Is Woke Democrat candidate making a list of local businesses to boycott?

By Sussex Watchdog

Not content with stripping billions away from local school districts, Democrats are now making ideological lists of local businesses that survived the pandemic and the lockdown mandates of Democrat Governor Phil Murphy. These lists are based not on the products or services these businesses offer, not on their pricing and warranties, not even on customer service or retail ambience.

No, the Democrats want to discriminate for and against local businesses based on their active support of things like vaccine and mask mandates, abortion up to and including the day of birth, Critical Race Theory and support for defunding the police, transgendered agenda and LGBTQ+ curriculum, illegal immigration, and Goldman-Sachs/ Tammy Murphy’s plan to use farmland and lakes for solar panels. Take a look at the line-up of hashtags in the post below.

That’s the whackadoddledoo wokeness of corporate Democrats for you. Big “D” Democrats – not little “d” as in those who practice actual democracy. Big “D” as in authoritarian Dicks.

It isn’t enough to have a nice product, in a well-kept establishment, with friendly service… they want to know what you are thinking, and you better identify how you think… or else! And if you are not thinking what they’re thinking – exactly like they’re thinking it – then history shows they will call you names and cancel you, shun you, turn you and your business into a version of the undead. How many poor unfortunates have lost their jobs or income for expressing the “wrong” opinion? And what’s worse, while torturing and bullying people this way, the Democrats will claim “tolerance” and “anti-hate”. Real sweethearts.

And if you don't fly the approved flag, post the approved sentiments in your window, or support the approved candidates???

It's just more divisive woke bullshit.

The candidate is Damaris Lira. On Tuesday, she became the Democratic Party nominee for County Commissioner in Sussex County. So… one of her first acts as the Democrat nominee is to work on a list that categorizes local businesses as “them” or “us”??? Wasn’t this the method used by another political party, in central Europe, nearly a century ago?

And why would any small businessperson vote for a candidate who, as a County Commissioner, would look to favor one business over another? Maybe they would if they knew they were on the approved list – but what if they weren’t?

Woke Democrats (and their go-along-to-get-along, wannabe cousins, Woke Republicans) appear to have one answer to everything – divide and bully. They claim to be representing “marginalized” or “oppressed” groups when it is clear to everyone that those they represent are either directly in power or favored by those in power. But then remember, the worst crimes against humanity have been by people in power who claimed to be acting out their aggression in self-defense.