A reader reacts to John McCann

By Sam Adams

The young Republicans love affair with John McCann.

Seems the latte-sipping, basement dwellers over at the young Republicans are so desperate to become a political power in New Jersey, they backed John McCann.

Sadly though when researching McCann, I think they may have thought McCain was their guy. But hey that's alright, both democrats hiding in Republican clothing.

The problem though, this is do or die for the Young Republicans, and with the baggage McCann has, it will be a flaming wreck.

Let's see, flip flops on right to life issues.

Wasn't allowed to speak at a 2nd amendment rally because he wouldn't fill out a questionnaire.


Paying for endorsements.

Caught on tape admitting he has to lie. Yes caught on tape.

Sadly he isn't suited to be a dog catcher.

But thank God for Steve Lonegan. True conservative.

Lots of endorsements Record of lowering taxes Right to life.

Asked to speak at both Trump and 2nd amendment rallies.

Don't worry boys, Dunkin Doughnuts has a new latte coming out just for you.

McCan't again latte. Drink up.

Democrats Attempt Abortion Funding Again

Published on behalf of the Center for Garden State Families

7.453 million in Family Planning monies will go to Planned Parenthood the nation’s largest abortion provider.

This maybe the seventh attempt to pass the unnecessary appropriation of taxpayer dollars since Gov. Christie took office. The state is in financial difficulty, The Transportation Trust Fund is bankrupt and the Democrats in the NJ Legislature focus on more money for killing babies. Subsidizing Planned Parenthood who already gets $500 million dollars from the federal government.

There are over 130 Federal Qualified Health Centers in NJ (click to see). FQHC actually support the women’s health services on site that the 26 NJ Planned Parenthood Clinics claim to provide. FQHC also provide their services based on ability to pay. FQHC also do not trade in human fetal tissue. A3492/S2277 is politically motivated and fiscally duplicitous.

At the end of testimony in the Senate Health Committee, Chairman Joseph Vitale gave his usual condescending lecture to NJ Right to Life, League of American Families and the Center for Garden State Families. He actually stated that not all Planned Parenthood clinics provide abortion services. Vitale is apparently unaware that to be an affiliated Planned Parenthood provider you must provide abortion services. It is part of their charter.

John Tomicki of the League of American Families stated in the Health Budget Committee “Children are our future, Stop Killing them.”

More abortion legislation is being voted on. A1963/S1017 “Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level.” Again clearly politically motivated and repetitive funding for services that taxpayers already subsidize.

Contact your State Senator and State Assemblyperson at the link below and simply ask that they vote no on A1963/S1017 and A3492/S2277

Visit us on the Web www.gardenstatefamilies.org

Or email us at info@gardenstatefamilies.org

Contact your State Assemblyperson Here