The Rise of Anti - Semitism in the USA and a Call To Action Now!

Russell Taub
Policy Advisor and Political Strategist

Just recently, the Anti- Defamation League audit showed a 10-year increase of incidents against Jewish residents in the United States. In addition, the Anti-Defamation League audit showed anti-Semitic incidents against the Jewish community rose by 34 percent in 2021. This is disgusting on all levels.

One would assume that this audit, would send a message to the Biden Administration and the Department of Justice as a call to action to tackle the rise of anti-Semitism. Obviously, that’s not the case.

During the 60 Minutes show this week, the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, discussed his primary objectives. In his interview he failed acknowledge the rise of anti-Semitism in America. Instead, he was more worried about Russia, China, and disinformation. Not one mention of the rise of anti-Semitism and hate crimes right in his own backyard.

During President Biden's main addresses to the world. President Biden outlined his administration's main goals. Not one of them is tackling anti-Semitism. The Biden Administration cares more about Russian Oligarchs and their yachts, then the rise of anti-Semitism.

The majority of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House care more about canceling student debt, taxes, Ukraine, and Russia. Dont get me wrong these issues are important, but what about a plan to tackle anti-Semitism.

Here are two simple ways on how to fight the rise of anti-Semitism.

The federal response would be for the U.S. Congress to pass a bill making Holocaust Education a requirement and establish a special FBI National Taskforce on anti-Semitism.

Many states in America share that same belief that, Holocaust education is essential and that’s why they passed their own legislation. They couldn’t rely and wait on the federal government to do something. However, the problem with states passing their own legislation is that it’s not always enforced. For example, In Rhode Island, the state legislature passed almost the same legislation twice, and books about the Holocaust were taken off the shelves of public schools in Providence, Rhode Island. Therefore, a federal response would be the best way to fight the rise of anti-Semitism. The ideal new law is which, school districts, independent charter schools, and private schools must teach about the Holocaust and other genocides.

These are two easy, bipartisan ways that both sides of the aisle can stand behind. There is no reason or excuses on why they can't do this. Everyone talks about it and NOW, when the country needs it, no one wants to do it.

The ADL audit should be a wakeup call and a call to action. I encourage everyone to call their members of Congress and Senate and ask them to pass legislation requiring mandatory Holocaust Education and to establish a special FBI National Taskforce on anti-Semitism. We need action now!