Sussex Dems silent on BLM support of Cuban regime.

By Sussex Watchdog

For months Sussex County Democrats have loudly proclaimed their support for the neo-Marxist* Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement. They have done so at public meetings and on social media, where they have denounced those who disagree with them.

Suddenly, they have gone silent now that Black Lives Matter has come out against the administration of President Joe Biden over the question of democracy for the people of Cuba. That’s right, Black Lives Matter – an organization that wants to defund the police here in the United States – supports a foreign police state in Cuba. It’s the ultimate hypocrisy!

Last week, a Newsweek headline asked: Why Is Black Lives Matter Defending the Totalitarian Cuban Regime? The Newsweek column added:

The anti-government protests that have rocked Cuba in the last several days are the most dramatic expression of discontent seen on the island in six decades of communist rule. President Biden has sent a strongly worded message of solidarity with "the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom" against "Cuba's authoritarian regime," praising the protesters' assertion of "fundamental and universal rights."

…Yet not everyone was united in condemnation.

Most prominent among these is the Black Lives Matter movement, whose statement posted yesterday blamed Cuba's economic troubles on the United States embargo and hailed the Cuban regime's "solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent." According to the BLM statement, "The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination. United States leaders have tried to crush this Revolution for decades." Preposterously, the statement also accuses the U.S. of "undermining Cubans' right to choose their own government."

The "choice," in this case, is a one-party system in which all candidates for political office must be vetted by Communist Party-controlled committees.

The BLM Movement statement specifically mentioned Cuba’s support for convicted cop-killer terrorist Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur): “Cuba has historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum, to supporting Black liberation struggles in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, and South Africa.”

BLM’s statement made national news:

BLM hypocrisy: Defund American police. Support Cuban police state.

Democrat Commissioner candidates Mike Vrabel and Scott Paul have made statements in support of the neo-Marxist BLM Movement. Scott Paul has called himself an organizer for BLM events. He used his involvement as a credential to gain the Democrat nomination. Sussex County Democrats don’t hesitate to suggest that county residents who have never been convicted of a crime are criminal terrorists but are strangely silent about a convicted cop-killer and terrorist. Why? Because Joanne Chesimard/ Assata Shakur is a neo-Marxist icon and a hero of BLM?

Last year, a chamber of the New Jersey Legislature passed a resolution explicitly supporting the same BLM (Black Lives Matter) Movement that has now formally lent its name and support to a totalitarian Communist dictatorship. In doing so, BLM has made it abundantly clear that they do not represent Black Americans who are not Communists or totalitarian or pro-dictatorship or anti-democracy. In short, BLM hardly represents any Black Americans at all.

It is time for Vrabel and Paul to man up and tell us where they stand.

*Some dispute that Black Lives Matter is neo-Marxist as the movement is based not on economic class but rather on racial or ethnic identity. They argue that the latter is more indicative of Fascist Collectivism rather than true Marxism, no matter how much the BLM Movement’s leaders claim to be “trained” Marxists.

“It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics.”

Robert A. Heinlein

BLM backs the Cuban regime. Will the NJ Legislature end its support of BLM?

By Rubashov

A Newsweek headline asks: Why Is Black Lives Matter Defending the Totalitarian Cuban Regime? Why indeed?

Newsweek continues:

The anti-government protests that have rocked Cuba in the last several days are the most dramatic expression of discontent seen on the island in six decades of communist rule. President Biden has sent a strongly worded message of solidarity with "the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom" against "Cuba's authoritarian regime," praising the protesters' assertion of "fundamental and universal rights."

…Yet not everyone was united in condemnation.

Most prominent among these is the Black Lives Matter movement, whose statement posted yesterday blamed Cuba's economic troubles on the United States embargo and hailed the Cuban regime's "solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent." According to the BLM statement, "The people of Cuba are being punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination. United States leaders have tried to crush this Revolution for decades." Preposterously, the statement also accuses the U.S. of "undermining Cubans' right to choose their own government."

The "choice," in this case, is a one-party system in which all candidates for political office must be vetted by Communist Party-controlled committees.

Wow. “All candidates for political office must be vetted by Communist Party-controlled committees?” Functions something like the county “line”.

The BLM Movement statement specifically mentioned Cuba’s support for a convicted cop-killer: “Cuba has historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum, to supporting Black liberation struggles in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, and South Africa.”

An anti-(American) police organization that supports a foreign police state. An actual police state. The real thing. Not some academic Karen’s imaginings.

Here is some news coverage of BLM’s madness:

BLM… a Ponzi scheme?

A few days ago, a group of corrupt Democrat ward heelers, that included state legislators, put out a statement attacking Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli for his support of the Cuban people in their push for democracy.  Perhaps, now we know why.
Last year, a chamber of the New Jersey Legislature passed a resolution explicitly supporting the same BLM (Black Lives Matter) Movement that has now formally lent its name and support to a totalitarian Communist dictatorship. In doing so, BLM has made it abundantly clear that they do not represent Black Americans who are not Communists or totalitarian or pro-dictatorship or anti-democracy.  In short, BLM hardly represents any Black Americans at all. 
May they now quickly consign their movement to the waste bin of history.

“It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so, and will follow it by suppressing opposition, subverting all education to seize early the minds of the young, and by killing, locking up, or driving underground all heretics.”

Robert A. Heinlein

Is Josh Gottheimer guilty of improperly using his office?

By Rubashov

So, it wasn't a real invitation to a real event? Just a political ploy?

Did InsiderNJ’s Fred Snowflack pull the curtain back on Congressman Josh Gottheimer – or did Gottheimer do it to himself?

On March 22nd Congressman Gottheimer sent a formal invitation – on his official stationery – to the Sussex County Board of Commissioners. The invitation was to join him for a “briefing” by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP) on “the latest domestic terror threats in our State.”

The invitation, signed by Congressman Gottheimer, did not contain the date and time of said briefing or the location at which it was to be held. It did contain this paragraph:

“I will follow up with specific details on the briefing with NJOHSP and look forward to working together to stop hate, domestic terror, and extremism in all forms. In the meantime, please contact me directly at with any questions. Thank you for your service.”

But Congressman Gottheimer never did follow up with specific details. According to Snowflack, he instead used it as a political hit piece on the Commissioners and, more importantly, on his constituents who reside in Sussex County. On a March 25th post on InsiderNJ, Snowflack wrote:

“Today, Gottheimer, whose 5th District includes most of Sussex County, released a letter he sent to the county commissioners on March 22.
In case, the commissioners have any doubt about the specter of white supremacy, the Democratic congressman is ready to help. His letter invites the commissioners ‘to join me and the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness for a briefing on the latest domestic terror threats in our state.’
It then notes that for the first time the state’s Homeland Security Office has raised the threat level posed by white supremacists to ‘high,’ putting them in a class with ‘ISIS-inspired terrorists.’
Gottheimer adds that three far-right groups in particular – the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters – are active in Sussex County.
That’s an interesting point.
As the debate raged over the hate-related resolutions, some speakers said condemning extremism is needed, because of the presence in the county of those very groups. Commissioners, as is their apparent custom, didn’t respond to the speakers’ point.
When the issue of political violence from the right is raised – as it has been many times since Jan. 6 – some Republicans point out violence caused by the far left.
So, Gottheimer’s letter also mentions ‘individuals inspired by antifa ideology.’
But make no mistake. The congressman’s main point is about the dangers of right wing extremism. And in Sussex County.”

Well, let’s look at this for a moment. Let us examine the statement: “for the first time the state’s Homeland Security Office has raised the threat level posed by white supremacists to ‘high,’ putting them in a class with ‘ISIS-inspired terrorists.’”

Are the groups mentioned here – the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters – which are labeled by Gottheimer as “white supremacists”, actually in a “class with ISIS-inspired terrorists”?

ISIS is officially designated as a “terrorist organization” by the United Nations, the European Union, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Canada, China, Egypt, India, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Paraguay, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Syria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The Oathkeepers and Three Percenters don’t make the list.

The Proud Boys make the list in Canada, just as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) made the list in the United Arab Emirates. Curiously, CAIR’s designation as a “terrorist organization” didn’t stop Congressman Gottheimer from praising and seeking electoral assistance from Action Together, a group that has coordinated activities with CAIR and has even accepted awards from them.

We can point to numerous activities in which CAIR has worked closely with Democrat Party activists throughout Congressman Gottheimer’s district – everything from voter registration drives to protest rallies. Why did it not earn a mention in Gottheimer’s missive?

In fact, CAIR is closely linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a designated “terrorist organization” in Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Kazakhstan, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Given this, Congressman Gottheimer’s assertion about the “threat level posed” seems histrionic, hysterical even. In fact, everything in his “invitation” seems less about the work of government and simply a political hit – albeit one paid for by the taxpayers.

Then there is Congressman Gottheimer’s claim that “the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and Three Percenters are active in Sussex County.” Are they?

It has been polled you know. Recently.

Nobody heard of them. Nobody knows anyone who is a member. And, by-the-way, nobody thinks Sussex County is particularly racist. Or that their neighbors are racists. Or that “white supremacy” is prevalent.

Why would they? Sussex County is one of the least violent, safest places in America. People move from places like Bergen County and New York City to enjoy all that it offers. It has more incidents of agricultural trespassing than bias crimes.

Now we are all aware that the designation of what is or isn’t a “terrorist organization” is a highly political exercise. Joe Cryan’s beloved Irish Nationalists were all once labeled “terrorists”. Even Nelson Mandela was once designated a “terrorist”. So was Menachem Begin, who went on to become the Prime Minister of Israel. It was Begin who, as the leader of a militant paramilitary group, ordered the bombing attack on the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. 91 people – British, Arabs, and Jews – died in that bombing.

Is Congressman Gottheimer suggesting that Sussex County is a hotbed for activity of the kind practiced by Menachem Begin? If so, where are the crime statistics? No, instead of crimes, we are told about “incidents”. These mainly involve people posting on-line or handing out reading material that other people find offensive – which, in America, is perfectly legal. Other “incidents” involve rude or anti-social behavior which, if it becomes criminal, should be dealt with as the law instructs.

In his rush to stamp out all such “incidents” Congressman Gottheimer runs the risk of creating a species of thought crime and of packing our already packed-out prison system with a new kind of prisoner – a political prisoner. This is not the way forward if you wish to continue to use that name, democracy.

Here to instruct Congressman Gottheimer on the difference between “crimes” and “incidents” is the great Ira Glasser, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) from 1978 to 2001…

Now this isn’t the first time Congressman Gottheimer has used his office to play political tricks.  Earlier this year he held a press conference on “hate” at the Sussex County Community College and claimed to have had invited the County Commissioners and the state legislative delegation, which he had not.  And then there was the time he crashed the county vaccination center – had his staff members threat face with some sheriff’s officers and then dared them to arrest him – all over a photo op.  Weird.
Weirder still is the political angle to all this.  Does he have data showing that his constituents in Sussex County want to believe they live in a violent, racist hellhole and that they and their children are all bad, bad racists?  That’s not a very positive message. 
It appears that, in the wake of the January 6th Capitol Riot, a number of Democrats have seized upon it as their Reichstag Fire moment.  They want to use it to criminalize their political opponents to the point that they, once again, enjoy the “permanent majority” they held during the forty years before Newt Gingrich undid it in 1994.  It is a dangerous game that appears to have carried them along to this moment.
Of course, Josh Gottheimer is an old hand at playing with fear.  His former boss, President Bill Clinton, played on the fear of “Black” crime for votes and now he is trying to convince people that their real threat is their neighbor (as opposed to corrupt, rapacious politicians like himself).  But it’s a dodgy strategy, because their neighbor is likely to disprove what Gottheimer is selling.
Yes, the strategy is a little crazy.  Just like Katie Rotondi, the organizer the Congressman got to pull together the twenty or so Democrats (mostly failed candidates) to represent what Fred Snowflack takes to be “the people” of Sussex County.  Rejected county candidates, rejected municipal candidates, some even rejected by their own party… like Rotondi herself.  Their words will come back to haunt him (and they were all publicly recorded), because the intention in them was so plain:  To them Sussex County is an evil, bad place, full of “white supremacists” and “violent racists” who refused to vote for any of them.  And so, of course, the Democrats, the failed candidates, hate them for it.  This is the just the way some folks deal with the sting of rejection.

“One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror.”
George W. Bush

Sen. Mike Doherty said systematic racism doesn't exist doesn't exist in 9/11 speech

Suggested reading by Prof. Sabrin

Sen. Michael Doherty said that systemic racism doesn't exist in the United States in his 9/11 speech at a remembrance ceremony in Flemington.


FLEMINGTON - State Sen. Michael Doherty began his speech at Hunterdon County’s annual 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony on Friday morning by praising the first responders who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001.

Then the senator turned to politics, saying systemic racism doesn’t exist in the United States and calling the Black Lives Matter movement a Marxist organization.

“These demands to defund the police are based upon allegations of systemic racism being thrown about by Marxist organizations, such as Black Lives Matter, which have burned cities, burned churches, destroyed private property and terrorized American citizens,” Doherty, R-23rd, said on the steps on the Historic Courthouse on Flemington’s Main Street.

“Are we a civilized society under the rule of law or not? The call to defund the police is part of an agenda that seeks to create chaos and mayhem in the United States,” he continued. “These forces want the police out of the way so that the lawless agenda can be fully implemented. The only thing standing in the way is the blue line.”"Is it systemic racism when an African American, Barack Obama, is elected twice as president of the United States?” Doherty said.

Doherty asked if systemic racism is defined as providing "free, taxpayer-funded health care for anyone who cannot afford it, regardless of race?" "Is it systemic racism to provide free, taxpayer-funded food vouchers for those who cannot afford food, regardless of race? "He said "the list continues."

"Free, taxpayer-funded heat, electricity, cell phones, internet regardless of race," he said. "The same applies here in New Jersey. There is no systemic racism." He said systemically racist state would not have "laws and court orders that transfer billions of dollars every year from suburban taxpayers to urban areas to fund poorer schools, regardless of race.""Would a systemically racist state provide taxpayer-funded housing for the poor, regardless of race?" he said. "Would a systemically racist state have hiring preferences for minorities written into the law?"

"The United States does not have systemic racism," he added. "It is an evil lie. We must have the courage to oppose these wicked, baseless allegations." READ: Gov. Phil Murphy is ‘eviscerating’ the Constitution, Doherty says.

Doherty said that despite the 19 years that have passed since Sept. 11, 2001, nothing has changed.“Nineteen years ago, police and fire climbed into those towers with one selfless unified mission, and that was to save human lives, regardless of race. And nothing has changed since that day.”New Jersey's 23rd Legislative District includes parts of Hunterdon, Somerset and Warren counties.

BLM leader: Destroy all depictions of Jesus Christ as “white European”

By Rubashov

Black Lives Matter is run by a group of self-described “trained Marxists”.  Not old school, working class Marxists, mind you.  No getting their hands dirty, blue-collar labor for these Marxists, thank you very much. 
In the 1960s, Marxist academics like Herbert Marcuse came up with a new form of libertine Marxism based on theories about “identity” that allowed the children of professionals to adopt the fashion of Marxism while living very comfortably in academia or growing fat off corporate grants.  It is this snowflake variety of Marxism that the founders of Black Lives Matter practice. 
Just remember that while Karl Marx was impoverished to the point that several of his children starved to death, Herbert Marcuse was something of a playboy whose jobs in academia and books sales made him rather rich.  Which one do you think your average upper-middle class college-educated activist would rather emulate?   
Unlike the devotees of Black Lives Matter, Marx was sensitive to the role of class in the American South in the run-up to the Civil War.  In his extensive writings from that period, Marx examined the class divisions inside the Southern states.  When writing about the secession resolutions, for example, Marx portrays the slave-owning class as a small but powerful minority, ruling over both the largely enslaved black population and poor whites.  Yes, Karl Marx understood and made those distinctions.
Black Lives Matter is not so intellectually precise as all that – instead preferring blanket condemnations based on skin-color, national origin, and such.  W.E.B. Du Bois would have seen BLM for what they are:  Racialists trapped in a perspective obsessed by skin-color.      
Fresh from BLM tearing down General U.S. Grant’s statue over the weekend (yes, General Grant, the man who defeated the Confederacy; yep, they forgot that without Grant there would have been no victory, no freedom, no Juneteenth, no anything) a prominent Black Lives Matter activist named Shaun King on Monday called for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a form of white supremacy.”
“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King, wrote on Twitter. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”
“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went?” he added. “EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”
“All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,” King wrote in a second tweet. “They are a gross form of white supremacy.”
By “white friends” we suppose the BLM honcho was referring to the apostles.  Is this idiot really suggesting that he doesn’t understand that every culture since Ancient Greece has depicted its gods or God in their own image?  People with dog heads went out with Ancient Egypt.  Oh, and by-the-way, Denmark didn't exist until the 8th century  How could anyone have gone to some place that didn't exist yet?
Black Lives Matter must harbor levels of malevolence not witnessed since the Taliban destroyed those statues of the Buddha some twenty years ago.  The Taliban insisted that all religions kneel before them.  Remember how the world reacted when they went too far?

In 2001, the Taliban destroyed the world's tallest Buddha statues, which towered over Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley for centuries. Today, they've risen again ...

As for Shaun King?  Don’t worry about him.  The media reports that he has made millions as a fund-raiser for causes like Black Lives Matter.  Nobody in his family is going to starve.  Snowflake Marxism has been very good to Shaun. 
That said, he has attracted attention on how he has spent the money raised for such causes.  The New York Post reports…
Activist Shaun King has botched his attempt to recreate abolitionist Frederick Douglass’ newspaper, The North Star, as an online venture — sparking renewed scrutiny over his financial dealings, according to a report Tuesday.
King’s new media outlet — which was lauded by such celebs as Susan Sarandon and Megan Mullally — has pulled in between $60,000 and $625,000 a month, depending on various figures he’s provided, the Daily Beast said.
Yet it has failed to deliver on nearly every one of his promises, which included building “multiple studios’’ and “hiring nearly 50 world class journalists,” the site said.
Read the full story here:


“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.”
(Karl Marx, author and philosopher)

Atlanta: Will BLM “cancel” MADD?

By Rubashov

Last weekend, there was another tragic interaction in Atlanta between a citizen and men-with-guns sent to enforce the edicts of politicians.  A citizen was stopped, under suspicion for drunk driving.  There was a struggle and he was shot by a police officer.
That citizen happened to be dark-skinned.  The police officers light-skinned.  The political lobby group Black Lives Matter seized upon these surface details for the furtherance of its agenda.  Of course they would, BLM is a “racialist” organization as defined by the philosopher W.E.B. Du Bois.  A “racialist” organization in a deeply “racialist” country.  A nation so obsessed with race that it can’t see past it, to the reality within.
The police are an instrument of government.  They do not make up their own laws.  They are instructed by the politicians who make up a government.  Any honest Marxist would recognize the Establishment’s use of the working class (the class from which the police are drawn) to enforce their will upon the working class. 
Of course, BLM is not honest, they have corporate funding.  Their response to the pandemic bailouts – the largest transfer of wealth to corporate elites since the post-2008 bailouts – is to target the jobs of working class people.  “Defund the working class”! 
How many of those corporations who just added billions to their coffers are glad that the protests are aimed at working class police officers rather than the corporate elite?  No wonder they are happily handing BLM money!  “Defund the working class”! 
On its webpage, Black Lives Matter is clear in its support for the corporate transfer of jobs from Americans of all skin-colors to low wage workers and modern day slavery.  BLM is generously supported by Nike, a corporation whose profits are built on wage slavery and vile labor practices.  Just ask Michael Moore.  He wrote a book, Downsize This!, and produced a documentary, The Big One, detailing this greed.
But all this is beside the point, which is that the interaction ending with the death of a fellow citizen in Atlanta was ordained by white-collar politicians, not blue-collar police officers.  The police were following the explicit legislation enacted by politicians. 
What happened last weekend might not have turned out the way it did under the drunk driving laws of the 1970s.  Back then, police officers routinely allowed those suspected of drunk driving to get back into their cars, provided they promised to go straight home.
But then there was a national outcry over the deaths – especially of young people – due to drunk driving.  A group of moms got together and formed Mothers Against Drunk Driving or MADD.  They pushed for tougher drunk driving laws – and demanded that the police take drunk driving seriously.  In 1984, Senator Frank Lautenberg wrote the National Minimum Drinking Age Act that set the national drinking age at 21 and MADD successfully lobbied President Reagan to sign it into law. 
MADD descended on Congress and legislatures across America and laws were passed that made drunk driving a serious criminal offense.  The definition of “drunk-driving” was changed so that more and more drivers would be classified as “legally drunk”.  In 2000, Senator Lautenberg’s legislation set 0.08 as the blood alcohol level threshold for drunk driving and President Clinton signed it into law.  It made .08 the rule everywhere in the United States – criminalizing the behavior of many and vastly increasing the interactions between police and citizens.
The political leadership of both parties instructed police to “get tough” and crack down on drunk drivers, give them no slack, no second chances.  The police obeyed the political leadership and enforced the new laws enacted.  Drunk driving deaths were cut in half. 
In trying to address the tragedy of deaths due to drunk driving, the political leadership of both parties required the police to forcefully interact with more and more people under the influence.  This has led to charges of over-policing or, in some instances, police brutality.
The police don’t make the law.  Congress and the Legislature does – and often, after there has been an outcry from a great many ordinary people demanding action – as was the case with Mothers Against Drunk Driving. 
Those seeking to “defund the police” should take a moment to think about the long term ramifications of what they are setting into motion.  And especially those white-collar politicians – members of the corporate elite like Senator Mitt Romney and Governor Phil Murphy – who supported “tough on drunk driving” laws only to run to the front of the protest when they have unfortunate consequences.  They need to stop and think about the amount of funding police departments have received to get tough on drunk driving.

unnamed (4).jpg

Are politicians like Mitt Romney and Phil Murphy for drunk-driving?  Do they want to go back to double the more than 10,000 deaths that still occur each year due to drunk driving?
We have to turn down the emotion in order to have a rational discussion because yes, lives are at stake, but in more ways than many people realize.
Drunk driving laws have mandated more interactions between police officers and citizens to the point where many New Jersey towns now expect an income from such enforcement and many politically-connected lawyers make lucrative incomes from these police interactions.  Many citizens – of all skin-colors and ethnicities – have been chafed at being stopped and asked questions at drunk driving checkpoints and such.  Each of these stops carries with it the potential for an outcome like that suffered by our fellow citizen in Atlanta.  But the police don’t do it because they want to… they are TOLD to do it by politicians like Mitt Romney and Phil Murphy.
America has a long and complicated history where alcohol is concerned.  You might call it a love-hate-love-hate relationship.  If the Governor is interested in diving into it, we could suggest, as a starting point, two books with very different perspectives. 
The first is the pro-temperance Ten Nights in a Bar-Room and What I Saw There, by T.S. Arthur (1854).  This was the “bible” of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union – a kind of Black Lives Matter – that grew out of the protests against saloons and liquor stores during the winter of 1873–1874.  The other is the nostalgic The Old-Time Saloon, by George Ade (1931) , written at a time when most thought prohibition would be the law forever (the election of FDR in 1932 changed that).   A decade ago, PBS produced a wonderful documentary on this subject titled, Prohibition.  Written and produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, it is somewhat a commitment, but well worth the time.
Once things are a bit back to normal, we might suggest the establishment of a book club in Trenton.  There is a fine independent bookstore there, run by a very pleasant gentleman of the Left and his extended family.  But until then… until people can meet and talk on-the-level, every person in a position of power should think deeply about what really brought on the death of a fellow citizen in Atlanta and many other fellow citizens (of all skin-colors and ethnicities).  Then think about what is being proposed and what will inevitably come from it. 

"At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is 'not done' to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was 'not done' to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals."

(George Orwell, aka Eric Blair)

Quoted by Chris Hedges, in his bestseller, “Death of the Liberal Class" (2010).

When it comes to shitholes, many are hypocrites

By Rubashov

Shitholes... seems like there are a lot of them. 

And how they are defined depends on one's perspective.

When we go to a diner and the soup has a fly in it, the eggs are adorned with someone's hair, the table top is greasy, and we can smell the restrooms (another cozy euphemism, eh?) we say that "we'll never go back to that shithole."

But for others, the bar is set much, much higher.

Like Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, who once said of Binghamton, New York, and its environs:  "This place is kind of a shithole... There was nothing that I passed (on the three-hour ride from New York City) that I couldn’t milk."

We get it.  For some Americans, the fly-over portion of America is, to use Jon Stewart's phrase, "a kind of shithole."

In the aftermath of President Donald Trump's alleged remarks about a few Third World nations, some have attempted to define it as "racist" -- the most overused moniker in use today.  So much today is called "racist" that the word has lost its punch, much in the way the word f*ck has (though still blocked by some Internet filters). 

But can we actually define the term "shithole" in any meaningful way?

Actor James Woods made this attempt:  "Rule of thumb: if the water where you live is not potable because local engineers can’t somehow separate well water from sewage water, you live in a #shithole country."

Fair enough.

Writer Scott St. Clair suggested that we turn our attentions to the Research Institute for Compassionate Economics and its studies of each country's level of "open defecation" to determine which are "shitholes" and which are simply borderline.  Does a high level of shitting in the street define one's nation as a "shithole"? 

Many people don't like the idea of characterizing a whole nation that way.  They say that you can't paint with a broad brush like that.  But many of these same people are quick to claim that all white Americans have "privilege" -- ignoring the fact that there are more of them in poverty than any other "group."  Many of these people assume that all white Americans have ancestors who owned slaves (percentage wise, it is far more likely that a black American had an ancestor who owned a slave or was involved in the slave trade).  Black Lives Matter's great misstep was to ignore all those "sovereign citizen" videos on YouTube and to assume that their white fellow citizens were racists instead of fellow sufferers (albeit, for many, to a lesser degree) of a vastly empowered and increasingly militarized regime of policing. 

BLM could have won outright had it not taken a "minority" position.  But when one considers that Al Sharpton and Chris Christie use the same establishment public relations firm, maybe it has gone the way it was supposed to go.  After all, working class black Americans and working class white Americans haven't been at each others' throats like this for decades... while the one percenters are getting richer and richer off a booming stock market.  Go figure.

The media is constantly programming Americans to paint groups with a broad brush.  The entertainment industry's portrayal of black Americans are the imaginings of suburban Gen-X writers and is decades off.  So too are its ideas about the South -- while its portrayal of working class America, particularly of those who reside in mobile homes... well, talk about one's perception of what a "shithole" is -- the suburban trailer park must jump in the minds of America's media.

It seems to us that two kinds of people make a nation a "shithole" -- that nation's politicians and the world media.  Rich celebrities like Bono -- a world class tax-avoidance artist -- reap public relations windfalls from advocating for the Third World, sending working class taxpayers' money into the hands of a corrupt political class, who invests it in places like Switzerland.  When anyone notices this, they are called "racist" by the media -- who run heart-tugging appeals that picture suffering children, covered in flies, without proper drinking water.  America's taxpayers see all this media and say, "What a shithole!  We need to help those people!"  The people who live there say, "This place is home, but the politicians have turned it into a shithole and there is no getting rid of them, so we're out of here."  You can't blame them.

Yes, you can't blame them, because they are no different than most Americans in wanting to escape the "shithole" and move on.  In America, the grass is always greener somewhere else.  We are a people on the move.  That's not how is used to be.  A few generations ago, we stayed in one place for so many generations, we developed regional --even neighborhood -- accents.  Once upon a time, there were people in a section of Philadelphia who talked like Rocky did.  Now it is an out-of-date stereotype on SNL. 

That's why so many of our most educated and well-to-do fellow citizens take a relaxed view of illegal immigration.  Lacking loyalty to a place -- leaving it for greener pastures instead of staying to make it better -- is a way of life for many Americans.  And when there is something they don't like, they move.  No wonder they so readily understand when others abandon somewhere, leave it to those who would despoil it, to come here.  The working class and the poor, they can't move as easily and are often left with no choice but to improve their community in order to improve their circumstance.  Of course, they look upon illegal immigrants coming into their community differently than do the rich and mobile.  They see increased competition for jobs, increased taxation to support expanding social services, increased pressure on remaining green space, the potential disruption of established folkways, and the loss of property value (which, for many, could lead to them to ending their days in a substandard nursing home, laying in their own piss).

We might expect the better-off and well-educated in places like Haiti to stay put and help their nation out of its troubles -- but how many rich people stayed in Detroit, Michigan, to help the town that raised them get out of its troubles?  No way!  It is easier to tear the shithole down, street by street.  In the end, there will just be two groups left in Haiti -- the political class stealing the international money that media coverage and the western elites bring them -- and the poor who will be kept poor so that those appeals and the money keeps coming.  Who is to blame the more adventurous of poor Haitians who attempt to follow their middle-class to places like France and the United States?  And you can say just about the same thing for Detroit.

If the nation's moving companies are to be believed, New Jersey is one of America's main shitholes.  Lots of people are moving out of New Jersey because of the tax and regulatory policies imposed on them by the political class here.  Not that the political class itself stays.  Rich guys like former Speaker Joe Roberts, Democrat of Camden, get out of this over-taxed shithole the moment they leave office and move to Republican-run states, like Florida. 

Of course, there are a lot of people who come from a whole lot worse shitholes and who would love to get to New Jersey.  So maybe, in the end, what is or isn't a "shithole" is a matter of where you are?

We thought of this when reading a Facebook post by a Republican candidate -- a fellow named John McCann -- who repeated the silly mantra:  "All are welcome."  Yeah, yeah, but this candidate has moved from state to state throughout his life.  He's a lawyer, his wife is a doctor, and they are plenty rich to say "enough of this shithole" if too many people he ends up not wanting to live near take him at his word.  Yep, "all are welcome" until too many of those "open defecators" take advantage of your front lawn, and then... "we're rich honey, so we can move to someplace better."  Only the poor and the working class who can't move get screwed by the silly virtue-signaling of elites like this guy.

Speaking of which, we came across a breathless article on a Trenton-based political website, written by a former official of the administration of Governor Christine Todd Whitman.  This fellow was demanding that every Republican publicly break with President Trump by calling him bad names over his alleged "shithole" comment.  He really had his knickers in an uproar over it.

Too bad that he never had anything public to say about all the sexual abuse and skirt-chasing (by both males and females) that went on during the Whitman administration.  We distinctly recall one high-ranking official chasing after her female assistant with a cigar.  Then there was the high-ranking legislator whose staff made sure that females were accompanied whenever they ventured into his lair, as is done during physical examinations in a doctor's office.  Or another high-ranking legislator who enjoyed luring the female members of his staff into attending what can only be called "sex" parties.  Oh, it goes on and on, and it is all far worse than saying the word "shithole."

Look, for better or worse, Donald Trump is a performance artist.  Always has been.  Like Jon Stewart, he practices what can be called a transgressive art form.  He engages his audience by getting a rise out of us.  By the time his presidency is over, he will probably be running through George Carlin's list of "words you can't say" at the start of his press conferences.  But hey, he is the elected President of the United States and will be so for the next three years unless there is an illegal coup of some kind.  By-the-way, such an act would make the United States of America... officially... a shithole -- politically, if not materially.

Always remind yourselves -- you holier-than-thou pricks in the political and media and corporate establishments -- that it didn't need to be this way.  The Democrat Party could have run an honest primary process.  You didn't all need to conspire to give us the "President" you wanted us to have.  You fixed the Democrat Party primary process but couldn't fix the national election.  So here we are.  Stop complaining about it.