Twitter: 

Democrats demand to know journalists' sources!

This anti-Bill of Rights, anti-American sickness is everywhere.

Sound familiar? Like some campaign literature you recently got?

That’s because they don’t want you to know… they just want you to pay.
Welcome to Space County! Stay tuned…


“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.”

George Orwell


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