The Meron Tragedy and The Value of Life

24 Iyyar, 5781 °° May 6, '21 (39th day to the Omer, "Netzach She'b'Yesod") °° Parshas Behar - Bechukosai

by Binyomin Feinberg

For many within the Jewish world, the indescribable, overwhelming tragedy last Thursday night in Meron, Israel - taking 45 precious lives - feels like it overshadows almost everything. Seeing Divine Wrath on that scale, and hearing accounts of the greatness to which some holy souls rose on the precipice of death - accepting Divine Judgement with love - should compel us to repent, and to open our eyes to the spiritual heights a person can reach, as long as he lives. Among many of the lessons we can derive here is the indescribable value of life.

As NJ considers the RHA - legislation to enable unencumbered abortion and human-trafficking in NJ - we ought think about just whom will be killed in these state-sanctioned abortions, and what lofty levels of spiritual greatness these souls could potentially attain - if not murdered before being given a chance to live outside the womb. Those who want to see the truth of this - can. Those who refuse to, will - as our Holy Sages exhort - unquestionably experience their own encounter with Divine Justice, whenever - and however - He sees fit.

Furthermore, as Assisted Suicide legislation is struggling to spread throughout America (failing in Connecticut, for now, thank G-d) - and the world - this lesson about the value of life is vitally needed right now.

Moreover, we see that the LGBT mafia continues to gain influence within Republican circles. It does so at the expense of the millions of people being killed by AIDS and other diseases worldwide. I refer to diseases spread hy the sinful acts encouraged by LGBT legislation, propaganda and school indoctrination. The aforementioned lesson about the inestimable value of life needs to be learned by the so-called conservatives and pro-life people who have betrayed the cause of decency and morality in regards to the LGBT movement. We all need to realize that the LGBT advocacy movement poses an existential threat to western civilization, both spiritually and physically.

Spiritually, the LGBT movement seeks the annihilation of our Biblical values and worldview, including the value of innocent life. And they don't really hide that fact. Physically, we must never forget what our Sages teach us in the Medrash Rabbah on Parshas Achrei Mos (Lev. 18:3) - that what triggered the physical destruction of the world via the Great Flood was the recognition of same-sex unions.

The illicit June 2015 US Supreme Court pronouncement celebrating sodomy as basis for marriage wasn't the end of the LGBT crusade against G-d and His Torah. Rather, it was just the beginning of the next stage of LGBT legislative terrorism, seeking to silence all opposition. This second wave is something which we can and must combat - especially on the local and state level, as is being done on the abortion issue around the US right now, with over 500 pro-life legislative initiatives reported this year.

Israeli society too must learn this lesson, and stand strong against an attempt to enable formation of any government with leftist icon Lapid. As bad as the very "un-Orthodox" Likud leader and current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been for moral values, a government with open leftist extremists like Lapid would threaten to gravely advance the LGBT and abortion agenda, thereby endangering the very existence of the Jewish People in the Holy Land (even more so than as perpetrated under the Netanyahu regime), as explicitly warned in VaYikra (Lev.), end of chapter 18; also see Ramban (Nachmanides) on 18:25.*

* Regarding abortion and the Israeli female military draft, please see last week's post:

May we merit the Final Redemption in the merit of standing up against those who seek to war against G-d Himself.