NY Assemblyman Mike Lawler: Please vote against 3005 Section F


March 30, '21

NY Assemblyman Mike Lawler
Albany Office:
LOB 718 Albany,
NY 12248
Fax: 518-455-5119 Albany Office

District Office:
1 Blue Hill Plaza, Ste. 1116
POB 1549
Pearl River, NY 10965
845-624-4601 Fax: 845-624-2911

Assemblyman Lawler,

Hello, on behalf of many pro-values residents of Rockland County, I'd like to urge you to please vote against 3005, Section F, in the Cuomo budget for N.Y. state. The section should speak for itself, but, as always, please do feel free to contact me for elaboration.

Briefly, section F. would decimate the Jewish community. We as Jews are obligated to stand up, one for all and all for one. Every child lost to a parent who opts for a lifestyle celebrative of sins which G-d Almighty abominates (e.g. in Lev. 18:22 and 20:13) is a loss for the entire Jewish community. Please be aware that this is really bad legislation. Moreover, the extra-legislative impact will be even worse: Judges will try to bend over backwards to avoid even the perception of anti-LGBT bias in awarding custody, to avoid evoking lawfare reactions from LGBT extremists. Thereby, untold numbers of children will be sacrificed on the altar of LGBT litigative terror.

When we met prior to your election, and discussed our disagreement on issues LGBT, you stated that we agree on (about) 90 percent of the issues. In recently voting for the pro-transgender bill (now law) to legalize loitering for purposes of prostitution, you gave the LGBT Lobby their "Ten Percent." Now, on behalf of our children, and those of all New Yorkers, we ask you for "our ninety percent" - starting with voting against this anti-child, pro-LGBT budget bill.

Thank you in advance for your fidelity to safeguarding the innocence of the most innocent - children caught in the cauldron of a custody battle.


Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,
Executive Director,
Help Rescue Our Children,
Tomim Tih'yeh - countering New Age infiltration into religious communities

Monsey N.Y.
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