Is Woke Democrat candidate making a list of local businesses to boycott?

By Sussex Watchdog

Not content with stripping billions away from local school districts, Democrats are now making ideological lists of local businesses that survived the pandemic and the lockdown mandates of Democrat Governor Phil Murphy. These lists are based not on the products or services these businesses offer, not on their pricing and warranties, not even on customer service or retail ambience.

No, the Democrats want to discriminate for and against local businesses based on their active support of things like vaccine and mask mandates, abortion up to and including the day of birth, Critical Race Theory and support for defunding the police, transgendered agenda and LGBTQ+ curriculum, illegal immigration, and Goldman-Sachs/ Tammy Murphy’s plan to use farmland and lakes for solar panels. Take a look at the line-up of hashtags in the post below.

That’s the whackadoddledoo wokeness of corporate Democrats for you. Big “D” Democrats – not little “d” as in those who practice actual democracy. Big “D” as in authoritarian Dicks.

It isn’t enough to have a nice product, in a well-kept establishment, with friendly service… they want to know what you are thinking, and you better identify how you think… or else! And if you are not thinking what they’re thinking – exactly like they’re thinking it – then history shows they will call you names and cancel you, shun you, turn you and your business into a version of the undead. How many poor unfortunates have lost their jobs or income for expressing the “wrong” opinion? And what’s worse, while torturing and bullying people this way, the Democrats will claim “tolerance” and “anti-hate”. Real sweethearts.

And if you don't fly the approved flag, post the approved sentiments in your window, or support the approved candidates???

It's just more divisive woke bullshit.

The candidate is Damaris Lira. On Tuesday, she became the Democratic Party nominee for County Commissioner in Sussex County. So… one of her first acts as the Democrat nominee is to work on a list that categorizes local businesses as “them” or “us”??? Wasn’t this the method used by another political party, in central Europe, nearly a century ago?

And why would any small businessperson vote for a candidate who, as a County Commissioner, would look to favor one business over another? Maybe they would if they knew they were on the approved list – but what if they weren’t?

Woke Democrats (and their go-along-to-get-along, wannabe cousins, Woke Republicans) appear to have one answer to everything – divide and bully. They claim to be representing “marginalized” or “oppressed” groups when it is clear to everyone that those they represent are either directly in power or favored by those in power. But then remember, the worst crimes against humanity have been by people in power who claimed to be acting out their aggression in self-defense.

Sen. Gopal proposes new bill to undo the curriculum law he co-sponsored.

By Rev. Greg Quinlan

Are Phil Murphy and the Democrat Party grooming your children?
The Center for Garden State Families continues to be inundated with calls from parents and concerned teachers from all over the state about the extreme comprehensive sex education materials being mandated in New Jersey government schools.
Since the beginning of the Murphy administration, there has been a move within government agencies and the New Jersey Legislature to change the culture in New Jersey. That culture includes grooming your children.
You may have heard of the term “grooming.” We are not referring to grooming your hair or how you style your clothing. According to the website Out of the Fog, “Grooming is an insidious predatory tactic, utilized by abusers. Grooming is practiced by Narcissists, Antisocial predators, con-artists and sexual aggressors, who target and manipulate vulnerable people for exploitation. Child grooming is the deliberate act of establishing an emotional bond with a child, to lower the child's resistance.”
Every citizen of the state has an obligation to guard and protect the most vulnerable among us. This is especially true of our children. The medical Dictionary defines child grooming as, “The constellation of psychological manipulations and actions taken by a predatory adult, meant to reduce a child’s fears and inhibitions, as a prelude to sexual abuse or exploitation by the predator or his/her associates.” This thoroughly describes the new comprehensive sex education curricula and education standards devised by Gov. Phil and his wife Tammy Murphy.
These Department of Education standards as developed will clearly desensitize and sexualize children. Parents are asking:  Why is it necessary to introduce sexually explicit, graphic sex acts to minor children? Why is it the responsibility of government schools to teach sex acts, with whom to have sex, and the mechanics of sex to any student? Frankly, it is not.
While Phil Murphy and the Democrat legislators (with the help of a few woke Republicans) are sexually exploiting our children, education standards and outcomes are plummeting. Post-Covid the damage to children emotionally, mentally, and educationally is a train wreck. But the Murphy Administration is not addressing helping children heal from the lockdowns and recover two years of lost diminished education. According to a research article that appeared in PNAS, “Learning loss due to school closures during the Covid 19 pandemic”, the preliminary indications are that the lockdown in the short-term did in fact contribute to learning loss. The study did indicate that the suspension of face-to-face instruction in schools during the Covid 19 pandemic has led to concerns and visible consequences to students learning. The Center for Garden State Families has observed in multiple school board meetings that parents have testified to the learning loss and significant psychological, emotional and education deficits in their children since the pandemic. The overwhelming concern from parents, teachers and the community is why hasn’t this obvious learning loss issue been addressed? Why is the Murphy administration and the New Jersey General Assembly focusing on sexually explicit, age-inappropriate and political indoctrinating material including LGBTQIA – XYZ for New Jersey government schools?
Within the last week, we’ve seen multiple news articles from national sources as well as inside the Garden State showing the panic of Senator Vin Gopal (Democrat, LD-11), Chairman of the State Senate Education Committee. Sen. Gopal begged Gov. Phil Murphy to suspend the controversial education gender identity standards for 1st and 2nd graders. Gov. Murphy agreed to pause the education standards to six and seven-year-olds until a study could be done to determine their age appropriateness. Let it be clear, this is not a suspension or an erasure of this inappropriate policy which causes children to question their sexuality before they know what sex is. This is a pause, only a pause. Senator Gopal’s panic is from a law that he eagerly co-sponsored and lobbied his fellow legislators to pass prior to his very slim reelection in 2021 while his two Democrat seatmates lost.
Now Senator Gopal is scrambling to reverse course and spin away the mess he made. He’s trying to claim that political operatives and politicians are causing parents to be fearful of the curriculum he mandated – so he’s proposing a new bill (“Transparency in Health & Sex Education Curriculum”) that he claims will undo the law he co-sponsored. It was Gopal and his fellow “woke” politicians who teamed up with the political operatives at Garden State Equality that came up with these intrusive curriculum “standards” in the first place. Now he’s embarrassed and afraid so he’s running away and blaming everybody but the face in the mirror.
The Center for Garden State Families opposes ALL of the new 2020 Comprehensive Sex Education Standards and the advancement and normalization of the developmental gender identity disorders of LGBTQ. The science is clear, “There are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biologic etiology for homosexuality.” American Psychiatric Association. Large-scale GWAS reveals insights to the genetic architecture of same sex-behavior concluded “There is no single gay gene.” Since the real replicated scientific research concludes that homosexuality is not genetic, why are we as a society grooming children to accept the fallacy of alternate sexual identities?

Dr. Michelle Cretella, a pediatrician and executive director of The American College of Pediatricians explains how leftist activist groups infiltrate schools, libraries, and even medical societies with transgender propaganda targeted at children.

She then explains the irreversible sterilization and long-term medical risks that can come from puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery.

Vin Gopal: We need curriculum transparency

By Rubashov

We need transparency and open government. Patrick Henry said, “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.”

We need transparency about what is being taught to school children and what government is paying contractors to create the materials to teach them. The concealment of the truth exposes government’s lack of respect for parents and taxpayers.

Democracy is impossible without transparency.

Senator Vin Gopal seems to agree. This is important, because Senator Gopal is the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee. He recently posted:

In response to multiple articles relating to curriculum education in our schools, I have read through the 66 pages of the Department of Education Guidelines '2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards - Comprehensive Health and Physical Education' as well have spoken in detail with New Jersey Acting Commissioner of Education Angelica Allen-McMillan. Here is what I have learned:

1) Much of what I read in these articles is not in the guidelines. There is generic language on identifying gender roles and treating all kids, regardless or their gender, with respect. Anything that is more specific than that is coming from a specific Board of Education locally.

2) According to the Department of Education Commissioner, these guidelines are not being mandated - they are recommended. It is up to a local board of education to use them if they want but they don't have to.

3) According to the Department of Education Commissioner, any parent can opt their kids out of this if they choose to. I have re-confirmed this with our Monmouth County representative to the State Board of Education which approves the adopted guidelines.

Given the amount of misinformation out there and questions coming from parents, as Senate Education Chair, I have formally called on the Department of Education and the Governor's office to provide clarity on all of these items and issue it publicly before any further action is taken on implementation.

This is an important public admission from a majority party politician. You can read the full post here:

As a starting point, let’s remember how we got here. After extensive lobbying by activists – including Governor Phil Murphy's wife, Tammy – the New Jersey State Board of Education, in a split vote taken in 2020, adopted new “Comprehensive Health and Physical Education 2.1 Personal and Mental Health by the End of Grade 5” learning standards. The New Jersey Department of Education instructed local boards of education to consider this new curriculum a mandate for the 2021-2022 school year.

What is the New Jersey State Board of Education? It is a state government agency. According to its website (

The New Jersey State Board of Education has 13 members who are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the New Jersey State Senate. These members serve without compensation for six-year terms. By law, at least three members of the State Board must be women, and no two members may be appointed from the same county.

The Commissioner of Education serves as both the secretary and as its official agent for all purposes. The State Board also has a nonvoting student representative selected annually by the New Jersey Association of Student Councils.

The State Board adopts the administrative code, which sets the rules needed to implement state education law. Such rules cover the supervision and governance of the state’s 2,500 public schools, which serve 1.38 million students. In addition, the State Board advises on educational policies proposed by the Commissioner and confirms Department of Education staff appointments made by the Commissioner.

The State Board conducts public meetings in Trenton on the first Wednesday of each month. The State Board Office publishes an agenda in advance of each meeting to notify the public of the items that the State Board will be considering.

The public is invited to participate by providing comments on proposed rules either at a public testimony session or by submitting written comments on proposed rules.

Proposed rules for education in the state are also published in the New Jersey Register. Written comments on proposed rules are accepted 30 to 60 days following publication in the Register and may be sent to the State Board office at the Department of Education.

The Minutes of the June 3, 2020, meeting of the New Jersey State Board of Education read:

Resolved, the State Board of Education reaffirms its commitment to ensuring the Standards both set expectations for and meet the needs of New Jersey’s students and by adoption of this resolution hereby directs school districts to integrate the New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Visual and Performing Arts, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Computer Science and Design Thinking, World Languages, and Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills in kindergarten through grade 12; and be it further

Resolved, the State Board of Education hereby directs that the revised New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Visual and Performing Arts, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, Computer Science and Design Thinking, World Languages, and Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills will serve as standards of quality for public school students in kindergarten through grade 12 programs in New Jersey; and be it further

Resolved, district boards of education shall fully comply with this resolution and shall implement the revised New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science, Visual and Performing Arts, World Languages, and Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills by September 2021 and Comprehensive Health and Physical Education, Social Studies, and Computer Science and Design Thinking by September 2022, align their curricula with the standards, and ensure students learn and are assessed as required by federal law; and be it further

The entire Minutes of the June 3, 2020, Meeting can be accessed here:,%202020.pdf

If the above sounds like religious training, that's because it is.

Taxpayer-supported, faith-based assumptions.

A revolutionary Elite is getting paid by government to erase the past and replace it with some pseudo-religious vision of how things should be.

Nobody voted for this. It isn’t popular.

To paraphrase Joseph Stalin (and this is the view from Trenton): A single act of bullying is a tragedy, a million people bullied is a statistic.

Goldstein a Democrat first. Supported Eliot Spitzer even after corruption.

By Rubashov

Trenton has a very selective memory. That’s why a blog, run by the “Mastermind” of one of the worst political scandals in memory, can express horror at someone having an opinion not in line with that conjured by Trenton pollsters, and then trot out someone like Steve Goldstein as a corrective.

When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was mired in scandal, the Trenton blog PolitickerNJ (funded by Jared Kushner) trotted out Steve Goldstein to defend the embattled New York Governor. Goldstein lavished praise on Spitzer, reminding readers: “I was Eliot Spitzer’s press secretary in his successful 1998 campaign for New York State Attorney General.” Indeed.

Well, not even the pollsters could save Spitzer. The infamous “Client 9” resigned from office. And despite his Princeton-Harvard background and “Sheriff of Wall Street” reputation (not to mention all that polling) Spitzer could not win a victory and return to public office. Even his wife left him.

Nothing is ever “settled” in politics.

Steve Goldstein is a Democrat operative and the founder of a political lobbying organization called Garden State Equality. GSE has morphed from a group concerned with issues like same-sex marriage into a government vendor that uses political pressure and vendor money to lobby government for even more taxpayer money.

Like so many good ideas that turn into scams, GSE succumbed to mission creep once they achieved the goal of same-sex marriage. The current controversy they’re embroiled in has to do with teaching children a new, unfunded mandate from Trenton, called the LGBTQ+ curriculum. And everyone in New Jersey who pays property taxes is going to foot the bill.

One of the controversies surrounding the new curriculum is how it presents such sensitive issues as anal sex – and to what age groups. Now a clinical presentation, run by a group like the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) would focus, at least in part, on the spread of specific diseases associated with this manner of sexual activity (not to mention the wear and tear on muscles not particularly designed for the purpose).

Unfortunately, Trenton’s political class handed the job to its allies and campaign underwriters – Garden State Equality. This is the corrupt Trenton Establishment all over, isn’t it? Take a serious issue – turn it into a scam for the boys to make money from.

The central question in this debate is who owns your children. Are they part of a million individual social organisms, called families – or does the government own your kids?

Governor Phil and Tammy Murphy certainly act like government owns your children. They don’t hesitate inserting the government between child and parent on the most sensitive of levels.

New Jersey enjoys a great diversity amongst its millions of families. Whether agnostic or Christian or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or any of the thousands of permutations possible, it has been the role of each individual family to pass along its moral values and manners, generation to generation. This, above anything else, preserves the idea of diversity.

Phil and Tammy, who had the opportunity to pass on their moral values and manners to their children, now wish to take that opportunity away from you. They want conformity. On that most personal issue of sexuality, they wish to cut out the parent, and to bring in a lobby group looking for a payday – Garden State Equality.

Hey GSE, it is not our fault that you won and did not have the dignity to declare victory and fold your tent. You became addicted to the money and the power. You will never return to the private sector because of this. You will never mind your own business and seek to live and let live. For you there can only be crisis and turmoil and the endless froth of campaigning… because that is how you are paid.

If Phil and Tammy want to cut out the parent, at least they should be prepared to pick up some of the expenses of raising a child.

Government certainly doesn’t pay for your children. From the child poverty and food insecurity figures in New Jersey, we know that government doesn’t care enough to feed them. From the foreclosure figures, we know that government doesn’t care enough to house them. And we damned well know that government doesn’t give a hang about ensuring they have adequate health care.

So, we suggest a compromise. If government wants to cut out the parents and impart its moral values and manners to the next generation – then government owes the parents of that next generation a tax cut to cover the raising of that generation. The government’s generation. Generation “G”.

Finally, why has Steve Goldstein gone so prudish? Why is it such a big deal to him to call anal sex, anal sex? Or oral sex, oral sex? The legal term for that – and Goldstein can ask Spitzer about it – is “sodomy”.

The legal definition of sodomy includes any sexual penetration aside from vaginal intercourse, including oral and anal sex. Neo-Victorians like Steve Goldstein appear to want to banish such coarse and realistic definitions from our language and replace them with saccharine formulations that make references to “love”.

Love may become part of it. But more generally it flourishes at the end of the process, not at the beginning. Any honest person will acknowledge this.

Be honest, humans are attracted to these practices because we derive pleasure from them. It isn’t so much a case of “love is love” but rather, “pleasure is pleasure”. An attachment may follow, or it may not, or it may and then be broken. These are deep waters that no lobby group-turned government vendor can adequately plumb. Leave it to the families. Preserve diversity.

Douglas Murray Explains The Internal Politics Of The LGBT Community.

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
Eric Hoffer

Using photo-ops, Tammy Murphy is selling a new solar scam

By Sussex Watchdog
A previous Freeholder Board spent $600,000 on no-bid contracts without getting to the bottom of who was responsible and who profited from the solar scam that ripped-off Sussex County taxpayers to the tune of $26 million.  It was a story of political intrigue, secret committees made up of county bureaucrats and vendors with conflicts of interest, and Wall Street investors who stood to make a profit if it succeeded – but who lost nothing when it failed. 
And it wasn’t just Sussex County.  Although Sussex was hit the worst, taxpayers in Morris, Somerset, and Mercer Counties were also affected.  The solar scam and its aftermath consumed headlines in the New Jersey Herald and Star-Ledger for much of 2015-2018.  So… are you ready to do it all over again?    
Tammy Murphy is.
She’s fresh from forcing the State Board of Education to mandate a consumer sales-based curriculum that programs children to favor the taxpayer-subsidized energy alternatives promoted by such Wall Street giants as Tammy and Phil Murphy’s alma mater, Goldman-Sachs.  The solar industry is taking a page out of big tobacco’s marketing plan and getting their consumers young.  Get them young and you’ll maybe get 70 years out of them.  That’s a lot of profits!
Tammy Murphy has embarked on a public relations tour.  Yesterday she was in Sussex County, making nice to all those folks her husband refused to provide COVID-19 funding to for six months.  Murphy is targeting places like Sussex County because it has lots of farmland and lots of woodland… and her party has plans for it.

On Wednesday, the Philadelphia Inquirer broke the story about a solar developer operating in Salem County who wants to buy up 800 acres of prime farmland to build a sprawling power plant of 400,000 solar panels. 

Instead of beautiful farmland, Dakota Power Partners (in Sussex it was Mastec Power Partners) plans to construct a dystopian nightmare of 400,000 solar panels on stilts (so you can’t miss them) while underneath, 1,000 sheep will graze (making it a farm and earning it a farmland assessment).  Dakota Power Partners just opened an office in New Jersey, so it looks like they are here to stay.   
Under Governor Chris Christie, the state rolled back taxpayer-funded incentives, making big solar projects economically unfeasible.  That’s right, without taxpayer money and these scams simply don’t work.  But don’t worry, Governor Phil Murphy has made solar the centerpiece of his Energy Master Plan, so the taxpayer subsidies are back.  Just listen to this solar sales pitch from Goldman-Sachs… 

Leading the charge for Murphy’s Energy Master Plan is Democrat Bob Smith, Chairman of the State Senate’s Environment and Energy Committee.  He has proposed legislation to direct the state Board of Public Utilities to establish a utility-scale size solar energy program with farmland as a component. The bill, introduced August 25, would reintroduce incentives to encourage solar to be built on farmland and forests to try to meet the state’s aggressive plan of generating 17 gigawatts of solar power by 2035.  Murphy says he wants 100% of the state’s electrical power supplied by alternative energy by 2050

That’s right…

Murphy and the Democrats are proposing to clear-cut the state’s forests and destroy farmland to achieve Goldman-Sachs’ investment strategy of promoting solar.

Hey, that sales video wasn’t kidding when that fellow from Goldman-Sachs said that demand for solar was “policy-driven”. 
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Murphy’s plans have pissed-off some environmentalists.  The newspaper writes: 
Michelle Byers, executive director of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, said the bill would toss a law that currently steers solar arrays toward brownfields, landfills, rooftops and parking lots.

The proposed law would not only make it easier to build large, utility-scale solar arrays on the state’s best farmland, it would also allow forests to be clear-cut to make way for solar projects, which makes no sense

Byers said in a statement.
The New Jersey Sierra Club hopes the state looks for space other than farmland and forests.
“As the scale of solar projects increase, it is important that New Jersey properly finds land for it,” Jeff Tittel, the club’s president, said in a statement. “We should use existing developments or brownfields, create sound barriers on highways, use barges, rooftops, ponds and more as suitable sites for solar panels.”
Peter Furey, executive director of the New Jersey Farm Bureau, said the solar bill has the potential to change the landscape.

We don’t want energy interests coming in and dictating to local planning boards,” Furey said. “We don’t want it on prime agricultural land. 

“We think the debate is not finished.”
Tammy Murphy has Sussex County in her sights and when she’s through with it, it’s going to look more like a scene out of Blade Runner than the bucolic “God’s Country” it is today.  Don’t worry though, if the state gets too ugly, Tammy and Phil have homes in Italy and Germany to decamp to.  They’re going to be okay… the rich always are. 

"It’s definitely going to change the landscape,”

David Dolbow, of Bil-Dow Farm, told the Philadelphia Inquirer, who wrote: “What he (Dolbow) fears most is the loss of thousands of acres of prime farmland to utility-scale solar systems.”
And if it all goes bust like the last solar scam did… well, after the grandkids of the current property taxpayers in Sussex County get done paying off the bill for the current solar scam, their grandkids can look forward to paying off the bill for the next solar scam.  See, it’s nice to leave something for future generations… for the children.

“I assumed solar panels would last for ever. I didn’t know what went into the making of them (referring to raw materials, including quartz, and the fossil fuels needed to manufacture the panels)."

(Michael Moore, environmentalist and documentary film producer)

On Bramnick, Murphy Democrats put virtue-signaling before racial justice

In an attempt to distract attention away from the attempted cover-up of a rape within his own administration, Governor Phil Murphy and the Trenton Democrats have attacked Assembly Republican Leader Jon Bramnick, a trial attorney, for his firm’s pledge to zealously defend those accused of sex offenses. That is right, Jon Bramnick’s law firm believes in the Bill of Rights and the very American idea that someone is innocent until proven guilty.

Not long ago, so did every good liberal…

The Innocence Project is not a group that anyone would call right-of-center. They take up the cases of those they consider to have been wrongly convicted – and wrongful convictions happen when law firms don’t do what Jon Bramnick’s firm promises to do… to defend their accused clients zealously.

The Innocence Project reports that the first DNA exoneration happened in 1989. There have been 367 DNA exonerations to date. All people wrongly accused or let down by lawyers who didn’t do what Jon Bramnick’s firm is being attacked for doing.

These innocent people – mainly men – served a total of 5,907 ½ years in prison for crimes they did not commit. The average time served in prison before exoneration was 14 years.

The average age at the time of their wrongful conviction was 26 ½ years. The average age at exoneration was just under 43 years.

42 percent of these cases involved cross-racial misidentification. 225 of those falsely accused and convicted were African-American. That is 61 percent.

Most exonerations involved sex offenses that they were falsely accused of committing. After these innocent people were exonerated, 162 actual assailants were identified. Those actual perpetrators went on to be convicted of 152 additional violent crimes, including 82 sexual assaults, 35 murders, and 35 other violent crimes while the innocent sat behind bars for their earlier offenses.

Apparently, Governor Murphy and the Democrats only cry “racism” when it involves a be-in , a protest, a statue, or a flag… real racism – by white collar, professional, prosecutorial and judicial elites – they could not care less about. That kind of racism involves their people, rich people, and rich people are always right… Just ask Wall Streeters Phil and Tammy Murphy. They’ll tell you how good they are.

Murphy and the Trenton Democrats are phonies. B.S. marketing reps who sell a line of crap they don’t really believe in. They lack character.

Governor Murphy and the Democrats should be ashamed of what they tried to do here. Especially given the backdrop of sexual assault and rape within their own administration.