Do foreign murder rates mean NJ is paying for trouble?

Instead of allocating it for property tax relief, Governor Phil Murphy and the Democrats in the Legislature took $2.1 million and handed it to immigration attorneys to help those illegally in New Jersey and facing deportation to stay.  That’s right, illegal aliens who face court-ordered deportation can now fight it, courtesy of the New Jersey taxpayer.

And the first thing that those immigration attorneys did was to complain that it wasn’t enough!  Hey ingrates… at least give a round of applause to Governor Murphy for doing what he promised to do.  Even if you disagree with him, that’s something.  But he did what you wanted and you still complain.  Why is it that some people are never satisfied?  It’s just bitch… bitch… bitch.

The immigration attorneys being funded by the money that should have gone to property tax relief for… seniors trying to keep out of foreclosure… the working poor… single moms trying their best to keep the kids fed and a roof over their heads… you know, all those folks nobody seems to care about anymore…

Well those immigration attorneys claimed that this money would only cover about 14 percent of what they were fixing to charge.  Can you see these lawyers, all salivating around a pot of taxpayers’ money, thinking about how much they can trouser for “doing good” and “making the world a better place.”  Don’t know how to break it to you, but sainthood is a poor person’s profession.  How many Hoboken townhouses, Jersey City condos, or shore houses did Mother Theresa have?

You know what?  We bet they already have some well-connected lawyer-lobbyist down in Trenton trying to get them even more of your money – the money that should have gone to property tax relief for a state with one of the highest foreclosure rates in America.

As for making the world a better place… well hold on there just a minute.

We’re always told – by groups like NAP, the Million Moe March, Show of the Hands, Gabriel’s BoBo, and the Multi-Rainbow Redaction Caucus – that America has the biggest murder rate of anywhere in the world.  You all buy that, right?

Well the United Nations doesn’t buy it.  No siree. 

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the global international homicide rate is 6.2 per 100,000.  For the United States of America, it is 5.35 per 100,000. 

Yep, we’re in 87th place as far as murder rates go… not #1 like some would have you believe.  We do about the same as Greenland, a bit better than Ukraine and Argentina, not quite as good as Lithuania and Cuba.  Sure, there is a whole lot of room for improvement until we become one of those countries (like Great Britain) where the cops don’t carry guns (although that is changing… fast).

But then look at the where our immigration is coming from and you’ll soon think twice about holding your breath waiting for the day the police go around with only a notepad for protection.  According to the United States Department of Homeland Security, 55% of those residing in America illegally are from Mexico (some of these are pass-throughs from other Central or South American nations).  In second place is El Salvador.  Third place goes to Guatemala.  In fifth place is Honduras.  In tenth place, the Dominican Republic. 

Now here is where it gets scary.  According to the United Nations, El Salvador and Honduras have the highest murder rates in the world – at 82.84 per 100,000 and 56.52 per 100,000 respectively.  Guatemala’s murder rate is 27.26 per 100,000.  Mexico has a murder rate nearly four times that of the United States – at 19.26 per 100,000.  The Dominican Republic has a murder rate of 15.18 per 100,000. 

Would our murder rate be significantly lower without the influx of young males from these high-murder rate countries?  It is certainly something worthy of a thorough government study.

If it turns out, as some studies have suggested, that we are sustaining our murder rate on the basis of outside “talent” then the party or parties responsible should face hell to pay.  Murder, rape, robbery, and violent assault are life altering experiences and we would do well to examine what policies could be negatively impacting the prevention of such crimes.  Even property crimes like burglary cause severe emotion reactions and even mental disorders.  According to the U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, there were 5.8 million violent victimizations and 17.1 million property victimizations for the latest year surveyed.

Crime and its causes cannot be brushed aside out of ideological convenience.  It is a people issue – the need to feel safe and secure is a basic human need.  Those advocating the headlong rush to prevent every illegal facing deportation from being sent home, just because it falls under the administration of President Donald Trump, would do well to consider the potential outcomes of such policies.

Kudos to Assemblyman Hal Wirths (R-24) for thinking instead of emoting.  In contrast to some cringe-worthy comments made by another Republican, Wirths told the Associated Press that the state’s already impoverished taxpayers couldn’t afford to send the money to lawyers to represent illegal aliens.  Wirth’s has introduced legislation “barring taxpayer dollars from being used to assist (illegal) immigrants.”

We think we have a couple good ideas too.  (1) Use the $2.1 million for property tax relief and have the Democrat State Committee collect the money needed to pay all those immigration lawyers from the fat campaign accounts collecting dust in banks all over the state.  You want to do good… do good… with your own money.  Don’t spend other people’s money and then bask in the reflected glory of it… while they get foreclosed on.  And (2) according to media sources that rich guy we elected governor is worth several hundred million dollars.  Let him put up the $2.1 million… he’d be a hero!

Is Kean out to make Codey Senate President?

There are two kinds of labor unions -- those whose rank and file membership voted for Trump and those whose membership voted for Clinton.

President Trump and Republicans who want to build a sustainable GOP majority for the future, seek to work with those unions whose members are inclined to vote Republican or who will consider voting Republican.  These are the largely blue collar trade unions -- Teamsters, Ironworkers, Carpenters, Cabinetmakers, Plumbers, Bricklayers, Electricians, Heavy Equipment Operators, Laborers -- the Building Trades and such. 

On the other end we have the teachers, professors, administrators, and white collar government bureaucrats, clerks and such.  They love everything the Democrats stand for.  They voted for Hillary Clinton -- although some would prefer a "real socialist."  We aint getting these people.  Ever.  Not unless we lose everyone else.

So why are some Republican candidates this year running around telling conservatives that they have the backdoor support of the NJEA and it is a "game changer"?  Haven't we been here before?  Doesn't anyone remember the aftermath of Whitman years when the NJEA and those other liberal unions whose butts we had kissed for eight years turned on us and helped usher in this endless Democrat legislative majority?

We get that Senator Tom Kean Jr. still holds a grudge against the Governor and Senate President for interfering in his leadership election in 2013.  He had every right to be pissed.  It was a legit gripe.  But there comes a point when you have to do the Christian thing and let it go.  But as the AFP screw card showed, it hasn't been let go, it's been expanded to those members of the GOP caucus who sided with the Governor. 

There was more evidence this week, when the Senate Staff -- those same folks who conspired with AFP on the screw card -- sought to crank it up the asses of a few GOP Senators with a release about repealing the tax reform package and replacing it with... Nobody seems to have got that far.

We could go with the plan Senator Jennifer Beck came up with that froze state education aid for seven years to ensure seven years of brutal property tax increases.  Any takers?

In suggesting that they can "repeal the gas tax" what these assbandits actually mean is that they will repeal the Tax Reform package, the whole thing.  So every assbandit candidate who tells the voters that he or she supports "repealing the gas tax" is actually saying that he or she wants to get rid of $1.4 billion in tax cuts, which is just another way of saying that you want to raise taxes by $1.4 billion.

Here are the $1.4 billion in tax cuts these candidates want to shit-can: 

- A tax cut on retirement income.  Most New Jersey retirees will no longer pay state income tax. This tax cut would be worth more than $2,000 annually to the average retiree.

- Elimination of the Estate Tax. This will protect family farms and businesses from being forced to close to pay taxes.

- Tax cut for veterans.  Honorably discharged active duty, guard, and reserve veterans get an additional $3,000 personal income tax deduction.

- Tax credit for low-income workers.  Worth $100 annually to the average worker.

- Sales tax cut.  Worth another $100 annually to the average consumer.

- TTF local government aid:  $400 million in property tax relief for local governments.

That's a pretty sucky platform.


If these machinations are successful and Senator Dick Codey replaces Senator Steve Sweeney as Senate President, conservatives and Republicans who believe in their party's platform will go from having a pragmatic Democrat who from time to time screws us in order to pander to the Democrat base; to a genuine far-left, true-believer, who will spend his every waking hour screwing us simply for the joy of it.  That's not to say that Senator Codey isn't a charming man with a certain integrity.  He just really doesn't buy anything we have on offer and thinks that conservatives and Republicans (the RNC platform variety) are all just full of horse manure. 

Take the Second Amendment for instance.  Senator Codey has proposed two bills to do away with the Second Amendment in New Jersey.  Both S-1159 and S-351 "prohibited the sale, importation, possession and carrying of handguns except by certain authorized persons."  Now why would anyone calling him or herself a conservative or a Republican or even an American ever want to see this despoiler of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights in ANY position of power?

Our worst nightmare will be Governor Phil "Jon Corzine II" Murphy, Senate President Dick Codey, and a Leftist Democrat Speaker.  Then we will know the meaning of being screwed.  Republicans and groups like AFP should not be conspiring to get us there.