Save Jersey and AriseNJ aim to take back the classroom

Parents and property taxpayers now have an organization in their corner.  That’s the message from Pastor Phil Rizzo, President of AriseNJ.  According to its mission statement, AriseNJ “seeks to improve education by identifying strong community leaders and providing educational information for those engaged in or considering service on local school boards.”  The group’s recruitment efforts will focus on “people with strong community ties, traditional values, constitutional principles, and respect for the Bill of Rights.” 
Here’s a copy of AriseNJ’s first advertisement, now running on social media and featured on Save Jersey…

AriseNJ’s Phil Rizzo already has a strong ally in Matt Rooney, the Editor of Save Jersey, the state’s premier conservative news site.  Earlier this week, Rizzo was interviewed by Rooney.  The interview was livestreamed on social media

To learn more, visit their website at

“The only path to unity is to rebuild shared national identity focused on common American values and virtues of which we have plenty. This includes restoring patriotic education in our nation’s schools, where they are trying to change everything that we have learned.”

President Donald Trump