Is “Fat Pride” the next Letter in the LGBTQ+ Continuum?

By Rubashov

“Junk Science” is an outcome of the merger between corporate profit and science. It’s what you get when a scientist is induced to become some corporation’s bitch and it corrupts everything.

Climate Change is real but there are options on how to address it. There’s also a great a deal of money to be made – especially given the subsidies and incentives available. That’s why corporations like Goldman Sachs hire lobbyists to promote the products they invest in, to win subsidies and gain government mandates.

In 2020, New Jersey became the first state in America to mandate Climate Change Advocacy as part of its education standards that define what children are taught. Governor Phil Murphy’s wife, Tammy Murphy, lobbied the state to adopt this new curriculum standard. What she didn’t disclose is how much of this advocacy is going to benefit corporations like Goldman Sachs. She also didn’t disclose how much she and the Governor are invested in Goldman Sachs’ “Green” portfolio and how much they could personally profit from growing a new generation of consumers trained to buy what the Goldman Sachs’ “Green” portfolio is pushing.

See, there are different ways to address Climate Change but some of those solutions are driven by corporate greed and might not be as effective as less profitable solutions. So, who is watching out for the taxpayer or the consumer? Government mandating one product over another can make someone a billionaire overnight.

Here is a video that provides an example of “Junk Science” at work. The purveyors of junk food want to sell more of their crap. Never mind that it is the root cause of so much sickness in America, there’s profit in it and they want bigger profits. And so, like so much else in America, a corporation on the make hires a “research scientist” to be its spokesperson. They go one better by adopting the same “Woke” identity-based language used by the purveyors of Critical Race Theory and faith-based transgender ideology. In this way, eating junk food becomes a political act, a “Woke” fashion statement, and those not on board with the junk food industry (perhaps warning against diabetes or high blood-pressure) become something like “racists.”

“Junk Science” is crass and often revolting, but it is a brilliant way to market crap and get people to buy it. Enjoy the video…

A new “identity” group
is targeting school children…
because there is big money in scams like these.

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

George Orwell

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